Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Shoreham Deanery, part 2

The following list of mediaeval wills for the Shoreham Deanery, which was a peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury, was compiled by Leland L. Duncan and recorded in six quarto volumes around 1895.

The wills at the time of his writing were all that remained prior to 1600 in the Registers of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and in the Lambeth Palace Registers.

The 34 parishes which made up the Shoreham Deanery were as follows:- Bexley, Brasted, Chevening, Chiddingstone, Crayford or Eard, St. Mary Cray, Darenth, Downe, Eynsford, East Farleigh, Farningham, Gillingham, The Isle of Grain, Halstead, Hayes, Hever, Hunton, Ifield, Ightham, Keston, Knockholt, Lydsing, East Malling, Meopham, Northfleet, Orpington, Otford, East Peckham, Penshurst, Sevenoaks, Shoreham, Stansted, Sundridge, and Wrotham.

Transcriptions in quarto exercise books held at the Kent Archaeological Society's Library in Maidstone. Examined by me, Zena Bamping, in March 2001, who made the following list of wills extracted by Mr Duncan. The originals are written in pencil and seem to be almost complete transcriptions with a few abbreviations, e.g. P for Parish.

Index of Notebooks

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Book 6

Jump to Transcriptions

Index of Wills

Book 2



Date of Will

Date of Probate

Lands in Kent or connection with Kent

Page No.


Title of Book I Rochester Consistory Court


[Latin introduction from title page]


7 Logge

William ARUNDELL of Southwark, dyer

1483 Jul 10

1483 Jul 15

Hayes, Lewisham


8 Logge

Martin BLOUNDELL citizen & Fruiterer of London

1483 Mar 6

1483 Mar 22

Meopham, Meopham church where my moder & I were borne & cristened


11 Logge

Thomas WOMBWELL of Northfleet

1483 Sep 4

1484 May 17

Ash, Chalk, Denton, Meopham, Northfleet


16 Logge

Katherine MASON of London, widow

1485 Aug 5

1485 Aug 12

Shoreham church, Shoreham bridge


1 Milles

Thomas BONE of Sevenoaks

1486 Jul 28

1487 Apr 5

Brasted, Sevenoaks church


3 Milles

John WOODE clerk, LLB & Rector of Chiddingstone

1486 Aug 20

1487 May 26

Chiddingstone, Aylesford Priory


5 Milles

Thomas HOPE, LLD, Rector of Chapel of Otford in parochia de Shroeham

1487 Feb 21

1487 Mar 11

to poor of Otford & Shoreham


10 Milles

John WAILETT citizen & founder of London

1487 Sep 15

1487 Oct 19

Chepsted in Kent


12 Milles

John ASSHDOWN of Chiddingstone yeoman

1488 Jul 5

1488 Nov 7



18 Milles


1488 Jan 2

1488 Feb 9

Brenchley, Chevening, Chiddingstone, Cowden, Hever, Kemsing, Leigh, Penshurst, Seal, Sevenoaks, Sundridge, Tonbridge, Westerham
Friars of Aylesford


21 Milles


1486 Apr 24

1488 Nov or Dec 12

Bexley, Crayford, Dartford, Plumstead
Lesnes Abbey


8 Milles

John PYKYRTON otherwise John MALPAS


1487 Jan 21



30 Milles

John COLYN of Wrotham

1488 Nov 10

1489 Jan 12

Friars of Aylesford


32 Milles

Thomas DOWNE precentor of Cathedral of Hereford

1487 Feb 22

1489 Jun 1

East Peckham church
church of "Waldham in Kent"


