Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Shoreham Deanery, part 3

The following list of mediaeval wills for the Shoreham Deanery, which was a peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury, was compiled by Leland L. Duncan and recorded in six quarto volumes around 1895.

The wills at the time of his writing were all that remained prior to 1600 in the Registers of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and in the Lambeth Palace Registers.

The 34 parishes which made up the Shoreham Deanery were as follows:- Bexley, Brasted, Chevening, Chiddingstone, Crayford or Eard, St. Mary Cray, Darenth, Downe, Eynsford, East Farleigh, Farningham, Gillingham, The Isle of Grain, Halstead, Hayes, Hever, Hunton, Ifield, Ightham, Keston, Knockholt, Lydsing, East Malling, Meopham, Northfleet, Orpington, Otford, East Peckham, Penshurst, Sevenoaks, Shoreham, Stansted, Sundridge, and Wrotham.

Transcriptions in quarto exercise books held at the Kent Archaeological Society's Library in Maidstone. Examined by me, Zena Bamping, in March 2001, who made the following list of wills extracted by Mr Duncan. The originals are written in pencil and seem to be almost complete transcriptions with a few abbreviations, e.g. P for Parish.

Index of Notebooks

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3

Book 4

Book 5

Book 6

Jump to Transcriptions

Index of Wills

Book 3



Date of Will

Date of Probate

Lands in Kent
or connection with Kent

Page No.

40 Pynnyng

Sir Thomas WILLOUGHBYE knight, of Chiddingstone, Justice of the Common Pleas

1544 Jul 20

1545 Nov 5

Chevening, Chiddingstone, Leigh, Penshurst, Sevenoaks, Sundridge


8 Blamyr

John SIBBILL of Eynsford

1502 Apr 8

1502 May 20

Farningham, Gravesend


6 Blamyr

John MILLE citizen & mercer of London & merchant of the Staple at Calice

1501 Apr 30

1501 Dec 19

Gillingham, Luddesdown


15 Blamyr

Henry HARMAN of Crayford

1501 Mar 31

1502 May 11

Crayford, Dover, Woolwich


29 Blamyr

Magr Thomas MUGWORTHY vicar of Sevenoaks

1503 Aug 6

1503 Oct 2

Sevenoaks church


3 Moone

Richard TYLLISWORTH citizen & vintner of London

1500 Aug 6

1500 Sep 12



10 Moone

Thomas MADDEIS, priest

1500 Jul 28

1500 Oct 22

Wrotham church


17 Moone

Mr Gilbert CARLETON of Farningham, clerk


1500 Nov 23

Farningham & Swanscombe churches


1 Moone

Richard SERAS of Halgilton in diocese of Chichester

1499 Feb 21

1500 May 19



38 Holgrave

Robert PEMBERTON clerk

1502 Feb 13

1505 Oct 25

Brasted church


32 Holgrave

Edward BAME of Gillingham, gent.

1505 Apr 15

1505 Jun 4

Bredhurst, Dartford, Gillingham, Halstow, Hartlip, Sutton, Wilmington


17 Holgrave


1504 Jul 20

1504 Sep 22

Dartford,  Crayford church


3 Adeane

Thomas KYNGESTON of Cholsey Berkshire Esq

1505 Aug 27

1505 Feb 5



13 Adeane

John MILLYS of Chevening

1506 Jul 9

1506 Sep 11

Witclyff,   Chevening church


30 Adeane

Ralph BROKES of East Peckham

1507 Jul 10

1507 Aug 2

Brenchley, East Peckham, Wateringbury & Yalding churches


24 Adeane

Adam LONDON of St James Isle of Grain

1507 May 31

1507 Jun 15

Frindsbury, Isle of Grain, Stoke, Strood


36 Adeane

Walter DARKNOLD of Penshurst

1505 Jul 10

1508 May 24

Chiddingstone, Hever, Penshurst


2 Fetiplace

Thomas BRAMPSTON of Northfleet

1511 May 28

1511 Jul 9



5 Fetiplace


1511 Jul 16

1511 Nov 26



18 Fetiplace

William HEEDE the Elder

1513 Jun 1

1513 Jul 21

Aylesford, Bexley, Harrietsham, Hunton, Lenham, Maidstone, Pivington, Pluckley, Ulcombe, West Farleigh, Yalding


