Hauntings of Pluckley Village, Asfhford

The village of Pluckley is said to be the most haunted village in the United Kingdom, if not the world, with 12 official ghosts and many more tales of spooky occurrences and creepy sightings. Here are just some of the hauntings we came across.


Watch Andy at Pluckley Village


A lady in white is said to roam St Nicholas Churchyard, buried in seven coffins and an oak sarcophagus. A lady in red, believed to be Lady Dering, has been seen wandering St Nicholas’s churchyard searching for the grave of her stillborn baby. An 18th century Highwayman died at the hands of village peacekeepers and is said to be seen fighting his last stand. The lady of Rose Court is thought to have poisoned herself over a love triangle. Dering Woods is known as the Screaming Woods thanks to the disembodied blood curdling screams heard through the night. In Park wood, the spirit of a hanged Colonel is often spotted. On Dicky Buss’s Lane a teacher is said to have hanged himself following WWI, his lost soul haunting the spot ever since. A brickworker was crushed and drowned in a wall of clay at the brickworks. A menacing monk haunts the house of Greystones. At Pinnock Bridge, a gypsy woman is said to have been accidentally burned to death. She haunts the spot, sitting silently and smoking her pipe. In the Black Horse Pub, items have been said to move around without any human touch. A spectral horse and carriage have been seen and heard on the ancient village streets.

That is a lot of ghosts!

You can visit the lovely village of Pluckley and explore the many haunted locations throughout the year: https://pluckley.net/

Craig Campbell

Society Archivist

Responsible for the care, management and interpretation of the Society’s document collections and Society Library.




Memoranda of Springhead and its Neighbourhood, during the Primeval period, with notes and additions by the author


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