Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of John Sibbill of Eynsford, 1502

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

JOHN SIBBELL - 1502 PCC : 8 Blamyr

8 April 1502. Johannes Sibbell Esquier de Eynesforde in Kanc. Sep. in capella Sanct Johannis Bapte in ecc. poch. Sci Martin. Lego repacionibus dce eccl de Eynesforde 13/4. Om bon &c lego Margarete uxori mee et Willmo Marshall quos facio exors. Jacio Dm Johan Pecche et Johan Lee milites supvrs. Testz Dno Willo Waynewright vicaris eccl de E. Willmo Marshall et Ricardo Baskrevile.

This is... I woll Margaret my wif have & enioy all my landis lying in the Countie of Kent excepte all such lands lying in the parissh of Gravesende which nowe be in the handis of Johanne Sibbyll my moder also except 66/8 yerely dewe unto Thos Sibbyll my son out of the maner of Seranks in the parish of Frenyngham. Also after the decease of Margaret my wif I geve all my said landis lying in the said Countie of Kent excepte above except unto Thomas Sibbill my son to his heires &c forevermore. Moreover I geve unto the said Thomas Sibbill my son all my lands & tents in the P of Berking in Essex with all the said landis & Tents in the P of Gravesend which be in thandes of Johanne S. my moder after the decease of J.S. my said moder

prob. 20 May 1502 by oath of Wm Marshall executor refutante & Radulpho Baskrewile testis ac Margarete relict & com dicte Margarete

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of John Isele of Sundridge, 1493

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

Probate 16 November 1494 by oath of Agnes relict, Thomas son and John Aligh.

JOHN ISELE - 25 October IX Hen. VII - 1493 PCC : 21 Vox

To be buried in the high chauncell before oure Lady in a tombe in the wall for to sett the sepulcur upon and a wyndow to be made of the bredith of the same tombe in the church off Sondrich. To the high aultur 20s. To the high aulter of the church of Chevening vs. Of the church of Fremmynham 10s. Toward a vestement for the church of Sevenok xls. to pray for my faders sowle which lythe buried in the Sowthe chappell in the same church.

To the high aulter of the same church of Sevenok 3s.4d. To the high aulter of the church of Chedingstone 3s.4d. To the high aulter of the church of Westram 3s.4d. To the high aulter of the church of Bradstedde 3s.4d.

To my sonne Thomas Isele all the hanging of the grete parlor at Sondrich tapetts of verdure and other and ij cushens that was Jesoppes. Also all the hangyng in the same chambyr over the grete parlour and the bedde of Sylke of clothe of bawdekyn with iij curteynes of sarcenet with the counterpoint of the same fedyrbed and fustyans and ij pair of shets. To my said sonne Thomas Isle all the hangings in the which chambre bedd federbed fustyans pylloes and counterpoynt which was Loringis and the lytyell chambre of white in lykewyse the bedhangyng and the federbed I will my sonne Thomas shall have. Also my lytyll masse boke covered with blew and the porteus and the superaltare and one of the gylt chaleses and with aulterclothis suche as shall please my wyf to delyver for the lytyll closett in the said chamber over the parlour. Also to my said sonne Thomas my grete chayne of gold and my ij gylt pottys of sylver which I bought of Harding and the best basyn of sylver and the beste Ewer and iij gylt bollys with covers to the same and ij lytyll gylt saltis and a levar of sylver which I had of Loryng and iiij grete spittys in the kechyn and the grete brasse potte a lytyll potte of brasse and the grete chafur of brasse which was Nicholas Lytells and the grete cawdron and the furnes with all the bruyng vessell and iij pyssing basons and a lytyll flatte chafur.

Furst and afore althing I wyll my detts be contented and pade. I bequeth to the reparacions of the church of Sonnedrich £xx. To reparacions of the church of Fremmyngham £26.13.4d. To the mariage of Rauf Wilkes daughter £20 upon this condicion that she do that which in her ys for the recouveryng and Reryng of the fyne of and aponne the manour of Chipstede for the Sewrty of the same or els not. To John Tyberden for the good servyce he dyd me in my trobyll £cs. To Thomas Newfold £3.6.8d. To Thomas Valaunce £13.6.8d. To Willyam Browne xls. To the makyng of a way at Bradsted according to the wyll of Chambir xls. To the church of Fremyngham for an auliphonar according to Dowlys will £6.13.4d. To Willyam Walkelyn 6s.8d. To the church of Bradsted according to Chamburs will a torche. To my sushir Betteres v marks. To Alice Pettam xxs. For thexhibicyon of a preest at Edinbrige by the space of halffe a yere for the sowle of John Dowle £3.6.8d.

In lyke wyse for thexhibicion of a preeste to sing in the pish church of Fremmyngham halfe a yere £3.6.8d. For thexhibicyon of a preeste for to sing for my sowle my fader and moder sowlys by a hoole yere £6.13.4d. To John Hever 40s. To Thomas Waffer horse and harnes and 40s. To Robard Christofer 10s. To the said Robard for lond of hym bought named Danyes 53s.4d. To Morecok upon condicon he make astate of all such londs as he maketh title to in Farenden 66s.8d. To Nele for lond of hym bought whan he delyverth astate 100s. To Gefferey Morlond xls. To my sonne Thomas Isley a garnyssh of pewter vessell. Residew to Agnes my wyfe and I make the said Agnes, Thomas my sonne and John Alygh of Adyngton, Esquer, myn executors and to every of them for their labor £6.13.4d. and I make Syr John Guildeford supervisor.

This is... 22 January IX Henry VII of all my manors, londs and tenementys, rentys and s'uues and reversions in the sheris of Kent and Sussex. Furst I wyll all those feoffees of the maner of Frennyngham, Uppercourt and Nethercourt and halfe ye manor of Charton in the parisshes of Fremyngham, Aynysford, Horton, Fawkeham, Maplescom and Kyngesdowne make astate to my wyfe Agnes for terme of hyr lyfe the Remaynder therof to my sonne Thomas Isle and his heyres males acordyng to the tayle of my cosen John of Frennyngham made to Roger Isle my grauntfader. I wyll my said wyfe have all my purchesed londs &c in Fremyngham for terme of hir lyfe the Remayndre to my said sonne Thomas Isle. I will all those feooffees in the manors of Sundrich, the manor of Oriell, the broke place, the manor of Chipstede and the maners of Bradborne and Tymberden and in all my other londs &c in the pisshe of Sundrich, Chedyngston, Chevenyng, Sevenoke, Framfeld, Bucstede and Mafelde in Kent and Sussex shall make astate to Robard Reede s'unt of the Lawe Thomas Froyce my sonne John Alye of Adyngton and John Goodewyn of Wroteham and John Brode of Maydestone in fee to this entent to perform this my last wyll as it apperith after.

Furst I will my said feoffees (in my said londs) shall stand seased from the tyme next after my deceese for the terme of V yere and receyve all the profits &c to pay my dettys and bequests and after the said terme of V yere be cum up of the seid maners of Sundrich shall make astate to my sonne Thomas Isle of all those londs, manors &c that were John of Frennyngham in Sundryche and Chedyngston accordyng to the wyll and Tayle made by the same John of Frennyngham to Roger Isle my grantfader and all my other londs and tenements &c in the pisshes of Sundrych and Chedyngston which were never the seid John of Frennyngham after the terme of V yere. I will the said feoffees make astate unto my seid sonne Thomas Isle and his heyres. If Thomas Isle breke or interrupt this my last wyll my feoffees shall delyver to Edward my sonne the maner of Chipstede and to his heyres for ever. I will the feoffees of the manor of Chevenyng make astate to my sonne Thomas Isle after the V yere except the comon of Chevenyng heth and comon of the Court of Bowsell to my seid sonne Thomas Isle, my seid sonne shall make astate of the same manor to the next heyres of John Harneys except to my seid sonne Thomas all the comon Rent of the Court of Bowsell and the comon of Chevenyng heth tohave and to holde to the heyres of John Harnes yeldyng to my seid sonne Thomas Isle and his heyres yerely xxs. and for defawte my seid sonne shall reentyr a yere which was the wyll of myn uncle Willyam Isle that John Harnes heyres shuld have it. If my sonne Thomas dye without issue the rent of the Court of Bowsell the comon of Chevenyng heth and the 20s. with the reentrie of the seid maner of Chevenyng shall goo to my sonne Wyllyam Isle and to his heyres and if he diye then to my sonne Edward Isley and if he die shall remayne to the next heyres of Sara Isle daughter of Willyam Chevenyng and grant dame to Willyam Isle myn uncle and to John Isle my fader and to their heyres accordying to the will of myn uncle Wyllyam Isle.

