Funds for building and maintenance, 1114-1124
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Funds for building and maintenance 1114-1124
December 14, 2017Bishop Ernulf grants funds for the building and maintenance of St Andrew’s Priory, Date: 1114–11241. Textus Roffensis, f. 197r. Translated from Latin and edited by Dr Christopher Monk.
197r (select folio number to open facsimile)
Notum sit omnibus tam posteris quam prę-
sentibus sanctę Rofensis ęcclesię fidelibus, quod
ego Ernulfus eiusdem ęcclesię episcopus concessi in
perpetuum ad edificandas et sustentandas
domos monachorum denarios quos presbiteri pa-
rochiani solent reddere uel quando
crisma accipiunt, uel ad synodum con-
ueniunt. Teste Heruiso archidiacono,
Guarnerio Cantuariensi monacho, Rodberto Dof-
forensi canonico, Ansfrido Dapifero, Athe-
lardo, Ricardo, Gosfrido, Scotlando, Ęlsta-
no filio Adelardi, Osberno filio Osmundi,
et multis de familia nostra, et aliis.
Let it be known to all (as much to the future as the present faithful of the holy church of Rochester) that I Ernulf,2 bishop of the same church granted in perpetuity for the building and maintenance of the monks’ home the money which the priests of the parish are accustomed to render either when they receive chrism or assemble at the synod.3 Witnessed by Harvey, the archdeacon; Warner of Canterbury, monk; Robert of Dover, canon; Ansfrid Dapifer; Adelard; Richard; Gosfrid;4 Scotland;5 Ealhstan6 son of Adelard; Osborn son of Osmund; and many from our family and others.
1 This text was not written by the principal scribe, who completed his work c. 1123, but was added as part of a folio that was inserted later in the twelfth century to replace one that had been cut out. The note does however relate to the period of Ernulf’s bishopric (1114–1124), and may well be a copy of an original charter by the bishop.
2 Bishop of Rochester at the time of the writing of Textus Roffensis (r. 1114–1124). He likely oversaw its completion around 1123.
3 A list of the payments for chrism (holy anointing oil) due from the churches in the diocese of Rochester is found on ff. 220v–222r of Textus Roffensis.
4 Or, Geoffrey
5 Oddly, given as a personal name
6 I’ve used the slightly more familiar Old English spelling.