Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Knowlton Church

Some Monumental Inscriptions of Knowlton Church, noted by Bax & Rice May 1892. Pages 58 to 61 of Epitaphs from Kent Churches typed up by Margaret Broomfield.

Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758, added 8th November 2007

Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 4th December 2008

Interior of church
1. Large blue marble ledger on the floor of chancel – arms as rubbed – A cross engrailed, in the 1st qr, a mullet
Here lyeth ye body of Thomas PEYTON Esq. the only son of Sr. Thomas Peyton Baronet who departed this life the 15th day of December 1667 in the feare of God the love and sorrow of his family and friends, and in the 18 yeare of his age and last of his life left as an example of the frailty of all vertuous and hopeful young men.

2. There is a large monument on the N side of the chancel to Sr. John NARBROUGH Bart. and James Narbrough Esq. only surviving son of Sr. Charles Narbrough Knt. Admiral of the Fleet in the Reign of King Charles I and II and King James – shipwrecked on the rocks of Scilly with their beloved father in law, Sir Cloudesly Shovel 22 October 1707.

3. Ledger in floor – no arms Robert SKYRING son of Robert Skyring, clerk died on the XVth day of February Anno Dom 1728 aet 24. Also the reverend Robert Skyring forty years rector of this parish and died the 26th day of March Anno Dom 1753 aet 80. Also here lies the body of Mary Skyring relict of the above said Robert Skyring she died the 5th of April 1771 aged 90. Here lies the body of Mary Skyring daughter of ye above Robert and Mary Skyring she died April 12th 1773 aged 67.
Copied by Mr. R.G. Rice4. Blue marble ledger floor of chancel Hic Jacet Elizabetha uxor Thome PEYTON Baronetti.

5. Small blue ledger – floor of chancel Hic Jacet Elizabetha infantula Thome PEYTON Baronnetti et Elizabethe uxoris elia natutertia que Sub dubiai ce diet a natalitio octavi obita hic Sepelitur Ano Dni 1640.

6. A similar ledger under the Communion Table Anna uxor Thome PEYTON militis.

7. A similar ledger North side Thomas PEYTON militis.

8. Blue ledger West end of nave In memory of faithful service underneath lyes interr’d the body of John TANNER who after being 21 yeares steward to this estate was unfortunately killed by a fall from his horse in the 73rd year of his age AD 1715.

9. Blue ledger – W end of nave In memory of faithful service underneath lyes interred the body of Richard LADD who after being near thirty three years a faithfull steward to this estate departed this life the 17th day of July AD 1748 in the 75th year of his age.

10. Blue ledger N end of nave much worn Here lyeth the body of Lawrence …..ER was for the space of 59 (?) yeares or there about lived a faithful servant to Sr. ….. Peyton Knight Sr. Samuel …… Knight and Barronet and Sr. Thomas Peyton Barronet, who died 85 (?) yeere of his age 1640. All copied on the floor of the church.
Churchyard11. Names D’aeth 1888 1864 1869 1873 1866 1886 1872, Groombridge 1795, Giles 1792, Belsey 1789, Bax, Dehane 1776, Tipper 1790 1791, Spratt 1771 1761 1747, Cage 1882, Sutton 1884

12. HS cherub winged – next foregoing "Bax" In memory of John BELSEY son of John and Ann Belsey of Ticknes in the parish of Northbourn who died ye 9th of January 1789 aged 26 years.

13. HS close to S wall of church and next to the foregoing Sacred to the memory of Thomas BAX who died 21st October 1823 aged 68 years. Also of Elizabeth his wife who died 8th December 1821, aged 65 years. also of Thomas, son of the above who died 14th July 1813 aged 34 years. Left surviving three sons and two daughters viz. Vincent, John, Joseph, Elizabeth and Ann.

14. HS winged cherub above Here lieth the body of John GILES late bailiff* to Sr. Narbrough Daeth Bart. he died February 26th 1792 aged forty eight years. His master in testimony of his honest and faithful servises (sic) during 23 years has caused this stone to be erected to his memory.
* apparently Bailiff

15. HS Underneath lies the body of Sarah GROOMBRIDGE whole amiable disposition and exemplary patients and resignation during a long and painful illness she gained the esteem of all who knew her. She died June 2nd 1795 aged 22 years. Trusting to a mercifull God for a blessed resurrection in quiet rest her goal.

11 May 1892 Copied by Mr. R. G. Rice
16. Headstone S of church In memory of Henry son of Henry and Mary SPRATT he died March 18th 1761 aged 28 years. Also Lydia daughter of the above Henry and Mary Spratt. She died September the 16th 1747 in the 13th year of her age.

17. HS close to the S of last In memory of Henry SPRATT who died the 29th of May 1771 (?) aged 69 years. Also Mary his wife who died the 28th of March 1771 (sic) aged 69 years. Rest happy pair for whilst you did remain with us no rest in ease you could obtain. Deaths part is acted, then let sorrow cease ……hopes are firm, now both dwell in peace.

18. Large HS South of church – 2 cherub’s heads at hop In memory of John TIPPER late of this parish who departed this life November the 23 1791 aged 71 years. Also of Lydia his wife who departed this life march the 6th 1790 aged 70 years. Left surviving one son and one daughter (viz) John and Elizabeth.

19. HS close to, and to the South of "Tipper" In memory of Mrs. Mary DEHANE she died October 23rd 1776 in ye 74th year of her age. Death with his dart hath pierc’d my heart. Twill yours as well as mine. Mourn not for one when this you see, it was God’s appointed time.