My feoffees of the maner of Chipstede forde with all myn other londs in the parisshe of Chevenyng after the seyde terme of V yere shall make astate to my seid sonne Thomas Isle and his heyres. I will the feoffees of the manors of Bradborne and Tymberdene forde with the Mylle and all other londys &c. in the parissh of Sevenok after the terme of V yere become up shall make astate to my sonne Edward Isle and to his heyres male accordyng to the will and teyle made by John Frennyngham to my grantfader.

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of John Wailett, citizen & founder of London, 1487

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

JOHN WAILETT - 15 September 1487 (3 Hen. VII) PCC: 10 Milles

John Wailett a citizen and foundar of London. To be buried within the church yard of Saint Margarete in Lothbury where I am a parisheon. Unto Denyse my wife my house sett and being in Chepsted in the Countie of Kent for term of her life and if it so fortune or hap that the said Denyse fall unto povertie by feblenesse of seeknes or age or by any maner other cause than I will that the said house shall be sold to the most advantage that it can or may at the pleasire of the said Denyse and the money comyng shall remayn holy unto the said Denyse and if X mark may easly be spared I will the X mark unto John Bambrige the son of Edmond Bambrige. I will that the said house after the discesse of the said Denyse be sold if it be not sold by the life of the said Denyse and the money to pay my detts and fynde a priest by the space of an yer to sing for my soul, my wifs soul for thair soules by whom the said place comys and all xpen soules.

Residue of all my goodes unto the said Denyse my wife and executrice and Sir John Wilcokks executor with the said Denyse and Robert Sedcote oversear.

I will William Harman, John Waite and John Skele my feoffes relese unto the possession of my said wife. 

Witnesses William White, Robert Pynchebek and Thomas Clerk.

Probate 19 October 1487 by Dionisie relict and com to her and Dno Johanno Wilcokks coexec.

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of John Clerke senior of St Clements Dacorum, gentleman, 1480

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

JOHN CLERKE senior - 1480 PCC : 2 Logge  21 Marcii 1480. Johannes Clerke senior de p. Sci Clementes Dacorum extra barr noni templi London Gentilman. Sep si contigerit me decedere in p Sci C. ad sep in ecclia ordinis Frm minorum. Do et lego p'dict ordini in civte London ad orand pro salute anime mee £4. Lego sum alt. eccl paroch de Wroteham pro dec. meis obl 13/4. Lego ad distrib apud Wroteham inter pauperes die obitus mei 10s in die mens mee vid. per 4 septimanas post meum decessum 13/4. Lego Henrico Skynner 3/4. Johanni Underwod 12d. Thome Chapman 20s. Beatrice sorori mee 6/8. Johanni Dean 6/8. Johanni Wreight filio eius [sic] 3/4. Thome Abraham 6/8. Galfrido Palley 12d. Roberto Kenworth 12d. Agneti Kenworth 6/8. Sum alt de Adyngton pro dec: oblitis 3/4. Fabrice dicte ecclie 3/4. Lego eccl de Trottiscleve 6/8. Fratrbz de Ailesford ad orand 10s. Lego pro uno capellano idoneo ad celebr in ecclia de Wroteham uno anno. tantium quod sufficit ad celebrand. Lego fabriacon' ecclie be Marie de Tourehill 20s. Fabricacoi eccl Cath Roffen 20s. Volo qd Alicia uxor mea habeat occupacoin om Jocalium meorum et utensilum domus meo. Et post dec. qd Johannes filius meus habeat occup Jocal. & utel. p'dict. Resid Alicie et Johanni filio meo. Exe'ores. [Latin]

[English] This is .. 10 Dec 20 Edw III. I wolle Alice my wife shalhave all my tenement of the Forde as long as she is unmaried & my feoffees enfeoff the said Alice in all the lands &c I p'chaced of John Clifford squier in Middelton & Iwade & after her decesse to remayn to John Clerk my sonne & I the same John Clerk thelder woll that my feoffees make astate to the said John my sonne of all my landes &c in the parishes of Wroteham, Stansted, Trottisclif, Adyngton, Reyersshe & Ealdyng, and enfeoff Alice my wif in a mershe in Clyve called the Swhere & in my manoir & tenement called Fawnes for her life & to remayn to John C. my sonne.  Prob. 10 Marcii 1480

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of John Donett of Eynsford, 1465

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

27 Marcii 1465. Johnes Donett de Aynesforde Cant dioc. Sep in sepultura cancelle ecclie de Aynesford iuxta sepultum Alicie ux'is mee. Lego lumi lampadis ardentes in cancella 6/8. Lego rep dict eccl 6/8. Sum alt eccl de Fawkeham 6/8. To each priest celebrating mass on day of my sepulture 6d & to each clerk 2d & to each priest in die trigintali 8d & each clerk 2d & 6/8 to poor.

Lego confratibz de Aylesford 3/4. Lego Johanni Hodsolle uniu' federbed & j fulminar & una' olla' enea' cum longes pedibus. Itm Roberto Banstede de Asche 6d. Johi Doraw 8d. Johi Cossey fratri mea optima' toga'.. iij diocos iij sausaria electri vet'is ac ecia' ipm integru' electu' in quo dict Johnes Cossey iacet. Lego Katerine Croche 6 cocl. arg. Johi Tilley lectu' meu' rubeu' penden in superiori camera'. Johi Croche sen dimidiu' duodene, vasoreum electri countersett. Johanne s'unti mee 20s. Margarete Chaunterell s'unti mee duo paria linthmani j materas ij lodices j rubin' cooptorum lecti cu' textura de flour delyce j calefactoru' eneu' tres parapsides duo candelabra de bremori factura & j Russet colobru'. John Grainge mea scdan optima' toga' &c et unu' fornace in coquina sta'te' de plumbo cum tabulis tapetelz shewys et alucis ad dict coquina pertine'.. et quoddam velus aulare cu' quada' tabula replicata stante in aula .. Resid lego Joha'ni Draper de Ereheth Arthuro Holbroke Willo Croche et John Grainge de Aynesford meorm execres disponant pro aia mea aia Alicie ux'is mee aiabz patris et matris mei. Testz Willo Benet capns Johane Cossey fratre Roberto Dopsone Thoma Parker Thoma Stafforde Wo Nele Wo Maykyn. Itm Johi Draper quodda' nomi' aulare.

This is .. of me John Donett of Aynesford made 27 Marche 1465 of all such dieuties & money as is growyng & comyng unto me In the whch obligacons Willa' Lovelas of London mercer Willm Hodsole of Asshe in the shire of Kent squyer John Goldwell citezen & mercer of Ln & Richd Lovelas of Sedingborne the yonger gentilman been bounde to me. First of the said money I bequeth unto the Reparacons of the monast'y of Lesnes v marc to pray for my soule. To the werks of the monast'y of Faversham v marc. To the Rep[ar]acon of the hous of Frers at Eylesford 40s. of Grey Freres at Cant'bury 40s. Frere Augustyns at C. 40s. frere prechours in suche places as myn extours will 40s. To the rep[ar]acon of the pissh churche of Fawkeham by thadvyce of myn extours & of the wardens & p[ar]isshons v marke. Also to the Rep[ar]acons of ev'ry of the pisshe chirches of Asshe Horton Sutton Shorham 6/8. To rep[ar]acons of ev'ry of the pishe chirches of Herteley Kyngesdowne & Frenyngham 13/4. To Margarett Chaunterell 20s. To William Sybyle when he hath taken the order of Subdeken to fynd hym with to scole 8 mark. To the Rep[ar]acon of the pissh chirch of Eynesford v mark. I will Sir John Cossey frere sing for me in the pissh church of Eynesford an hoole yere & myn extours to pay hym x mark. I will my extours bie a marbyll stone with ij scochons ther yn one of my hoole armys & a nother of my wifs hoole armys to lye upon our beriell & that to be bought with the said money & in the same stone a scriptur of the day of or decesing.

To the werks & rep[ar]acon of the monast'y of Horton besite Hith 13/4. I will that if it be that Willia' Sybile my godson be nat kept to Skole nor be nat disposed ne willing to be a preest nor take not the ordur of Subdekyn but dispose hym self to other wordeley occupacon & that then I will that iiij marc of the viii marc bequethed to be delyvered to John Draper my godson son of John Draper of Hereheth & the other iiij marc in charitable werks to the most helthe of my soule & the sowlys that I am bounde to pray for.

Prob 26 Julii Ao predict.