26 Milles

Thomas COWHERT of Southwark, mason

1490 Sep 15

1490 Oct 18

East Malling


39 Milles

John KNYGHT of Rotherfield

1490 Oct 15

1490 or 1491



39 Milles

Richard HOGYN of East Peckham

1490 Sep 16

1490 end

East Peckham
Repairs to Brandbridges


41 Milles

Richard DAVY

1490 Mar 1

1491 Mar 26

Northfleet church


46 Milles

Walter SEXTEN of Wrotham

1485 May 15

1491 Jun 28

Ightham, Wrotham


29 Dogett

Robert RIGEMAN of Eynsford

1493 Sep 9

1493 Sep 19



45 Milles

John CAYSER of East Peckham

1491 Apr 12

1491 Jun 14

Aylesford, East Peckham


13 Dogett

William HAMPTON Citizen and Pouchmaker of London

1492 Aug 25

1492 Oct 3

Little Peckham, Swanscombe, Wrotham, Friars at Greenwich, churches of Hadlow, Herne, Wrotham


14 Vox

Thomas HARDING priest and vicar


1494 Nov 8

Bexley church


21 Vox

John ISELE of Sundridge

1493 Oct 25

1494 Nov 16

Chevening, Chiddingstone, Eynsford, Farningham, Fawkham, Horton, Kingsdown, Maplescombe, Sevenoaks
Churches of Brasted, Chiddingstone, Farningham, Sevenoaks, Sundridge, Westerham


29/34 Vox

John GOODWYN of Wrotham

1495 Oct 1

1495 Nov 6

Kemsing, Seal, Wrotham


26 Vox

John JEBBES of Crayford

1494 Oct 20

1495 Nov 4



28 Vox

Nicholas HUBERD of Shoreham

1496 May 5

1496 Jul 10

Chevening, Otford, Shoreham churches


9 Horne

William PYKYNHAM Rector of Wrotham

1497 Apr 6

1497 May 8

East Peckham, Wrotham churches


20 Horne

Thomas PETYT the elder, citizen and tailor of London

1497 Feb 16

1498 Mar 25

Hever, Westerham
Hever church wher I was borne & received cristendome
Chiddingstone, Edenbridge, Westerham churches


28 Horne

John MARCHALL the elder citizen and mercer of London

1498 Jan 12

1498 Feb 9

Bexley, Crayford, Dartford, Wilmington


Notes from will of

Sir Mighell DORMER of London knight, Alderman and mercer

1545 Sep 17

1545 Oct 2*

Westwycome church [county not specified]
*further grant 1584 Dec 22


3 Pynning


1542 Nov 9

1543 Feb 5



13 Pynning

Thomas HUNTLOW citizen and haberdasher of London

1544 Aug 13

1544 Sep 5

Hayes, West Wickham


15 Pynning

Alice MARLAR of London widow, late the wife of William Marlar, citizen & haberdasher of London

1544 Sep 7

1544 Oct 9

Crayford, Wilmington


12 Milles

Edmond SHAA knight, citizen, goldsmith, Alderman and late Mayor of the City of London

1487 Mar 20


[Only first part regarding burial has been transcribed]

inside back cover


JOHN WAILETT will - 1487

JOHN WAILETT - 15 September 1487 (3 Hen. VII) PCC: 10 Milles

John Wailett a citizen and foundar of London. To be buried within the church yard of Saint Margarete in Lothbury where I am a parisheon. Unto Denyse my wife my house sett and being in Chepsted in the Countie of Kent for term of her life and if it so fortune or hap that the said Denyse fall unto povertie by feblenesse of seeknes or age or by any maner other cause than I will that the said house shall be sold to the most advantage that it can or may at the pleasire of the said Denyse and the money comyng shall remayn holy unto the said Denyse and if X mark may easly be spared I will the X mark unto John Bambrige the son of Edmond Bambrige. I will that the said house after the discesse of the said Denyse be sold if it be not sold by the life of the said Denyse and the money to pay my detts and fynde a priest by the space of an yer to sing for my soul, my wifs soul for thair soules by whom the said place comys and all xpen soules.

Residue of all my goodes unto the said Denyse my wife and executrice and Sir John Wilcokks executor with the said Denyse and Robert Sedcote oversear.

I will William Harman, John Waite and John Skele my feoffes relese unto the possession of my said wife. 

Witnesses William White, Robert Pynchebek and Thomas Clerk.