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Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Rev Bryan Faussett noted 1758, added 8th November 2007

In The Chancell.
20. On a Mural Monument on ye N. Side of The Communion Table. [¼ly: (G.note: LANGLEY). 1). Per pale & per fesse indented or & arg. 2). Arg. a fesse sa. in chief 3 ogresses. (G.note: ATLEESE). 3). Gu. a cross crosslet or. 4). Gu. a spreadeagle arg.].
Mem: Sacrum Johannis Langley, Armigeri Dni. de Knowlton, et hujus Ecclesiae Patroni optimi, ex antiquâ Langleiorum Familiâ oriundi. Qui, Priori Cognationi et arctiori deinde Counubij Vinculo, Peitonorum Stemmati annexis, Latifundia sua pulchra ob Amorem insignem, et praestitam Pecuniarum Summam non gravem, eidem in perpetuam Haereditatem transferri fecit. Obijt Ao. Hen.:8.10. Annoq Domini, 1519. Incocciduae tanti Nominus et Benevolentiae, Memoriae posuit hoc Monumentum Thomas PEYTON.

21. On Another Monument, on The N. Wall. [Sa. a cross engrailed or, in the 1st ¼ a molet arg. for difference (PEYTON) imp. Checky az. & or, a fesse erm. (COLTHORP)]. Thomas Peyton, Eques auratus, Johannis Peyton Fil: primogenitus. Vir probus et prudens, Bonoq publico, ab Annis impuberibus, attentus; qui Graiensi Hospitio, Legum municipalium Studiis incumbens, ijsq non infecundè lucubrates, magnanimum, in Patriam reversus, Justitiae Vindicem propalabutur; Seque bonis charum, Malis invisum, omnibus aequum, proposuit, Posterisq exoptatissimum. Evasit A.D. 1610. Aetat. 70. Quàm suavissimo Conjugio per multos Annos Consortem habuit Annam, Martini COLTHROP Genere conspicui, Urbisq Londini Praetoris Filiam. Eadem Biennium repulveres centi politur Sodalitio, Post suscepta Amorum Pignora septem. Filias nempe quinque, Natosq binos, Johannem et Samuelem, quorum hic Paterni Generis est Ornamentum et Fulchrum superfuit.

22. On Another Mural Mont. on ye S. Side of ye. Comm. Table. [PEYTON (as above) imp. Arg. a fesse & in chief 3 crescents gu]. Mem. Sacrum Johannis PEYTON, Filij natu Secundi Roberti Peyton de Iselham in Agro Cantabrigiensi Militis, et memorandi sui Avunculi Johannis LANGLEY, Haeredis. Cui, ex Dorothaeâ, Johnis, Tyndall, Ordinis Balnei Equitis, Filiâ, tres accessere Filij – Thomas, Patri et Patriae feli citer natus. Johannes, Locum tenens Jacobo Regi, Turris suae London et Jusulae Jerseae Praefectus. Edvardus et Filiae totidem. Obijt An.Dom. 1560. Charae Proavi Memoriae posuit hoc Monumentum. Thomas Peyton.

23. On Another Monument, on The South Wall. [PEYTON (as at P.108) imp. Per chevn. sa. & arg. on a canton arg. a rose gu. leaved vert]. Samuel Peyton, Miles et Baronettus, Thomae Peyton, Militis, Fil. et Haeres. Qui ex Mariâ, Rogeri, Aston Mil: et Jacobo Regi Cubiculi sui Generosi, et Officij Garderobe Magistri, Filiâ et Cohaerede (ex Mariâ Uxore ejus, Andraeae STEWART, Baronis de Ocoultre, in Regno Scotiae, Filiâ) Sobolem suscepit senariam: Annam, Thomam, Samuelem, Elizabetham, Edouardum, et Margaretam. Tandem Fato praereptus immaturo, cum pre Decennium, Animo Integerrimo, et Ingenio felicissimo Pacem publicam curavit; hic tumulatur Anno Aetatis 33 et Salutis 1623. Majorum Memorijs, pie parentans, posuit hoc et Oppositum Monumentum Thomas PEYTON.

24. On A Monument on The North Wall. [On a lozenge: PEYTON imp. Arg. a bend betw. 2 lions rampant sa. (OSBORN)]. Depositum Elizabethae Petri Osborne, Equitis aurati Filiae obsequentissimae, et Thomae Peyton de Knolton, Baronetti Uxoris suspra fatum, charissimae. Quae Prolem jam quintam et faemineam, non in felicitèr innixam, Febri tamen acriori quam ferre posset infantaria Valetudo, confecta est: eaq ….. a Malo Saeculi erepta, decimo Die Sept. 1642. Annoq. a Conjugio septimo inchoato. Tribus relictis, maternae Indolis felicis, Dorothaeâ, Katerinâ et Elizabethâ. Marmori advertens hinc (O Viator, quisquis es), abi, et Commortalibus enuncia quo thesaurizari Tumulo vidisti lugendas Elizabethae Exuvias; quem ita insignari, etiam nunc, Famae imparem, curavit, gemebundus ex intimis Maritus; ne minus justo celebrarentur Posteris, tantae Filiae, Uxoris, Matris, Herae, Annicae, et optimae Dei Servulae, Virtutes eximiae, soloq Mundo digniores.

25. On a Flat Stone. Samuel PEYTON, Miles et Bzaronettus.

26. On Another. Thomas PEYTON, Miles.

27. On Another Flat Stone. Anna Uxor Thomae PEYTON Militis.

28. On Another. Hic jacet Elizabetha Uxor Thomae PEYTON Baronetti.

29. On Another. Hic jacet Elizabetha, Infantula Thomae PEYTON Baronetti et Elizabethae, Uxoris Filia, natû tertia, quae sub dubiâ Luce Diei a Natalitio octavi obita, hic sepelitur A.Dni. 1640.

30. On Another. Here lieth The Body of Thomas PEYTON, Esq. The only son of Sr. Tho. Peyton Bart. who departed this Life the 15th Day of Dec. 1667 in The Fear of God, the Love & Sorrow of his Family and Friends; and in ye 18th Yeare of his Age, and last of his Life, left Us an example of The Frailty of all virtuous, and hopefull Young Men.