PCC : 9 Godyn

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of John Sundressch, Rector of Wrotham, 1425

Transcription of Latin / French made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

21 Feb 1425. Johnes Sundressch Rector licet indignus cli poticus officio ecclie paroch de Wrotham Anim' Deo b V M. & omz scis et precipue glorioso martiri Sancto Georgio meo prono. Sep ubicumqz in cancelli medo ecclie Sci Georgii de Wrotham. Expens. die Sep: et in die tricinal. ad dist int' pauperes £10. Pro 8 torches eod die arden' quos teneant 8 pauperes de parochim meis induti blanket vel Russelte £4. de ..bz torches ij dent' eccl de Sundressh ij eccl de Sevenoks ij capelle de Standede & ij remanebunt in eccl de Wrotham. Lego dividend int' famulos meos viij li. Lego ault clico parochiale ac ecia' sacristi ault eorum 3/4. Lego ad reparand rectoriam de Wrotham et Standede si executores mei non vescent' pro reparacione £8.13.4. Lego Dne Elizabet Salmon mo' de Mallyng 15s. Lego fribz carmel de Aylesford 4 qr frumenti et bras. Volo qd indumenta mea divident' uit' familos et alios pauperes. Resed. in 4 partes quares 2 partes expend in sac'dotibz celeb in eccl paroch de Wrotham paraia mea. 3d pars in elemos pauperium. Quarte vero part. due partes erunt ad opus ecclie de Wrotham et tria ad opus ecclie de Standede. Exec Dni Rcum Dyker vicari Johnem Petico Johnem Kyng, Johem Sextam et Johem Chepested supervis. Rog'u' Pecham et eid' lego j ceph. cu' coopercio de arg. et deaurat'.

Hec. est Vet. Vol. dni Johnis Sundressch rector eccl paroch de Wrotham. 11 May 1426. 4 H VI. qd Johnes Chepested habeat omni perficia t'rarum et tent. nuper p'dci Dni Johnis apud Crowlond t'm vite Johne mris dict Johis Chepsted muemendo eidem Johne oia' sibi nec'ia a' vitam dict Johne et post mort' dce Johe' feoffati t'rarum quod p'dict Dni Johnis faciant feoffamentu dict terr et ten dco Johim Chepested sibi hered're ita idm Johnes Chepested muemat unu' capu celebrantem in ecclia paroch de Wrotham pro aia p'fati Dni Johis per iiij annos integros Et qd Willmus Esmound habeat mesuagum in quo idem Wills manet ad t'm vite suo et post mortem dict Will vendant mess. et denar unde receptur muematur unus capus celebrans proa'ia dict Dni Johis. Et qd feoffati Grang' apd Roghye vendant Grang' cum fundo eiusdem sucessori p'fati Dni Johis pro xx marc et vnu capm celeb. in eccl de Wrotham pro aia &c

Prob penult Junii ao Dni supradict. PCC : 5 Luffenan

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of James Pekham esquire, 1532

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

JAMES PEKHAM PCC : 23 Thower    2 August 1532 (24 Hen VIII)

James Pekham Esquier sike in body &c. To be buried in the parishe church of Wroteham as nygh unto the buriells there where as my frends lyeth buried. To the high awter 6s.8d. to high altar of parish church of Ighteham 3s.4d. To reparacions of the body of the said parish church of Wrotham 20s. To reparacions of the bodies of the parish churches of Chevening and Ighteham to either of them 6s.8d. On the daies of my buriall and monethis mynd in werks of mercy and charitie my executrix shall geve where she shall thinke best soo that it be doon without pompe or vegn glorye of this worde the whiche by noo meanys I will to be doon.

All my moveable goods excepted all my juells the wering gere of my wife and my cheques of golde the which I geve hooly to my wife shall be equally and indifferently devided bitwene my said wife and Reynolde my sonne and he to have his parte when he comyth to the age of 24 yeres and if he deceas to Henry my sonne and if he fortune to deceas then Anne my wife shall have that said parte. To my nevewe Edward Asshe £6.13.4d. Unto Sir Henry Isley, Knyght, my wifs brother, my velwett gowne furred with martrons my russet velwet jaket and my doblet of Crymsyn saltyn. Unto Maister Thomas Wyatt my colt colour Iron graye going in Knoll parke. Unto Antony Isley, my wyfs brother, my gowne of black damaske furred with blak bogye. Residue unto Anne my wife the which I make myn executrice. Witnesse Sir Henry Isley, knyght, Thomas Bartlett, Thomas Row and Thomas Wyatt.

This is concernyng all my manors, londes and tenements with the avowsonage of the churche of Warhorne being sett and lying within the parisshes of Wroteham, Ightham, Sele, Kemsing, Shipborne, Kyngesdowne, Stansted, Asshe next Dartford, Chevenyng, Otteford, Shoreham and ells where within the Countie of Kent. First I wille my feoffees doo suffre Anne my wife untill Reynold my sonne doth come unto the age of 24 yeres to occupye take perceyve and levye all the forsaid Manors &c with the gyfte of the said avowsonage to paye my detts and pay unto my daughter Dorathe at the day of her first maruage or at her full age of 22 yeres the sum of oon hundred pounds and soo to every other of my daughters and also doo kepe them untill they be maried or doo otherwise provide for them as putting them to service that soo will be content to goo to service untill they come to the age of 22 yeres and to make leesses for terme of yeres until that my sonne Reynolde doth come to the age of 24. If any of my daughters happen to be professed in any Religion then my legacy to her be voide except £26.13.4d. therof wherof £6. 13. 4d. be delivered to the souveraigne of the house where she doth soo entre into the abbit of Religion and the other £20 the residue of the said £26.13.4d. to the soueraigne at the day of her profession.

When Reynold my sonne comyth unto the age of 24 all my manours, londes &c within the forsaid parishes forthewith the avowsonye aforsaid unto my said sonne and after his moders decease all the residue of my manors, londes &c in Kent.

If he dye without heires males then my manors of Estyaldham and Westyaldham otherise called Litillyaldham forthwith the advowson aforsaid unto Anne my wife during her lyfe and all the residue of my manors and tenements in the parishes of Wrotham, Ightham, Sele, Kemsing, Shipbourne, Kingesdowne, Stansted, and Asshe I will unto Henry my sonne and the heires males of his body and after his moders deceas all the residue of my manours &c and yf he dye without yssue male then to my said wife Anne during her lyfe naturall. If my wife be pryvement insential with a man childe the said childe after my wifs deceas shall have all my manors londes &c in the forsaid parishes and for lacke of issue shall remayne unto my cosyn Reynolde Pekham sonne and heire of Thomas Pekham, esquier, decessed so that her or his heires males doo paye oon thousand pounds to be evynly divided amongs all my daughters then lyving and if noo daughters then lyving then amongs my daughters children and if the Mli be not paid then my manors &c shall remayne unto the heirs of Reynolde my sonne and for lack to the heires of Henry my sonne and for lack to remayn to the heirs of the said man childe and for lack to the heires of my body and for lacke to the heires of James Pekham my fader and for lacke to the heires of my cosyn Reynolde aforsaid and for lacke to the heires of Reynolde Pekham my graundfather and for lack to remayn unto Richard Hille my wifes brother in lawe Sergeaunt of the Seller with our soueraigne Lorde King Henry the VIII and to Antony Isley my wifs brother by egall [equal] porcions. My yongest sonne Henry during the lyfe of my wife Anne when he comyth to the age of 21 to have to him and his heirs an annuytie of £6.13.4d. going owt of all my manors londes &c above rehersed except the manors &c in Chevenyng, Otford and Shorham and after the decease of my said wife a further annytie of £3.6.8d. owt of all my tenements aforesaid above the forsaid £6.13.4d. (same to the man child if born). My sonne Reynolde shall have for his fynding till he come to the age of 24 yeres £13.6.8d. by the yere soo that he be kept and founden to his lernyng and in speciall to the studye and knowlige of the comen lawe of this realme.

Witnesses: Henry Isley, Knyght, Thomas Bartlett, Edward Asshe, Edward Martyn, Thomas Rowe and Thomas Wyatt.

Probate (sede Vacante) 7 Februarii 1532 by Anne, relict and executor.

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of Nicholas Gybsonne otherwise Taillour of Eynsford, yeoman, 1528

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

Probate 26 June 1528 by Kateryn, relict.


