Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Rochester Consistory Court, part 3

A list of wills in Mr Leland L. Duncan's manuscript Notebook K.A.S. Library mark 7 - Typed up by Pat Tritton.

Where the individual page numbers are in blue and underlined, this indicates that the transcription has been added, 
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Index of Notebooks

Book 7

Book 8

Book 9

Book 10

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Index of Wills

Book 9

Register & folio


Date of will

Date of Probate

Places mentioned in Kent

Page No.

18 Holder

William Jones

14 May 1516

14 June 1516



15 Ayloffe Thomas Awnesly 8 July 1518 18 February 1518 London 244
3 Ayloffe William Stafford 10 April 1514 2 May 1522 Sutton-at-Hone 246
2 Maynwaryng Thomas Draper 15 Sept 1520 10 Nov 1520 Erith 251
11 Maynwaryng William Crowland 1521 20 June 1521 West Wickham 253
6 Bodfelde Thomas Wedder 20 Dec 1522 24 April 1523 Erith, shipwright 256
17 Bodfelde John Cocok 20 April 1523 8 May 1523 Erith 259
23 Bodfelde Thomas Holt 3 Sept 1523 18 July 1524 Cobham 260
35 Bodfelde William Sprever 26 Feb 16 Henry VIII 14 July 1525 Dartford 261
35 Bodfelde John Norborough 2 July 1525 17 July 1525 London 267
36 Bodfelde John Woode 31 July 1525 1 Sept 1525 Beckenham 272
5 Porche William Abell 21 Jan 1525 19 March 1525 Erith, Bexley
10 Porche Kateryn Berkeley 6 Sept 1626 25 Sept 1526 Dartford 285
10 Porche William Wiggan 8 Sept 1526 1 Oct 1526 Dartford St Werburgh 287
12 Porche John Rawlyns 5 Sept 1526 8 Jan 1526 Sutton-at-Hone 288
29 Porche William Mellar 20 Nov 1523 3 April 1528 Bromley 289
23 Porche William Swtesyre 31 July 1527 2 Oct 1527 North Cray,  Bexley, Chislehurst, Dartford,
Foots Cray, Ruxley
11 Thrower Thomas Fereby 18 Nov 1531 29 Nov 1531 Pauls Cray 299
8 Jankyn Roger Appulton 12 April 1529 2 July 1529 Dartford, Crayford,
Littlebrook Meopham
Stone, Wilmington
26 Jankyn William Lownde 13 August 1530 23 August 1530 Dartford 309
24 Jankyn Robert Page 25 Sept 1529 2 Dec 1530 Erith 313
7 Jankyn Richard Pereyvale 1 August 1528 8 May 1529 Farnborough 314
24 Jankyn Thomas Broke 7 July 1529? not shown Cobham 317
28 Hogen John Duns   20 Oct 1535 Beckenham 323
24 Hogen James Preston 6 July 1534 10 May 1535 Bromley 324
21 Hogen Thomas Wadlowe 8 May 1533 14 Dec 1534 Dartford 325
28 Hogen Thomas Gybson 1532 20 Oct 1535 Erith 325c
10 Hogen Rycharde Best 23 May 1533 11 Feb 1533 Horton Kirby
Farningham Kemsing
11 Hogen William Walsingham 1 March 1532 23 March 1533 Chelsfield, 
Foots Cray, Ruxley
37 Hogen David ap Rice 12 Jan 1535 3 July 1533 West Wickham 329
10 Hogen Walter Champion 21 Jan 1533 6 Feb 1533 Bromley, Green?,
3 Dyngeley John Judde 18 July 1527 10 April 1537 Dartford 340
28 Dyngeley Richard Walden 8 Jan 1532 23 June 1539 Crayford, Erith 343
32 Dyngeley Thomas Samson 16 Sept 1539 6 Nov 1539 Erith 348
22 Dyngeley Nicholas Stathom 2 Oct 1538 23 Oct 1538 Sutton at Hone 350
6 Alenger Mary Rollisley May 1540 29 May 1540   353a
20 Alenger Adam Sampson 1 Oct 1540 18 Jan 1540 East Wickham Erith
Finishes Bk 10 p 363


William Jones will, 14 May 1516

18 Holder

1516 14 May. William Jhones of Dertford. To be buryed in the chirche of Dertford befor Saint Anne in the Mawdlyn Chapell. To high awter of Dertford for tythes etc. 12d. To the making of the Chapell of Seynt Edmond in Dertford £3.6.8. 
   To the making of the high way in Spyttel Strete of Dertford £3.6.8. Vnto the chirche of Marden in Wilteshire wher that I was brought up £3.6.8 toward the making of a towre in the stepull of the same chirche. Vnto Mr John Roger vicar of Dertrord 20d. To Sir Nicholas chauntry preest of the Stanpitt of Dertford xxd. To Sr. Robert the othir chauntry preest ther 20d. To the President of the Abbey xvjd. and to every brother of them 12d. To Thos. Palmer clerk of Dertford xxd. An honest ? found to syng for my soule by the space of an hole yere. 
   Residue vnto Cristian my wyff whome I make my sole exr. and Wm. Stokmede and Wm. Haynes supervisors. Witts. Mr John Roger Vicar of Dertford Sir Robert the Chauntry prest, Thos. Palmer parisshe clark and other.
   Probate Lamehith 14 June 1516 by Cristiane relict.

Thomas Anwesly will, 8 July 1518

15. Ayloffe

8 July 1518 (10 H. 8). Thomas Awnesby citezeine and bocher of London. To be buried within the parisshe chirch of Seint Clement nyghe Eastchipp of London in the precession waye before the image of Seint Katryne there yf ytt fortune me to deceas within the said citie. To high aulter for my tythes etc. 3/4. To the fraternite of oure Lady founded in the parisshe chirch of Seint Leonarde nyghe Estcheppe a torche of wax of the value of vs. To the Fraternite of the Clerks in London 3/4.
   To my childryn Thomas, Nicholas, Robert, Awdry and Johane every of them £v when 21 or mariage. If all dye as God defende then all to my wiffe Johane. Also where as I have and hold certeine lands in the Countie of Kent by Indenture to ferme of Sr. Richd. Walden Knyght I will the said Johane have the same duryng the termes for to come or to the bequest to my childryn. Also to said Johane all such lands as I hold by Indenture to ferme of the Abbot and Convent of Leysons in Kent. If she die then remainder of term to my chyldren provided alwey that Wm. Awnesby after the decease of my said wif have all thos pastures called Wepyng Acres whiche he now holdyth duryng the termes to come.
   Toward the repacon or lyghts founded within the chirch of Pollesworth where the body of my father and moder lyen buryed 6/8.
   As to my lande with the barne therupon byoldyd within the parisshe of Eerith in Kent I will the said land remane unto Johane my wif duryng hir lyf and after unto Thomas my sonne and heires of his bodie and for defaute to Thomas, the remaynder to Nicholas my sonne and [then Robert , Awdry and Johane in succession]. and for defaute to the said Willm. Awnesby and his heires.
   Residue of all goods etc unto Johane my wif and exx and I make John ?Cowp and Sr. Wm. Awnesby citezens and bochers of London ouerseers. Wits. Sr. Thos. Porte parisshe prest of Seint Clements, Wyllm Sevell clerk of the same church and Rowland Jaks scrivener.
   Prob. Lamehith 18 Feb 1518 by Johan relict.

William Stafford will, 10 April 1514

3. Ayloffe

William Stafford Esquier. 10 Aprill 1514. 5 Henry VIII. To be buried in the churche of Saint John Baptist at Sutton at home in the mydill of the high quere there yf I dye in Kent and ells yf I dye in London my body to be buried at the Crossed Freres by my doughter. If I dye beyonde the see my body to be buried in cristen mans burial.
   To the high awter of Sutton church to the blissed sacrament there for my tithes forgotten 6/8. To high awter of the Crossed Freres 6/8. To Saint Kateryns besids the Towre of London 6/8. To the monastery of Dartford 6/8. To Stone church 6/8. To Darrant church 6/8. To Wylmynton church 6/8/ To Dartford church 6/8. To Saint Peters at Ledon Hall to the high awter there 6/8. To the Chapell of our lady of Barking in London 6/8. To every bretherhede yan brother of many place a pappey Saint Nichas the Clerks (sic) everich of them 6/8. Every godchilde 6/8 that will aske hit.
   I will that every house-holder in Sutton parishe have 12d apece.
   Every survaunt I have in Kent and they have been with me a yere and a day 6/8 and not a yere 3/4.
   I will that all my clerks in London that is to sey Thos. Holt, Edward Wrexall, Wm. Leyton and John Mokelowe have every of them xls.
   I will Henry Colt have 40s and 20s a yere in a howse and lande that is called Okeles while he lyveth he hath the same house and londe in his hands and my feoffers stande full seased to Henry Colts use.
   I will have 24 torches at my buriall and 4 great tapers of a quarter on a pece of wax and the torches be gevyn to pour churches to pray for my soul and the 4 tapers one to the Rode of the North dore in Powlys another before Saint Savyor the iijd before or lady of Barking and the 4th to Saint Kateryn at the Towre hill. Fyve Trentalls for my soule and my fader and moder soules. A prest syng a yere there as my body is buried.
   Also I will that Sutton churche shalhave to maynteyn the repacons xv quarters barly and 5 qrs whete 2 kyen and 20 ?ewe shepe so that they kepe every yere an obite for my soul my faders and moders soules and all my Kynne soules and all Xten soules with dirige and masse and an hersse with iiij tapers aboute the hersse the dirige tyme and masse tyme and with the bells ryngyng so that the Church wardeyns shall kepe hit ons a yere for evermore.
I will my brother John Stafford have £6.13.4. and two gownes of myn and ij of my dobletts and a jaket and iij paire of hosyn. To Richd Vernon 40s.
  To the priour of the Crossed Freres and to his Chirch of the Crossed Freres that now is poor £10 to pray for my soule.
   Those persons that owe me any dett that is not able to paye me I forgeve it them.
   To my cosyn Broke £6.13.4. and to Maister Fenrother £5.
   All other my moveable goods etc. to Johan my wife and Henry Stafford my sonne equally. And all my Tables formys bedsteds trestills portalls doores and locks and all my brewyng vessells fatts and Cawdrons to remayne for ever to my house.
   Exce Johan my wife and Richard Broke Sergeaunt at the Lawe Robert Fenrother Alderman and Goldsmyth of London the Prior of the Crossed Freres that now is and Richd Helles myn overseers.
   To olde Anne Wrothe xls
   Yf my wife doo mary she shall geve out of my londes every yere xli  to Henry Stafford my sonne. 
   To my cosyn Broke wife to pray for my soule vli. I will my cosyn Broke have Cisse Bykering in custodye and hir money and ells Maister Robert Fenrother till she shall be maryed and I will she have £3.6.8. of my goods more to hir preferment to thentent she may pray for me and my frends soules and all cristen soules Jhus Amen.
   And as towchyng my londes and tenements etc in Kent I will all my londes and tenements my feoffers suffre Jane my wife to occupie and enioye for terme of hir life and competent fyre ?vote and tymbr bote for mendyng of my housyng. And after the decesse of said Jone remayne to Harry my sonne and his heires.
   If he dye then Richd Broke Sergeaunt at the lawe and Recorder of London have my dwelling place the gardyn and the orchard and all my ponds and half the yarde of the backside of my kechyn bitwixt the barne and the said kechyn. And all other londs and tenements to be solde and dispoased for the weal of my soul.
   If said Harry dye without heires except all my lands in Stone parishe and that I will Anne Wroth my doughters childe shalhave to hir and her heires orells 100 mrcs. and yf she dye that it shalbe solde.
   If Harry my sonne dye or he be maried I will my cosyn Broke have Jone Bamme for £120 and yf he will not have her that then Robert Fenrother have her for £200 and therof I geve to my cosyn Broke 20li and to my cosyn Anne his wife other xxli and to his childern amongs them other xxli and the residue to olde Anne Wrother with me xxli and to the Grocers of London £20 and to the Chambr of London 20li to their necessaries of their chargs. And if Maister Fenrother will not have her that then she be sold by myn extours so that there be noo dissagement of blod. Ter me Willm Stafford.
   Probate Lamehith 2 May 1522 by Ric Broke militis and Roberti Fenrother exors.

Thomas Draper will, 15 Sept 1520

2. Maynwaryng

15 Sept 1520. Thomas Draper of the parishe of Erith, seke in body etc. Soul to almyghty god and to the blessed ladye virgine Mary the moder of Crist Jhu Seint John Baptist and all the holy company of hevyn. To be buryed in the church yarde of Erith besyde where my wif Margaret and my childern lyen. To high awlter 6/8. To every godhild vjd. To the Reparacion of the churche of Erith 40s.
   To my wif Jone all such stuff as she brought to me at owre mariage and all the hay that lyethe at Wm. Abells house and half parte of all my hoggs greate and small and all pultrye ware as capons hens gyes ducks and chikens. Also 4 oxen and ij horses the lesse gray and a blake with a white nose. And also xxx kene and also all wymens gownes kirtills and girdells except oon long girdell with droopes.
   To Elizabeth my doughter a long girdill with dropis and vj silver spones with maydens hedds. Also a peyre of bedds of jett with gawdies of silver and gilt. To Jone my wif x qrs of whete x qrs of Barly v qrs of Rye 10 qrs of oots and 5 qrs of malte and £20 in money and the 4 part of all my houshold stuffe equally devided. The first chose to my yongest child the second chose to my midill child the thryd chose to the eldest childe and the 4 to my said wif.
   To the Abbaye of Lesnes x mrcs of ? to theintent they shall by a Joyell to the hye aulter there by the discrn. of my broder Wm. Draper and my brother Robert Draper.
   To Willm. my sonne £30 and my brother Wm. to have hym in his ?governna. To Henry my sonne £20 and give hym to my brother Robert to have hym in his governna. To Elisabeth my doughter £30 and my brother Walter and my suster his wife to have the kepyng of hir and of the money unto tyme she come to mariage.
   My landes in Kent I will they be sold and the money disposed by my brother Wm. to thuse of suche of my childer as he shall thynke best. Rest in charitable dedis by myne extous, my said brother Wm. Draper, my brother Robert and my suster Agnes Walter by the sufferaunce of hir husband and oversear Syr Hughe tailowe person of Fotscrey.
   Present Sir Wm. Jacson, parisshe prest of Erithe, Adam Sampson, Wm Moptid of the said parishe, Thos. Brokhole of Crayforde.
   Probate Lamehith 10 Nov 1520 by Wm. Draper Robert Draper and Agnes Walter.

