Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of John Sibbill of Eynsford, 1502

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

JOHN SIBBELL - 1502 PCC : 8 Blamyr

8 April 1502. Johannes Sibbell Esquier de Eynesforde in Kanc. Sep. in capella Sanct Johannis Bapte in ecc. poch. Sci Martin. Lego repacionibus dce eccl de Eynesforde 13/4. Om bon &c lego Margarete uxori mee et Willmo Marshall quos facio exors. Jacio Dm Johan Pecche et Johan Lee milites supvrs. Testz Dno Willo Waynewright vicaris eccl de E. Willmo Marshall et Ricardo Baskrevile.

This is... I woll Margaret my wif have & enioy all my landis lying in the Countie of Kent excepte all such lands lying in the parissh of Gravesende which nowe be in the handis of Johanne Sibbyll my moder also except 66/8 yerely dewe unto Thos Sibbyll my son out of the maner of Seranks in the parish of Frenyngham. Also after the decease of Margaret my wif I geve all my said landis lying in the said Countie of Kent excepte above except unto Thomas Sibbill my son to his heires &c forevermore. Moreover I geve unto the said Thomas Sibbill my son all my lands & tents in the P of Berking in Essex with all the said landis & Tents in the P of Gravesend which be in thandes of Johanne S. my moder after the decease of J.S. my said moder

prob. 20 May 1502 by oath of Wm Marshall executor refutante & Radulpho Baskrewile testis ac Margarete relict & com dicte Margarete

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of John Donett of Eynsford, 1465

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

27 Marcii 1465. Johnes Donett de Aynesforde Cant dioc. Sep in sepultura cancelle ecclie de Aynesford iuxta sepultum Alicie ux'is mee. Lego lumi lampadis ardentes in cancella 6/8. Lego rep dict eccl 6/8. Sum alt eccl de Fawkeham 6/8. To each priest celebrating mass on day of my sepulture 6d & to each clerk 2d & to each priest in die trigintali 8d & each clerk 2d & 6/8 to poor.

Lego confratibz de Aylesford 3/4. Lego Johanni Hodsolle uniu' federbed & j fulminar & una' olla' enea' cum longes pedibus. Itm Roberto Banstede de Asche 6d. Johi Doraw 8d. Johi Cossey fratri mea optima' toga'.. iij diocos iij sausaria electri vet'is ac ecia' ipm integru' electu' in quo dict Johnes Cossey iacet. Lego Katerine Croche 6 cocl. arg. Johi Tilley lectu' meu' rubeu' penden in superiori camera'. Johi Croche sen dimidiu' duodene, vasoreum electri countersett. Johanne s'unti mee 20s. Margarete Chaunterell s'unti mee duo paria linthmani j materas ij lodices j rubin' cooptorum lecti cu' textura de flour delyce j calefactoru' eneu' tres parapsides duo candelabra de bremori factura & j Russet colobru'. John Grainge mea scdan optima' toga' &c et unu' fornace in coquina sta'te' de plumbo cum tabulis tapetelz shewys et alucis ad dict coquina pertine'.. et quoddam velus aulare cu' quada' tabula replicata stante in aula .. Resid lego Joha'ni Draper de Ereheth Arthuro Holbroke Willo Croche et John Grainge de Aynesford meorm execres disponant pro aia mea aia Alicie ux'is mee aiabz patris et matris mei. Testz Willo Benet capns Johane Cossey fratre Roberto Dopsone Thoma Parker Thoma Stafforde Wo Nele Wo Maykyn. Itm Johi Draper quodda' nomi' aulare.

This is .. of me John Donett of Aynesford made 27 Marche 1465 of all such dieuties & money as is growyng & comyng unto me In the whch obligacons Willa' Lovelas of London mercer Willm Hodsole of Asshe in the shire of Kent squyer John Goldwell citezen & mercer of Ln & Richd Lovelas of Sedingborne the yonger gentilman been bounde to me. First of the said money I bequeth unto the Reparacons of the monast'y of Lesnes v marc to pray for my soule. To the werks of the monast'y of Faversham v marc. To the Rep[ar]acon of the hous of Frers at Eylesford 40s. of Grey Freres at Cant'bury 40s. Frere Augustyns at C. 40s. frere prechours in suche places as myn extours will 40s. To the rep[ar]acon of the pissh churche of Fawkeham by thadvyce of myn extours & of the wardens & p[ar]isshons v marke. Also to the Rep[ar]acons of ev'ry of the pisshe chirches of Asshe Horton Sutton Shorham 6/8. To rep[ar]acons of ev'ry of the pishe chirches of Herteley Kyngesdowne & Frenyngham 13/4. To Margarett Chaunterell 20s. To William Sybyle when he hath taken the order of Subdeken to fynd hym with to scole 8 mark. To the Rep[ar]acon of the pissh chirch of Eynesford v mark. I will Sir John Cossey frere sing for me in the pissh church of Eynesford an hoole yere & myn extours to pay hym x mark. I will my extours bie a marbyll stone with ij scochons ther yn one of my hoole armys & a nother of my wifs hoole armys to lye upon our beriell & that to be bought with the said money & in the same stone a scriptur of the day of or decesing.