12 Aprill 1528 Nicolas Gybsonne otherwise called Nicolas Taillour of Aynesforde in Kent, yeoman.

To be buried in the parish church of Aynsford in the chapell of Saint Kateryn with in the same church nygh unto the place where my mother lyeth buried. Unto Kateryn my wife all my goodes moveable as longe as the same Kateryn lyvith sole and if the same Kateryn doo mary than I will half my householde stuffe to Elizabeth and Mary my daughters equally. To the said Kateryn all such detts as Robert Atwoode owith unto me and all my lease of the manor of Hodsoll in Asshe the which I have in ferme of my lady priores of Holywell. I geve unto Maister Xfofer Halys, solictor unto the Kings grace all other my leses which I have with in the shire of Kent paying of the profits threescore pounds that is to sey to the marriage of Elizabeth my daughter £4 and to Mary my daughter £20 and if the forsaid Maister Xpofer Hales doo refuse to take upon him the payne and labor of the forsaid leses then Kateryn my wife. Unto Robert Wolryche my servant to help him towards the payments of his detts 26s.8d. Residue unto Kateryn my wife. Executors Maister Xpoper Halys and Kateryn my wife and Edward Johnson son of the yomen of the Crowne and John Notte of Aynesford overseers. To Edward Johnson my woodknyfe and John Notte my medley tawny gowne. Unto Nicholas Sybill, gentilman, a newe cote of Saye the whiche I late bought at London.

This is... of all my londs within the parishes of Farnyngham, Kyngesdown, Dartford and Meapham. I will Kateryn my wife name all my londes &c in Meapham and Kyngesdon and a tenement with the orchards and gardeyns in Farnyngham the which I bought of Mortymer of London, browderer, for terme of her life and I will it remaigne to Thomas my sonne. I will that Maister Xpoper Halys have the tenement or Inne called The Swanne of Farnyngham with all the londes and tenements thereto pereynyng with the stock of household stuffe and implements the which I had of my father therwith to fynde Thomas my sonne and to paye my detts and such detts as I did owe unto William Gybsonne my father for suche bargeyns and covemants as were bitwene William Gibson my father and me, and the said Xpoper Halys to have the rule and guyding until the tyme Thomas my sonne come to 21 yeres then I will the forsaid Thomas my sonne have all the forsaid londes except such as I have givyn unto Kateryn his mother for the terme of her lyfe. If he decease without heires then my brother John Gybson the younger of Farnyngham have the tenement or Inn called The Swanne with all the londes paying to my executors £120 and if he be not abill to pay the £120 then I will my brothers John Gybsonne of Heth and Richard Gybsonne have them and if they be not abill to make and pay the £120 I will my executors sell the forsaid londes and tenements in Farnyngham and the money thereof comyng I will £40 unto the daughters of the forsaid Thomas my sonne if he have any and if he dye without issue then the £40 to my daughters and £40 to my thre brothers in case that noon of them doo purchase the londes &c and the residue towards the reparacions of the church of Farnyngham and high wayes and other almes dedes. I will my brother John the younger have after my decease that tenement with the appurtenances called The George in Farnyingham with a wedowe plotte lying in Swanton Lane which I late purchased of the forsaid John my brother he discharging an obligacion of £6.13.4 wherin I stande bounde to the widowe of John Courtop of Cranebroke, yeoman.

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of Reynolde Pekham the Elder Esquire, 1523

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

Probate 27 March 1524/25 by James Pekham exor with power reserved.

REYNOLDE PEKHAM - 1523 PCC: 31 Bodfelde

Reynolde Pekham, the elder, Squyer, 12 July 15 Hen VIII. To be buried in the Church of Saint George of Wroteham biside the grave of my uncle William Pekham, Squier. To reparacions of the same church xxs. To the high auter of the parish church of Ightham 3s.4d. To reparacions of the same church vs. Prest shall synge and pray for my soule my wifs soule my fader soule my moder soule and all cristen soules in the parish church of Wroteham oon hole yere and for his salary or wagis £6.13s.4d. To my nevewe Edward Asshe my suster Alice Asshe sonne £6.13s.4d. Unto Robert Cawode 6s.8d. Thomas Benk, my coke, 6s.8d. Elizabeth Baily my servnt xs.

I bequeth and will as well the wardshipp of the body of my cosyn Reynold Pekham, the sonne of Thomas Pekham, squier, as the wardship of all the maners, lands &c. and soo from heire to heire in as ample maner as it is granted unto me unto my brother James Pekham ontill the tyme the said Reynolde the sonne and so from heire to heire com to his or their full age. I will my said brother shall repaye then unto the said Reynolde the sonne all such summes of money as the said Jamys shall make or receye and of for the marriage of the same Reynolde the sonne so that the same Reynolde the sonne discharge my executors against the executors of Sir John Peche, knyght, and for the summe of 50 merc the which shall be due unto the executors of the same Sir John in the day of the mariage of the said Reynolde the sonne.

Also I will myn executors shall provide a faire stone with the pictures of a man and of a woman and of children there in sett of latyn and hit to be laid over and upon my grave within the space of vj weks next after my decesse. Residue to my forsaid brother James Pekham whom I ordeyn executor with my cosyn John Lovelace, gentleman, and the foresaid Edward Asshe and overseers John Rooper the elder Squier and attorney generall to our soveraigne Lord the King, and Henry Fane, gentleman, Witness Sir Mighell Vaughan and William Loveles.

This is... 12 July 15 Hen.VIII of all my maners, lands &c. in the pishes of Sevenok, Chevenyng, Otteford, Shorham, Asshe next Dartford, Kyngesdowne, Sele, Kemsyng, Stansted, Wroteham, Ighteham, Shypborn and Grete Pekham. I will unto my brother James Pekham all the forsaid manours &c to him and his heires males and for defaulte the remaynder therof unto Reynolde Pekham the son of Thomas Pekham, squier, and for lak the remaynder unto the forsaid James, and for lak of such issue the remaynder unto the heires of the body of James Pekham my fader and for lacke of such issue the remaynder unto the forsaid Reynolde the sonne and for lacke to my right heires. Witnesses as before.

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Wills Jacob Scott Wills Jacob Scott

Will of Thomas Peckham of Wrotham, 1515

A translation into English from Latin / French transcriptions made by Leland L. Duncan. Typed up by Zena Bamping in March 2001.

THOMAS PEKHAM - 1515 PCC: 6 Holder

28 Apryll 1515 7 Hen. VIII

Thomas Pekham of Wrotham, gentleman, to be buried in the church of Saint George at Wrotham before the Rode, besyde the body of my wyff.

To the high aulter 6s. To the Fryers of Aylesford 20s. To my cosyn Anne Marten 33s.4d. To my cosyn Kateryn Marten 20s. To my cosyn Margarett Bewley 20s. To my sustre Alys Fane 30s. To my cosyn Jamys Pekham 20s. To John Mercer 6s.8d. To Robert Canwood 6s.8d. Resydue I gyve Nicholas Pekham my youngest sonne when he comyth to the age of XXth yere. Executors; my cosyn Reynold Pekham and my cosyn John Lovelas.

This is ... of all the manors, landes and tenements that were sumetyme William Peckhams, my father. The half maner off Warhorn with all Rents &c. The maner of Romeschold with all rents &c. The tenement called Newmans with appurtenances, the tenement of Broktons in Otford with all that longith thereto. I will my feoffes suffre myn executors to take and receyue the Revenues &c. to the use and behofe of Lucy Pekham my daughter for her marige to the full sum of £200.

Probate 15 May 1515 by the executors.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Luddesdown Church

Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of Luddesdown Church. Noted by Leland L. Duncan  11th September 1921. Including Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Luddesdown Churchyard.

1. Joanna daughter of Robert and Elizabeth WELLER died June16 1714 aged 12 years

2. Elizabeth daughter of Robert and Eliza WELLER of this parish died 6 July 1714 aged 19 years

3. Eliza PHILLIPS wife of William Phillips of this parish died February 5th - - - (perished) Footstone: E.P. 1732

4. Mary wife of John SAVAGE of this parish died October 9th 1735 in his 33rd year

5. John SAVAGE of this parish died –o age - - - 1 - - - - - - - years (perished)

6. Robert SAVAGE son of George Savage of this parish who died 20th of January 1725 in his 64th year

7. John SAVAGE son of George Savage of this parish died December 3rd 1714 in his 51st year

8. Robert SAVAGE died 24 January 1773 aged 39 years

9. Phillip STILE? Of this parish died 20th March 1811 aged 79 years. Elizabeth his wife died 1st April 1802 aged 77 years. Fear not dear children in this world etc, etc

10. Robert WELLER of this parish died 24th May 1736 aged 75 years. Left issue one son and one daughter Thomas and Mary. Also Elizabeth his wife died 9th September 1737 aged 73 years

Plot East of Porch
11. (flat) Samuel TIESDELL of the parish of Chatham died 24th December 1802 aged 65 years

12. Sarah wife of Thomas WELLER of this parish died June 6th 1726 in her 27th year

13. Ann TIESDELL wife of Samuel Tiesdell of the parish of Chatham died 25th December 1794 aged 57 years

14. - - - SAN - - - (?Sanders) of this parish who died - - day of February January 1779 in the ?64th year of his age. - - - - Also the ?daughter of Elizabeth wife of the said Thomas SA-DERS who died July 3rd 1787 aged 77 years.