31. On a very handsome Monumt. on ye S. Wall. (G.note: D’AETH). [Sa. a griffin passant betw. 3 crescents arg. imp. (G.note: ROLT) Arg. on a bend sa. 3 eels(?) arg.]. M.S. Underneath, in The Vault lies interred The Body of Mrs Elhannah D’Aeth, Relict of Thomas D’Aeth Esq. an eminent Italian Merchant of The City of London whose Ancestors (till the unhappy Civil Wars) were of Charles Place in Dartford, in this County. She was Daughter of Sr. Thomas ROLT, Knight, of Milton Earnest, in ye County of Bedford, by Dame Anne, Daughter of Sr. Nathanial BARNADISTON (sic) of Ketton in the County of Suffolk. She died the 22d. Day of Feb. 1737/8 in the 86th Year of her Age. Also in The same Place, are deposited the Remains of the abovemention’d Thomas D’AETH Esq. who died the 12th Day of Oct. 1708 aged 78 Years. He was buried in the Parish Church of North Cray, in this County; but now removed here, and placed by his dearly beloved Wife, by their only surviving Son, Sr. Thomas D’Aeth, of this Place Bart. who as a dutyfull Memorial, to the best of Parents hath raised, and forever consecrated this Monument. Also, in the same Place lies interred the Body of the Abovementioned Sr. Thomas D’Aeth Bart. who died Jan. 3 1744/5 in the 66th Year of his Age.

32. On an Altar Tomb, against ye S. Wall. [Gu. a chief erm. imp. Gu. a chevron erm. betw. 3 garbs or]. Here lyes The Remains of Sr. John NARBOROUGH, Knt. who departed this Life May 27 1688 in the 49th Year of his Age. Also, The Body of Anne his Daughter, by Elisabeth, his 2d. Wife, who died Nov. 6 1683. Also, the Body of Isack (sic), their Son, who died Mar. 8 1686/7.

33. Upon the last mentioned stands another smaller Altar Tomb, adorn’d with ye Bust of a Woman, and bears the following Inscription. The Lady Elizabeth D’AETH, only Daughter of that Famous Admiral, Sr John Narnborough, Knt. and Sister and Heir to those 2 Unfortunate Young Gentlemen Sr. John Narborough, Bart. and James Narborough, Esq. She was the Fruitfull Mother of 12 Children, by her Husband Sr. Thomas D’Aeth Bart. of whom 7 survived her, 2 Sons, Narborough, and Thomas; and 5 Daughters, Elisabeth, Elhannah, Sophia, Bethia, and Harriot. She died in Childbed, June 24 1721 in the 39th Year of her Age and was interred in the Vault underneath. In perpetuam Rei Memoriam. The said Sr. Thomas D’AETH erected this Monument in gratefull and perpetual Rememb’rance of his said dear Wife by whom this Estate was settled on him and his Heirs.

34. Against The North Wall stands a very fine Altar Tomb of white Marble, adorn’d with The Representation of a Shipwreck in Basso Releivo. On this stands a smaller Altar with the following Inscription. On the Top are 2 Urns; and by it stand 2 weeping Angells. [Gu. a chief erm.]. *In Memeory of Sr. John NARBOROUGH Bart, and James Narborough Esq. the only surviving Sons of Sr. John Narborough, Kent. Admiral of the Fleet, in the Reigns of K.CHARLES THE 2D. and K.JAMES THE 2D. who, with their entirely beloved Father in Law, Sr. Cloudesley SHOVEL Knt., Rear Admiral of Great Britain & Admiral, and Commander in cheif of The Fleet under her present Majesty QUEEN ANNE, were unfortunately Shipwrecked in the Night upon the Rocks of Scilly, the 22d. of Oct. 1707. Great was the Loss of these 2 Young Gentleman, whose obliging Conversation, constant Friendship, and religious Duty, were the Admiration of all that knew them. They were ingenious, virtuous, Pious. Happy in their Inclinations, happy in their Fortunes; Unhappy only in their Fate. The Ardency of their Affection, had this peculiar in it, that, their mutual Impatience of living long asunder, was ye great Occasion of their dying both together. The Elder, in the 23d., the Younger in the 22d. Years of their Age. Dame Elizabeth SHOVEL, (she m. Sir. C.S. as her 2d. husband) their Disconsolate Mother, as a perpetual Memorial of her inexpressible Griefe, hath raised, and, forever consecrated, this Monument.
*The Following Epitaph on ye Younger of these 2 unfortunate Young Gentlemen, is in The Cathedral of Christs Church in Oxford. Jacobus NARBOROUGH Armiger Johannis Narboroughij, Equitis aurati clarissimi olim apud Anglos Navarchi Filius Natu minor. Juvenis, Morum Sanctitate, Consuetudinis Suavitate Bonarum omnium Artium Peritiâ inter ornatissimos Adolescentes conspicuus; Generosis quibus per plures Annos usus est Convictoribus, charissimus; eorum vicissim amantissimus; Animi in hauc Aedem longè propensissimi, et per omne Aevum, splendidè benefici; 22 Die Octobris, Anno Dom. 1707. Aetat 22. Nanfragus desiderari caephus est; Unâ cum ipsius Vitrico, Cloudesly (sic) SHOVELL, Equite aurato spectatissimo Britannicarum Classium Praefecto et Fratre Johanne NARBOROUGH, Baronetto huic Aedi paritèr deflendo, ab ijs quibus per omnem Vitam erat conjunctissimus in ipsâ Morte non divulsus: Conjus quod Tumulo debebatur Mare detinet; Pro Tumulo positum est hoc Marmor, perennem Juvensis optimi Memoriam piè conservaturum; quam etiam nunquam interire sinet Atrium Pecurateriense; cui instaurando, Librarum Quingentarum Legatum, perpetuum Benevolentiae suae Testimonium et egregium hujusce Aedis Fantoribus Exemplar, reliquit. Decannus, et Canonici hujus Aedis P.P.