William Crowland will

11. Maynwaryng

Yere 1521. William Crowland. To be buried in the parisshe churche of West Wikham in Kent on the northe syde afore our Lady of pitie. To the same churche of West Wikham to the makyng of the Roode lofte at the northe doore xls [sic]. To the same churche of Wikham to maynteyne the light at Ester x ewe shepe that John Wodward hathe in kepyng and they to be delivered at the tyme of the yere when they be shorne next comyng. To the same church for a clothe to the lectourne xvjd. To the church of Keston to the makyng of Setts in the same church xvjd. To the churche of Hese to the Reparacon of the same 6/8. To the 4 orders of Freers in London to iche of theym 6/8. Item I woll if it may be spared to the same Freres among them all to syng 4 tryntalls 13/4.
   To every housholder within the same parishe of Wykham as well the Riche as the poore xijd. To John Burwell 12d. To old mother Clerk ijs. To every servunt of Maister Burwell 4d to iche of my god childern a wethr shepe. To Maister Leonard my masters sonne xxs. To Maister Willm my Maisters sonne xs. To Thomas my Maisters son xs. To Maister Richard my Maister sonne xs. 
   I will that my Lady shall dispose at hir pleasure xxs. To Hughe Byrkehed a kowe and a calf. To the highe wage in Wikham norwod xxs. John Momford a pece of Barly in Rydley.
   To Thos my brother £3.6.8. To iij of my susters iche 26/8. To Sr Wm Mayer parish prest of West Wikham 6/8. To Henry Hudsons childern that is to Henry, John & Joane iche a shepe. To John Moundeford ij teggs. To the church where my Father and Mother was buried 6/8. To Davy Price of London ich of his childern a shepe. To old Father Charleis xijd. Henry Cawsten my sword & bokeler. John Hanke myne old swerde. 
   To the church of West Wykham a pece of a cote of velvet with Rosis to make pilowes to the highe aulter. 
   To the wif of Wm. Roger 3/4. Wm Broke of Heyse 3/4. Robert Crowlande my cosyn a Redd cowe and a calf. To my maister hym self a Colt of Dune colour amblyng. To old Fathr Nethe 3/4. Maister Burwells mayde xxd. Henry Hudson xls whom I make myne extour & Thos Crowland my Brother they to see this my will fulfilled.
   Residue to Henry Hudson & Thos my brother for the welth of my soule and all xten. I will my Lady Haydon be overseer.
   Wittenes Sr Wm Maier curat of West Wykham, Syr Richd Hunt, Richd Stott, Hugh Brykhed, John Garrard, John Mounford with other ?moo.
   Probate Lamehith 20 June 1521 by Henry Hudson & Thos Crowland.

Thomas Wedder will

6 Bodfelde.

20 Dec 1522. Thomas Wedder dwellyng in the towne of Erith in Kent shipwright sike in body etc. To be buried in the churchyarde of Saint John Baptist of Erith within the Tombe of Annes Weddyr sumtyme my wife. The day of my burial half a Trentall of Masses to be saide in the parish churche of Erith yf so many prests therfor may be had for the helth of my soule and all cristen soules. The day of my buriall be spent among my neighbours at dyner and other almes dedes to the same of £3.6.8. To 13 pour folke men and women 13 pair of shoes.
   To Henry Wedder a violett gowne furred with blak furre. Unto George Wedder a doblet of worsted.
   To Elizth my wife all my lands and tenements during hir naturall life to pay all my detts and to bringe up my childern naturally begotten bitwene hir and me unto suche tyme as they may defende their self and to put theym yf they like into suche honest crafte as their mynde standeth unto. Yf my wife doo wedde with any maner man which will not doo sufficient rapacons to all my house and londs in the towne of Erith it shalbe lefall for my said childern Thomas and William or their assignes to entr and putt forth their said moder and hir assignes. If said Thos and Wm dye within age of 21 my wife Elizabeth to make sale of said lands and tenements yf that she will or have grete nede.
   After decesse of Elizth my wyfe I bequeth to Thos my eldest sonne the house that I doo dwell in and the house that Thomas Hogeson dwelleth in. I doo surrendre it to Wm Abell and Adam Sampson to the behove of Thos my sonne. To Wm Wedder my sonne the house at the Well and the house in the Upper Strete that was Warleys with the gardyns. To said Wm my sonne a gardyn called Clerks Hall lyng unto the Church way. 
   Elizabeth my wife shall fynde for me my father, moder and all my friends yerely an obite to the value of 6/8 in parish Church of Erith and after her decesse my sonnes Thos and Wm and the heires of theym duryng a hundreth yere save one as they will answere before the high Juge of hevyn. After deth of Elizth my wife to my sonne Thos a fetherbed with 2 paire of Flaxin shets etc being in the gestyn chambr. To Thomas one goblet of silver. Wm my sonne one salt of silver and a fetherbed etc which lieth in the parlor. If all die then my feoffers Henry Horn grocer of London, Henry ?Mopetyed of London Iremonger, John Abell grazier and Thos Sampson maryner to dispoase for the helth of my soule and kepe the obite for a hundreth yere save one and whosoever shall fortune to bye the said lands etc. be bounde yerely to paye the Churchwardeyns of the towne of Erith lxs to kepe the said obite viijs aboute the said obite and xijd to the Churchwardeyns for their labour.
   Residue to Elizabeth my wife my full executrice and Wm Abell grazyer and Adam Sampson yoman of the garde supervisours. Wit. Sir Richd Blagge vicar of Erith Wm Sampson, Thos Hogeson and John Weston notary.
   Probate 24 April 1523 by Elizth relict.

John Cocok will

17. Bodfelde.

John Cocok syke in body. To be buried in the church or churchyarde of Erythe of Saint John Baptist. To the high awter 20d and a kowe to fynde a light afore our Lady yerely asferr as it will goo.
   To my childern yf the childe in the moders wombe be a man childe to them both my sonnes xxli bitwixt them and it be woman to have £6.13.4. and the man childe to have £13.6.8. and this money to be in the kepny of John Abell unkill unto the same childern and he to deliver hit when they come to 18 yeres and the moder of the childern to deliver it unto John Abell afore reherced or she doo mary.
   All the Rest unto Agnes Cocok my wife.
   Extours Wm Abell and John Hakysworth Wretyn 20 April 1523.
   If my children dye under 18 then 40s to the church of Erith of Saitn Baptist in Kent and 40s to the churche of Chipsted in Surry to pray for my soule and £16 unto my wife and yf she dye to my brethern and sustern.
   Witnessed. Sir Richd Blagge, Adam Sampson and James Thorneton.
   Probate coram Comissariis in eccl. Cath. Dni Pauli London 8 May 1523 byt exors named.

Thomas Holt will

23. Bodfelde.

3 Sept. 1523. Thomas Holt sike in body etc. To be buried where it shall please my frends. To the repacion of the Chapell of our Lady of Cobham vs which was my faders bequest. 
   My tenement with appurts. in Cobham called Horndon to Remayn to the maister and brethern of the College of Cobham so that they yerely kepe an obite for my soule.
   My tenement in Gravysende called the Crowne to Elizabeth my wife duryng hir lyfe and to Remayne to Rauf Holt my sonne.
   Residue to Elizabeth my wife and sole extrice. Wit. Sir Wm Covyn my gostly fader, John Holt, John Weston, Thos Lawson.
   Probate (St Pauls) 18 July 1524 by Elizabeth relict.

William Sprever will

35 Bodfelde.

William Sprever of Dartford yoman. 26 Feb 16 Henry the VIII. To be buried in the South Ile of the church of the Monastery of Dartford beynde William Englisshe yf it so please my lady prioresse and hir susters to graunt me lycence therto and yf not in som other place in the church yarde or cloyster of the same Monastery where as it shall please them to assign hit. To the high awter of the same Monastery for my offerings and tithes necligently holden and withdrawen xxd. To the Rode light in the same Monastery to fynde a taper to bren before the Rode at Jesus masse every Fryday as long as the money will endure 3/4. To the mayntennce of our Lady light which the servunts kepe 3/4. To the mayntennce of a taper and brenne before Saint Erasmum every Sonday a masse while aslonge as the money will endure 3/4. To the most Repacion and other necessaryes belongyng to the parishe churche of Mepham as the wardeyns and the parishe thinke best to be bestowed upon 10s. To the light of Saint Kateryn in the same churche 12d. At my buryng at discren of my Ladye pryores amonge her susters and brotherns and pour prople 26/8. I will a solemgne dirige and V masses be saide and songe at my buriall in parishe churche of Mepham amonge other good dedes of charite to the value of 13/4 and as moch in the said Monastery and Mepham at my moneth mynde.
   Unto Joane dou. of John Hasden and to hir childern vs. Unto Alice doughter of the said Joane Harden and to hir childern 6/8. Cristofer Brykket my died tawney gowne lyned with Satyn of Sypers and my olde marbill cote sleved and lyned with blak. Thos. Hill my blak gowne lyned with satyn of sypers.  Also I will that my lady prioresse and hir Covent have xxs for restitucon of my necligent service of any thinge necligenty taken by me which I knowe not but that they have had doble for it and more.
   To Clemens Russell for hir and every of hir childern 20d sm. vs. Every one of my godchildern 6d. To my suster Marion Dolbyk for hir self and hir childern 13/4. Henry Ferdyng 6/8. My nece Jenyns and hir childern 6/8. My suster Sprever and Margaret hir doughter 6/8. My nevewe Richd Sprever a gowne of browne blewe [sic] furred with blak furre and my chamlet jaket and my fetherbed etc. To Thos. Anyon my best wusted doblet. Edward Stoughton to pray for my soule 20d.
   Thos. Anncell my tawny sleveles cote lyned with white. To Richd. Bukley my gowne furred with blak and white. Thos. Hill my wurst doblet. My suster Typping 3/4. Richd Bocher 3/4. Wm. Bocher his brother 3/4.
   Residue unto myn extours to se my debts paide and bequests performed.
   Exors. Sir Wm. Wygan clerk, John Ferdyng citezen and Merchant Taillor of London and James Dolbyk of London barbor and my Lady prioresse of Dartford overseer.

   This is: My feoffees Wm. Wygan clerk Wm. Rooper, Wm. Sedley, Petir Sedley, Martyn Sedley and Richd A Dayn gent. Richd Taillor, John Bogherst and Richd Coste yomen and their heires shall suffre the priores and Covent of the Monastery of Dartford and their successors to take the Issues etc. of a tenement and gardyn in ?Ouley in the parishe of Dartford wherin Henry Cobbe mowe dwellith unto such tyme as the said Prioresse may obteyn a licence to amortese the same to their Monastery upon condicion that the said Wm. Sprever may be accepted and taken amonge other then good benefactours unto the Daily suffrage and praiers of their Religion and to be praid for forever.
   My feoffers shall suffre the wardeyns of the parishe churche of Mepeham to take thissues of a Tenement at Parishecrouch within the said parishe of Mepeham for a yerely obite to be kept to the value of 6/8 in the Churche of Mepeham and the overplus be bestowed upon the repacion of the Churche of Mepeham.
   My feoffees shall make a state unto Thos. Hills my survant of ?v m. in a tenement and gardyn in a strete of Dartford called Lowfelde which is called Coppedhall to him and his heires.
   I will my marshe in the hundred of Hoo be solde and the money expended on my detts and my testament.
   I will for the purparte and moytie of my lands and tenements at ?Kenn in parishe of Mepeham my feoffees shall suffre my extours to take thissues during xvj yeres to thexecucion of my testament and after to deliver a state unto Richard Sprever my nevewe and in the same he when he comyth to his laufull age to make a releese in the lawe of and in a crofte of londe in Cobham called Poryche whiche his father and I ?ivyntly solde unto John Bradford.
   For lacke of heires males the said moytie to remayne unto my feoffees to be solde and when it shall fortune to be put to sale to be openly proclaymed in the pulpitt of the parishe churche of Mepeham and he that will geve moost for hit to have hit and any of the next of my blode to have within the price to the sume of £3.6.8. and the money comyng to fynde a preest to syng for my soule and my frends in the churche of Mepeham two yeres taking for his labour £6.
   To the Prioresse and Covent of Dartford £13.6.8. to pray for my soule. Also yf the lande fortune to be solde to the most nec. repacion or other necessaryes belongyng to the parishe churche of Mepeham 40s and residue amonge the porest of my kynnesfolk and other dedes and werks of charitie.
   Present Edward Stoughton writer herof.
   Probate 14 July 1525 [coram Comiss in eccl. Sci. Pauli]. by Dni. Wm. Wygan clici and Joannis Ferdyng exors

