Events, Outings, Lectures

Please note that from 1st June the Lectures Secretary will be Mr. D. Anstey.

Event: The KAS is sponsoring a free lunchtime lecture at County Hall, Maidstone to be given by Tun Tatton-Brown on "Canterbury Cathedral - Kent's Greatest Building" on Friday 25th June at 12.30.

Event: "Council for Kentish Archaeology Annual Conference. "Historic Towns in Kent''. Saturday 6th November 1999, 2pm to 5.30pm at Christ Church College, Canterbury. Illustrated lectures with displays and bookstall include, Lost Roman Towns in Kent, The Evolution of Faversham as a Town and Port, Rochester - 2,000 years young. Tickets: £3.00 (payable C.K.A.) Available from C.K.A., Angle Kin, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green Kent TN15 8HP (S.A.E. please) Event: WEA Courses Local Archaeology; Rochester to Canterbury, a six-week course beginning Thursday 22nd April from 7 to 9 pm. Contact the WEA, 4 Castle Hill, Rochester, (01634) 842140.

Event: Christ Church University College, Canterbury. For the first time, Christ Church is undertaking a series of Sunday field trips and evening walks.

1. An Archaeological walk along the South Downs. A ten-mile walk visiting Cissbury and Chanctonbury Rings along the way. Sunday 9th May.

2. Bigbury Hill Fort, Canterbury. Wednesday 26th May.

3. The Defences of Canterbury. Wednesday 2nd June.

4. The Defences of Rochester. Wednesday 16th June.

5. Sandwich. Wednesday 30th June.

6. The Medway Megaliths. Wednesday 14th July.

All the evening walks start at 7 pm. Contact Christ Church University College (01227) 782805 Amanda Hammersley, Head of Continuing Education. For the Sunday trip, the tutor, Alan Ward, will attempt to arrange lifts for people without transport.

Event: Kent Archaeological Field School. Saturday (and some Sunday) Day Schools for the public held at Faversham. Courses include 'Study of Artifacts', 'Archaeology of Boatbuilding', 'Churchyard and Parish Recording', 'Archaeology of Weeds, Seeds and Crops', and many others. The fee is £25 per day. For further details, contact Kent Archaeological Field School, School Farm Oast, Graveney Road, Faversham, Kent ME13 7JQ Tel: 0181 987 8827 or 0585 700112.


Part-time Certificates and Diplomas in Archaeology


KAS Newsletter, Issue 42, Winter 1998