Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Rochester Consistory Court, part 2
A list of wills in Mr Leland L. Duncan's manuscript Notebook K.A.S. Library mark 7 - Typed up by Pat Tritton.
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Index of Notebooks
Book 8
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Index of Wills
Book 8
Register |
Testator |
Date of will |
Date of Probate |
Places mentioned in Kent |
Page No. |
14 Wattys | PAGE, John | 10-09-1473 | 04-05-1474 | Barking Dartford | 125 |
15 Wattgs | WALDEN, Thomas | 21-01-1473 | 15-06-1474 | Dartford Erith | 127 |
2 Wattgs | COBBEHAM, Thomas | 02-04-1471 | 10-07-1471 | Edenbridge | 134 |
18 Logge | BOTHE, Randolf | 07-05-1481 | 24-11-1485 | Bromley | 142 |
20 Logge | APPLETON, Thomas | 13-02-1483 | 11-05-1485 | Dartford | 144 |
12 Logge | DENYS, Thomas | 07-08-1479 | 27-08-1479 | In Latin | 147 |
1 Milles | ALPE, Richard | 01-12-1483 | 06-02-1486 | Foots
Cray Chislehurst |
148 |
31 Milles | MARTEN, Richard | 29-09-1485 | 27-10-1488 | Dartford | 150 |
12 Milles | PECCHE, William | 00-04-148? | 20-05-1488 | Lullingstone | 151 |
3 Milles | PULTON?, John | 18-06-1485 | 24-07-1487 | Boxley
Dartford Sutton at Hone Wilmington |
154 |
13 Milles | BATTE, Richard | 14-09-1488 | 25-10-1488 | Dartford | 158 |
5 Doggett | CLERKE, William | 11-02-1491 | 1490-1492 | Bukkingham ?Kent | 164 |
24 Doggett | SHILVING, John | 24-04-1493 | 22-06-1493 | Cobham | 166 |
34 Horne | STOUGHTON, Beatrice | 16-10-1497 | 17-06-1499 | Dartford | 170 |
21 Moone | EWEN, Thomas | 03-05-1501 | 14-06-1501 | Dartford | 175 |
1 Moone | LAMAN, Thomas | 06-03-1499 | 18-05-1500 | Erith | 176 |
18 Moore | MILETT, William | 10-09-1500 | 28-01-1500 | Bexley
Crayford Dartford Greenhithe Pinden, Longfield St James, Grain St Werburgh Stone Swanscombe Wilmington |