John Norborough will

35. Bodfelde.

2 July 1525. John Norborough of London gentilman. To be buried in the church of the Charterhous of London. I will an yerely obite of 16s a yere in the church of the Charterhouse accordng to the pporte and effect of a dede of feoffement indented and a will indented made theruppon to Thomas Fairefax Sergeant at the lawe and other feoffers which berith date 27 June 15 yere of King Henry VIII and the will indented the 1 July xv yere.
   I will Alice my dou. have 40s a yere for terme of hir lyfe accordyng to the said Will.
   Where as Henry Humfrey standith bounden to me in £40 upon condicun the said Henry Humfrey shall expende aboute the funerall expenses of me John Norborough £20 to be doon for my soule in maner and fourme folowyng. First I bequeth to the house of the Charterhouse for leyng my body in the said church 20s.
   To Alice my doughter 20s.
   Four tapers of wax of 8lb. weight stonde over my herse the day of my buriall. 8 torches of 26lb. a torche to be borne with 8 pour persones aboute my body every of them to have 6d. I will 13/4 be gevyn in almes to suche as be pour and moost indigent to pray for my soule. I will suche persones as shall bere my body to the Charterhowse have for their labour after discretion of myn extours. I will a masse of Scale celi be saide for my soule the day of my buriall. I will a Trentall of masses the day of my buriall. I will that a stone be leyde over me in the said church of the Charterhouse with a scripture on it after suche fourne as myn extours shall thinke connenient. I will v yards of blak cloth be bought and laide over me the day of my buriall with vj scochyns upon it wherin shall be myn armes conterned. I will that the orders of the gray Frerer and the Crossed Freres bryng my body from the place where God callith me to his mercy to the place where my body shalbe buried and they to have 20s to be egally devided betwene them to pray for my soule.
   To Henry Humfrey my sonne in lawe a Testour of blewe bokeran and the hede cloth to the same.
   I will that two tapers of wax burne over my hersse untill suche tyme 20s be spent therupon.
   To Amy servaunt to Raufe Edward iij yards of blak cloth of 3/- a yarde. To Brigett another of the servunts of the said Raufe ij yards and di of blak cloth of 3/- a yarde.
   To Alice my doughter 3 yards of 3/- a yarde. To hir husbonde 3 yards of 3/-. To Henry Humfrey my sonne in lawe and his wife, Rauf Edwards and his wife every of them a blak gowne. To Rauf Edwards a fetherbed with a bolster beyng at Dartford. The residue of my goodes beyng there I bequeth to the said Henry Humfrey.
   To Alice my doughter a chest with a testour, a carpett, a wyne pott, vj sawsers, ij platers, a quarte pott, a chaffyngdishe, 2 drippyng pannes, a bason of pewter, a doseyn Trenchers and 2 platters of wode. Whereas I have willed and gevyn to the said Alice my dou. 40s by yere for lyfe and also have bequethed to her and to her husbond certeyn money householde sfuffe and blak gownes as apperith in this my said last Will. If they do release and discharge thexecutours of me John Norborough of and for the legacies and bequests but also all the childs parte or porcions of goods as the said Alice and hir husbonde pretendith to have after my death and also release to the said Henry Humfrey all right interest etc. in my lands and tenements in Towerstrete in the Citie of London and all other the londes and tenements etc. in London, Midd, Kent orellswhere then all the bequests etc. to stande orells utterly voide and of noon effect.
   Residue to my welbiloved sonne in lawe Henry Humfrey and Raufe Edwards whom I make extours. and my welbiloved frende Leonard Bekwith supervisor.
   Wit. Sir Gawen Wilkynson Curate, James Paynter, Bruer, Richd Marrett Bruer, Richd Craneford and Thos Cowper.
   Probate (St Pauls) 17 July 1525 by exors named

John Woode will

36. Bodfelde

31 July 1525. John Woode of Saunderstede in Surrey yoman. To be buried in parish church of Alhalowen of Saunderstede. To high awter of parish church of Croydon for tithes etc. 3/4. To the bretherhede of Jesus mase in said church of Croydon 3/4. To parish church of Saunderstede for making my grave and toward the Repacion of the said church 40s. Preest to syng in church of Saunderstede two trentalls for my soule my father and mother and all xtens.
   To every godchildren an eweshepe.
   Unto Denys my wife and John my thirde sonne all my houshold stuffe at Saunderstede. To said Denys 100 wethers and 100 ewes nowe goyng in the parish of Saunderstede.
   I will John my eldest sonne 80 wethers and 20 ewes nowe being at Wodmansturne.
   To John my fourth sonne 100 wethers going at Wodmansturne and two tenements of Custimary holde in Saunderstede accordyng to a surrender by me to the use of him made. To John my yonger sonne 60 wethers at Waddon when he is 20
   To Edward my sonne 100 wethers at Waddon orells ixli when 20.
   To Henry my sonne my lease for terme of yeres of the maner of Waddon in parishe of Croydon.
   To Agnes my doughter 20 ewshepe at Saunderstede and ij heyfers of 2 yeres of age at Norbury all to be delivered at my monethes day.
  To said sonne Henry and John my thirde sonne all my catalls nowe going at Norbury bitwen them except 20 oxen which I will Henry shalhave to be solde for the pfourmaunce of my testament and last will.
   To said John my thirde sonne my leesse of and in the manor of Saundersted except a convenit Chamber for my wife whiche I will my wife enjoye for her lyfe and ease of fyre in the hall and kechyn of the said manour. I will John my younger sonne shalhave my messuages, lands and tenements in Cullesdon in Surrey which I holde to ferme by Covent Seall of the Abbot and Covent of Chertesey for terme of ? payng over and above the Rent to said Abbot, 40s to the said Denys my wife duryng hir lyfe.
   Residue to Henry my sonne which Henry, John Lambard of Wodmansturne and John Ownshed of Farley I make extours and Nicholas Lye gentilman overseer.
   To John Scott Esquer and John Skynner gent for to be good to my said wife and childern in their causes 20s.
   Witnesses Edward Presland, Richd Bray, John Wodstok thelder, Thos Owsted and John Wodstok the yonger.
   Last will of all my free londes and tenements in the parishe of Beknam in Kent all which I woll Edward Wode my sonne shalhave to him and his heires.
   Probate (St Pauls) v Sept 1525 by exors named.

William Abell will

5. Porche

21 Jan. 1525. (17 Henry VIII). Wilham Abell thelder of Erehithe in Kent yoman. To be buried within the churche yarde of Saint John Baptist of Erehith under or lady of pitie there [sic] in or nygh the place where as the body of Sir Richard Abell preest my brother lieth buried. To high awter for tithes etc. 6/8. Toward the repacions of the parishe church of Yarde also Crayford 6/8. Rep. of the parishe churche of Wykeham 6/8. Toward rep. of Wolwich churche 3/4/ Rep. of Charlton church 6/8. 
   Toward the amendyng of the high wey bitwene Bexley and North Cray xls and of the high wey bitwene Perystrete and Erehith at the North side 40s and of the high way bitwene Plumsted and Stone strete £10 and bitwene Erehith towne and the church £6.13.4. 
    Exours to fynde an honest seculer prest to synge and pray within the parishe churche of Erehith sayng deprofundis at the first lavatory of every masse and also two tymes in the weke dirige and our Lady Psaulter for my soul my father and mother soules my wifs Alice Jane and Johane soules my brether and sutern souls my frends soules and for all Xten soules by the space of vj yeres and to the said prest every yere for his salary or wages £6.13.4. To the parish church of Erehith £3.6.8. which I will shalbe bestowed upon the same churche in Repacion where as most nede shalbe thought by the discrecion of myn extours and of the most honest of the parishens there.
   Toward the mariages of 40 pour maydens aswele within the parishe of Erehith as nygh adoiynyng £6.13.4.
   Toward the byng of a sute for Deacon and subdeacon to be like and accordyng to the vestment which my lady of Shrowesbury of late did geve to the said chirch of Erehith £6.13.4. for to pray for my soule etc. I will there be a scripture on the back of either of the said vestments desiring the p/ishens to pray for my soule.
   To Sir Robert Hales Chanon 3/4. To Sir Legh Channon 3/4. Sir Wm Cope Chanon 3/4. Sr Wm Gentill Chanon 3/4.
   I will myn extours shall dispoase in masses at Scale Celi and masses and diriges and charitable dedes of almes the day of my buryng £7 sterlings and other £7 at my moneth day and twelve moneth day.
   To Joane my wife xxli kyne and all my householde stuffe as brasse pewter and beddyng except my silver plate wherof I geve to hir a maser and a doseyn of silver spones with all hir owne plate and householde. The tables and formes in the hall also excepted whiche I will shall remayne to my said howse. To the same Joane in redy mony £20 and myn interest in a tenement with a gardyn in Erehith whiche was late Heytons and whiche I holde of the graunte of Agnes Stacy. To the Infaunt beyng nowe in the wombe of my said wife yf it be a woman childe £40 at 18 and yf a man childe £40 at 20.
   To John my yonger sonne a salt of silver with a cover all gilt and £20 when 20.
   To William my sonne a maser and £20 when 20.
   To Henry my sonne £40 my standyng gilt cupp with a cover and a goblet of silver when 20.
   If it fortune John the yonger, Wm and Henry to discease as god defende before 20 then to remayne to the other beyng alyve.
   If all dye then my exours. by the counsel of the vicar of the said towne of Erehith and John myn elder sonne shall make sale of the goodes londs and tenements and with the money shall with a parte make within the churchyarde of Erehith a Chapell in the place where as the body of Richd Abell prest my brother nowe lyeth buryed and the same Chapell so made and fynisshed I humbly require the parisshoners there to pray for my soule.
   To Agnes my doughter wife of Henry Cawston £40.
   To every of my god childern oon bullock at my monethes day.
   Unto John myn eldest sonne all my leas and terme of yeres in all lands and tenements and pastures I holde by Covent seall of the Abbott and Coven of Lesenes and of the graunt of Richd Corbett Esquier and Jane his wife.
   To the amendyng of the ij manweys that is to witt Nortons manwaye and Pycardy manway xls.
   Toward the byng of a new bell for the parishe church of Bexley 6/8. Myn extours shall provide and bye ageynst my buryng xxij torches of wax at the price of 6/8 every peice whereof I bequeth 10 unto the parishe churche of Erehith to serve there to thonor of God. To parishe churche of Crayford oon torche. Parishe Churches of Willington, Sutton, Bexley Northcray, Ruxley, Fotescray, Plumsted, Wykeham, Wolwiche, Charlton and Pawliscray oon [each].
   Immed. after my deceas I will John Abell my yonger sonne and Herry Abell my sonne shalbe delivered into the possesson and keping of John Sympson oon of myn extors and he to have their hole bequest of money and plate until they be 20 yeres and to retayne and kepe in his owne hands for the keping and fyndyng of the said John Abell the yonger and Henry Abell for meate drynke cloth lynnen wollen hosen and shoen and bed and lernyng copetent such a porcion of the same goodes and profits of the londes as shalbe thought necessary and Residue to be delivered to them at their ages of 20.
   I will John myn elder sonne have the keping etc. of my sonne William and Johane my wife of the said infaunt in maner as is aforsaid. Furthermore of all those my lands and tenements etc. as well within the Towne and parishe of Erehith as ellswhere. All persons now seased shall stande and be seased to the fulfillyng of my devises as hereafter follow.
   I will Johane my wife have the house I nowe dwell in duryng her naturall life so that she kepe repacion and doo noo wast and after to remayne to Henry Abell my sonne and the heires of his body and for default to Wm. Abell my sonne and for default from heire to heire. I will Johane my wife shalhave during hir lyfe my tenement, with a Barne orchard and crofts in the parishe of Erith I late purchased of oon George Wydder late of Erehith and remayne to the Infaunt beyng now in the wombe of said Joanne yf it be a man childe and for defaulte to Henry my sonne and from heire to heire.
   I will John my eldest sonne shalhave my tenement and houses standyng upon Heryngeshill with almaner londes etc. belongyng lying within the Lordship of Erehith whiche late were my fathers except Watcocks and Birkefeld whiche I geve to Wm my sonne and for default to John Abell the yonger. Also the said John the elder my tenement called Bedynwell with all landes and pastires belongyng and a grove of wood of 3 acres ?di a crofte called Petircrofte 7 ac. of woode and busshes in Bexley a grove called Brompton grove (3 acr) in Bexley with all other my londes within the same parisshe. Also vj acr called Frensh hill in Crayford also yard and a felde called Popes in parishe of Erehith and a crofte called Frayry Crofte and for default to Wm Abell my sonne. Also to said John the elder all londes and pastires in the marshe and uplonde within the Lordship of Erehith I late purchsed of John Boys of London Fishemonger and for default to remayne to Henry my sonne. To said John the elder my tenement and gardyn being beneth Heringhill strete called Hatters and the barne orchard and grove stondyng west over ageynst the westside of the same, with all londes in Erehith marshe I late purchased of Scudder nd Jenyn and a pece of londe called Hooks late ---------- and for defaulte to remayne to Wm my sonne.
   To same Wm my tenement called the Bulle with all the londs belongyng being within the towne and parishe of Erehith which I late bought of Thos Smyth of London skynner with all the londes also I bought of Thos Wydder of the londes late Rauf Clerks and for defaulte to remayne to John Abell the yonger.
   Said John the yonger, Wm, Henry and the infaunt yf a man childe shalhave all suche my londes and tenements etc aswell Ferybyes as other which I have not willed nor bequethed in Plumsted nd Lesness and ellswhere in Kent egally to be devided.
   To John my yonger sonne a tenement in the towne of Erehith I late purchased of the parishoners of the parishe of Otwolde (sic) and for defaulte to Wm my sonne.
   To Wm the interest and termes of yeres of my two acres in Cowfelde I holde of the graunt of Bulbek and Agnes his wife
   With the profits of all the londes duryng nonage of sonnes John my eldest sonne to find an yerely obite within the churche of Erehith with placebo and dirige on the nyght and masse of Requiem on the morowe for my soule etc. with ryngyng of bells and other obsequies to suche an obite accustomed. Expendyng yerely amongs prests and clerks and the parishens and pour people xls and when 20 every of sonnes shall bere their just and egall parte of the said 40s yerely forevermore.
   Landes to be letten to ferme duryng nonage of sonnes by John the elder and pay yerely suche yerely payment as by my said exours shalbe thought and judged to thuse of my said thre sonnes and the infaunt yf it be a man childe.
   Extours. John Sympson citezen and haberdassher of London, Wm at Mere of Sutton at hone and John Pemsey of Erehith yoman. If any of them make any debate discorde stryffe or other variauns and that proved by the said vicar and by said John Sympson oon of myn extours shall be thensforth utterly expelled, excluded and putt owt and never after to medill of any matter or cause concernyng thexecution of any matter in this my testament and last will
   And overseers I make Wm Shelley Sergeaunt at the lawe and Recorder of the Citie of London, John Petyte grocer of London, John Abell myn elder sonne and Richd Swyfte.
   Wit. Sir Richd Blagge vicar of Erehith, Richd Burneche, John Danyell, Water Overey, Wm Smyth and John Rutter notary Apostolik.
Probate (St Pauls) 19 March 1525 by Wm Mere and John Pemsey, exors.