35. The Communion Table, Altar Peice etc. which are very handsome, were the Gift of Sr. Thomas D’AETH, A.D. 1716.

36. In The Body – On a Flat Stone. Here lyeth The Body of Lawrence PEPPER, who, for the Space of 50 Yeares, or there about, lived a true and faithfull Servant to Sr. Thoms PEYTON Knt., Sr. Samuel Peyton, Knight & Baronet, and Sr. Thomas Peyton Baronet, who died in ye 74th Yeere of his Age. 1640.

37. On Another Flat Stone. In Memory of Faithfull Service. Underneath lyes interred the Body of John TANNER who after being 21 Years Steward to this Estate, was unfortunately kill’d by a Fall from his Horse in the 73d. Year of his Age. A.D. 1715.

38. On Another. In Memory of Faithfull Service. Underneath lies interred the Body of Richard LADD who after being near 33 Years a Faithfull Steward to this Estate departed this Life the 17th Day of July A.D. 1748. In the 75th Year of his Age.

39. On Another. Robert SKYRING, son of Robert Skyring Clerk, died on the xvth Day of February Anno Dom. 1728/9. Aetatis 24. Also The Reverend Robert Skyring 40 Years Rector of this Parish, and died the 26th Day of March Anno Dom. 1753. Aet. 80.

40. WEEVER informs us, that, in this Church were buried some of The RINGLEYS, an Effigies of one of whom, kneeling in compleat Armour, with his Coat Armour fixt to his Monument, was to be seen in his Time. But there is no such Thing now remaining. The Arms of LANGLEY are in several Places cut on ye Stone Work, from which we may conclude that Some of that Family either founded, or reedified this Church; I imagine ye Latter.

41. This Church was dedicated to St. Clement, and is a Rectory.

42. It is small but very neat, consisting only of The Chancell and Body. A small Bell hangs in a low Steeple at ye West End. I could not get up to it.

43. This Church is in The Patronage of Sr. Narborough D’AETH Bart.

44. The Present Rector is The Revd. Mr Francis D’AETH, Brother to the Patron.

45. In The Windows of this Chancell are the following Coats.[I. Drawn at top of page is a large shield, ¼ly of 16.
1). Sa. a cross engrailed or, in the 1st ¼ a molet arg. for difference (PEYTON).
2). Arg. 3 piles wavy az.
3). ¼ly or & gu. a bend vair.
4). Gu. 3 mascles or.
5). Arg. 2 bars & in chief a lion passant gu.
6). Or, a fesse gu.
7). Gu. 3 fleurs-de-lys arg. a chief vair.
8). Checky or & vert.
9). Or, a chevn. gu. on a chief gu. 3 fleurs-de-lis arg.
10). Arg. a fesse sa. in chief 3 ogresses.
11). Per pale & per fesse indented or & arg. (LANGLEY).
12). Arg. a bear rampt. sa. (BARNARD).
13). Gu. 3 fishes naiant in pale & a border engrld. arg.
14). Arg. a lion rampt. gu.
15). Arg. a cross patonce sa.
16). Per chevn. sa. & arg. on a canton arg. a rose sa. (ASTON).II. Below No.I, 2 wiverns (wt. 1 hind leg only) purp. standing on a brown compartment, bear a shield (STEWART):
¼ly, all in a border gobony az. & arg.
1). Or, a lion rampt. in a single tressure flory gu.
2). Lost.
3). Arg. a saltire betw. 4 roses gu.
4). Az. a lion rampant arg.
In pretence: Gu. a castle arg.
Below this are 2 small shields:
III. PEYTON imp. Arg. a bend betw. 2 lions rampt. sa. (OSBORNE).
IV. Gu. a spreadeagle (or swan?) arg.
On either side of all the foregoing are 6 small shields, drawn one above another.
V. PEYTON imp. Arg. 3 piles wavy az.
VI. PEYTON imp. Arg. a cross patonce sa.
VII. Arg. a cross patonce sa. imp. (COLTHORP) ¼ly:
1&4). Checky az. & or, a fesse erm.
2&3). Arg. a lion rampt. sa.
1&4). Arg. a fesse engrld. gu. with 3 plates betw. 3 lions’ heads erased gu. (RINGLEY).
2&3). Per pale & per fesse indented erm. & gu. a border engrailed az.
IX. Per chevron gu. & arg. on a canton arg. a rose gu. leaved vert (ASTON) imp Or, a lion rampt. in a single tressure flory gu. in a border gobony az. & arg. (STEWART).
X. Per fesse: 1). RINGLEY.
2). Per pale & per fesse indented erm. & gu. a border engrailed az. imp. PEYTON.
XI. PEYTON imp. Arg. a fesse dancety & in chief 3 crescents gu.
XII. ASTON imp. Arg. a chevron betw. 3 martlets sa.
XIV. Arg. a bend betw. 2 lions rampt. sa. (OSBORNE) imp. Gu. a chevn. betw. 3 molets or.
XV. Gu. a chevn. betw. 3 molets or imp. Erm. 3 bars wavy az.
XVI. As dexter of XV imp. Gu. a saltire arg. charged at the centre with a ring sa.].


Also some Monumental Inscriptions  Noted by Zechariah Cozens about 1795, added 4th December 2008

46. Knowlton is situated about two miles to the North west of the former place (Betteshanger). It is a small Parish containing but three Houses, the principal of which, Sir Narbrough D’AETH’s is close to the Church, which is a small, but within a very handsome structure of one Aile and a Chancel, adorned with a number of costly Monuments and windows much enriched with painted glass, as hereafter particularized; which with the many banners, helmets, etc. with which the chancel is decorated, causing a dim light to steal through this delightful place of worship, fill the mind with sensations more pleasing to be felt, than easy to describe: at the West end is a small turret, containing a Clock, and one Bell.