181 |
8 Belamyer? | MOTTE, Roas | 1499 | 20-05-1502 | Sutton-at-Hone | 206 |
25 Blamyer? | BROGRAVE, William | 06-06-1504 | 12-10-1503 | Beckenham Deptford Lewisham |
207 |
33 Holgrave | VIOLET, Henry | 01-04-1505 | 26-06-1505 |
Beckenham Bromley Lewisham |
210 |
28 Holgrave | BURLETON, Richard | 20-02-1504 | 17-07-1504 | Dartford | 211 |
8 & 15 Holgrave | COTYER?COLYER Thomas |
17-09-1503 | 17-07-1504 | Dartford Hartley | 213 |
40 Holgrave | DADDY, Richard | 16-10-1505 | 24-11-1505 | Erith | 215 |
37 Holgrave | TONGE, Denyse | 04-09-1505 | 21-10-1505 | Footscray | 217 |
23 Holgrave | HEYDON, Henry | 20-02-1503 | 17-11-1504 | Keston West Wickham |
218 |
40 Holgrave | BOLYEYN, William | 08-10-1505 | 27-11-1505 | Hever Seal | 223 |
20 Adeane | COCKE, Walter | 12-19-1506 | 10-03-1506 | Chelsfield | 224 |
31 Adeane | FERREBY, Andrew | 09-01-1505 | 06-12-1507 | St Pauls Cray | 225 |
34 Adeane | KELLER, John | 01-04-1508 | 08-05-1508 | Erith | 227 |
24 Adeane | SUTTON, Thomas | 26-04-1508 | 08-05-1508 | London | 229a |
3 Fetiplace | MYLNE, John | 17-09-1511 | 30-10-1511 | Erith | 229b |
24 Fetiplace | FARRAM, Jeffrey | 13-09-1513 | 22-11-1513 | Cobham | 230 |
14 Fetiplace | BODYAM, John | 03-03-1512 | 1513 | London | 231 |
24 Bennett | GELOT, Philippe | 20-11-1509 | 30-01-1509 | Godham (?Cudham) | 237a |
9 Bennett | BYRDE, Rowland | 15-11-1508 | Codham (?Cudham) | 237b | |
1 Bennett | WRIGHT, William | 02-11-1507 | 06-06-1508 | Cobham | 239 |
15 Bennett | CANCELLEY, Thomas | 16-01-1507 | 10-07-1509 | Sutton-at-Hone | 240 |
40 Holgrave | BOLEYN, William | 1505 | ? | 242b |
Thomas Appelton - will, 13 February 1483
20. Logge.
13 Feb 1483. Thomas Appelton of Southbemflete
in Essex Gentilman. To be buried in the chauncell of the parish chirch
of the Holy Trinite in Dertford next my Faders sepultur there on his
lefte hand. To high auter of parish chirch of Southbemflete for my
tithes, etc. 13/4. To the werks of the seid chirch of Southbemflete
where most need is whan any repacion shalbe don 40s. To John West parish
clerk there 3/4. I will my extours pay v mark of my moders bequest that
is to wete to the parish chirch of Fange 13/4. to the parish chirch of
Pytsey 13/4, of Boures Gifford 13/4. of Thundesley 13/4 and Haddeley
13/4. To the parish chirch of Wryhll a chalice.
Unto Margye my daughter 40li in sterling. Unto
my dau. Anne l mark. My dau. Elizth £20. My dau. Katyn l marke, whan my
seid daughters be married. If any decesse Humfrey my son have. If
Humfrey decesse or his seid susters ben married than Thomas my son have
the seid money and if Thos. decesse than to the disp. by my extors for
the helth of my soule. And for the contentacion of payment of the seid
mony I will my wode calid Morse Northmayes and Estmayes in parish of
Southbemflete be sold or my son Roger come to his full age of xxj yeres.
I will my feoffs make a lawfull estate to Humfrey my son of my tent.
called Pondes in the parish of Southbemflete and in two crofts lying in
parish of Hadleigh (5 acr) lying bysides Westwode gate and in a tenement
in Dertford lying in Spetill strete to him and his heyres. If he dy then
his broder Thomas Appelton.
To my seyd son Humfrey all my lands wrintill and if he
decesse than his broder Thomas. Unto my wiff Alice residue of all my
goodes as well in the shire of Essex as in Kent above my detts and
bequests. I will my wiff have thissues etc. of all my marshland called
Northwike in Canvey for 17 yer that she ther with fynde or do to be
found a connenable ?pste syngyng dymne ?since in the parish chirch of
Southbemflete dayly for the soules of me my faders and moders Thos.
Blossomes and Wm. Blossomes and all christen soules. And yf she will not
fynde the p/ste than my feoffes of the seid mersh shal take all thissues
etc and they to fynd the seid p/ste so many yeris
After 17 yeris my feoffes make estate of all the seid mersh
to Thos. Appelton my second son accordy to my moders last will.
Exors my wif Alice, Humfrey Tyrell and Richard Martyn my
broder in law to see my dettis or my bequests performyd and paid as they
may answer befor God at the dredfull day of dome.
Witnesse Mr John Harryes, Edward Bisshoptre Robt. Stafford
and Wm. Wat.
Probate apud Knoll 11 May 1485 by Alice Relict and ex.
Humfrid Tyrell and Ric Martyn onus recusand.
Richard Marten will, 29 Sept 1485
29 Sept 1485 Richard Marten
of the parish of Dertford in the Shire of Kent. To be buryed in our Lady
chauncell in the parish church of Dertford. To high awter for tithes
etc. 6/8.
To John Serle my ? my blak gowne. To Alice my ? my
musterdeviles gowne.
Residue to Agnes my wif to dispose them to he pleasor of
God and to the sustentacion of her self and her children and myn which
Agnes I make myn executrice. (no witnesses)
Prob. Lamehith 27 Oct ad supra [1488].
John Pultor will, 18 June 1485
3 Milles
18 June 1485 and in the reigning of King Richard, the
IIId the secunde John Pultor of Hicchin in the Counte of
Hertford, Lincoln dioc. To be buried in the parish church of Seint
Andrew in Hicchin and for my burying to the ?ress of the same 26/8.