Kateryn Berkeley will

10. Porche

6 Sept 1526. Kateryn Berkeley somtyme wife to Sir Maurice Berkeley Knyght and Lord Berkeley, sike of body etc. To be buried in the Chapell of our Lady within the monastery of Dertford. To the said Monastery oon Sueyt of Vestments price £20. To the black Freres of Bristowe for the bilding of their cloyster £13.6.8. I will a tombe to be made over my mothers grave in the black freres in Bristowe. At my buryng to the pour people to be gevyn ijd a pece and for other charges the sum of £24. I will a tombe to be made for me in the Chapell of or Lady in the Monastery of Dertford price £13.6.8. A prest to be founden to singe for my soule in the said Monastery of Dertford foure yeres for £8 by the yere.
   To John Barkeley my neveue the hangings of my great Chamber of Arais and the trussing bedde in the same chamber with oon quilt yelowe sercenet and the testor of the same bedde of Crymisyn velvet and grene with curteyn of sercenet, oone fetherbed a bolstre and a paire fustians and two pylowes, oon gilt goblet with a cover and my best table cloth diap werke with a doseyn napkyns and the towell to the same.
   To Isabell Denise oon gowne of blak velvet bodered with tynsyn. To Mary Berkeley a gowne blake velvet bordered with blak satteyn. To my kynneswoman Margaret Gines £13.6.8. and a gowne damaske. To Wm Daunt oon fetherbedde with £10. To Sibelle Hutton £13.6.8, a fetherbed etc.
   Unto Saint Nichas Church in Caleis where my lord Berkeley symtyme my husbond lyeth oon suet of vestmenets price £13.6.8.
   Residue unto John Whitton gent extour.
   Present Maister Thos Cowp bachelor of divinitie Wm Daunt my servunt and diverse other.
   Probate (St Pauls) 25 Sept 1526 by John
   Whitton exor.

William Wiggan will

10 Porche.

8 Sept 1526. William Wiggan clerk person of West Kirkley in Wirall [Cheshire] sike in body etc. To be buried within the Monastery of Saint Werburgh. Oon trentall for me the day of my buriall and fyve masses of fyve ?woundes assone as it may be ?conienlty. Item that every churche that I am ?parson or vicar have xs towarde the buildings and mayneynyng of the said churches.
   To Richd Mesham all my lands and tenements in Windesoener [Berks] whatsoever they be in value and for perfourmance of the premises.
   My brother Dan Robert Hawarden my brother Sir Robt Wiggan clerke and Robert Wether extours.
   And all other goodes rayments householde stuffe and other things in my chamber at Dartfort or any other places they to have dispoasing thereof.
   Present Dan Thos Neuton, Wm Hilton, Wm Stone, Richd Mesham.
   Probate (St Pauls) 1 Oct 1526 by exors named.

John Rawlyns will

12. Porche.

5 Sept 1526. John Rawlyns. To be buried in the church of Saint John of Sutton at hone. Unto Sir Thos Mather chapleyn there 2s to bye a boke to the use of the said churche.
   I will Marion my wife shalhave the house she dwellith in during hir pure widowhode and after to Roger my sonne and his heires. To my said wife all my goodes provided she geve to Giles Hamut my exor so moch as to paye all my detts and bequests and costs made by the said Giles concerning my funeralls.
   To Thos Hamut and his heires an house with a shepecot at thende of the said house of 6/8 by yere whiche standith at the ende of Sandey in Bedfordshire.
   To Agnes my doughter 33/4 and Elizabeth my doughter 33/4 and to my saide doughters suche goodes and houshold stuffe as lyeth and is in the house of my Lord of Saint Johns in Saint John Strete next the ? church yarde.
   To Giles Hamut aforesaid 6/8 except plege and suche stuffe as be other mennys. Rest to said Giles and to gather my detts. In ?primis of John Freman 16/8, of Hugh Ryding vj silver sponys the price 30/-. Item all other detts whiche the said Giles knoweth and shall come to the experience and knowledge.
   Witnesses Robert Warden and Wm Hamut.
   On 8 Jan 1526 (in St Pauls) Giles Hamont exor. renounced and admon was granted ? viam intestati to Marion relict.

William Mellar will

29 Porche.

20 Nov 1523. William Mellar of Bromeley. To be buried in the mydell aley of Bromeley church. To high awter xxd. To mother church of Rochester vjd.
   I will my wife have the house called Mercies that I bought of Barons with the gardyn plotte and two felds called Wyfeldes and the lande that Maister Bothe holdeth of myn with a pece of londe called Pikkishaught to geve and to sell.
   Also my hedehouse with the londes be solde and the money in two parts of it unto my childern John Myller, Robert Myller and Agnes my doughter, and the thirde parte unto my wife.
   I will also that two litle houses be solde whiche I have in the towne to pay my detts with.
   Also that John Myllar my son shall deliver all my catall that he hath in keping of myn unto myn extrice and if he doo not then I will that he shalhave noo peny that I have bequest unto him before. And this doon I will that George Millar shalhave some of theym.
   Residue to Alice my wife myn executrice. Wit. Sir Rauf Tynney curat, Henry Skurlok, Wm Wattisson and Richard Wodache.
  Probate (St Pauls) 3 April 1528 by Alice relict and executrice.

William Swetysyre will

23. Porche

31 July 1527. William Swetesyre of Northcray in Kent yoman. To be buried within the church yarde of Saint James of North Cray on the est parte there next unto the place where as Alice my wife lyeth. To high awter for tithes etc. 20d and to high awter of Rokisley for the same 12d and high awter of Dertford xijd. Toward the repacon or maynteynyng of the body of the churche of North Cray 23/4 nowe being dett to me by Marten Goodborough of Chesilhurst and I geve more to the same church of North Cray 16/4 the which Wm Makyn owith to me for five quarters barley.
   To John Swetesyre my sonne a great brasse pott which was my fathers.
   To Joane Lewyns my doughtr 20 shepe not of the best nother of the worst.
   To Rose my doughter a kowe and vj ewe shepe and oon of my gownes.
   To every godchilde 12d or ells a lambe.
   To Alice my wife £10 in corne and catall to be praised by myn exors and ij other honest neighbours and all her wering gere except oon harnes gurdell with all the silver belongyng to it the whiche was myn other wives and the same I geve unto Joane the wife of Richd Swetesyre my sonne of Rokisley. Also to my said wife all suche stuffe of householde she brought to me and I will she shall remayn and dwell in my house that I dwell in unto the fest of Saint Mighell next and she with myn extors to see the Innyng of all my corne and at the said feast she to departe owt of the said house laufully with all suche legacy and bequests as to hir before is gevyn. I will all the hangings and bedsteds within my said dwelling house shall remayn and abide there to the oonly use of him that shall inheret my said house.
   To x prests at the day of my buriall 6/8 To every prest 8d and at my monethes day. I will myn exors shall bestowe upon a Tombe to be made over my grave agenst my monethes day to be of bricke the nether part and in length and brede accordyng to the largenes of my grave and to be thre foote of hight and over that a marble stone and my name and Alice my other wifs name within the said marbill stone to be graved and written as the custime is in suche stones to be written and graved to the sum of 26/8.
   To parish churche of North Cray 2 torches, of Rokisley oon, Fotiscray oon and Boxley [Bexley] oon, Wyckham oon. I will Petir Strodyll of parishe of Northcraye shall kepe yerely two tapers of fyve pounds wax burnyng before the sepulcre within the said church of North Cray forevermore and for the perfomance of the same the said Petir Strodyll hath a certyn parcell of Londe of me called Williams londe in the parish of North Cray and also the said Petir is bounde by obligacon to performe.
   Residue myn extours shall egually devide unto my foure sonnes John, Wm, Richd and Richard and they to pray for my soule and their mother soule.
   Extours John Swetesire of Wickeham and Richd Swetesire of Rokisley my sonnes and supvisour Sir Edmond Walsingham kynght the Kings graces Levetennt of his Towre in London. Wit. Sr Henry Rypton Curate there, John Lane writer hereof, Edward Johnson yoman of the Crowne, John Cowper, Petir Strodill and Alexdander Maynerd.
   This is: I will John Swetesyre myn eldest sonne shalhave my tenement and lands within the parish of Fotiscray and certeyn other londs in parish of Cheselherst, Rokisley and North cray that in Cheselherst and Fotiscray a certeyn felde severally enclosed called Stepaunce late John Mogers (6 acres). In parish of Rokisley a felde or close called Culverhousfeld (7 acres) and oon litell hope within the same parishe late Bachelers and also within the parish of North Cray a parcell of arable londe and woodlond called Squyers crofte (7 acres) yelding and payng yerely to the chief lord of Rokisley 2s of Rent whiche that Richard my yonger sonne shuld pay yerely to the said Lord for the londes sumtyme John Welsshes.
   To the said John Swetesyre and his heires males and for lack of heires to my next eldest sonne and so from oon heire male to another.
   Nevertheles I will that if Beatrice the wife of my said sonne John overlyve him the said Beatrice shalhave all the premisses as longe as she kepith hir sool widowe and if she mary then 20s yerely duryng hir lyfe owt of the same londes.
   I will Richd Swetesyre thelder my sonne shal have the londs and tenements late my fathers Petir Swetesire within the parish of Rokisley, Powliscray and Dartford to him and heires males [remainder as before]. Nevertheles
I woll that Joane the wife of said Richard shalhave all as my gifte lymyted unto Beatrice my sonne John is wife.
   I will Wm Swetesyre my sonne all my londes and tenements called Griggs within the parishes of Saint Mary Craye, Rokisley and Dartford that is to say all and as moche as was late oon John Swetesyre unkill [as before and to Agnes his wife].
   I will Richd Swetesyre my yonger sonne all my tenements and londes within the parishes of Northcraye, Rokisley and Dartford except all before gevyn that is I will to him all the hole tenement whiche I dwell nowe in called Waletts tenement oon other tenement called Mayes with all appurts. All the londes late John Bullands except Squyers crofte aforsaid. All the landes late John Walshes and Garrards. To him and heirs male [as before and to Alice his wife].
   If all my sonnes dye as God forbed then all to Joane Lewyn my doughter to her and next heire male of her body and in default to my next eldest doughter Rose. If all dye then to be solde by two of the best and most discrete honest men of the parishes to the which I have gevyn the torche unto my feoffers yf any be alyve and the churchwardeyns of North craye and the money bestowed by them in dedes of almes for my soule, etc.
   I will Alice my wife shalhave my tenement called Mayes tenement with the gardyn, kechyn and stable as longe as she kepith her self soole and it shall remayn hool to Richd my yonger sonne as above.
   My sonnes John, Richd, Wm and Richd shall pay yerely unto my said wife Alice 26/8 every of them 6/8 duryng hir life and foure loads of fyrewode to be brought her home at their costs and charges but if she happen to remoove to dwell out of the parish of Northcray then they shall not pay her her no more fyrewood but only the 26/8.
   And I will that Richd Walett and Joane his wife shalhave my tenement whiche they dwell in duryng their lyves keping the said tenement and after their decesses I will that it shall remayn for evermore to theuse and profite of him that shalbe parishe clerk of Northcray.
   My sonnes shall dispende xd the whiche is in the hole 3/4 upon oon obite for me and my frends duryng their lyves within the church of Northcray yerely to be doon upon the thursday next after passion Sunday.
   Wit. Sr Henry Ripton curate there, John Lane writter hereof, Edward Johnson yoman of the crowne, John Cowper, Petir Strodill and Alexander Maynerd.
   Probate (St Pauls) 2 Oct 1527 by exors.

Thomas Fereby will

11. Thower

18 Nov 1531. (23 Henry VIII). Thomas Fereby of Faulinge Craye [F in mistake for P] in Kent Gentilman. Revoke all maner of testaments etc. made and in especiall one that beryth the date of 26 Nov 1530. To be buryed in the churche of the blacke fryers in London in a place to be determyned there after the discretion of the priour of the said place. For a trentall of masses on day of my burial 10s. In almons by my extours to pore people 20s. To high aulter of the parishe churche of Paules Craye for my tythes etc. 3/4. Towards the repacions of the saide churche 20s. Towards the repacion of the workes belongynge to the parishe churche of Saint Marye Craye 20s.
   To my cosin Thomas Ferebie a gilte cup with a cristall stone within the knop of the cover wayenge xxiiij oncs and a halfe, and all my householde stuff beyng within my house of Paulis Craye.
   To Elizabethe Ferebye wiffe to my said cosin Thos Ferebye a ringe of golde with a saphire in it.
   To Jane Fereby doughter of my said cosin Thos Ferebye a cupp of sylver and gilt with leves in the knopp.
   To be doulte in almes to pore men and women in the parishe of Paulis Craye 20d. To be gyven to my crafte for their comynge to my buriall £4.
   To Alice Whelar my litle maide to be gyven with her to some honest man and woman that will kepe and bringe her up in vertue and larninge convenient xls. To Richarde Dible my servunt xxs and my grene cote. To Androwe Morris my servunt for his wages and lyvory 30s. To Elizabeth Wharton my servunt 40s and the bedd that I lye in.
   Residue to disposion of frere Robert Strowddill doctour in divinitie and priour of the Blacke friers in London and to my cosin
   Thos Fereby whom I make extours and overseer Edwarde Johnson one of the yomen of the Crowne to our Soverayne lorde the Kinge.
   Present Wm Watson, John James, Wm Rainton, John Wharton.
   Probate (Lamehith) 29 Nov 1531 by fris Roberti Strowdell theologie doctoris ordis predicatose who renounced privilegio suo execut 1 Feb 1531. Com to Thos Fereby.

