Crayford Manor House Historical Society speakers 2024/2025

Saturday 12th October 2024   

Richard II and the Peasants’ Revolt -  James Dickinson

The story of the 14-year old king and the revolt of 1381.


Saturday 9th November 2024

Victorian London Street Life
- Delia Taylor 

Following the poor of 19th century London through a typical day.

Saturday 14th December 2024 (Members’ evening.)

Curiosities of the City of London
- Stuart Robinson

Unusual aspects of our capital’s history.


Saturday 11th January 2025   

The Inns of Court
- Ian Bevan

Where barristers have had their chambers since the 14th century. 


Saturday 8th February 2025

Loyalists in the American Revolution
  -  Dr. Ben Marsh

The 250th anniversary year of the start of the War for Independence.


Saturday 8th March 2025

Elizabeth Barton 1506-1534 - The Maid of Kent
- Melanie Gibson-Barton

Considered so dangerous to Henry VIII she had to be executed.


Saturday 12th April 2025 (Easter 2025 18th-21st April.)             

AGM and President’s Lecture

All meetings are held at The Baker Trust Hall, Maxim Road, Crayford DA1 4BG at 7pm for 7.30pm.  Non-members are welcome to attend at a fee of £5 per lecture.

Enquiries to Mrs. J. Hearn-Gillham - or 01322.551279. 

Details of the Society’s summer excursions from Mrs. P. Goodwin - or 020 8303 2806. 


Grant award from the Association of Independent Museums and the Pilgrim Trust


Volunteers needed at Maidstone Carriage Museum