Second Romano-British Pottery Workshop

Following on from our successful Pottery meeting at Dartford, a further Workshop has been arranged for Saturday, 23 March 1985. The meeting will take place at Christ Church College, Canterbury, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.

The format will be very much as before, short talks with an emphasis on informal discussion. It is hoped to cover some of the following topics: Samian - Forms/ Fabrics + Stamps, Mortaria, Canterbury coarseware kilns and Late Roman Finewares from Canterbury.

One session of the day will be given over to a discussion of the merits and practicalities of the formation of a "Kent Ceramics Study Group".

Once again, all members who are interested and involved in the examination of Roman pottery are invited to attend and where possible to bring along material for display and discussion.

Accommodation will be somewhat limited, so please apply for your free admission ticket to Ted Connell (enclosing S.A.E. 4" x 9").


Lecture Diary


KAS Newsletter, Issue 7, Autumn 1984