Roger Appulton will

8 Jankyn.

12 Aprill 1529 (21 Henry the eight). Roger Appulton of Dartford in Kent Esquier being helthy and hole in body etc. To be buried within the quere of the parishe churche of Dartford aforsaid nygh and besides the place of the buriall of my father and mother there. To high awter xs. To the use and towards the repacions of the same church of Dartford xls. To the light of the holy Trinitie of the same churche 20s. To the vicar for breking of the grounde for my grave 10s. To the use and towards the repacion of the parish churche of Stone 10s. To high awter of parish churche of Southbemflete in Essex for my tithes etc. 10s.
To pour folk at the day of my buriall in redy money 20s in peny dole and upon my monethis day as moch bred and ale as may be made and brewen of a qr. of whete and malt and also I will an oxe be killed and sodde [sic] and distributed upon the same my moneth day amongs pour people in peny peces and yf it fortune me to decesse in the tyme of Lent and my moneth day comyng within the same then to pour people a barrel of white heryng and a cade of Rede heryng.
   To Wm Bere myn olde servunt a kowe and 10 ewe shepe and a gowne cloth orells 10s for the same gowne.
   To John Illenden and Elizabeth his wife my suster a fetherbed etc, brasse pott, 4 platters, 4 disshes and 4 sawcers of pewter and oon kowe and their dwelling freely within the new gate house as well above as ?lynethe of my manour of Dartford soo they inhabite themself there orells not, without any interupcion or inquieting of Henry Appulton my sonne.
   To Goodlake and Henry Edwards my wifs childern to every of them a fetherbede etc.
   To Wynyfride Edwards a fetherbedde etc. and half a doseyn of silver spones whiche hir father bequethed to hir and that £20 for the whiche I am bounde by obligacon.
   To John Illenden, John Robynson and Wm Lettyn my servunts being in service or in householde with me at the time of my deceas 20s.
   To every of my godsonnes and goddoughters they makyng profe to be the same oon eweshepe.
   To the saide Henry my sonne all my stuffe of householde, plate and implements to my body belongyng to be distribute thereof amongs my servunts for the helth of my soule as shall thinke best.
   Residue of all my goods as corne, grayn, catalls and detts to myn extours to paye my funeralls and legaces, etc.
   My extours to cause to be songe over nyght before the day of my buriall placebo and dirige by note in the parish churche of Dartford and upon the day of my buriall as many masses there as they shall thinke convenient and same upon my monethis even and day.
   Extours John Wentworth Esquier, Wm Sulyard gentilman and John Rogers my Fermor and supervisor Edward Tyrrell Esquier.
   Last will: of all my manors londes and tenements etc. in Kent and Essex. All my feoffees of and in my manors etc. in the parishes of Dartford, Stone, Welmyngton, Crayford and Mepeham in Kent shall stande to be seased and the same to theuse and entent following, that is to say £20 therof where of my mansion place or manor of Dartford to be parcell and to be taken for the sume of £6. 13.4. by the yere to thuse of the said Henry Appulton my sonne duryng his naturall lyfe. And other £20 to thuse of the said Henry and of Margaret his wife oon of the doughters of John Roper Esquire decessed for terme of their lyves and after to their heires.
   My feoffees of manors, lands and tenements, etc. in Essex shall stande seased of londes and tenements to yerely value of tenne mrcs for terme of 40 yeres to suche uses and intents that my said extours or in default the vicar and churchwardeyns of the parish churche of Dartford shall take and receyve to fynde an honest secular prest to be admitted by the said Henry my sonne to singe say and pray in the church of Dartford in our Lady chapell during 40 yeres for my soule, Thomas Appulton my father and Alice his wife John Appulton and Elizabeth his wife and Wm Blosom sousles and all my Auncestors and frendes soules. [If Henry dies then prest to be admitted by the vicar and churchwardens and feoffees to make a new feoffment of landes to yerely value of 10 mrcs].
   Feoffees in all other manours lands and tenements etc as also of all my lands and tenements by me late purchased in Kent and in Essex to stand seased to uses folowing. To receyve yerely thissues etc and sell fell and cutt down suche woodes and underwoods untill such tyme as my funeralls and other detts be fully and ?inlyerly satisfied and paid and my will perfourned.
   My feoffees in a certeyn marshe called Chafflete in Essex stande and be seased to the yerely value of the said tenne marcs for the said preest for the terme of 40 yeres.
   My feoffees in a tenement and londes called Jervys in Essex nowe in thands of John Pemsey to yerely value of £12 to stande seased my extours to take profits to paye my funeralls, etc.
   My feoffees in a tenement and londes claled Redys in Essex of yerely value of £9. Exors to take profits to fulfil legacies etc.
   My feoffees in my tenement and londes at Marsshe strete in Kent shall stande and be seased to such use that my exors shall yerely take the profits to fynde an yerely obite of 8/- for my soule etc. in parish churche of Dartford for ever.
   My feoffees shall suffre the said John Illenden and Elizabeth his wife to have and enioye a tenement in Sowthbemeflete in which oon Thos Edwards now dwellith with a wood yarde lying next the church yarde there and a croft called Rymans in same parisshe holden by copye the which shalbe surrendered to theym duryng their lyves.
   I will my sonne Henry have to him and his heires my tenement with a gardyn called Watmonds in South Bemeflete I late purchased of Agnes Illenden myn aunte to this intent that he shall kepe an yerely obite of 8/- forever in the parish churche of Southbemeflete for my soul for Wm Blosome soule and all other soules above rehersed.
   If he dye without heires or be necligent then the vicar and churchwardeyns of said churche of Southbemeflete to entre. And if the lawe will not admitte then the said vicar and chuch wardeyns to sell the said tenement and distribute in dedes of charitie amongs pour people of the parisshe.
    My feoffees in all my other manors etc and after the 40 years ended shall stand and be seased to thuse of the said Henry my sonne and his heirs and for defaute to thuse of Jane my doughter and her heires and for defaute to thuse of Elizabeth Illenden my suster and the heires of the same and for defaute to thuse of the right heires of Agnes Martyn doughter of Roger Appulton and Margery his wife decessed and in defaute to my right heires. And in defaute to be sold by the vicar and church wardeyns of Dartford and the money dist. in dedes of charitie that is to say for bilding of chapells and repacion of torches renewing and makyng of high ways and to pour maidens mariages after discretion of said vicar and church wardeyns of Dartford. [If feoffees die then 10 or 12 honest persons to be enfeoffed by the vicar and churchwardeyns of Dartford] [Wife of any heire to have joynter for lyfe and feoffees may exchange lands etc].
   If Henry my sonne doo lett or disturbe oon John Rogers my fermor of Litilbroke or John Outrode of Crayford my other fermor of whom I have receyved sundry fynes for their incomens into their fermes for their yeres which I have graunted to them then the bequests to the said Henry in this my testament shall remayne to my said extours.
   On 2 July 1529 before the Commissaries in church of St Paul, London the exors renounced onus of exe. and admon granted to vicar intestati Henrico Apulton filio dict def.

William Lownde will

26 Jankyn

13 Aug 1530. William Lownde. To be buried in churche yard of Darteforth under the hewgh tree. I wille the lampe afore sainte Clement and fyve tapers at the high awter ende of the sepulcre tapre and a square taper before the Rode be kept and maynteyned by myn extours for the space of oon yere.
   To Sir Thomas Lownde my brother sonne £5 to praye for me and my great bedde in the high chambr with all the stuffe I have at London with the hanging I bought of John Chaulenger.
   Unto Elizabeth Eve my susters doughter tenne fetherbedds and paire of shets and the brasse except the chaffer whiche I geve unto Henry Barbour and all the spytts and all my newe potts vessell with the chest also two gownes oon of murrey ingrayn lyned with sattyn of ?Sypers and another of blak pewke ?gued with tewke with a kirtell of Scarlett and my great newe chest of walnottree I geve to Harry.
   To Elizabeth in money and plate to the valor of £4 and 6 tabilclothes 6 towells and oon doseyn of tabill napkyns a sprewse counter in the great chamber and two tabills in the hall and 5 qrs. of whete.
   Unto Elyn Harryson my bedde in the litill parlour and 40s a great maser with half a doseyn spones the whiche be daily occupied etc.
   To Alice my suster three fetherbedds in the great parlour etc my best maser a gowne of mantell fryse with a violet kirtell over bodyeed with blak satten and 20s.
   Also to Harry all my Rayment litell and moche and my fetherbed in my chambre and £3 with half a doseyn of my best silver spones and my silver salte p/cell gilte with the leasse of my Orte yarde of the Stronde and a litell coffer of shets and my great golde Ringe and the yeres I have in the Bulle where I dwel.
   To Margaret Lamston oon of my wifs best kerchiffs. To every oon of my godchildern 12d.
   To Wm Baker a fetherbed with all things longyng to it a marke of money a horse with oon ?ll and two paire of shets.
   To my brother Bryan 2 fetherbedds 4 paire of shets two jaketts oon of mantelfryse and another of fryse.
   To Wm Peryman my whistell and to be overseer with my nevewe Sir Thos Lownde with his help and councell aboute all suche thinges as concernynge suche matiers as are to be doon in the towne of Dartforde and also in the Contree in seing my detts paide and the duties belong to me receyved I geve him tenne shillings.
   Residue unto my nevewe Sir Thomas to be distributed for the helth of my soule whom I make my sool executour.
Unto Anne Warryn my best beads and my best gurdell and 10/- and unto Elizabeth Benks a pyncase. These witnesse Wm Parker, Wm Kennam, Sir Robt Johnson and Thos Watson.
   Probate (Lamehith) 23 Aug 1530 by Dni Thome Lownde Capellani exor.

Robert Page will

24 Jankyn

24 Sept 1529. Robert Page late of Erith in Kent yoman, seke in body etc. To be buryed in the churchyarde of the paroche churche of Saint Michaell next Crokid Lane in London where I am now dwellynge at theaste ende behinde the high aulter there. To high aulter of paroche churche of Earith for tithes etc. 20d.
   Residue unto Johan my wiff and allso I will the said Johan shalhave my great tenement called the Swan in Earith with the gardyn stable and all other appurts. and allso my twoo tenements with their gardyns in Earith for hir lyf and after remayn unto John Page my brother sonne and for lacke of issue to Henry Hynton sonne late of Thomas Hynton disceased and to Johane Ingolde of London to them and their heirs.
   Exxe. Johan my wiff and overseer John Broman and Thos Hoggyn. Wit. Sir Robert Mathewe preest and Cristofer Bowlinge.
   Probate (Lamehith) 2 Dec 1530 by relict.

Richard Pereyvale will

7. Jankyn

1 Aug 1528. Richard Percyvale. To be buried in the church yarde of Saint Mary Virgyn at the Keys in the same place where as Margery my late wife lyeth buried in. To high awter 20s to theintent that the curat of the same parishe there for the tyme being may be a mediator bitwene God and me and to pray to Him for me. To Doctour Hadley of the Grey Friers within Ippeswich 20s in like maner. [gifts to religious house there for masses etc].
   To Fraunces Percyvale, James Percyvale, Edmond Percyvale & William Percyvale my children every oon £20 when 24.
   If all die then to Margaret my wife. All the forsaid money shall remayn in the custody of James Hill of Ippeswich portman to the use above wirtten and if he decease then to surely and savely putt into the towne of Ippeswich is treasor hutch under the custody and keping of the Clauygers of the same town. I forgeve Richd Bulle of Ippeswich merchant all such detts as he owith me. To John Glayser of Ippeswich glasier otherwise called John Reynold of Ippeswich glasier my best gown and my best capp to thentent that he may the better pray for my soule. To John Hampton of Ippeswich skynner another of my furred gownes and to his wife called Margaret the doughter of Wm Bull late of Ippeswich 20/-.
   To John Percyvale my eldest sonne and heires my messuage or tenement called the George in Fernbrugh (Farnborough) in Kent with almaner of londes meeds leeses woods and pastures to the said messuage apperteynyng and lying as well in parishe of Fernbrugh as in the parishe of Orpyngton (Orpingtonton). If he decease withoute heires then to remayne to (1) Fraunces my sonne, (2) James Percyvale, (3) Xtopfer Percyvale my sonne and (3) to Edmond Percyvale my sonne, (4) to Wm Percyvale my sonne and for lacke of heires to remayne to the perfourmyng of the last wille and testament of Sir John Percyvale Knight and alderman of London by whom the forsaid mesuage etc discended and cam from.
   To Frauncis Percyvale my sonne and his heires my house called the Long house in parish of St Mary Virgyn at the Key in Ippeswich and in defaulte in succn. to James, Cristofer, Edmond, William, John Percyvale myn eldest sonne and in default to Richd Bull of Ippeswich merchant and right heires of his body. Noon of my children to entre until full age of 24 yeres.
   Margaret my wife to take rents etc. of my messuage in Fernbrugh in Kent and of my house called the Long House in Ippeswich unto tyme my children come to 24. Residue to Margaret my wife and I make her exx joyntly with James Hill and Richd Bull of Ippeswich merchants
   On 8 May 1529 coram Com (in St Ps) Margaret relict and James Hill exors in person of Ric. Felde ?firoc. sui renounced oneri excors and com. to adm. ? viam intestati to sd. Margaret in person of said proctor.

Thomas Broke will

24. Jankyn

7 July, 21 H8. Thomas Broke Knight Lorde Cobham. To be buried in churche of Cobham emonge myn awncestoures.
   Unto Dame Elizabeth my wief all my moveable goods, that is to say moonney jewells plate hangyngs beddings bedstuffe Chapell stuffe corne cattall and all other implements of howshold debts and all other. She geving to my soon Thomas and my doughter Margarett soomewhat towards their chambers as she thincketh beste.
   To Thos Brooke my yonger soone £380. Unto my doughter Margaret 200 mks.
   I make Dame Elizabeth my wief extrice and said Thos Brooke my yonger soone and Xtopfer Hales Esquier attorney generall to the Kings grace extours.
   Last will as towchyng all my mannoures landes, etc. Firste will Dame Elizabeth my wief shall have my mannor of Cobham otherwyse called Cobham Hall withe all the appurtenances that is to saye all my mannoures Lordeshippes lands and tenements, etc. in paryshees of Cobham Cockestone Luddesdon and Shorne and the mannoures of Byncknoll and Chesbury and all landes, tenements etc. in the county of Wylteshire to her duryng her liefe and after holy remayne to the right heires of me the saide Thomas Broke Lorde Cobham. 
   And also I will that Sir John Norton, Knight, Edwarde Wootton Knt., John Hales oon of the ?Brones of the Kings Exchequer, Wm Kempe, Parcivall Harte, Cristofer Hales, Wm Roper, Edwd Boughton Esquiers, Walter Henley and Edmunde Page my feoffers to the use of the perfoormaunce of my laste will of and in my mannoures of Colmorthe and Knotting ootherwyse called Nottyng in the County of Bedford shall graunt to Lyonell Ansty gentilman an yerely rente charge of £3.6.8. duryng his liefe and another like graunte to John Millarde my servunt. And a like graunt of £5 to the saide Cristofer Hales for term of his life [all out of Colmorthe].
   I will the saide Dame Elizabeth and Cristofer Hales shall have the resydew and the issues towards payment of my debtes etc. My mannour of Knotting shalbe soulde by Dame Elizabeth my wief and Xtofer Hales and my debtes conteyned in a ?scedle hereunto annexed and others paied.
   And if Sir George Brooke, Knight my soone and heire be dyspoased to by the saide mannor of Knotting then he to have the preferment so that he paie eight hundred fourescore poundes [in instalments] to theintent my debtes and legacies may be paid. [If not sold then feofees to stand seized to pay debts]. with issues.
   I will and commaunde my saide soone Sir George uppon gods blessing and myne that he paye to my brother Sr Edwarde Brooke Knight every yere during his liefe 20 marks out of my mannors etc. in Somerset sheere and Dorsetsheere according to the commaundement of my lorde my Father. [If said George troubles in any way then he is not to have the preferment in byng Knotting].
   This will in twoo volumes have sett my seale of Armes. Debtts due by me Lorde Cobham to diverse personnes the 8 July Anno vicesimo primo [1521].
   To Sir Richarde Waldon Knyght foure score pounds.
   To the personne of Halstow £3.6.8. Edmunde Page 20 mrks. George Peryn £16. John Yerdley £11. Personne of Cowlyng 40/-. Thos Parker £10. Robt Gray £4. Richd Kelshan £3. Thos Somer 33/4. John Potter £4.13.4. To Thorpp 20/-. Nicholas Jermyn 43/-. John Sharpp 2/8. John Reynolde 8/-. Edward Fymer 5/-. John Hamon £24. Rafe Waren £16. Mr Gaynesborow £6. To ------ Shakerley £5. To Adington £10. Thos Turnebull £4. Fowle pewterer 13/4. To a nother pewterer 53/4. Wm Clerke 53/4. Water Henley £10. To Audeley for debtes of my old Lorde £6. To a nother merchaunt for my old Lorde £3. To ----- Maynard £3. Lionell Ansty £12. Gylbert Orneston clerke 40/-. John Bridge £10.13.4. John Mullarde £5.13.4. Rafe Pedley £4.17.4. Richarde Hamlett 21/4. Wm Wylsonne -----. Wm Alforde £4.5.10. Wm Rysbye 17/8. John Harman 53/4. Edwarde Molle 9/4. John Denny £16. John Wester 17/6 and his lyverey. Water Waren -----. John Wooder 15/-.Clement Serey 22/4. John Harper 6/8. Thos Metgate 10/-. John Greey 13/4. Wm Cartewright 6/8. Thos Comber 17/6. Edwarde Stevynson 43/-. Thos Clyfforde 20/-. Richde Hayness- woorth 6/3. Robert Hott 8/4. Richd Carter 4/-. Richd Hay 20/-. Wm Sleeper 15/-. To ----- Blancke £12.6.8. Item to John Welshmanes widdowe 4/-.
[rest of page blank and no Probate act. It is therefore not clear whether the list of debts was fully entered].
There is brass at Cobham

