Andy Ward Andy Ward


The Lees Court Estate are running a number of Elm adaptation and timber trials across their 800 year old estate. Visitors from a number of interested parties were given a site tour of the Society's excavation by Keith Parfitt yesterday.

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#FindsFriday: Lees Court finds
Jacob Scott Jacob Scott

#FindsFriday: Lees Court finds

It was a rather wet #findsfriday today! Although this meant little chance of digging, it did mean the team were able to sort all of the washed and dried finds from this year's excavations.

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#LivesinOurLandscape: Interactive Touchscreen
Andy Ward Andy Ward

#LivesinOurLandscape: Interactive Touchscreen

The opening of the new Lives in Our Landscape Gallery at Maidstone Museums is not far away now, only five more days! If you have always wanted to know what archaeology has been found in Maidstone you'll be able to check out historic discoveries on the new interactive touch screen.

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#LivesinOurLandscape: Interview with Lyn Palmer
Andy Ward Andy Ward

#LivesinOurLandscape: Interview with Lyn Palmer

The society is really excited about the opening of the new Lives in Our Landscape Gallery at Maidstone Museums, which opens its doors on Wednesday 5th June! Listen to yesterday's BBC Kent interview with the museum's programming manager Lyn Palmer for a behind the scenes examination of the gallery.

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