Probate 19 October 1487 by Dionisie relict and com to her and Dno Johanno Wilcokks coexec.

John ISELE will - 1493

JOHN ISELE - 25 October IX Hen. VII - 1493 PCC : 21 Vox

To be buried in the high chauncell before oure Lady in a tombe in the wall for to sett the sepulcur upon and a wyndow to be made of the bredith of the same tombe in the church off Sondrich. To the high aultur 20s. To the high aulter of the church of Chevening vs. Of the church of Fremmynham 10s. Toward a vestement for the church of Sevenok xls. to pray for my faders sowle which lythe buried in the Sowthe chappell in the same church.

To the high aulter of the same church of Sevenok 3s.4d. To the high aulter of the church of Chedingstone 3s.4d. To the high aulter of the church of Westram 3s.4d. To the high aulter of the church of Bradstedde 3s.4d.

To my sonne Thomas Isele all the hanging of the grete parlor at Sondrich tapetts of verdure and other and ij cushens that was Jesoppes. Also all the hangyng in the same chambyr over the grete parlour and the bedde of Sylke of clothe of bawdekyn with iij curteynes of sarcenet with the counterpoint of the same fedyrbed and fustyans and ij pair of shets. To my said sonne Thomas Isle all the hangings in the which chambre bedd federbed fustyans pylloes and counterpoynt which was Loringis and the lytyell chambre of white in lykewyse the bedhangyng and the federbed I will my sonne Thomas shall have. Also my lytyll masse boke covered with blew and the porteus and the superaltare and one of the gylt chaleses and with aulterclothis suche as shall please my wyf to delyver for the lytyll closett in the said chamber over the parlour. Also to my said sonne Thomas my grete chayne of gold and my ij gylt pottys of sylver which I bought of Harding and the best basyn of sylver and the beste Ewer and iij gylt bollys with covers to the same and ij lytyll gylt saltis and a levar of sylver which I had of Loryng and iiij grete spittys in the kechyn and the grete brasse potte a lytyll potte of brasse and the grete chafur of brasse which was Nicholas Lytells and the grete cawdron and the furnes with all the bruyng vessell and iij pyssing basons and a lytyll flatte chafur.

Furst and afore althing I wyll my detts be contented and pade. I bequeth to the reparacions of the church of Sonnedrich £xx. To reparacions of the church of Fremmyngham £26.13.4d. To the mariage of Rauf Wilkes daughter £20 upon this condicion that she do that which in her ys for the recouveryng and Reryng of the fyne of and aponne the manour of Chipstede for the Sewrty of the same or els not. To John Tyberden for the good servyce he dyd me in my trobyll £cs. To Thomas Newfold £3.6.8d. To Thomas Valaunce £13.6.8d. To Willyam Browne xls. To the makyng of a way at Bradsted according to the wyll of Chambir xls. To the church of Fremyngham for an auliphonar according to Dowlys will £6.13.4d. To Willyam Walkelyn 6s.8d. To the church of Bradsted according to Chamburs will a torche. To my sushir Betteres v marks. To Alice Pettam xxs. For thexhibicyon of a preest at Edinbrige by the space of halffe a yere for the sowle of John Dowle £3.6.8d.

In lyke wyse for thexhibicion of a preeste to sing in the pish church of Fremmyngham halfe a yere £3.6.8d. For thexhibicyon of a preeste for to sing for my sowle my fader and moder sowlys by a hoole yere £6.13.4d. To John Hever 40s. To Thomas Waffer horse and harnes and 40s. To Robard Christofer 10s. To the said Robard for lond of hym bought named Danyes 53s.4d. To Morecok upon condicon he make astate of all such londs as he maketh title to in Farenden 66s.8d. To Nele for lond of hym bought whan he delyverth astate 100s. To Gefferey Morlond xls. To my sonne Thomas Isley a garnyssh of pewter vessell. Residew to Agnes my wyfe and I make the said Agnes, Thomas my sonne and John Alygh of Adyngton, Esquer, myn executors and to every of them for their labor £6.13.4d. and I make Syr John Guildeford supervisor.