John Duns will

28. Hogen

John Duns, gentilman of the parishe of Bekenham in Dio Rochestre in Kent, syke in bodye, etc. To be buried in the parishe church of Bekenham. To high awter for tithes etc. 3/4. To the brotherhed of Saint George in the same churche 6/8. For my sepulture in the same churche 6/8.
   Rest to Elizabeth Duns my wife whom I make sool extrix and Henry Vyolett of the same parishe overseer. In the persons of Maister Elys Bodley Doctir and person of the same Church, Sir Thos Capulwode parishe prest there, Hugh Corke Parishe clerk, Cornelyus Tomson taillour of the same parishe and other moo. 5 Dec 1534 the yere of our soverayn Lord King Henry the Eight 26.
   Probate 20 Oct 1535 apud London Coram Dno aucti Dni ‘nri’ Regis ac in terris eccl. Anglicane sub ?xten capitis supremi – By Elizth relict.

James Preston will

24. Hogen.

6 Juyn 1534 (26 H.8). James Preston citezen and clothwerker of the Citie of London. I bequeth my soule to almighty God my maker and Redemer in whom and by the merits of whos blissed passion is all my hole and full trust of Remission and forgevenes of my synnes And my body to be buried in Xten sepulture (no more).
   After detts paid all my goods etc. in thre egall parts wherof I wille that Awdrye my wife shalhave oon parte aftre the lawdable custume of the Citie of London.
   The secunde to Elizabeth Preston, Mighell Preston and Anne Preston my childern egally at 21 or be maried. The thirde egall part unto my self and myn extrice to perfourme my legacies etc.
   To Emme Preston my suster £5.
   To Awdrye my wife all my lands and tenements etc. in the parishe of Bromley in Kent to her and her heires for ever. Residue I hooly geve to the said Awdrye the whiche I make myn soole extrice and John Davy citezen and Clothwerker of London overseer.
   Wit. specially called and required to testifie the same, Richard Bowle, barbour surgeon, John Maye dyer, Thos Hamme, merchaunt taillor and Wm ?Carkeke scryvener.
   Probate (Lamehith) 10 May 1535 by Awdree relict.

Thomas Wadlowe will

32. Hogen

8 May 1533. Thomas Wadlowe vicar of Dertford in Kent, seeke in bodye etc. To be buryed in the high chauncell of the parishe churche of Dertford. To the high aulter of the Abbey of Rochester 20d. To the parishe churche of Dartforde to bye a chalice £4.
   To my brother Robert Wadlowe my geldynge. To Sir Robert Johnson my secounde gowne.
   To mother Pesocke my servunt 20s. To Sir Edmund Parker one boke and one of my gownes. To Sir John Molle one gowne. To Thomas Edwardes 20s. To Leger Bowenson otherwise called Capper one gowne. To Agnes Davye 3/4.
   I will myn extours and supervisor do give to the poure people of Dartford in almes at my buryall daie 20s and at the daie of my mounethes mynde other 20s to pray for my soule and my frends soules and all Xten soules.
   Residue unto Sir Robert Johnson, Wm Parker and Thos. Awdytour myn extours and they to distrybute the same for the welthe of my soule and all Xten soules. Supervisour Wm Normavyle. Wittnesses Sir John Molle, Richd Priour, Leger Bowenson and Thos Edwardes.
   Probate (Lamehith) 14 Dec 1534 by Robert Johnson exor. Resuata ptate etc. Thorne Awdytour cum venerit Willmo Parker executore mortus

Thomas Gybson will

28 Hogen

Yere 1532. Thomas Gybson of the parishe of Saint John of Erithe in Kent merchaunt. To be buried where it shall please God.
   To Elizabeth Gybson my brothers doughter £10 by the Handes of Elizth Miller myn awnte at the day of her mariage.
   Residue to Elizth Miller myn awnte sole extrice and she to dispoase for my soule helth as she shall thinke moost expedient and necessarye.
   Witness John A. Lee of the said town of Erith.
Probate 20 Oct. 1535 apud London coram dno anct. Din ‘nri’ Regis Henrici octavi etc. ac in terris eccl. ug. sub xpo apitis supremi. Jurament Elizabeth Miller extricis.

Rycharde Best will

10. Hogen

23 May 1533. Rycharde Best of the paryshe of Horton [Kirby]. To be buryed yn the churche Yarde of Horton by my Father and mother. I will ther be celebratt for my soule and all Xten soules the daye of my buryall x masses and also the monyth daye and 5 masses at my yeres mynde and so to contynew the space of x yeres. To high aulter of oure ladye of Horton churche 6/8. To the byinge of a coope to Horton churche 20s.
   I will that Robert Maynsell of Horton and William Hills of Kemesyn (Kemsing) have 16 acres of barley lyinge yn the paryshe of Frenyngham (Farningham) and xli to be payd fourthe out of the woods of Orksdon and vj sterys of the ages of 3 yeres and 40 ewes of 3 yeres and uppwarde. I will that they recyne the 16 acres of barley at Harvest next followinge and the steres and shepe att Mighelmas.
   I will my extours paye to Robert Maunsell and Wm Hills before said xli within ij yeres to the profytt and use of my sones John, Richarde and Nicholas to be devyded to them be equall porcon when they come to xvij yeres. If all decease then a prist to singe for ij yeres and a half.
   I will John Best and Aleyn Best receyve £15 owte of the woods off Orksden within 3 yeres after Mighelmas next to the use and profytt of my 3 doughters Jane, Anne an Annas when 20 or maryage.
   Residue to Julyan my wyfe extrice and John Best elder my brother supervisor and for his labor 26/8.
   To Thomas Best my brother 10s. My brother Johns doughters Alys and Johan when they be maryed to eyche of them ij qrs of malt. To John Best the yonger 2 qrs barley and as myche hey as v horses will carry awaye. Every one of my godchildren a lambe.
   Wittnes Robert Mansell, John Best, Wm Hills and Sir Wm Carter ?prest.
   Probate (Lamehith) 11 Feb 1533 by Juliane Relict and exx.

William Walsingham will

11. Hogen

1 Marche 1532. William Walsingham of London Esquire. To be buryed within the parishe churche of our Ladye in Aldermanbury. 
   To every of my householde servunts a blacke gown. Unto the highe aulter within the parishe churche of Fotescraye in Kent for tithes etc. 12d. Residue unto Joyce my wyfe towarde the helpe releef and comforte of her and my children.
   This is: of all my landes and tenements in Kent where Sir Edmonde Walsingham, Knight, Richd Jervis, Walter Marshe, Citezens and mercers of London and other seased of and in the manors of Fotescraye and Rokesley. Greis [sic] with the appurtenances to the use of me Wm Walsingham. 
   To stand seased to thuse of Joyce my wyfe durynge her lyfe and where the said Sir Edmonde Walsingham, Ric. Jarves, Walter Mershe Percyvall Harte and Henry White Esquires are seased of and in the manoure of Chellesfelde with the appurtenances in Kent to use of me, Wm Walsingham, I will they stand seased for the payment of my debtts and suffre my extours to take profutes etc.
   If Joyce decease before all detts are paid or before Frauncs my sonne shalbe 21. Then my feoffees in the manours of Fotescraye shall permit my extours to take issues etc.
   Extours Joyce my welbelovyd wyffe, Sir Edmonde Walsingham and Henry Whitte Esquire one of the ondershiffes of London. Wit. Wymonde Carew gent, the said Walter Mershe, Thos Asshely gentilman, Doctor Wutton, Thos Eynes, Thos Dignan and John Cayine.
  Prob. (Lamehith) 23 March 1533 by Jocose relict and Edmonde Walsingham exors. Res. ptate cu vericruit.

David ap Rice will

37. Hogen

12 Jan 1535 (27 H8). David ap Rice Citezen and Baker of London. To be buried in the parishe churche of the blissed Trinitie nygh olde Fishe Strete of London within the Chapell of our Lady before the Image of our lady in the churche aforsaid where Joane late my wife now lyeth buried. To high awter of Saint Benet Graschurch where I am parishioner for my tithes etc. 12d. To high awter of said churche of the blissed Trinitie 12d and 2s
   Extours to provide an honest seculer preest to singe and pray for my soule my fader and moder and all Xten for one hole yere in parishe churche of the Holy Trinitie and they to pay £6.13.4. to the said preest for his salary and wagis. For my funerall fyve newe torches and after my buriall the same to the bretherhede of the Trinitie in the same church. In bred the sume of ijs to [the various prisons]. I will that there be bought a stone of marble and to be layde uon my grave and my wife where our bodyes shall lye.
   To Hugh ap Rice my sonne £40 when he shall come owt of his apprentishode in full satisfaction of his parte of my goodes (after custom etc).
   If he decease then half unto Richd my sonne and theother unto Kateryn my doughter.
   To the same Hugh all my householde stuffe and bedding being in Wykeham Norwood in Kent.
   To Margery the doughter of the said Richd my sone £10 at hir marige or at 20.
   To John Gough my best gowne and residue of my Rayment equally to Richard, Hugh and Kateryn my childern by discretion of said John Gough.
   I will Margery my wife shalhave during hir lyfe all my londes and tenements being freholde the which I purchadsed of Henry Jury and Thos Jury and also which I purchased of John Chelsham and Wm Chelsham in the parishe of Wykeham in Kent.
   After her decease to remayn unto Hugh ap Rice my sonne and heires males and for defaulte to Hugh ap Rice sonne of Richard ap Rice my son and heires males and for lack to heires males of said Richd ap Rice and for default to Kateryn ap Rice my doughter and heires and for lack to next heires of me David ap Rice.
   Said Hugh sonne of Richd ap Rice all my copieholde lands and tenements in the parishes of West Wykeham and Heer [sic] (Hese) in Kent and for default to the Hugh ap Rice my sonne and for lack to Kateryn my doughter and for lack my next heires according to the use and custume of the Lordship and Manor therof. Feoffees to make estate accordingly.
   Residue to Margery my wife my exx with John Gough of Henly upon Thamyse in Countie of Oxford gentilman and to him my Nutt of silver and gilt with the cover and my thre golde ryngs that I am wont to weare on my lefte hande.
   Overseer John Pryce of London gentilman. By me Everard Effamat, Owen Williams, Baker, Wm Silver Letherseller By me Thos Warde draper.
   Codicill. To Kateryn my doughter the wife of Xtofer Smyth of London sadeler towards hir comforte and helpe £6.13.4. and a goblet of silver p/cell gilt with the cover thre paire of good lynnen shets, a pyllowe of fethers etc and godds blessing and myn.
   To Richd ap Rice my sonne £20 towards his releef and comforte over and besides other things to him before doon. To John Pryce my litell pott of silver with the lydde therof as it is p/cell gilt in iij parte therof.
   I will myn extours do bestowe in repacion of the Chapell where my body shalbe buried 20 mks and 20 mks for blak clothe for theym and other my kynnesfolks to pray for me.
   Probate 3 July 1536 apud London coram Dno. aucti Din nri Regis Henrici Octavi etc. (sic no ‘Head’) by Margerie relict. Res. ptate.