47. The whole of the Church is covered with pan tiles, glazed black; which gives the outside, a solemn appearance.

In the Chancel.
48. On an oval Tablet at the South side of the Altar is: Mem. Sacrum Johannis PEYTON filii Natu secondi Roberti Peyton de Iselham in agro Cantabrigiensi Militis et Memorandi sui Avunculi Johananis LANGLEY Haeredis Cui Rex Dorothaeâ Johannis TYNDALL Ordinis Balnei Equitis filiâ Tres accessêre filii, Thomas patri et patriae feliciter Natus Johannes Locumtenens Jacobi Regi Turris suae London et Insulae Jerseae Praefectus. Edwardus et filia totidem Obiit An.Dni. 1560. Charae Proavi Memoriae posuit hoc Monumentu Thomas Peyton. Arms: Peyton, viz. Sab. on a Cross engrail’d, Or, a Crescent, Gu. a mullet for diff. impaling, Ar. a fess, and 3 Crescents in chief, Gu.

49. On the North side is another oval Tablet of white Marble, answering the above, inscribed: Memoriae Sacrum Johannis LANGLEY Armigeri Dui de Knowlton et huius Ecclesiae Patroni optimi: e antiquâ Langleiorum Familia oriunda Qui priori cognatione et arctiori deinde connubii vinculo peitonoru stemmata annexus, Latifundia sua pulchra ob amorem insignem et praestitam pecuniar u suman non gravem eidem imperpetuam haereditaten transferri fecit Obiit An. Hen.8: 10 An. Dni 1519. Innocc. duae, tanti nomis, et benevolentiae memoriae posuit hoc Monumentum. Thomas PEYTON. Arms: Langley, viz. Quarterly per fess indented, Or, & Ar. Quartering, 2nd. Ar. a fess, Sab. and 3 Pellets in chief. 3rd. Gu. a Cross potent, Ar. 4th. Gu. an Eagle displayed, Ar.

50. On a neat mural Monument at the South side of the Chancel, of Black and White marble is: Samuel PEYTON Miles et Baronetius Thomae Peyton Milites fil. et Haeres. Qui ex Maria ROGERI etsten Mil. et Jacobo Regi cubiculi sui generosi et Officii Garderobe Magistri, filia, et Coharede (ex Maria uxore eius Andreae STEWART Baronis de Ocoultre in Regno Scotiae filiâ) sobolem suscepit senariam Annam, Thomam, Samuelem, Elizabetham, Edouardum, et Margaretam Tandem fato proreptus Immaturo cum per Decennium animo integerrimo et ingenis Faelicissimo pacem publicam curavit. Hic tumulator Anno Aetatis 33 et Salutis 1623. Maiorum memorijs, pie parentans posuit hoc et oppostum Monumentum Thomas Peyton. Arms: Peyton, with the Baronet’s hand, impaling, party per cheveon, Sab. & Ar. on a Canton Or, a thistle, proper.
51. On the North side of the Chancel, a corresponding Monument to the above inscribed: Thomas PEYTON Eques Auratus Johannis Peyton Fil. Primogenitus. Vir probus et prudens, bonoq publico ab annis impuberibus attentus qui graiensi hospitio Legum Municipalium studiis incumbens ijsq non incaecunde luculratis Magnanimu, in patriam revernis, Institiae vindicem Propalabatur Seq bonis charu. malis invisi omnibus aequr proposuit Posterisq exoptatissimu evasit A.Dn. 1610 Aetat 70. Quam suauissimo coniuigio, per multos annos consortem habuit Annam Martini CALTHROP genere conspicui urbisq Londoni Praetoris, Filiam, eadem post bienniu repulveres centi potitur sodalitio. Post suscepta amour pignora septem filias nempe quinque natosq binos Johannem et Samuelem quon. Hic paterni generis Ornamentu et fulcru superfuit. Thomas STANTON. Arms: Peyton, impaling Calthrop (of Suffolk), viz. Checky, Or. & Az. a fess, Er. Crest: a Griffin, sejeant.

52. On a black Marble slab, within the Altar Rails: Samuel PEYTON, Miles et Baronetus.

53. On another, abreast of the above is: Anno Uxor Thomae PEYTON, Militis.

54. On another, in a range with the above, is: Thomas PEYTON, Miles.

55. A neat mural Monument of white Marble at the North side of the Chancel, bears the following inscription: Depositu Elizabethae Petri OSBORNE Equitis Aurati filiae obse quentissimae: et Thomae PEYTON de Knolton Baroneti uxoris, supra fatim charissimae. Quae prolem iam Quintam et faemineam non in eleciter enixa: febri tamen acriori quam ferre posit infantaria valetudo confecta est Eaq sub intemperie a malo seculi erepta: Decimo die Sept. 1642. An. q.a. Coniugio Septimo, in choatio. Tribus relictis maternae indolis filiolis Dorothaeâ, Katherinâ et Elizabethâ Marmori advertens huic (viator quisquis es) abi, et commortalibus enuncia, quo Thesaurizari tumulo vidisti lugendas Elizabethae exnuias, quem ita insigniri, etiamnu famae imparem, curavit gemebundus; ex intimis, maritus; Ne minus iusto celebrarentur posteris tantae Filiae, Uxoris Matris, Herae, Annicae, et Optimae Die sernulae, Virtutes eximiae, solo Mundo digniores. Arms: in a Lozenge, Peyton, impaling Osborne (of Chicksand in Bedfordshire) viz. Ar. a bend, between 2 Lions rampt. Sab. armed & langued, Gu.
56. On a mural Monument of white Marble, at the South side of the Chancel is: M.S. Underneath in the Vault Lyes Interr’d the Body of Mrs Elhannah D’AETH Relict of Thomas D’Aeth Esqr. an Eminent Italian Merchant of the City of London Whose Ancestors (till the unhappy Civil wars) were of Charles Place in Dartford in this County. She was Daughter of Sr. John ROST, Knt. of Milton Earnest in the County of Bedford by Dame Anne, Daughter of Sr. Nathaniel BARNARDISTONE of Ketton in the County of Suffolk. She died the 22nd. Day of February 1737 In the Eighty Sixth Year of her Age. Also In the same Place Are Deposited the Remains of the above mention’d Thomas D’AETH Esqr. Who died the 12th Day of October in the Year 1708 Aged seventy eight Years. Hee was buried in the Parish Church of North Cray in this County but now removed here and placed by his Dearly beloved Wife. by their only Surviving Son Sr. Thomas D’Aeth of this Place, Baronet. who as a Dutyfull Memorial to the best of Parents Hath Rais’d and for ever Consecrated this Monument. Also in the same Place Lyes Interr’d the Body of the Above Mention’d Sr. Thomas D’Aeth, Baronet who died the 3rd Day of January 1744 in the sixty sixth Year of his Age.