This is... 22 January IX Henry VII of all my manors, londs and tenementys, rentys and s'uues and reversions in the sheris of Kent and Sussex. Furst I wyll all those feoffees of the maner of Frennyngham, Uppercourt and Nethercourt and halfe ye manor of Charton in the parisshes of Fremyngham, Aynysford, Horton, Fawkeham, Maplescom and Kyngesdowne make astate to my wyfe Agnes for terme of hyr lyfe the Remaynder therof to my sonne Thomas Isle and his heyres males acordyng to the tayle of my cosen John of Frennyngham made to Roger Isle my grauntfader. I wyll my said wyfe have all my purchesed londs &c in Fremyngham for terme of hir lyfe the Remayndre to my said sonne Thomas Isle. I will all those feooffees in the manors of Sundrich, the manor of Oriell, the broke place, the manor of Chipstede and the maners of Bradborne and Tymberden and in all my other londs &c in the pisshe of Sundrich, Chedyngston, Chevenyng, Sevenoke, Framfeld, Bucstede and Mafelde in Kent and Sussex shall make astate to Robard Reede s'unt of the Lawe Thomas Froyce my sonne John Alye of Adyngton and John Goodewyn of Wroteham and John Brode of Maydestone in fee to this entent to perform this my last wyll as it apperith after.

Furst I will my said feoffees (in my said londs) shall stand seased from the tyme next after my deceese for the terme of V yere and receyve all the profits &c to pay my dettys and bequests and after the said terme of V yere be cum up of the seid maners of Sundrich shall make astate to my sonne Thomas Isle of all those londs, manors &c that were John of Frennyngham in Sundryche and Chedyngston accordyng to the wyll and Tayle made by the same John of Frennyngham to Roger Isle my grantfader and all my other londs and tenements &c in the pisshes of Sundrych and Chedyngston which were never the seid John of Frennyngham after the terme of V yere. I will the said feoffees make astate unto my seid sonne Thomas Isle and his heyres. If Thomas Isle breke or interrupt this my last wyll my feoffees shall delyver to Edward my sonne the maner of Chipstede and to his heyres for ever. I will the feoffees of the manor of Chevenyng make astate to my sonne Thomas Isle after the V yere except the comon of Chevenyng heth and comon of the Court of Bowsell to my seid sonne Thomas Isle, my seid sonne shall make astate of the same manor to the next heyres of John Harneys except to my seid sonne Thomas all the comon Rent of the Court of Bowsell and the comon of Chevenyng heth tohave and to holde to the heyres of John Harnes yeldyng to my seid sonne Thomas Isle and his heyres yerely xxs. and for defawte my seid sonne shall reentyr a yere which was the wyll of myn uncle Willyam Isle that John Harnes heyres shuld have it. If my sonne Thomas dye without issue the rent of the Court of Bowsell the comon of Chevenyng heth and the 20s. with the reentrie of the seid maner of Chevenyng shall goo to my sonne Wyllyam Isle and to his heyres and if he diye then to my sonne Edward Isley and if he die shall remayne to the next heyres of Sara Isle daughter of Willyam Chevenyng and grant dame to Willyam Isle myn uncle and to John Isle my fader and to their heyres accordying to the will of myn uncle Wyllyam Isle.

My feoffees of the maner of Chipstede forde with all myn other londs in the parisshe of Chevenyng after the seyde terme of V yere shall make astate to my seid sonne Thomas Isle and his heyres. I will the feoffees of the manors of Bradborne and Tymberdene forde with the Mylle and all other londys &c. in the parissh of Sevenok after the terme of V yere become up shall make astate to my sonne Edward Isle and to his heyres male accordyng to the will and teyle made by John Frennyngham to my grantfader.

Probate 16 November 1494 by oath of Agnes relict, Thomas son and John Aligh.


Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Shoreham Deanery, part 1


Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Shoreham Deanery, part 3