Walter Champion will

10 Hogen

21 Jan 1533. Walter Champion, Alderman and Citezen and Draper of the Citie of London. To be buryed in the chauncell of the College churche of Saint Antony in London in the place wher the priste beside the highe awlter saith Confiteor in the begginying of his masse. For my buryall there to be layde £6.13.4. To the 12 bedemen there successores yerely during 20 yeres 20s among them to theintent that every of the said 12 beadmen dayly after evensonge shall say openy for my soule my Fathers soule, Mothers soule, my Frynds soules and all Xten soules the psalme of De profundis with the collet of Inclina and also for a more remembraunce present and wryte my name in there boke amonge other ther benefactours to be prayed for. 
   To high aulter of paryshe churche of Saint Edmonds in Lombardstrete where sometyme I was parysshen for my tythes etc. 6/8. Toward repacion and ornament of the same £6.13.4. To high awlter of paryshe churche of Saint Mary Walnoth in Lomberstre wher I am now parysshen 3/4 and to repacion 40s. To the Fraternyte of oure Ladye within the quere in the same churche 20s to praye. To Fraternyte of oure Ladye and corpus Xsti in the same churche 20s to praye. To Covents of the fyve orders of Freres with the Citie of London that is to saye the Grey Freres, the blacke Freres, The Augustyn Freres, the white Freres and the Crossed Freres vli to singe for my soule etc. and also brynge my bodye to the place of my burynge. [To prisons, poore maydens etc].
   To repacion and ornament of the paryshe churche of Godalmynge in Surre where I was borne £10 and churches nygh aboute £20 as my exors thinke most nedefull. To repacion and ornament of poure paryshe churches in Hampshire where my exx shall thinke most nedefull 20 mks.
   To repacions and ornament of the paryshe churche of Northecray in Kent and other paryshe churches nyghe there about such as my exx and co exors shall seme convenyet 20 mks to praye for my soule.
   To 100 parsons next of my kyne men and women C nobles. To maryage of 40 poure maydens in Godalmynge and about £10.
   To my Brother Master John Champion priste x mrks and a blak gowne to pray.
   Unto Elizabeth, Beatrix and Johan my suster £6 (every 40s) to pray. Unto Anthony Elyott late my servunte with that he be good trewe and dylygent to my wyfe £40 to praye.
   I pardon my cosen Arnold Champion all debts. 
   To comen ?nuyous highe waiges and brydges decayed £20.
   To the exhibicon of poure scolers in the unisities of Oxenford and Cambrigge £20 to pray. To the Houses of Nonnes Mynores to pray and doo for me a solempne dirige etc 40s. To house of Asshernge in Bukks etc 40s.
   To 100 poure folke in paryshe of Godalmynge to pray Cs. Unto Arnolde Qynte myne endenture of lease of my myll in the paryshe of Godalmynge. John Aleyn, Knight and Alderman of London a blacke gown.
   To wyfe of my cosen Arnold Champion 40s, a Rynge of golde of 26/8 and a blake gown. To John and Agnes, doughters of said Arnold £20 at age or maryage. To Sir John Fowler my gostly Father 3/4.
   Exors not to sue for debts under xls or 4 mks not beinge of good habylytie to paye.
   To Dyonyse my wyfe for her porcyon (after custom) the oone halfe of all my goods as well beyonde the see as one thisside the see and of my porcion £200 provydyd that yf Thos Stydolffe of Myklam in Surrey Esquire paye unto her £80 for repurchasinge ageyne the lands etc. I late bought of hym then the seyd £80 to be parcell of the £200 and if not then said Dyonyse to have all the said lands for her lyffe. 
   To said Dyonyse all my other lands etc. frehold and copyholde in the Towne felds and parysshes of Godalmynge, Gylforde, Blackwater, Chelingeford in Surrey, Bromley, Swannescombe and Grene in Kent and in the Citie of London and suburbes excepte the forsaid Mylle to her for her lyfe under this condycion that she yerelye fynde an honest pryste to singe for me in the said College churche of Saint Antonye and pay him £7 yerely and give to a poure man in the paryshe of Godalmynge yerelye 26/8 to pray for my soule and the soules aforesayd and to saye daylye before none in the churche for the same soules de profundis with the collet and after none to sey v pater noster v aves and a credo.
   After decease of my wife all said lands etc. to be solde and with the monye by purchasynge of londs within the Citie of London and the same Mortyse or by agrement for monye to be paid and delyveryd to the Master Wardens and commaltie of drapers of the Citie of London and if they refuse some other honorable company of the citie shalbe founde a chauntrye perpetuall of a priste to synge daylye for my soule and the soules aforesaid in the said college churche of Saynt Antony and all cause to be payde to a poure man of the parishe of Godalmyng yerely for evermore the said 26/8 to praye as is before sayde and the same fundacion to be made assure as by Counsell lernyd shalbe ordryd and devysed. Residue in mending foule ways, etc. etc.
   Dyonyse my princypall extrice and co extors with her. Antony Elyott and Robert Chapman of London draper and overseers Master Henry Whyte of London gentylman nd John Gresham citezen and mercer of London.
   To Robert Cressye scryvaner a blake gowne.
   Pnt. Robert Cressye, notary, Crystofer Reynewyke, citezen and drper of London, Antonye Elyot and Rycharde Purde of London.
   Probate (Lamehith) 6 Feb 1533 by Robt Cressey not pub and Xtofer Raynewyke ac. Relict and Anthony Elyott Res. pot for Robt Chapman to whom adm. on 10 Feb.

John Judde will

3 Dyngeley

18 Juyn 1527. 19 HVIII. John Judde citizen and Fisshemonger of London. To be buryed in cristen buryell where it shall please almighty Jhu of his Infinite mercy for it to dispose. To high aulter of parisshe churche of Saynt Pancrase in London where I am parissher for tithes, etc. 3/4. Toward the new byelding of the mansion of the parsonage of the said parisshe of Seynt Pancrace 20s.
   Executrix to pay all detts and take to her my ?gossip John Mynne to have his Councell in making and putting in myn accompte and that all such sumes of money as I have receyved to the Kings use be well and truly paid as it shall appere by my boke of Receyts.
   To my good and lovyng wiffe Alice Judde the oon half of all my goods etc.
   If I decesse within the Realme of England I woll my wyff bestowe above all my costs and expenses funerells and buryells but only £10 and not above.
   Unto every of my servunts as well men as women a blacke gowne price of every yarde 4/- and to my moder Cowley a black gowne of 6/8 the yarde and a ryng of gold price 20s.
   To my brother Thos Judde wiff a Ring of gold 20s. My brother Andrew Judde my seconde gowne and my best jacket. My suster his wiff a gold rynge 20s. My coseyn Kyrkely my thirde gowne and his wiff a ring of 20s. My cosyn Styrrell my 4 gowne and his wiffe a ring. My brother John Cowley my v gowne and his wiffe a rynge. My suster Claybroke a ringe of 20s And all a blake gowne of 6/8 the yerde. My osyn ?Custaunce my brother Thos his doughter to her mariage £5.
   My wiffs goddoughter: my cosyn Styrrells child £5 for her mariage. To every of my cosyn Smythes childern that is to wite Xtofer, Anne, Elizth and Martha £5, at full ages or mariages. Provided that if any of the same children of my said cosyn Smyth do go or entre into any Religion then he she or they to have no parte of my said legacy. Unto mariage of Anne Garth £5. To mariage of Margarete Palmer £5 and to her mother a ringe and gowne.
To every housholder within the Chepe warde that be pore folks 12d and to every childe in every on of ther houses 4d.
   Residue to Alice my wyfe my extrix and overseers my brethern Thos Judde and Andrewe Judde. Furthermore to said Alice an annuitie of £5 by my brother Andrewe Judde of theissues and of my messuage or tenement called Bardon in Kent and to said Alice my messuage or tenement in Dertford I late purchased of said John Cowley her brother to her and her heires for ever. Also she shall hold for her life my manor of Howbery with all lands, etc. and after her decesse to remain to forseid Andrewe Judd my brother and heyres males so he pay the annuytie of £5 of the tenement called Bardon. In defaulte of heires Howbery to remayne to my cosyn Wm Judde sone of my brother Thos Judde and for defaulte to the seid Thos Judde my brother. If Andrewe do not pay annuitie then Howbery to seid John Cowley. ?Pme. Johem Judde.
   Wytnes Wm Aldrych preest his curate, Richde Osborne grocer, Robt Downe and Jn Fyssher.
   Probate (Lamehith) 10 Apr 1537 by Alice relict.

Richard Walden will

8 Jan 1532 (24 HVIII). Sir Richard Walden of Erith in Kent Knyght. To be buried in cristen buriall. To high awter in the parishe churche of Erithe for tithes etc. 20s.
   Whereas I by my dede of Feoffament date 20 Nov 20 H8 geven graunted etc. unto the right honorable George Erle of Shrouesbury, Fraunces Talbot sonne and heire apparaunt of the said Erle George Hastyngs Knyght Lorde Hastyngs, Henry Ratclyff sonne and heire apparaunt of Robt Erle of Sussex Richd Whitehill Knt. John Hales oon of the Barons of the Kings Escheker, Wm Webbe and Reynolde Beere my manour of Gartons in Kent and all other my manors lands etc. in Townes parishes and places of Erith, Lesnesnes (sic) otherwise Lesones, Wellyng West Grenewiche, Deptford, Byxley, Plumsted, Saint Nicholas at Wade, Mounton in the Ile of Tenet.
   To have and to hold to theintent and perfourne my last wille. They to stand seased of same to the uses etc. that is to say I graunte that they seased of above and also in Borstall and ellswhere and of oon pastire in parishe of Crayford called Nasshe felde to the use of my right welbeloved doughter Countes of Shouesbury and hir heires except certeyn tenements and lands in the town of Erithe and parishe of same lemyted hereafter after my deceas to my doughter Elizth Hawte and hir heires.
   That is to say my chief howse in Erith which somtyme was oon Nechis with the landes belongyng called the olde Parke as it is dyked and inclosed aboute and oon parcell of ground that Sylverspores howse standith upon which lyeth bitwene the high wayes there and oon tenement that oon Mase lately dwelled in and oon olde house by ut, with ground belongyng and oon tenement next unto Henry Wythers howse and oon tenement called the Angell with a tenement adioynyng and all my tenements in Upper Strete hoole with Doufhowse and the grounde within the hegges and boundes that the same Doufhouse standith in.
   Also oon tenement somtyme Barfelds adionyng upon the Northside to the tenement of Wm Sampson. Oon other tenement adoinyng uppon the Northe parte of the tenement of John Bunges. Except also twoo Lessowes or pastires oon is called the Great Thurrowe Lessowe and the other conteyned 4 acres and lyeth by the comen marsshe gate.
   Also my howse in Brokestrete and lands belongyng and oon tenement upon the heithe next unto the pryour of Cristes Churche lande called Barlys and oon tenement late Pyrymans which I bought of oon Pemsey. Except also all my tenement in the Estside of the said Town of Erithe that is oon tenement called the Bulle and the tenements orcheyardes and gardyns belongyng extendyng from the saide Bulle to the mancyon and dwellyng howse of David Buller. Except also my londes and tenements etc. in the parisshe of Crayford but oonly the forsaid parcell of lande there called Nashefelde. All which in the towne and parisshe of Erith of Crayford but oonly the Closse called the Nashefelde I will etc. to my said doughter Elizth Hawte and hir heires.
   Also to my doughter Elizth Countes of Shouesbury all my fermes leesses etc. which I have in Kent.
   Also I wille Dame Mary Walden my wife shalhave £10 duryng hir lyfe owte all the saide lands and tenements as well of the said Countes and as Elizth Hawte. If not paid said Countes to forfeyte for every defaute xxs and said Dame Mary may distrain.
   And said my doughter Elizth Countes of Shouesbury shalhave all my said lands and tenements in hir owne handes ontill suche tyme as Dame Mary my wife or Elizth West late the wife of Robert Walden my sonne shall dyey the same Countes giving to hir suster my doughter Elizth Hawte £10 yerely and after death of Dame Mary or Elizth West my doughter Elizth Hawte shall immediatly have all suche lands and tenements as ar by me unto hir before gyven. My doughter Elizth Countes of Shousebury all my plate and juells except one goblet and a litill gilte salte with a cover and 6 silver spoones which I gyve to my doughter Elizth Hawte except also my best cheque of golde which I will shalbe solde to bery me and pay my detts. I will my doughter Elizth Countes of Shousebury shalhave my rynge of golde with the Turkeis whiche Dame Mary my wife gave unto me. To said Countess all the hangings of my house and stuffe and all that beloyns to my kechyn pottes pannes disshes and vessell in my brewhouse except which I doo gyve to my doughter Elizth Hawte that is the hangings in my sonne George Blagges chamber steyned upon Canvas and the bedsted and hangings next to the great Chambre and half a garnysshe of pewter vessel.
   To said doughter Elizth Countes of Shousebury all my catall goyng upon my grounde excepte twoo of the bullocks that be fatt and of the best shepe whiche shalbe spent in the house after my dethe and a hole brewing of bere to be layde into the seller for the same intent. To Dame Mary all hir own stuffe etc.
   My doughter the Countes of Shousebury and my doughter Elizth Hawte to be executrices desiring my said doughter the Countes of hir goodnes and charitie to gyve unto my sonne Petir £6.13.4. yerely durying his lyfe orells to gyve unto him som benefice or Freechapell that he may have a pour lyving durying his lyfe. By me Sir Richard Walden Knyght per me Johannan Morton clicu per me Reignolde Bere.
   On 23 June 1539 the exors renounced and admon. ad viam intestati to Joanni Rollesley sermen Dni Regis et Dno Roberto Maretyn clico.

Thomas Samson will

32. Dyngeley.

Yere 1539. 16 Sept (31 HVIII). Thomas Samson of Erith. To be buryed in the churche yarde of Seynt John the Baptist of Erithe by my frends and yt be the pleasure of God or els where yt shall please God so beiyt. Unto Master Vicar 20d for fyve masses.
   To Awdery my wyfe £40 in redy mony and all my household stuf except my wering gere and my gere longing to my crafte for the see. To sayd Awdrye all the whete and the malte and wode now belongyng to me all my keyn with the heye, also half of my Tyde bote with stonys with all that belong therto. To Awdrye the ?doin of my brother Wm Sampson £6.13.4. at 18.
   To my other wyffs three childern £20 that is £6.13.4. a pece that was ther fathers bequest and more to the same childern 20s a pece. To my father Swyfte my velvet doblet and 13/4 to praye for me.
   To John Awger my hebbing cocke and the tylts and one corst and an anker and a thyght nett and a wide nett that belongs to the same Cocke [words as above etc]. To Edward Johnson my best jackett of Damaske and 40s. To every god childe 12d. To Davy Samson £6.13.4. and all my brother Williams ?toles. To Davye Samsons sone whose name ys John Samson £12 and to Robt Samson £8. The mony tobe delivered unto some honest mans hande of the towne to deliver to seyd childern at xvj yere of age and if they dye then the mayde childe the sayd Davys doughter £6.13.4. at 16.
   To my mother Swyft 40s. To Thos Wallys my servant 20 mrcs and sett hym free. To every mayde servant 20s. To Elizth Graunte 20s. To Edward Peverell a payre of black hoosen and a new shirte.
   To repacion of the churche 20s. To 4 men to bere me to churche 2s. To be done for my soule at my buryng to the poure people a penny a pece to the some of xs and as moche at my monthes daie. I will have fyve masses at my buryng and at my monthes mynde.
   To my brother Adam Samson all residue my detts etc. paide whome I make extours my brother Adam Samson and Edwd Johnson. Wit. Wm Neylson, Jn Hastlyn the elder John Stans, John ?Mche and Edward Peverell.
   Probate London 6 Nov 1539 by exors.