To the werks & rep[ar]acon of the monast'y of Horton besite Hith 13/4. I will that if it be that Willia' Sybile my godson be nat kept to Skole nor be nat disposed ne willing to be a preest nor take not the ordur of Subdekyn but dispose hym self to other wordeley occupacon & that then I will that iiij marc of the viii marc bequethed to be delyvered to John Draper my godson son of John Draper of Hereheth & the other iiij marc in charitable werks to the most helthe of my soule & the sowlys that I am bounde to pray for.

Prob 26 Julii Ao predict.

PCC : 9 Godyn

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of Nicholas Gybsonne otherwise Taillour of Eynsford, yeoman, 1528

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

Probate 26 June 1528 by Kateryn, relict.


12 Aprill 1528 Nicolas Gybsonne otherwise called Nicolas Taillour of Aynesforde in Kent, yeoman.

To be buried in the parish church of Aynsford in the chapell of Saint Kateryn with in the same church nygh unto the place where my mother lyeth buried. Unto Kateryn my wife all my goodes moveable as longe as the same Kateryn lyvith sole and if the same Kateryn doo mary than I will half my householde stuffe to Elizabeth and Mary my daughters equally. To the said Kateryn all such detts as Robert Atwoode owith unto me and all my lease of the manor of Hodsoll in Asshe the which I have in ferme of my lady priores of Holywell. I geve unto Maister Xfofer Halys, solictor unto the Kings grace all other my leses which I have with in the shire of Kent paying of the profits threescore pounds that is to sey to the marriage of Elizabeth my daughter £4 and to Mary my daughter £20 and if the forsaid Maister Xpofer Hales doo refuse to take upon him the payne and labor of the forsaid leses then Kateryn my wife. Unto Robert Wolryche my servant to help him towards the payments of his detts 26s.8d. Residue unto Kateryn my wife. Executors Maister Xpoper Halys and Kateryn my wife and Edward Johnson son of the yomen of the Crowne and John Notte of Aynesford overseers. To Edward Johnson my woodknyfe and John Notte my medley tawny gowne. Unto Nicholas Sybill, gentilman, a newe cote of Saye the whiche I late bought at London.

This is... of all my londs within the parishes of Farnyngham, Kyngesdown, Dartford and Meapham. I will Kateryn my wife name all my londes &c in Meapham and Kyngesdon and a tenement with the orchards and gardeyns in Farnyngham the which I bought of Mortymer of London, browderer, for terme of her life and I will it remaigne to Thomas my sonne. I will that Maister Xpoper Halys have the tenement or Inne called The Swanne of Farnyngham with all the londes and tenements thereto pereynyng with the stock of household stuffe and implements the which I had of my father therwith to fynde Thomas my sonne and to paye my detts and such detts as I did owe unto William Gybsonne my father for suche bargeyns and covemants as were bitwene William Gibson my father and me, and the said Xpoper Halys to have the rule and guyding until the tyme Thomas my sonne come to 21 yeres then I will the forsaid Thomas my sonne have all the forsaid londes except such as I have givyn unto Kateryn his mother for the terme of her lyfe. If he decease without heires then my brother John Gybson the younger of Farnyngham have the tenement or Inn called The Swanne with all the londes paying to my executors £120 and if he be not abill to pay the £120 then I will my brothers John Gybsonne of Heth and Richard Gybsonne have them and if they be not abill to make and pay the £120 I will my executors sell the forsaid londes and tenements in Farnyngham and the money thereof comyng I will £40 unto the daughters of the forsaid Thomas my sonne if he have any and if he dye without issue then the £40 to my daughters and £40 to my thre brothers in case that noon of them doo purchase the londes &c and the residue towards the reparacions of the church of Farnyngham and high wayes and other almes dedes. I will my brother John the younger have after my decease that tenement with the appurtenances called The George in Farnyingham with a wedowe plotte lying in Swanton Lane which I late purchased of the forsaid John my brother he discharging an obligacion of £6.13.4 wherin I stande bounde to the widowe of John Courtop of Cranebroke, yeoman.

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