8 Fetiplace

Robert TOTTISHERST gentleman

1512 Dec 12

1515 May 26

Chevening, Meopham, Otford, Sevenoaks


9 Fetiplace

Thomas HOLWEY of Sevenoaks

1512 Jul 31

1512 Oct 1

Brasted, Sevenoaks, Westerham


24 Fetiplace

Thomas LAMENDLY otherwise Thomas SPARROWE

1505 Nov 24

1511 Jan 23

Bexley, Dartford, Plumsted


25 Fetiplace

Thomas WILKYNSON clerke

1511 Nov 7

1511 Jan 23

[this will is printed in Orpington Parish Registers by H.C. Kirby]


30 Fetiplace

Richard PETTE

1513 Jun 5

1513 Feb 9

Sevenoaks, Westerham


31 Fetiplace

Paul IDEN of Penshurst gentleman

1512 Mar 5

1514 Aug 12

[nuncupative will]


32 Fetiplace

Robert PIRRY of Gillingham yeoman

1513 Oct 5

1514 May 22

Chatham, Gillingham, Strood


16 Ayloffe

Thomas ISSLEY of Sundridge Esquire

1518 Feb 4

1518 Mar 17

Chevening, Chiddingstone, Eynsford, Farningham, Fawkham, Horton, Kingsdown, Maplescombe, Sevenoaks, Sundridge


12 Ayloffe

Richard CLEMENT mariner of Newe hithe in the parish of East Malling

1518 Nov 29

1518 Dec 2



13 Ayloffe

Robert REDE knight, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas

1518 Dec 29

1518 Jan 24

Canterbury, Chevening, Chiddingstone, Hever, Ightham, Leigh, Penshurst, Sundridge



John SIBBELL will - 1502

JOHN SIBBELL - 1502 PCC : 8 Blamyr

8 April 1502. Johannes Sibbell Esquier de Eynesforde in Kanc. Sep. in capella Sanct Johannis Bapte in ecc. poch. Sci Martin. Lego repacionibus dce eccl de Eynesforde 13/4. Om bon &c lego Margarete uxori mee et Willmo Marshall quos facio exors. Jacio Dm Johan Pecche et Johan Lee milites supvrs. Testz Dno Willo Waynewright vicaris eccl de E. Willmo Marshall et Ricardo Baskrevile.

This is... I woll Margaret my wif have & enioy all my landis lying in the Countie of Kent excepte all such lands lying in the parissh of Gravesende which nowe be in the handis of Johanne Sibbyll my moder also except 66/8 yerely dewe unto Thos Sibbyll my son out of the maner of Seranks in the parish of Frenyngham. Also after the decease of Margaret my wif I geve all my said landis lying in the said Countie of Kent excepte above except unto Thomas Sibbill my son to his heires &c forevermore. Moreover I geve unto the said Thomas Sibbill my son all my lands & tents in the P of Berking in Essex with all the said landis & Tents in the P of Gravesend which be in thandes of Johanne S. my moder after the decease of J.S. my said moder

prob. 20 May 1502 by oath of Wm Marshall executor refutante & Radulpho Baskrewile testis ac Margarete relict & com dicte Margarete

