Part-time Certificates and Diplomas in Archaeology

Archaeology is an exciting discipline involving the study of past peoples and cultures. It explores the historical past as well as more distant times many millennia before the appearance of written evidence. Archaeological and Classical Studies, part of the University of Kent's School of European Culture and Languages, offers a range of archaeological modules at both Certificate and Diploma level which can be studied on a part-time basis. They can also contribute to a degree in Classical and Archaeological Studies.

There will be intakes to the Certificate and Diploma in Archaeological Studies in October 1999. The Certificate will be taught on the University's Canterbury Campus and the Diploma at its Centre in Tonbridge.

The Certificate will address the particular character of archaeological evidence; how it may be used to further understanding of earlier societies; and will provide a sound grounding in the particular periods studied.

Courses will include An Introduction to Archaeological Method, The Age of Stonehenge, Medieval England (700 to 1400) and Egyptology: Chronology and Sources.

The Diploma will extend the chronological and geographical scope of archaeological studies. It will allow comparison of the approaches employed, using different combinations of evidence, in the study of contrasting cultures at various periods across Europe and around the Mediterranean. Courses will include Heads, Heroes and Horses: in Search of the Prehistoric Celts and Rome and its Western Empire.

Applications will be welcome from anyone who wishes to study archaeology on a part-time basis. Formal academic qualifications for entry are not necessary if candidates can demonstrate their interest in the discipline and the aptitude to study at the appropriate level.

For a Prospectus containing information on the programmes, contact: The Unit for Part-time Study, Keynes College, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NP telephone 01227 823507 or 823157.




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