57. In the same Place lies Interr’d the Body of Sr. Narbrough D’AETH Bart. who died ye 18th Octobr. 1773 aged 65 Years. Arms: D’aeth, viz. Sab. a Griffin, passt. Or, betw. 3 Crescents, Ar. impaling, ROST, viz. on a Bend. Sab. 3 fish hauriant. of the field, crown’d Or. Crest: a Griffin’s head, crown’d Or.
58. On a handsome Altar Tomb of white Marble, at the South side is: Here lyes the remains of Sr. John NARBROUGH Knight, who departed this life the 27th of May 1688 in the 49th Yeare of his Age. Alsoe the body of Ann his Daughter by Elizabeth his second wife, who dyed the 6th of November 1683. Alsoe the body of Isack their son who dyed the 8th of March 1686/7.

59. On a Compartment above, under a fine bust of the Lady is: The Lady Elizabeth D’AETH, Only Daughter of that famous Admiral Sr. John NARBROUGH Knt. and Sister and Heir to those two Unfortunate young Gentlemen Sr. John NARBROUGH Bart and James Narbrough Esq. She was the fruitful Mother of Twelve Children by her Husband Sr. Thomas D’AETH Bart. of whom Seven surviv’d her. Two Sons, Narbrough and Thomas & Five Daughters, Elizabeth, Elhannah, Sophia, Bethia and Harriot. She Dyed in Child bed the 24 day of June in the Year of our Lord 1721. In the 39 Year of her Age and lies Interr’d in the Vault Underneath. In perpetuam rei Memoriam. (On the plinth of the above Compartment is: The said Sr. Thomas D’aeth erected this Monument in grateful and perpetual Remembrance of his Said Dear Wife by whom this Estate was Setled on Him and his Heires. Arms: D’aeth impaling Narbrough, viz. Gu. a chief Er. and D’aeth, singly, over all an escutcheon of pretence. Narbrough. On the front Arms, Dexter side Narbrough. Sinister Narbrough impaling a Chev. betw. 3 garbs.
60. On the North side is a most elegant White marble Tomb, representing the Shipwreck of Sr. Cloudesly SHOVEL & crowned with two flaming Urns. On a Compartment above, between two weeping boys is: In Memory of Sr. John NARBROUGH Bart and James Narbrough, Esqr. The only surviving Sons of Sr. John Narbrough Knt. Admirall of the Fleet in the Reigns of KING CHARLES the 2nd and KING JAMES the 2nd. who with their entirely belov’d Father in Law Sr. Cloudesly SHOVEL Knt. Rear Admirall of Great Brittain and Admirall and Commander in Cheife of the Fleet under her Present Majesty QUEEN ANNE, were unfortunately Shipwreckt in the Night upon the Rocks of Scilly the 22nd of October 1707. Great was the loss of these two Young Gentlemen, whose Obliging Conversation, Constant Friendship & Religious Duty were ye admiration of all that knew them. They were, Ingenious, Virtuous, Pious, Happy in their Inclinations, Happy in their Fortunes, Unhappy only in their Fate: The Ardency of their Affection had this Peculiar in it, That their Mutuall Impatience of living long Asunder, was the Great Occasion of their dying both Together, The Elder in the 23rd, the Younger in the 22nd Years of their Age. Dame Elizabeth Shovel, their disconsolate Mother as a Perpetical Memorial of her Inexpressible Greife Hath rais’d and for ever Consecrated this Monument.

61. (On the Plinth is: Nescit Manfragium Virtus. Arms: on both Sides, NARBROUGH. Dexter, with the Baronets hand, for Sr. John Narbrough. Sinister, with a Crescent for diff. for James Narbrough, Esqr.
62. On a plain stone at the West end of the Chapel is: Hic iacet Elizabetha Uxor Thomae PEYTON Baronetti.

63. On a smaller at the West end of the above is: Hic iacet Elizabetha Infantula Thomae PEYTON Baronetti et Elizabethae Uxoris Filia natu tertia: Quae sub Dubiâ luce, diei à natulatis Octavi, obita, hic sepultur An. Dni. 1640.

64. On a large black marble slab is: Here Lyeth ye Body of Thomas PEYTON Esq. the only Son of Sr. Tho. Peyton Baronet Who departed this life the 15th day of December 1667 in the feare of God, the love & Sorrow of his family & friends And in the 18th yeare of his Age and last of his life left us an example of the frailty of all virtuous and hopefull young men. Arms: PEYTON, a mullet for difference.

65. On a plain stone at the East end is: Robert SKYRING Son of Robert Skyring Clerk died on the xvth day of February Anno. Dom. 1728. Aet. 24. Also the Reverend Robert Skyring Forty Years Rector of this Parish and died the 26th day of March Anno Dom. 1753. Aet. 80. Also here lies the Body of Mary Skyring Relict of the abovesaid Robert SKYRING. She died the 5th of April 1771, Aged 90. Here lies the Body of Mary Skyring Daughter of the above Robert & Mary Skyring. She died April 12th 1773, aged 67.