15. - - - - (all gone) 174 - Eliz . . . 1742 . . . .
      Footstone: W. S. 1740

16. (Headstone now flat) Walter? BALDUCK? Died August 13th 1759 aged 39 years. Sarah his wife died 20th December 1779 aged 65 years

17. Mary wife of Samuel TIESDEL of this parish died 14th April 1748 aged 31 years

18. (Low tomb) Richard BURGES? Son William Burges? died 16th February 1735 aged 48 years. Elizabeth Burges? wife of Richard Burges? Died 6th March 1755 aged 76 years. She was the daughter of Rev. Mr William HOPKINS Rector of Swanscombe and Vicar of Sutton at Hone in Kent
Eastern Part
19. William BENNETT of this parish died 23rd December 1835 aged 70 years.

20. Thomas BENNETT of this parish died 15th May 1846 aged 68 years

21. Will FRENCH son of Richard French of this parish died April 7th 1733 aged 45 years

22. George FRENCH son of Richard French of this parish died April 10th 1731 aged 48 years

23. (cross) Alfred son of Thomas and Jane STROWBRIDGE died 30th May 1876 aged 23 years

24. (wooden cross) WA.? STROWBRIDGE died August 3rd 18(81?) aged four years

25. (cross) Thomas STROWBRIDGE 30 years Parish Clerk and member of the Choir born 3rd September 1822 died 27 February 1886

26. Glover MUNGEAM son of the Rev Glover and Elizabeth Mungeam born 6 February 1816 died 20 February 1891

27. (low tomb) The Rev Glover MUNGEAM M.A. ten years Curate of this parish died 15th May 1853 aged 77 years

28. (low tomb?) Elizabeth MUNGEAM died 1st November 1869 aged 80 years

29. (low tomb?) Mr Joseph MARTIN late of Southwark died 29th April 1859 aged 75 years

30. (cross) Benjamin BENNETT of this parish died 18th January 1879 aged 64 years.

31. (cross) Thomas WOOD of this parish died January 16th 1890 aged 66 years

32. (cross) Thomas George WOOD of this parish died 11th August 1869 aged 16 years.

33. William BOAR of this parish died 14th June 1720 in his 42nd year

34. Susanna wife of G – o: (George?) WELLER of this parish died January 28th 1747 aged 75 years

35. (tomb) Francis Henry Hayman SHEPPERD eldest son Edward John Shepperd Rector of this parish
and Catherine Hayman his (?wife) born 20th - - ?1833 died 8th May 1848
North Yard
36. (low tomb) Jeremiah SOLOMON of Gravesend ?in this parish? died 23 November 1803 aged 73 years

37. (?low tomb) Mrs Ann SOLOMON wife of Mr Jeremiah Solomon died 8th October 1818 aged 84 years

38. (?low tomb) Jeremiah SOLOMON of this parish died 23 March 1815 aged 50 years

39. (?low tomb) Mrs Anne SOLOMON wife of Mr Jeremiah Solomon of this parish died 11th June 1843 aged 72 years

40. (?low tomb) Mary daughter of Jeremiah and Anne Solomon of this parish died 9th March 1821 aged 27 years

41. (?low tomb) Henry BELLCHAMBERS of Walworth, Surrey died 7th April 1855 aged 61 years. Also Ann Bellchambers who died 10th March 1889 aged 91 years

42. James ?OOCK son of Francis and Dorothy Coock of this parish died January 29th 1728 in his 21st year. Also Elizabeth wife of James BOREYER and daughter of Francis and Dorothy Coock died May 11th 1728 aged 29 years. Also the baby? of Coock – James son of Francis and Elizabeth Boreyer he died July 4th 1728 aged 7 weeks

43. (cross) Henry BING born 10 August 1814 died 24th May 1871

44. (cross) Richard WATERMAN died 11th December 1865 aged 74 years. Martha his wife died 24 February 1873 aged 74 years

45. A. K. 1810

46. J. S. LOTT 1825

47. (low tomb) Joshua LOTT died 12th December 1807 age 21 years. Ann NIGHT? Died 24th October 1810 aged 50 years. Daughter of J.A. L. sister of the above. Also John S. Lott died 8th November 1825 aged 73 years

48. (low tomb) Rickeby(?) Roger SANDERS son of Rickely and Lydia Sanders of this parish died 24th page 15
December 1793 aged 22 years. Also two children of the above who died in infancy

49. (large cross) William Downes JOHNSTON M.A. 27 years Rector of Milton next Gravesend sometime Curate of this Parish died 29th April 1887

50. (cross) Eleanor Rhoda COGGER of this parish died 9th July 1870 aged 22 months

51. (cross) Charlotte wife of John HOLLANDS died 1841. John Hollands died 1879

52. Alice Maude Mary HOLLANDS born 1st September 1890 died 15th September 1891. Bernard Lewis Hollands died 26 September 1891

53. Herbert Glover HOLLANDS son of Alfred and Harriet Hollands born 11th June 1884 died 30th July 1884

54. Thomas PEARLESS son of Thomas and Mary Pearless of this parish died 23rd March 1764 aged 27 years

55. Charles ADAMS died 19th February 1882 aged 55 years

56. (low tomb) Edward OLIVER died 17th November 188 aged 44 years

57. (cross) Job? OLIVER died 5th March 1858 aged 66 years

58. (cross) Thomas COLLINS died 6th December 1868 aged 87 years. Amelia his wife died 15th March 1869 aged 86 years

59. Phillis PHILLIPS died 10th December 1878 aged 77 years. Richard Phillips her husband died 18th September 1881 aged 87 years.

60. Alfred son of James DAY born 4th June 1842 died 16th November 1845

61. Ruth daughter of Thomas and Rebecca COGGER born 30th September 1852 died 29th October 1872

62. (low ?) John LINGHAM died 29th April 1880 aged 64 years. Eliza Lingham his wife died 8th October 1891 aged 79 years

63. Thomas CAPPS died 27th May 1887 aged 65 years

64. Mark CAPPS died 28th July 1883 aged 21 years

65. William Henry DAY M.D?. of Holly Hill in Kent and Stratton St Margarets Wiltshire born 30th November 1830 died 22nd October 1907
In North West Corner
66. (a large stone) Mr CHEESMANS Vault

67. (coffin) Ellen daughter of Hare and Esther CHEESMAN died 31st July 1850 aged 2 years

68. Edward son of Richard and Mary CHEESMAN who died 30 August 18(?3)0 aged 9 years

69. Names on War Cross

George E. A. GOODWIN
Reginald HORTON
William WOOD

I could see no inscriptions in the church. – except the War Memorial Tablet. The church consists of Nave and Chancel and very narrow south Aisle and little chapel. The church was largely rebuilt in the 19th century but the arcade of the South aisle and the South door are original. 15th Century work and the greater part of the East window of the little chapel [St Katherines]. Also parts of the head tracery of the two perpendicular windows in the South aisle and one of those in the North wall of the Nave. The tower is probably 14th century as the door leading into it from the nave seems of that date. It may be earlier.
                                                                                                                     L. Duncan 11th September 1921

Index of Names and Places

BENNETT 19, 20, 30
CAPPS 63, 64
COGGER 50, 61
DAY 60, 65
Downes 49
FRENCH 21, 22
Glover 26, 27, 53
Hayman 35
A. K. 45
LOTT 46, 47
MUNGEAM 26, 27, 28
OLIVER 56, 57
PIPER 69S W. S. 15
SANDERS 14, 48
TIESDELL 11, 13, 17
WELLER 1, 2, 10, 12, 34
WOOD 31, 32, 69Places
Chatham 11, 13
Gravesend 36
Holly Hill in Kent 65
Milton next Gravesend 49
Southwark 29
Stratton St Margarets Wiltshire 65
Sutton at Hone 18
Walworth, Surrey 41General
Choir 25
Curate 27, 49
Parish Clerk 25
Rector 18, 35, 49
Rev 18, 26, 27
Vicar 18


Leland Duncan's pencil sketch plan of location of gravestones in Luddesdown Churchyard

Back to  M.I.'s listings

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

A Monumental Inscription from Frittenden Church

A Monumental Inscription from Frittenden Church. Typed up by Frank Bamping.