Nicholas Stathom will

22. Dyngeley

2 Oct 1538 (30 H.8). Nicholas Stathom citizen and mercer of London. To be buried where it shall pleas God to provyde.
   To Elizabeth my wife over and above hir parte (custom of Cittie) of my parte all my plate householde stuff and goodes in the Cittie of London and howsholde stuffe whiche I have at my house called Sutton at Hone in Kent. Also my leases etc. yn my meswage or house in Milke Street of London whiche I holde of the felawshipp of mercers of London and also of the Comaundrie of temple Dartforde sett and lyng at Sutton aforesaide whiche I holde of the Priour of Cobretherne of thospitall of Sainte Johnes Jerhu in Englannde by severall Indentures of leases for certaine yeres. [For her life and terme f years].
   Also I wille and bequeth to and for the releef and sustentacion of poore people to be founden holpen and releved within suche hospitall or place within this realme of Inglaunde where the Kinges grace will therto appointe and geve lycence 500 marks to be dispoased and delivered at the appointment and oversyght of the maister and wardeynes of the said felawship of mercers to and amongest the mooste honnest towarde the thryvyng yonge men of the same felawship to their mooste profite and advauntage.
   To John Chatteris my nevewe 20 marks. To Anne Gower £10 and her husbaunde George Gower other £10. To Elizth Adames £10. To Wenefride suster to the saide Elizth £10. To Anne Southwoodde £10. Elizth Hargest myn suster £10. Joan Southwood £10.
   Thos Stacy my servaunte £30. John Cuswourth my servaunte £30. John Lante my servaunte £5. Wm Cowper my servaunte £3.6.8. Joane Pynder my servaunte £10. Awgustyne Rokeley my servaunte £20. Alexaunder Plymley my servaunt £10.
   To 100 poore people within the Cittie of London 100 blacke gowne of the price (each) of 10s.
   To Robt Holston my servaunte £6.13.4. Joane Launte my servaunte 40s. Letice Pakyngton my servaunte 40s. Wm Browe thelder 40s. Wm Browe the younger his sonne 20s. Wm Bigenham 33/4. Symon Giles 20s. Mighell my servaunt 20s. Wm Fawconer 20s. Alice Eglomby 20s.
   Residewe to Elizth my wife and extrice. Wit. Wm Wylkynson of London mercer, Hughe Eglombye of London gentilman, John Mathew of London marchaunt taylour and Willyam Garrard scryvener.
   Probate (London) anct Dni nri Regis 23 Oct 20. 1538 by Elizabeth relict.

Mary Rollisley will

6. Alenger

Mary Rollisley nuper dum vixit Cant. provinc Will is filed under May 1540.
   Sentence against will at 6 Alenger, i.e. Inter Elizabeth Hawte dict. Cant. provinc. p. approbac et valore emsden test. and Aliciam Foxley prox. ?consaneginnean ac sororem naturalem ipsius defunct
   The Court found the said Mary Rollisley died intestate and adm. granted to said Alice Foxley and Elizth Hawte.
   Dated 29 May 1540. [or Erith, see calendar].

Adam Sampson will

20. Alenger

1 Oct 1540 (32 H8). Adam Sampson 15. of Harwiche in Essex, yoman of the Kings most honorable garde. To be buried where yt shall please God. To highe aulter of the parishe church of Erythe otherwyse callyd Lesnes in Kent for my tithes etc. 20d. £10.6.8. to the por and nedye people according to the Kings Acts that ys to say at the day of my buryng at Erithe £4 and at Harwiche 20s and at my monethes day at Erythe other £4 and at Harwiche other 20s to pray for me and my frends.
   To Crystin my wyfe £100 the whiche I have delyvered to my said wyfe by my lyfe dayes so that she shall not axe or demaunde the foresaid £100 of my extours. To said wyfe my best gyrdell and best payr of Corrall beades that I brought with me. To every of my wyfes doughters that is Annes Tyllney and Margaret Cowper a gowne and a kyrtill.
   To Thos Rychmonde my wyfes sonne one sylver pott with a cover and £5. To Annes Tyllney one of the same sylver potts and 40s. To Margaret Cowper my wyffes doughter one of the same and £6. I will that all my houshold stuff that I brought with me be devided betwyn my wyfe and her 3 childern.
   To repacions of parishe churche of Saynt Nicolas with in Harwiche 40s whensoever any good works shalbe gyne to be doon upon the same churche.
   To Richd Veyll my servunt £4 beside his Rayment. To every of my godchildern to pray for me 12d. To Peter Graunte and Elizth his wif £3. To John Sampson sone of Davie Sampson of Erithe £4 and my howse or tenement late purchased of Muscoke. To Robt Sampson sone of same Davye £4 and my howse late purchased of Thos Myller. To every of doughters of said Davie Sampson £3. To my brother Edwarde Johnson £30. Wm Awgr of Erithe £5.
   To repacions of parisshe churche of St John Baptyst in Erithe £10.
   To Elizth Sampson my doughter 100 marks at her marige and my howse in Berking yt Samkyn now dwellith in. To John Smythe thelder of Sowtwerk and Elisabeth his wyfe £20 and to his sixe childern £12 (40s each). Robert Haslyn sonne of John Haslyn of Crayford 20s. Awdrye Sampson doughter of my brother Wm Sampson at her marige £40. [To marry with consent of exors and also other girl]. To Robt Legge of Harwiche £20. John Tyllney thelder of Harwiche and Anne is wyfe £34. To Adam Tyllney sone of said John Tyllney my godson £5. Yf the childe dye then to Annes Tyllney his mother.
   My wyfe all that my half leasse I bought of John Hawkyn that ys £5.10 and half a boore (sic) every yere duryng lease. Also one quarter of my shippe called the Jesus after this viage out of Iselonde with all thapparell to the said quarter. To said wyfe my litle salte at Harwich with cover. To my servunt Richd Johnson £4 to pray for me. To my servunt Richd Veyll £4 to pray for me. To John Androw my servunt £5 to pray for me. To Thos Smythe my servunt £12.6.8. to pray for me. To Adam Gabryell my godson 40s when 22. To my servunt Thos Baker £5 and he to serve the rest of his yeres with Robt Legge according to his Indenture. To my servunt Edwarde Nyce other wyse callyd Lyng £5 and set hym clere of his yeres so that he shall not demaunde or axe no more of no covenunts of my extours.
   I will that Grygs that was my brother Thomas prentys shall serve the rest of his yeres with John Tyllnye thelder and to accomplish all soche covenunts as in his Indenture do the appere. To Henry Borman of Harwich £5 and all detts. Thos Painter thelder of Harwich and his wyfe 30s and forgyve her the pece of greate Reasonnes that she owith me for. To John Lown of Harwich 20s to pray for me. To Davy Lownde £3. Adam Lownde my godson 20s. John Lownde sone of Davy Lownde 20s. Thos Lownd sone of said Davy 20s. To Fillis Lownde, doughter of said John Lownde 10/-. Elizth Lownde, doughter of said John Lownde 10s. Adam Darnell my godsone 20s to pray for me. John Moysse of Mossehall in 10s. My frend Westnesse a doblet of velvet and 10s to pray. Adam Harvye my godsone 20s. Annes Hankyn the yonger to hir marige 20s. Thos Puckwell the capper £6.13.4. John Haslyn of Crayford 40s. Adam Puckwell my godson 20s. Thos Puckwell 20s. John Puckwell 20s. To John Staines of Erithe 40s. Wm Swyfte sone of Ric. Swyfte 40s. Richd Swift the yonger son of Ric. Swift 40s. All my god childern named to be voide of the 12d before bequethed.
   My extours to prerfourne all my brothers will unperformyd wherin I am charged. To Elizth my doughter one Fetherbed etc. out of my house at Erithe. To Awdre Sampson doughter of my brother Wm Sampson late deceased a Fetherbed etc. oute of my house at Erithe. To Raffe Goodwyn of Ipswiche one hunderd of Haberdyn for his provision.
   To Jayks Darnell of Mylsey one half 100 of haberdyn. My wyfe shall have left for her howsholde store 200 of haberdyn and one hundred of lyngs as they swyme (sic). To Peter Pet thelder 100 of haberdyn for his provision. To John ?Merche of Erithe my half Tyde bote that he now Rowithe in and my half of tholde Tyd boote with John Rowley. To Richd Swyfts wyfe 40s to pray.
    To Master Brykit, mr Cooke to the King 100 of haberdyn and one quarter lynge for the provision of his howsse. To Master Wheatley C of haberdyn and two cople of lings for the provision of his howse. Item, I will yf it please God to sende for me or suche tyme Sir Richd Blage vicar of Erithe have all paid me soche somes of mony as he now owith me I clerely forgyve hym all said somes and I will he shall have 6/8 to pray for me and all Xten soules.
   To Mr Wilsdon of Eltam half a 100 of Haberdeyn and one cople of lings. To John Nootte one qt. of haberdeyn and one cople of lings.
   My extours shall dispoasse at Harwiche £8 and at Erith £20 to por yonge men and maydes mariages. To Raff Boonesse 3/4 to pray. John Travys my servunt £6.13.4. over his wags to pray for me. To my servunt Wyllm Johnson £30 to praye. Davye Sampson £12.6.8. Yf Cristyn my wyfe do not deliver towards the perfourmance of this my last will and testament without grudge fraude gyle or other delaye all my plat unbequethen as folowith. First 3 bolls with cover, 2 salts pcell gilt with 1 cover, one cuppe of sylver doble gilt with a cover, one dosen and a half sylver sponnes and a nutte with a cover and all my apparell to my backe. That then she shalnot enjoie my quarter of a good shipp called the Jesus and my exours to keep same to perfourme my will.
   To Ric Whetley £30. Clement Sydnam £4, Water Hickman my best gowne furred with ?Foynes. Robert Clerke of Harwiche 40s. Thos Wylton £4. John Allyt of Harwiche £5. Robt Sawmonde and Elisabeth his wyfe my godddoughter 40s. Thos Horloke £5. Thos Harison of Harwiche £3. Robt Tyler 30s and all he owith me for bere so that he demaunde nothing for that he hathe made for me for my servunts. To Morys Harvie 20s. Robt Pytman of Harwiche 20s and forgive him £3.13.4. To Barbara Leghitt my house that Staynes dwellith in. Alice Egcleston my howse that lytle Henry now dwellith in and 40s to repayre the said house with all.
   To the yomery of the Fishemongers £10 to be delyvred into the handes of Henry Wallys and Robt Woode Fishemongers, they to dispose hit in maner and forme folowing: every yere at their feaste day whensoever hit shall fortune to be kepte 20s and the hole company of the yomenry that same day to come to Saynt Margaretts churche in New Fishestrete and their to praye for me and all Xten soules.
   To the making of the highe waye from the towne of Erithe to the churche £20 and from Erithe to Crayford where yt shalbe most nedefull Will of Adam Sampson nedefull £10. To my godsone Adam Garrat £3 to pray. To Adam Egcleston my godsone 20s to pray. To Jone Veyll £4. Kateryn Parke £10. I bequeth all my house and lande in parishe of East Wickham to Redeym the por inhabitants of the parishe of Erithe that ys to saye in maner and forme folowing: I will the Repacions of the same to be performyd and the overpluse to remayne in the church box for ever to this entent that whensoever hit shall please the King to have any fyfteyn graunted that the said overpluse shall alwaye be to redeym the por people for paying of any monye and for fawte that this be not done then the next of my kyne shall have the lande as the lawe will pmyt and suffeer and the churche wardens for the tyme being shall receyve all the rent etc. and give accompte.
   To Richd Swyfte thelder £10 to pray. Thos Johnson sone of Edward Johnson £5. To Edwd Creswell 10/- to praye. To Peter Grűntemor and Elisabeth his wyfe 20s. John Odyarne Fishmonger 20s. Hewit Lymburn of Dettforde 6/8.
   I will Cristyn my wyfe shall have for her owne store sixe wayes of salte and for the making of her ?fruyng vessells in redy mony £7. I will Richd Swyft thelder and Thos Wallys his wyfes sone shallhave my half Crayer with Robert Lybit callyd the Mary Kateryn and to pay for the same to my extours £50 and to make and seale covenents to pay the same.
   To Thos Poope hyrde of Felton marshe 40s to praye. Wm Paynter 20s of that his brother Sr Richd Painter prest owith me. John Lyberde of Berking 20s. Wm Wygnall of Erithe 26/8 for that he demaundes of me for salt and yf he be not contentyd then two waye of salt and to paye all costs and charges.
   John Hastlyn of Crayford my gowne furred with blake cony. To my servunt Wm Johnson my Russet velvyt doblet. To my servunte John Androw my doblet of Tawny Caffa. To John Tylney thelder my best night gowne To the yomenry of my lady Shrosheris howse among them to pray for me 20s. To Joon Nown 20s and a marke that ys in Reconyng betwen us. To Elsabeth Kyrton 20s. Thos Smythe my servunte that gowne whiche was my brother Thomas best gown.
   All my landes unbequethed shalbe solde by myn extours whom I ordeyn my welbeloved Edward Johnsone yoman of the King’s guarde and Richd Whetley yoman of the Kings buttery and my overseer Wm Johnson my servunte. To Wm Saunderson 40s. To Selbeys wyfe 3s. I will that Edward Johnson shall have Frogge powll he to paye for thone half and he to have the other halfe clere. These wytnessis John Smythe thelder of Sowthwork, Wm Nelson of Erithe in Kent yoman, Richd Swyft thelder and John Stains of the same town yoman, Wm Johnson, John Androwe, Alice Egleston.
   Probate coram dno Cantuarien Archiepe apud London 18 Jan 1540 by Ric. Wheteley and Edwd Johnson.


Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of mid and south-west Kent, part 5


Medieval and Tudor Kent wills of the Rochester Consistory Court, part 2