Funeral to be honestly made etc [and months day etc] To the light being
afore the Crucifix in the paroch church of Hicchin and to the ?ress of
the paroch church of Seint ?Ipolito and the parish church of ?Moch
Welmudley 6/8. and of Wilion and ?Meptsale and parish church of Stotfold,
the chapel of Seint Nicholas in Mynnesden in the parish of Hicchin to ?
3/4. To the seid parish church of Hiccin and parishioners my ?grayle my
processionary and £3 to buy a nother grayle. Also to said church a
manuell which was myn Uncle Syr Thos Pulter to have his soule and myn in
their prayers in the bede roll on Sondaye by name. [Preist to syng etc].
To Anne Alburgh my suster v mark. To Thos Ryche my nevew 3
playn bolles which among other I had of the yeft and bequest of my
suster Isabelle Ryche moder to the said Thomas. To Nichs. Bevill my ?s/vant
40s. To Thos. Chalon my s/unt 20/-. To Margery my s/unt 13/4 and others
to be rewarded and after as have done me good s/unce. To John Pulter my
sone iiijxx xiijli 6/8. Nicholas Pulter my sone Cli
in 2 yere after my decesse.
To the paynting of the Ile of the North side of the parish
church of Hicchin which I did doo to make after the decesse of my fader
on whose soule Jhu doo mercy iiijli and have the sowles of my
moder Dame Alice Pulter and of Isabell Rych my suster praid for and
Remembrd in the same werke.
To Maister Robard Calton vicar of Ipolite a booke of myn of
Hampole werke upon the psalter of David to ther contents in the same to
pray for me.
To Luce my doughter the wife of John Brocatt a standy cupp
konered silver and gilt pounced with a knopp of silver made as of white
perell. To young John Brocatt ther sonne v marke to fynde hym to scole.
My plate ? ? gilt and gilt my wife and Willm. Pulter my sonne have to
the value of Cli and after decesse of Alice my wife then to
Wm. my sonne her part and if he deceese leaving the seid Alice then she
to dispose. Residue to Alice my wife and Wm. my sonne joyntley.
Exec. John Pulter my sone and Nicholas Bevill and Alice my
wife, Wm. Pulter and John Pulter my sones.
Last will 18 June 1485 of all my londs in Hertf. Bed and
Kent. I will Alice my wife have all those she hath a jointly in Counte
of Hertf. and on that I will she have all those londes and tenements in
the Counte of Kent late Richard Lyndesey Esqyier hyr fader which I ?recoused
of the feoffes of Wm. Lyndesey hyr brother in the Chauncery and after
Jugement yoven astate therof was made to the seid Alice according to the
last will of hyr seid Fader. All other lands and tenements which late
were my faders John Pulter in the Countees of Hertford and Bed. beside
the ?joyntr that Wm. Pulter my sonne have to hym and hys heyres
according to the will of my seid father. I will all the lands and
tenements I have purchased in the Townes and felds of Hicchin, Piriton
Willyon Offley Leccheworth Moch Wilmudley and Litell Willmudley in
Counte of Hertford and also all those lands and tenements lying in the
Townes and felds of Dertford Sutton at Hone Wilmyngton and Boxle in Kent
wherin diverse persons enfeoffed in to myn use and all I have terme of
yeres in by endenture or by copy of court Roll or other wyse excepte the
Ferme called Wellys thing (sic) in Mepsale and Pullehang in Ce.
of Hertford and Bed. that Wm. my sonne have all the issues etc. he fynde
a preest to ?sing for my soul my uncle Syr Thomas Pulter clerke our
anncestres etc by the space of vj yeres. (If he refuse then feoffees and
exors to find the priest). Thoose lands and tenements called Welles
thing and Mepersale and Pullehang in Ce. Hertford and Bedford
to Nicholas Pulter my sonne for the termes for to com. as by an endentur
made by the Prior and Covent of Chikesand to my fader John Pulter whois
sould Jhu pssoile.
Probate Lamebith 24 July 1487 by Alice relict Wm. and John
Pulter sons in pson of J. Bevill pris. (Inscrp. a brass to him engraved
c. 1550 in H. church).