A Monumental Inscription from Frittenden Church. Typed up by Frank Bamping.

A transcription of the un-numbered pages at the end of Volume VII of Mr L.L. Duncan's notebook on the Martin Family.

Inside Church - N.E. corner - a cross.

Stephen Godfrey died 28 October 1846 aged 78. Susan his wife died 26 April 1851 aged 80.

Index of Names and Places


Name Index
Godrey 33

Place Index

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental inscriptions of Down Church

A transcription of the memorial inscriptions recorded by Mr Leland L. Duncan 3rd June, 1919.

                                                         Transcribed by Frank Bamping, 19 January 2001

Stones on the South side beginning at the gate.
1. Headstone. James Fountaine, son of James Fountaine of this parish and Frances Elizabeth his late wife. He was devoted by his father's wishes and his own to the ministry but God has withdrawn him to an early rest in his 20th year. His seizure was sudden but not quite unawares for he was allowed to utter one compendious sermon.
In the midst of life we are in death. God's will be done.
Thursday saw him cheerful and grateful for health. Saturday, August 6th 1825, a pale corpse for a season farewell.
2. Headstone. Here lyeth the body of Thomas Cox late of this parish, butcher, who departed this life April 21st 1745 in the 80th year of his age.
3. Headstone. Nathan Cox, son of Thomas and Ann Cox died December 1768 aged 71. Footstone N.C. 1768.
4. An altar tomb. In memory of Mary Eleanor, born September 23 died October 16 1842, and of Charles Waring born December 6 1856 died June 28 1858. Children of Charles Darwin.
5. A low tomb. The tomb of the giver of The Church House.
6. A flat stone. The family vault of Edward Price, esquire, where lie the bodies of Amy wife of Edward Price of this parish who departed this life June 27 1842 in her 68th year. Also Amy Mary niece of Edward Price died 3 June 1849 in her 46th year. Also Edward Price died 24 January 1850 in his 79th year.
The other side of the path.
7. A low altar. Sarah Wedgwood of this parish died November 6 1856 aged 80. Also Sarah Elizabeth daughter of Josiah Wedgwood of Maer Hall, Staffordshire, died November 8 1880 aged 86.
8. Headstone. Elizabeth daughter of John and Sarah Phillips died July 7 1812 aged 3 years and 8 months. Also William, George and Henry, brothers of the above who died in their infancy.
9. Headstone. Sarah wife of John Phillips of Eynsford, Kent, died 16 April 1821 in her 41st year.
10. Headstone. Mr John Phillips of Eynsford, Kent, died 2 December 1838 aged 62.
Here is a large yew tree
11. A headstone by the porch.
Mrs Sarah Wood, late wife of Mr John Wood of Bromley died 16 September 1785 aged 48.
12. An altar. In memory of George Phillips, late of Keston in Kent, who departed this life May 17 1773 in his 74th year. Likewise Mr Thomas Phillips, late of Northsied Farm, who died 6 February 1816 in his 73rd year. Also Mrs Alice Phillips wife of the above Mr Thomas Phillips who departed this life 21 October 1819 in her 68th year. Also Ann Noah who died 11 October 1859 aged 80. Also William Waker Phillips who died February 4 1868 aged 69. Also Mary, widow of William Smith and fifth daughter of Thomas and Alice Phillips died at Downe 30 July 1876 aged 85.
13. A low tomb. Here lyeth interred the body of Hugh Durling, late of Greenwich, cooper. He departed this life 4th December 1733 aged 60 years. Also Mary Durling ................. [rest gone]
14. A low tomb. In memory of Mr John Durling, late of this parish who departed this life the .... day of June 1782 in the 57th year of his age.
15. A flat tomb. Here lieth the body of Mr George Durling, junior, who was buried December 7th 1747 aged 26 years. Also here lieth the body of Mr George Durling, senior, who was buried December 8th 1754 aged 81 years and also here lieth the body of Mrs Sarah Durling wife of the above George Durling senior who was buried December 8 1730.
16. A flat stone. In memory of Mr William Allen .............. [the rest is quite illegible].
17. A double headstone In memory of Mr Thomas Harding who died September 25 1830 aged 72 years. Mrs Mary Harding who died August 13 1830 aged 77 years.
18. A coped granite tomb. In memory of Mrs Elizabeth Harris died 27 February 1865 aged 84. Also Frederick William Harris her youngest son died 10 September 1890 in his 83rd year. Also Thomas Phillips Harris her eldest son died 26 January 1892 in his 87th year.
19. A cross headstone. Mary Emily, wife of Charles Pearry died February 15 1878 aged 26.
20. A cross headstone. Mary Ann, wife of William Warner of Downe, Kent, died December 11 180?77) aged 41.
21. A cross. Henry Vivian aged 5 died March 18 1876. Mary Ruth aged 7; Oliver Wedd aged 2; Oscar Wedd aged 1. The last week of November 1877, children of Wallis and N.A. Nash.
(Joan N. Nourani writes to say the Wallis and Louisa A'hmuty Desborough Nash 
were her great grandparents. It is possible that Duncan misread the L for an N.)
22. A cross. George Uzzell. November 6 1873 aged 38.
23. Headstone. Helen Smith died November 1 1878 aged 44.
24. A cross headstone. To the memory of the following children of John and Charlotte Roberts of Greenwich, Kew [sic] -
Elizabeth died February 4 1836 aged 1 year and 6 months;
John died June 11 1839 aged 2 years and 6 months;
William died June 24 1848 aged 7 years and 5 months;
Louisa died November 15 1848 aged 1 year and 6 months.
On the back. In memory of Eliza Spearing died December 9 1864 aged 21. Also Frances Hook, sister of the aforesaid Charlotte Roberts died November 21 1838 aged 28. Also William Spearing, brother of the aforesaid Charlotte Roberts died September 3 1844 aged 32. Charlotte Spearing wife of William Spearing died February 14 1860 aged 73. William Spearing, husband of the above died August 28 1863 aged 81.
25. A coped tomb. Thomas Stringer died 6 August 1861 aged 71.
26. A granite tomb. Albert Stringer, late of Leaves Green, Cudham, died 19 June 1857 aged 55. Also Mary his wife died 15 May 1871 aged 70.
27. Headstone. Eliza 4th daughter of William and Sarah Stringer, late of the parish of Cudham, died 7 March 1842 aged 46. Also Charlotte wife of Thomas Smith and second daughter of William and Sarah Stringer born at Cudham Lodge, 1788, died at Bickley, May 25 1849 aged 61. Also William second son of William and Sarah Stringer died at Sundridge, June 18 1863 aged 69.
28. Headstone. In memory of the dear wife of William Stringer. Born at Down Court, the 27 April 1767, died at Leaves Green 9 July 1831. Buried here the 13th. Also William Stringer of Leaves Green in the parish of Cudham, died 1 January 1837 aged 78.
29. Large tomb - South side. In memory of Mr John Smith of this parish died 5 April 1788 aged 77. Also Susannah wife of the above died July 26 1802 aged 77. North side. In memory of Thomas Smith, son of John and Susannah Smith died January 22 1788 aged 33.
30. Tomb. To the memory of John Smith of this parish died 5 March 1821 aged 70. Also Ann Smith relict of the above died 16 March 1825 aged 66.
Next to the Church.
31. A tomb - South side. To Josiah, second son of John and Catherine Smith died October 5 1862 in his 32nd year. Also Sarah second wife of the above John Smith died February 15 1863 in her 57th year. East end. Mary daughter of John and Catherine Smith died May 6 1853 aged 26. North side. Catherine wife of John Smith of this parish died 24 November 1846 in his 52nd year. Also the above John Smith died January 16 1853 aged 56. East end. Hilkiah, youngest son of John and Catherine Smith died January 30 1855 aged 17 years.
32. A flat stone with a carved coat of arms. To William Ravenhill, esquire, of the Rookery in this parish, died 23 January 1838 in his 92nd year. Also Ann his wife died 11 July 1830 in her 75th year.
33. An old thick headstone now quite indecipherable.
34. A headstone next to the church. Thomas, son of Richard and Elizabeth Wood of this parish who died December 17 (?() 2 aged 6 years.
