#FindsFriday: Bartman Jug

It's #FindsFriday!

One of the objects the society has brought along to this year's Kent County Show is this lovely Bartman Jug reportedly found during Peter Tester's excavations at Leeds Priory in the 1970s. However, it is not mentioned in the reports on the Priory excavations we have in Archaeologia Cantiana. The only information we have on this jug is the marking on its base stating its from Leeds Priory. A mystery to uncover!

In the meantime we will be recording this stoneware jug with the Bartmann Goes Global Project run by Museum of London Archaeology - https://www.mola.org.uk/.../introducing-bartmann-goes-global

Nigel Jeffries at MOLA, project lead for the Bartmann Goes Global Project and Medieval & Later pottery specialist has confirmed that this is a Bartmann Jug originally from Frechen, Germany and was made in c. 1630s - 1670s, many of which were made without a medallion that would often be found beneath the bearded face!

We hope to be able to 3D scan this jug in due course, so keep your eye on our models page on the website - https://www.kentarchaeology.org.uk/models

#Pottery #Bartmann #Medievalpottery #PostMedievalPottery #PostMed #Trade #FindsFriday #Commerce #3Dscans #Research #CollectionsCare

Andy Ward

Society Curator

Responsible for the care, management and interpretation of the Society’s object collections.

Secretary of the Archaeology Research Group.




Lees Court Lithics


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