Industrial Archaeology - Natural Energy: Third South East Regional Industrial Archaeology Conference

SER/AC is a recently formed grouping of Societies with Industrial Archaeology interests in the South-East of England. These include the Sussex Industrial Archaeology Society, the Surrey Industrial History Group, the East Kent Mills Group, the Faversham Society, the Kent Archaeology Society, the Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society, the University of Southampton Industrial Archaeology Group, the Dolphin Sailing Barge Museum Trust, the Council for Kentish Archaeology and the Croydon Airport Society.

[fg]jpg|Cranbrook Mill, Kent.|Image[/fg]

The third meeting will be held on Saturday, 13th April 1985, at Rutherford College, University of Kent, Canterbury. The programme will include: Gunpowder Mills, "Crystal Palaces", Kent Coal Mines, Tide Mills, Wealden Iron, Wind and Water Mills.

Fee: £5.50. Applications on enclosed form to the Secretary, School of Continuing Education, Rutherford College, The University, Canterbury CT2 7NX.


Margate: Northdown Excavation Completed


West Malling Photography Project