35. A double headstone. Mrs Elizabeth Wood wife of Richard Wood, senior, of this parish who died 21 October 1804 aged 52. Mr Richard Wood late of this parish died 17 March 1814 aged 61. Also to Sophia Wood died August 25 1884 aged 63.
36. A cross headstone. Sarah Wood died January 30 1837 aged 7 weeks. George Wood died May 8 1837 aged 12 years. William Wood died July 17 1842 aged 4 years. Mary Ann Wood died July 21 1842 aged 10 months.
37. Headstone. To the memory of William Mills, son of William and Janet Mills who died April ye 14th 1729 aged 21 years. Also Elizabeth who died an infant.
38. A flat tomb. Mrs Catherine Johnson died 7 May 1831 aged 92 years.
39. A low tomb. John de Horne Christy, esquire, of Cudham Lodge in the parish of Cudham, Kent, died 1st August MDCCCL in the XXXVI year of his age.
40. Headstone. In memory of the dear wife of George Snow who died December 15 1879 aged 68. Also George Snow, husband of the above died December 4 1885 aged 74.
41. A headstone by the fence. Robert Town died February 2 1826 aged 81. Also Richard Town, son of the above died 5 February 1813 aged 38. Also Richard Town, brother of the above Robert Town died 29 June 1816 aged 72.
42. Headstone. Susan Duberry died 7 January 1864 aged 55 and Richard Duberry, husband of the above died 6 September 1868 aged 59.
43. Headstone. Eliza Sutton daughter of Thomas and Jane Sutton died 24 May 1838 aged 16. Also Edward Sutton died 5 November 1845 aged 23. Also Mary Ann daughter of the above died July 8 1844 aged 26.
44. A cross. Thomas Sutton died January 8 1852 aged 65.
45. A low flat stone near the chancel. (Early 18th century)
Here lyeth interred ye bodye of ?Isacc Owsley who departed this life ye 10 day of October 17(?57) aged 61 years. Here also lyeth ye body of Jo(?a)n wife of the aforesaid who departed this life
......... November 17(?28) aged 4(?5) years.
46. Headstone. Mr Thomas Phillips late of the parish of Orpington born March 31 1775 died January 15 1852. Also Parnell relict of the above died 7 March 1866 aged 86. Also Mary alice elder daughter of the above died 10 January aged 57.
47. Headstone. Thomas, eldest son of Thomas and Parnell Phillips of Skeet Hill Farm in the parish of Orpington died 19 November 1844 aged 34. Also Ann Phillips sister to the above born September 17 1816 died September 15 1849.
48. Headstone. George third son of Thomas and Parnell Phillips died 18.5.1827 aged 13. Mr William Phillips late of Skeet Hill, Orpington, died 21 November 1865 aged 54.
49. A tall granite cross. "Requiescat in Pace". [No names. L.L.D.]
50. Marble curb. William James Palmer October 15 1894. Catherine, his wife December 5 1901.
51. A flat granite tomb. In memory of Erasmus Alvery Darwin, eldest son of Robert Waring Darwin, M.D., Born 29th December 1804 at Shrewsbury died 26th August 1881 in London. And of his brother Charles Robert Darwin who lived for forty years at Down House in this parish. Born at Shrewsbury 12 February 1809 died at Down 19th April 1882. His body lies buried in Westminster Abbey and of Emma, wife of Charles Robert Darwin, daughter of Josiah Wedgwood of Maer Hall, Staffordshire born May 2nd 1808 died at Down October 2nd 1896.  
52. A grey granite coped tomb. Mary Ann Smith died December 8 1909 aged 75. John Smith of Downe Court died 21 February 1873 aged 44.
53. A flat stone. Here lieth interred the body of Mr George Werry of the parish of St George, Southwark, who died February 27 1770 aged [?8]1 years. Here also lieth interred the body of Martha the wife of the above George Werry who died September the 18 1771 aged 61.
Stones to the East of the Chancel
54. A flat stone. Here lieth the body of Mrs Mary Woodward wife of Richard Woodward ...... esquire of Fulham in Middlesex who departed this life the ... of November in the year of our Lord 1701 [?] aged 70.
55. Headstone. Samuel Lettington died August 22 1834 aged 46. Mrs Amy R. widow of the above died 3.3.1861 in her 65 year.
56. Headstone. Amy second daughter of Mr Charles Sawyer of Down Mill departed this life January 1863 aged 9 years ..... months.
57. Headstone. James Fegan born 5.8.1808 died 11.1.1880 and of our beloved mother Ann Fegan died 23.7.1907. [no age L.L.D.]
58. Headstone. Mr John Mitchell died May 17 1850 in his 54th year. Martha wife of the above died April 20 1860 in her 66th year.
59. Headstone by the chancel wall. Mr Isaac Owsley died 15 February 1799 aged 61. Also Mrs Elizabeth Owsley wife of the above died September 7 18001 [sic] aged 66 years.
60. Headstone. Dan Town born 30.1.1829 died 22.3.1894. Also Naomi wife of the above born 27.1.1823 died October 5 1897.
61. Headstone. Elizabeth Sales wife of William Sales of this parish died December 24 1829 in his 66th year. Also the above Mr William Sales died August 4 1836 in his 73rd year.
62. Headstone. Mr Timothy Sales died 2 January 1841 in his 55th year. Also Mrs Elizabeth Sales wife of the above died 8 April 1850 in her 67th year.
63. Headstone. Mrs Sarah Poole wife of Mr Thomas Poole of Orpington died August 3 1836 aged 22.
To the North of Chancel
64. A flat stone. Elizabeth, wife of Mr William Sawyer of this parish died November 18 1835 aged 47.
65. Headstone. Helen Bedwell daughter of John and Eleanor Bedwell late of this parish died 3 June 1812 aged 17.
66. Headstone. Hannah Ranson daughter of John and Ann Ranson of this parish died 26 August 1824 in her 20th year.
Stones in the Northern slip, beginning at the East.
67. Headstone. John Whiteheard (Woodman) died 11.9.1885 aged 51. Ann wife of the above died December 15 1886 aged 48.
68. Headstone. John Thomas Whiteheard, eldest son of John Whitheard died November 25 1886 aged 24.
69. A small cross. Ann Sarles, wife of Mr Charles Sarles of Hastings, died 30 ....... ?1884 aged 26. Also Mona Gertrude Sarles daughter of the above died November 16 188(?3) aged 3 years.
70. Headstone. Morgan Best died 27.3.1895 aged 78. Elizabeth wife of the above died 24.3.1905 aged 82. Ann daughter of the above died 8.3.1902 aged 51.
71. Headstone. Thomas Price died July 1st 1893 aged 71.
72. Headstone. Mr James Marchant died 17 September 1852 in his 78th year.
73. Headstone. In memory of Joseph Parslow died 4.10.1898 aged 86. Faithful servant and friend of Charles Darwin of Down House in whose household he lived for upwards of 36 years. Also of Eliza his wife who died 12 July 1881 aged 69.
74. Headstone. Elizabeth wife of George Chapman died 18.9.1863 aged 37. Also Horace Chapman son of the above died 18.2.1867 aged 11.
75. A headstone cross. William Henry Tunbridge died 6.3.1893 aged 59. Also Robert son of the above died March 16 1894 aged 26.
76. Headstone. Mr James Carter died 24.8.1861 aged 63. Mrs Ann Carter wife of the above died 29.9.1851 aged 63. Jane Carter died 1.2.1855 aged 27. Martha Carter died 17.8.1855 aged 25.
77. Headstone. Elizabeth Horwood died 16.1.1868 aged 43.
Stones in a piece to the North of the Church and Tower.
78. Headstone. Richard Harding of this parish died 30.12.1860 aged 65. Sarah his wife died 23.4.1879 aged 84.
79. Headstone. Edward Elliot died August 180 (?4) aged ?71 years. Also Elizabeth Elliot wife of the above died ....... 1780 aged (?6)...... Also Edward Elliot, son of the above who died ...
..... 1790 aged 3 (?3) years.
80. Headstone. James Elliot son of Richard and Elizabeth Elliot of this parish died 20 June 1807 aged 15.
81. Headstone. Henry Osborne died 17.9.1880 aged 73. Amy Osborne wife of the above died 29.7.1886 aged 80.
82. A small cross. Lily Osborne died February 17 1879 aged ..... and 8 months. Also May Osborne died June 20 1879 aged 8. Also Alfred Osborne died March 1880 aged 12
On the South side of the Tower.
83. A monument with crucifixion. In loving memory of Claude Holdsworth Hunt, Captain R.A. Staff, died of wounds in France April 2nd 1917 aged 30. Also of Colin Harragin and Katherine, his wife the eldest daughter of G.N. Murton of Petleys, torpedoed on board the S.S. Apapa November 28th 1917.
 The end of Downe.                                                                                 Finished Whitmonday 9.6.1919 - L.L.D.