66. At the West End between the Doors, are three Marble Slabs. On the Southermost is: Here lyeth the body of Laurence PERKER, who for the space of 50 Yeeres or thereabaouts lived a true and faithfull servant to Sr. Thomas PEYTON Knight, Sr. Samuel Peyton Knight & Baronet & Sr. Thomas Peyton Baronet. Who died in ye 71 yeere of his age 1640.

67. On the middle one is: In Memory of Faithfull Service. Underneath Lyes Interred the Body of Richard LADD who after being near Thirty Three Years a faithfull Steward to this Estate departed this Life the 17th day of July A.D. 1748 In the 75th Year of His Age.

68. On the Northernmost is: In Memory of Faithfull Service. Underneath Lyes interr’d the Body of John TANNER who after being 21 Yeares Steward to this Estate, was unfortunately Kill’d by a fall from his horse in the 73rd Year of his Age. A.D. 1715.

Painted Glass.
69. East Window. Arms: On a large shield in the center are these 16 Coats. 1st. PEYTON. 2nd. Ar. 3 Piles, wavy, Gu. 3rd. Quarterly, Or. & Gu. bend, vairè. 4th. Gu. 3 Mascles, Or. 5th. Ar. a fess, Az. on a chief, of the last, a Lion, passt. Or. 6th. Or, a fess, Gu. 7th. Gu. 3 fleurs de lis, Ar. a chief, Vairè. 8th. Vairè, Or. & U. 9th. Or, a chevron, Gu. on a chief, Az. 3 fleurs de lis, of the field. 10th. Ar, a fess, Sab. in chief, 3 Pellets. 11th. Party per pale & fess indented, Or. & Az. 12th. Ar. a Bear rampt. Sab. muzzled & Chain’d, Or. 13th. Gu. 3 fish, fess ways, in a bordure, Ar. 14th. Ar. a Lion rampt. Gu. 15th. Ar. a Cross flory, Sab. 16th. Party per chev. Sab. & Ar. on a Canton, in dexter chief, Or, a Thistle, proper. over all, the Baronets hand. Crest: A Griffin, sejeant, Or. Supporters, Dexter, a Bear, Sab. collar’d & chain’d, Or. Sinister, a Griffin, Or. At the left side: Arms, Quarterly, 1st. as the 11th. in the center. 2nd. as the 10th. 3rd. Gu. a Cross potent, Ar. 4th. Gu, an Eagle display’d, Ar. Below, as the 4th. above singly. Right Side. 1st. as above, quartering, the 2nd. impaling, PEYTON. Below, Peyton impaling, the above quarterings.

South side of the Chancel.
70. In the Easternmost Window are the following Arms: 1st. Party per chevron, Sab. & Ar, impaling, Ar. a chevron betw. 3 Crows, proper. 2nd. as the 1st. impaling, Or, a Lion rampant, with a double tressure, Gu. within a bordure, Az. & Ar. 3rd. PEYTON, impaling the 1st. 4th Peyton, impaling, Ar. a fess dancette & 3 Crescents in chief, Gu. 5th. 2 Coats per fess. 1st. Ar. on a fess engrail’d, Sab. betw. 3 Lions heads. eras’d, Gu. as many Bezants. 2nd. per pale and fess, indented, Erm. & Gu. Impaling, Peyton.
71. In the 2nd Window. A Large shield with Supporters, Mantling, helmet, etc. 4 Coats quarterly. 1st as the impalement of the 2nd above. 2nd. Blank. 3rd. Ar. a Saltier, betw. 4 roses, Gu. 4th. Az. a Lion rampt. Ar. surtout, an escutcheon of pretence, Gu. a Castle Ar. The whole in a bordure, Az. & Gu. Supporters, 2 Wyverns, Vert, langued, Gu. Crest: A Unicorn’s head, Ar. betw. 4 sprigs of laurel.
North side.
72. In the Easternmost Window. Arms: 1st. PEYTON impaling as the 2nd, in the center of the East Window. 2nd. Ditto, impaling as the 15th in ditto. 3rd. As the 15th impaling, quarterly. 1st & 4th Checky, Or, a V. a fess, Erc. 2nd.& 3rd. Ar. a Lion rampt. Sab. 4th. Quarterly, as the 5th of the 1st Window on the South side. 5th. PEYTON, impaling, as the 1st & 4th of the 3rd above.
73. In the 2nd. Window. 1st. Ar, a Bend, betw. 2 Lions rampt. Sab. impal. Gu. a chevron, betw. 3 mullets, pierced, Or. 2nd. as the 1st impaling, Er. 3 Bars, wavy, Sab. 3rd. as the impalement of the 1st impaling, Gu. a Saltier, Ar. 4th Peyton, impaling, the 1st above.
South side of the Chancel.
74. 1st. D’AETH, impaling, Girony of 8, Er. & Ers. a :Lion rampt. Or. Crest: a Griffin’s head, eras’d, Or, holding a Trefoil slip’d, proper, in his mouth. 2nd. D’aeth, singly. Motto: Mors Janua Vitae. 3rd. D’aeth, impaling NARBROUGH. Motto: Rege et Patria.

North side of the Chancel.
75. 1st. NARBROUGH, for Sr. John. Motto: Nescit Naufragium Virtus. 2nd. Gu. a chevron, Er. betw. 3 Garbs Or. impaling, party per pale, Az. & Gu. 3 Saltiers, Ar. 3rd. Narbrough, and Motto, as before. 4th. D’AETH, quartering, Narbrough & impal. Ar. on a Bend, Gu. betw. 3 pellets, as many Swans, proper.
South side of the Aile.
76. NARBROUGH, impaling, Gu. a chev. Er. between 3 wheat Garbs, Or. Motto: Memento Mori.

On the North side.
77. NARBROUGH, singly.