Thomas ISSLEY will - 1518

THOMAS ISSLEY - 1518 PCC : 16 Ayloffe

The 4 Feb 1518 Thomas Issley of Sondryssh in Kent Esquier to the high aulter of Sondrysshe xs of Frennyngham 10s At the day of my burying and at the monethes mynde £20 to the chirchwarkis of Sondrysshe £6.13.4 and of Frennyngham £6.13.4 and of Chevenyng 40s and to the said chirch of Sondrysh my portatyf organes To Henry myne oldest sonne yf he lyve to the age of 22 yeres orells to suche myne other sonne as shalbe myne oldest sonne of the same age all suche stuff of houshold and plate as I now have which were bequethed unto me by John Issley Esquier my father and in the meane tyme I will that Elizabeth my wif shall have and occupie the same And the Residue of all my goodes I gyve to the said Elizabeth To ev'ry of Tydman, Graunger, Mascall, Stapyll and Robert Walker my s'vants 40s To eyther of my horsekepers and Hayte my bayllyf 20s and to John Newefold 10s and to ev'ry of my wymen and maydyns 6/8 I will my exors cause V masses to be songen in the honor of the fyve woundes of almyghty God at Scale Celi in the Abbey of Westm' w'in the monthe next after my decease I make myne executors Elizabeth my wif and Sr George Harvy Knyght and to the same Sir George Harvy for his labor and payne therein £5 and I require Sir Henry Guldeford knyght to be overseer

The last will of the said Thos Issley Esquier as unto all my maners landis and ten'ts my will is First that Elizabeth my wif shall have and enyoye for time of hir lyf my maners or ten'ts of Frennyngham Kyngesdowne Charton Maplescombe Fawkeham Eynesford & Horton and all myne other landes &c [in same parishes &c] and that my feoffees shall suffer such sure astates to be made to the use of the same Elizabeth my wif and after the decease of the same &c All the same maners &c shall Remayne to Henry and to the Eldest issue male of his body lawfully begoten and for lacke to Antony, remaynder to Thomas my sonne, remaynder to James my sonne and to his lyke herresmale

My feoffes shall suffre my exors to receyve all issues &c of all myne other lands &c in the parisshes of Sondrysshe Chevenyng and Shevenoke & ells where in Kent excepte my landes &c in Chedyngston unto the tyme that Henry my sonne or suche myne other sonne as shalbe myne eldest sonne shalbe of the age of 22 yeris to content and paye my debts legaces and bequests and when the same Henry or other Eldest sonne is 22 he shall have all the lands &c in S. C. and Sevenok to hym and the eldest issue male remaynders to be tayled in forme aforesaid Provided myne exors shall have for thexebicion and fyndyng to scole of ev'y of my yong' sonnes £6. oute of the same landes unto the time tht ev'y of the same yong' sonnes shalbe 20 yeres.

Morover I will myne exors shall have of the yssues &c of my man' of Chevenyng and of myn other landes &c in the parisshe of Chevenyng £100 and my feoffes shall suffre my exors to receyve and make of wodesales w'in and upon my man' of Frennyngham oon other hundreth pounds as the same wodes so to be sold shall greive to the value ev'y acre of 20s which said £200 I will shalbe applied to the mariags of Elizabeth and Mary my doughters to ev'y of them £100.

If my sonnes disturbe vex or trowble the said Elizabeth my wif of or in takyng thissues &c of the maners &c to her assigned I will the said Elizabeth shall have and enyoye all my man' and ten'ts in Chevenyng and Chepsted and all other landes &c as John Issley my Father in his lyf purchassed in possession use or rev'sion.

I will that Sir Robert my chaplayne shall have yerely duryng his lyf 4 mrc and mete drynk and Lodgeyng at Sondrysshe to pray for my sowle my frends soules and all cristen soules and for defaute my feoffes shall sell all my landes which were bought of Dane and delyv' the same Sr Robert all the money comyng. To Thos Newfolde my s'vnt an yerely Rent of 26/8 duryng his lyf oute of my maner of Sondrisshe so that he be attendanns in s'vice unto my said wif I will Wm Ellys have an yerely rent of 10s and the messuage he dwellyth in upon lyk condicon. To John Potter 20s yerely for his fee to kepe the Courts at Sondrisshe till myne heire be of full age to have and enherett the landes.

Prob. 17 Marcii 1518 by Elizabeth relict &c


Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Shoreham Deanery, part 2


Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Shoreham Deanery, part 4