Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Rochester Consistory Court, part 4
A list of wills in Mr Leland L. Duncan's manuscript Notebook K.A.S. Library mark 7 - Typed up by Pat Tritton.
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Index of Notebooks
Book 10
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Index of Wills
Book 10
Register & folio |
Testator |
Date of will |
Date of Probate |
Places mentioned in Kent |
Page No. |
29 Alenger | Edward Johnson | 20 April 1540 | 30 May 1541 | North Cray | 364 |
Notes about Blamyr | --- | --- | --- | --- | 367 |
16 Spert | Robert Nisham | 19 Feb 1542 | 8 March 1542 | Chelsfield | 372 |
4 Spert | William Neilsam | 1 Feb 33 1541 | 27 April 1542 | Erith | 375 |
12 Pynnyng | Elizabeth Peche | 1 August 1541 | 22 July 1544 | Lullingstone | 377 |
39 Pynnyng | Henry Appulton | 15 July 1545 | 21 Feb 1545 | Dartford | 383 |
12 Pynnyng | Elizabeth Osborne | 15 July 1544 | 18 July 1544 | Erith? | 388 |
33 Pynnyng | James Page | 20 May 1545 | 31 July 1545 | Cobham,
Gravesend, Shorne |
390 |
22 Alen | Robert Brograve | 12 August 1546 | 4 October 1546 | Beckenham | 393 |
40 Alen | Margaret Southworth | 12 June 1547 | 23 June 1547 | Bromley | 397 |
13 Alen | Wylliam Creswell | 6 January 1544 | 7 July 1546 | Hextable, Sutton at Hone |
399 |
49 Alen | Thomas Woode | 9 June 1547 | 16 June 1547 | Sutton at Hone | 404 |
5 Populwell | Elys Bodley | 2 Sept 1547 | 17 April 1548 | Beckenham, Lewisham |
406 |
34 Populwell | Thomas Harrys | 2 July 1549 | Bromley | 413 |
Henry Appulton will 15 July 1545
39. Pynnyng.15 July 1545 (37 H8). Henry Appulton of South
Beameflete in Essex Esquier, sicke of body etc. To be buried in
chauncell of the parishe church of South Beameflete (Benfleet) or at
Dertford (Dartford) in Kent or where hit shall please God to take me to
his mercy. At my buriall to poure people £4 for masses for my soule, my
fathers and mothers and all Xten 10/- and at my monethis mynde for
masses also 10/-. To high aulter of South Beameflete 3/-, of Dertford
3/- for my offeryngs forgotten. To parishe churche of South Beameflete
40s of Thundersley in Essex 10/- of Dertford 20s.
To Wenefrede the wife of Steven Monde twoo kyne. To parishe
churche of Stone in Kent 20s. To every of my godchildern a
shepe. To Wm Wilde my servunt 6/8, Thos Howe my servunt 20s,
Wm Smyth my servunt 20s, John Lettyn my servunt 20s.
To Katheryn Danyell 13/4. To Margarett Tripock my servunt 6/8 and to
Julian Lettyn 5s.
To my sonne Roger my cartes and my carte horses with all thinges
belongyng. To Margaret my doughter my bay amblyng gelding.
To Margaret my wife 3 geldings a blak amblynge, a white
amblyng and a trotting baye. To Henry Appulton twoo kyen and to Margaret
Appulton, doughter to my sonne Roger a kowe. To Edward my sonne a
Fetherbed etc. To Margaret my doughter a fetherbed etc.
And the twoo partis of the Residue of all my householde
stuffe to Margaret my wife and the thirde parte to Roger Appulton my
sonne. To my brother Pilbarough a Rynge price 32/- at my moneth day.
Residue of all my goods etc. plate money corne and catall
(except my lands and tenements) and except stock upon my fermes and
lands called Joyces Westwyke and Northwicke to Margaret my wife to pay
for my funeralls and debts and the rest to said Margaret to her owne
use. To Margaret Appulton my doughter 200 marks at her marige to be
found by sale of stock on fermes and lands (above). Exors shall pay said
Margaret £4 yerely towards her fynding untill she shalbe maried.
I make Margaret my wife and Roger my sonne exors and my
cosyn Edmunde Tyrell Esquier overseer.
Last will of my lands etc. My exors shal have all my landes
and tenements freeholde and copyholde called Gervys and all my lands and
tenements in occupation of oon John Hasteler being in South Beamflete
and Thundersley in Essex and my marshe called Fatherwike in Ile of
Canvie in parishe of North Beameflete for the levyng of suche part of
the 200 mrks to my doughter Margaret as cannot be levyed of the sale of
my said stock upon my fermes callid Joyces etc. And after the said
levyng the said lands called Gervys and marshe to remayne to the said
Margaret my wife during her lyfe and after to Edward Appulton my sonne
and his heires and for lacke to my Right heires. All my lands and
tenements I purchased of John Barthilmewe in South Beameflete to Wm
Rooper, Edmonde Tyrrell and John Pilbarough Esquiers to thintent to
suffre Margaret my wife to take the profits duryng 6 monethes after my
decease and if Roger Appulton my eldeste sonne within the said 6
monethes upon request of Edward Appulton my sonne doo suffre to be made
unto said Edwarde Appluton and his heirs of all lands devised to him
then the said Wm Rooper, Edmonde Tyrrell and John Pilbarough
shall graunte the said lands and tenements to Margaret my wife with
remaynder to said Roger Appulton and if the said Roger do not then the
said feoffees to ?grant said lands and tenements to Margaret my wife for
lyfe with remainder to said Edward Appulton and his heires and in
defaulte to my right heirs.
To said Margaret my wife my mease or house called Walmonds
and my mease or house in which John Shogle now dwellith in South
Beamflete and after her decease to Roger Appulton my sonne and his
heires. My marshe called Chasflete in Ile of Canvie in parishe of
Laynedon in Essec toward performaunce of my will and after to remain to
Margaret my wife and after her deceas to Roger my sonne. To Henry
Pilbarough my godsone my mease or house sett and being agaynst the Cross
in South Beamflete in which house Wm Smyth nowe dwellith.
I geve full power to Sir Edward Mountague Kynght Lord Chief
Justice my brother Wm Rooper Esquier and my brother John
Pilbarough Esquier to reforme all and every clause of this my testament
accordyng to theintent therof without changyng any matter.
Wit. John Pilbarough, Stephen Mounde, Edward Strangman,
John Sharnwall, John Traward.
Probate 21 Oct 1545 (London auct dni Regis) by Margaret
relict in ?p of Wm Walker her proctor and Roger Appulton
personally present.