78. At the East end is a neat Altar of Wainscot. Under the Decalogue, between the Letters D.D. D.Q. and the Date MDCCXVI are the following Arms: D’AETH, surtout, NARBROUGH. Above, are the words, Pray. ………/ Watch. On a flaming Urn at the Top: Sursum Corda. On the Frieze. Glory to God in the Highest on Earth Peace. Good Will to Men.

79. At the West end is a handsome octagon Gothic Font. Arms: on East side Quarterly, 1st. Party per pale & fess indented, Or. & Az. 2nd. Ar. a fess Sab. in chief, 3 Pellets. 3rd. Ar, a fess, and 3 escallops in chief, Gu. 4th. Gu. a Cross potent, Er. North side as the first quarter above, singly. West wide as the first, with its quarterings. South side as the opposite, or North, side. On the four other sides are Suffer Little Children to Come. Mar. 10.14.
80. On a Beam, across the Arch which separates the Church from the Chancel, are the Arms of England, handsomely Carved and Gilt.

81. Under the Gallery Stairs is a small Alms Box, on which is, on the Front: Remember the Poor. Left side: Ayezsoule. Nancelde. Pavures. Right side: Gedenet. Den. armen. Behind, the Date, viz. 1655.

82. The Date on the Front of the Gallery is 1721.

83. Over the North Door, on the outside, are two shields of Arms. Dexter, as on the East side of the Font. Sinister, as on the South side of ditto. Over the West window, are the same arms. Over the outside of the South Door, are three shields, Dexter, PEYTON. Sinister, Peyton, impal. as the East side of the Font. Center shield. 7 Coats, 1st. Peyton. 2nd. a fess. 3rd. 3 Piles, wavy. 4th. A chev. on a chief, 3 mullets. 5th. A Bear rampt. & muzzled. 6th. 3 Fish, fess ways, in a Bordure engrail’d. 7th. A Lion rampt.collared. Crest: Peyton.

84. This Parish is but small, yet the soil appears to be good, and the prospects in general are fine and extensive.

85. The Living is a Rectory, and the Church is dedicated to St. Clement.

86. Patron: Sir Narbrough D’AETH. 1795. Incumbent: William LADE.
King’s Books. £6.5s.7½d. Tenths. 12s.6¾d.

Having concluded our observations at Knowlton we proceeded to Eastry.

Index of Names and Places

Names Index
BAX 11, 13
BELSEY 11, 12
Cage 11
Cloudesley 34
Cloudesly 60

D’AETH 11, 31, 33, 35, 43, 
 44, 46, 56, 57, 59, 75, 78, 86
DEHANE 11, 19
GILES 11, 14
LADD 9, 38, 67
LANGLEY 20, 22, 40, 45, 
   48, 49
NARBROUGH 2, 46, 58, 59,
    60, 61, 74-76, 78, 86
OSBORN 24, 45
PEYTON 1, 4-7, 20-30, 48, 49,
 50-55, 62-64, 66, 70, 72, 73, 83
RINGLEY 40, 45
SHOVEL 2, 34, 60
SKYRING 3, 39, 65
SPRATT 11, 16, 17
STEWART 23, 45, 50
Sutton 11
TANNER 8, 37, 68
TIPPER 11, 18

Places IndexCharles Place, Dartford 31, 56
Christs Church, Oxford 34
City of London 31, 56
Ketton, Suffolk 31, 56
Milton Earnest, Bedfords 31, 56
North Cray 31, 56
Scilly 2, 34, 60
Suffolk 51
Ticknes, Northbourne 12General
Admiral 33, 34, 60
Admiral of the Fleet 2, 60
Bailiff 14
Baronet 1, 2
Clerk 3, 39
fall from his horse 68
Italian Merchant 31, 56
Rear Admiral 34, 56
rector 3
servant 10
Shipwreck in Basso Releivo 34
Shipwrecked 2, 34, 60
steward 8, 9, 67, 68

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Tithe Commutation Surveys Jacob Scott Tithe Commutation Surveys Jacob Scott

Tithe Apportionment for Knowlton

Knowlton - Maps and Tithe award schedule       

Population 1801 to 1921

Knowlton Tithe award schedule   18KB - signed 
    With names of landowners, occupiers and fieldnames with acreages, and tithe payments


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Knowlton Tithe award schedule

Information kindly provided by Margaret Smith          Back to Knowlton Maps etc                                                            

Owner Occupier


Description Cultivation



Sheet 1

Sheet 2
Sir Brook

Rev William















Brambly Lees
Home Wood
Old Nursery
Eight Acres
Sawpit Cawet?
Great Pretts Plantation
Old Grove
Knowlton Green Houses
The Mansion
Old Plantation
Chillenden Plantation

Leech Field
Part of 18 Acres
Part of 18 Acres
Part of 18 Acres shaw
Three Acres
Knowlton Tithery
Rowling Down

Leech Field
Eighteen Acres
Sixteen Acres
Hop Garden Orchard etc
Part of Brick Field
Part of Brick Field
Part of Brick Field
The two Elevens
Further Eight Acres
Hither Eight Acres
Great Pretts
Seven Acres
Old ten Acres
Farm Plantation
Knowlton Farm Buildings
Knowlton Park

Little Pretts

Church Yard


Parsonage Meadow
Parsonage Meadow
Parsonage Meadow
Parsonage Meadow

Roads & Waste



Chalk Hole






0.3. 8
0.3. 4
80.1.  8

20.0. 8
10.0. 8
0.1. 3

15.1. 8
6.0. 4
15.0. 5
7.1. 0
0.1. 2
1.2. 6
131.3.  7




1.2. 8

2.0.  0

1.12. 6

11. 8. 8


1.12. 6

78.18. 6

1.14. 0

0. 4. 0

3. 5. 0

Whilst every care has been taken in transcribing information from old records which in themselves are prone to error or
 misinterpretation, visitors to this site need to recognise that there will be errors. Visitors who wish to verify information
contained in this site should access the original tithe award schedules which are held on microfilm at the K.H.L.C.

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