Survey equipment for loan
Whilst large professional organizations generally have the latest survey equipment such as total stations and centi-metric GPS, the cost of such items can be prohibitive for local societies and independent archaeologists.
A retired chartered land surveyor with some experience in surveying excavation sites has donated his surplus equipment for the use of field archaeologists working in the SE region. The committee of the CBA SE have agreed the following distribution:
Survey Archaeology Society held by Steve Dyer tel: 01483 300800
Taildown Centre, Kent DKR172 complete with tripods, measuring bars etc. Suitable for trig/traverse work to an accuracy of 1/10,000. Point location to 1cm at maximum range 60m
Level, Kern DKM2 with tripod. Self-levelling. Builder's equipment. Accuracy 1/100mm
Pen Plotter, Mutoh P etc. Software needed for use
Theodolite, Kern 10" with tripod suitable for trig work to 1/10,000 accuracy. Also point location by stadia reduction 2cm at maximum 60m range
Level, Kern tilting with horizontal circle, tripod. Excellent for sectional and gradient work
Any decision on the loan of the equipment is for Mr Dyer and Dr Thom respectively. Applicants should be competent to use the equipment and prepared to insure it against damage.