An index to the M.I.s in Downe churchyard                 Compiled by Zena Bamping

     Names - Index

    Allen, 16.
Best, 70.
Bedwell, 65.
Carter, 76.
Chapman, 74.
Christy, 39.
Cox, 2, 3.
Darwin, 4, 51, 73.
Duberry, 42.
Durling, 13-15.
Elliot, 79, 80.
Fegan, 57.
Fontaine, 1.

Harding, 17, 78.
Harragin, 83.
Harris, 18.
Hook, 24.
Horwood, 77.
Hunt, 83.
Johnson, 38.
Lettington, 55.
Marchant, 72.
Mills, 37.
Mitchell, 58.
Murton, 83.
Nash, 21.
Noah, 12.Osborne, 81, 82.
Owsley, 45, 59.
Palmer, 50.
Parslow, 73.
Pearry, 19.
Phillips, 8-10, 12, 46-48.
Poole, 63.
Price, 6, 71.
Ranson, 66.
Ravenhill, 32.
Roberts, 24.
Sales, 61, 62, 69.
Sawyer, 56, 64.
Smith, 12, 23, 27, 29-31, 52.

Snow, 40.
Spearing, 24.
Stringer, 25-28.
Sutton, 43, 44.
Town, 41, 60.
Tunbridge, 75.
Uzzell, 22.
Warner, 20.
Wedgwood, 7, 51.
Werry, 53.
Whiteheard, 67, 68.
Wood, 11, 34-36.
Woodward, 54.

PLACES INDEXBromley, 11.
Cudham Lodge, 27, 39.
Cudham, 39.
Down Mill, 55.

Eynsford, 9, 10.
France, 83.
Fulham, Middx., 54.
Greenwich, 13, 24.
Hastings, 69Keston, 12.
Leaves Green, Cudham, 26, 28.
London, 51.
Maer Hall, Staffs., 7, 51.Orpington, 46, 47, 48, 63.
Petleys, 83.
Shrewsbury, 51.
St. George's, Southwark, 53
The Rookery, 32.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental inscriptions in  Chelsfield Churchyard

A transcription of Mr Leland L. Duncan's field notebook II containing the monumental inscriptions in Chelsfield Churchyard taken on the 15th July 1890. Frank Bamping, 15 January 2001.

Chelsfield Plot 1 in the S.W. corner.
1. A cross on the East side. William Griffiths died in Guy's Hospital April 24th 1871 aged 66 years. On the North side Jane Patience wife of Stephen Covil Griffiths who died suddenly October 15th 1874 aged 28 years.
2. Headstone. John Dunmall died February 10th 1870 aged 91. Also Sarah wife of the above died January 20th 1872 aged 85. She was a devoted mother. Also the four beloved children of William and Lucy Dunmall, grandchildren of the above. E.S.D. died March 24th 1865, E.L.D. died April 21st 1865, J.W.D. died May 6th 1865, A.L.D. died May 30th 1871, S.J.D. died February 7th 1875.
3. Headstone. Sarah Everest late of this parish died August 31 1801 aged 72 years.
4. A double headstone. Robert Allen of this parish, yeoman, died October 20 1742 aged 74 years and six months. Grace Allen wife of Robert Allen died February 10 1762 aged 80 years and 8 months.
5. Headstone. Mrs Mary Allen died 14 June 1776 aged 63 years. Also Mrs Sarah Allen died 26 February 1782 aged 53 years.
Plot 3 on the S.E. side.
6. Headstone. Here lyeth the body of Henry, son of Henry Martin of this parish, died March 24 Anno Domini 17?1?4 aged 22 years.
7. A vault within rails, on the South side. George Hallett late of Goddington in this parish and of Holland Road, Kensington, died July 22 1873 in his 62nd year. On the North side. Marianne wife of George Hallett died October 21 1873 aged 77 years.
8. Headstone. William Buster son of Francis and Alce Buster of this parish who dyed August ye 7th 1725 aged 29.
9. Headstone. Mr Henry Know died 12 October 1777 in his 66th year.
10. A flat stone. Mary Turner, wife of William Turner died 3 January 1733 aged ..... years.
11. Headstone. John Chapman, bachelor, of the parish of St Paul's, Deptford. Son of Thomas and Allice Chapman of this parish Obt. November 27th MDCCXL in the XX year of his age.
12. A low tomb with a cross, on the South side. Charlotte Baugh died April 16th 1862 aged 82.
 By the S.E. corner of the chancel.
13. Headstone. Here lyeth the body / of John Allen of this parish / who dyed April ye 16th 1731 / aged 67 years / He was well beloved in / every step of life / He was a kind husband to / his tender wife / to whom did peace and charity belong / who bore no / malice and who / did no wrong /.
Plot 4. By the South wall of the yard.
14. A cross on the West side. George Phillips born March 20 1829 died August 20th 1880. Also George Waker Phillips died 17th April 1858 aged 68 years. Also Anne, relict of the late George Waker Phillips died 25 March 1882 aged 87 years. On the South side. Elizabeth Spence, relict of George Phillips died January 20 1885 aged 50.
15. A cross. William Fuller Waring, second son of William and Mary Wall Waring died April 26 1871 aged 24 years.
16. A flat vault within rails. James Harris, esquire, late of Goddington in this parish died 16 September 1837 aged 72 years. Also John Harris, second son of the above died 4 September 1873 in his 81st year.
17. A low vault in rails.John, second son to the late rector of Lower Mediety of Malpas in the county of Chester, the Revd. William Wickham Drake (Eliza Susanna his wife) he died in London the 20th January 1837 aged 25 years.
18. A cross. Elizabeth Dunmall died September 29 1864 aged 63 years.
19. A little cross. Cecil Lennett Wright born February 25 1873 died August 31 1873 aged six months.
20. A flat vault in rails. General Henry Williams died at Chalk Farm, Farnborough, February 16th 1845 in the 81st year of his age. Also of Catherine his wife died July 7th 1848 in her 78th year.
21. Headstone. John Bath, late of Croydon, Surrey, died May 24th 1806 aged 73 years.
22. Headstone. Thomas Crockford died 14th August 1848 aged 72 years. Also Eleanor Crockford wife of the above died June 13th 1858 aged 74 years. Also Thomas, son of the above died February 1st 1839 aged 21 years.
23. A small upright stone. T.C. 1839.
24. Headstone. Sarah Graves wife of Thomas Graves of this parish died January 5 1877 aged 84.
25. Headstone. Robert Watson of Pratts Bottom in this parish died February 18th 1873 in the 66th year of his age. Also Eliza Watson widow of the above who died on Christmas Day 1885 aged 74 years.
26. Headstone. Richard Graves of the parish of Chelsfield, Kent, died January 22nd 1875 aged 53 years. Also in loving remembrance of my dear mother Mary Glover died January 11th 1887 aged 103 years and ten days.
Plot 5. The North part of the yard working South.
27. Headstone. Michael Reeves died January 13 1876 aged 56 years. Also Kitty Reeves died June 9th 1880 aged 56 years.
28. Headstone. Jane Dolley wife of Mr J. Dolley died December 11th 1875 aged 40 years.
29. A wooden cross. Mary Ann Thomas died November 25 1879 aged 32 years. Also Eliza Thomas daughter of the above died October 31st 1882 aged 11 years.
30. Headstone. Sarah Ann wife of Samuel Springett died October 19th 1879 aged 24.
31. A wooden cross. Henry William Latter died January 18th 1884 aged 5 years and 6 months.
32. A cross. William George Alborough died February 5th 1886 aged 18 years.
33. A cross. Ann wife of the late Richard Morgan died February 10th 1886 aged 78 years.
34. A memorial card in a glass case. Emma Blundell died August 6th 1888 aged 24 years.
35. A cross. Ann Walter, for 39 years the much respected nurse in the family of Mr Waring of Woodlands in this parish died February 25 1885 aged 62 years.
36. A cross. Mary Wall Waring wife of William Waring of Woodlands in this parish died September 15 1886 aged 66 years.
37. In the N.W. corner by itself. William Ashdown died March 25 1884 aged 52,
38. Headstone. James Graves of this parish died 4th November 1822 aged 70 years.
39. Headstone. Mary Graves wife of James Graves died 23 November 1811 aged 54.
40. Headstone. John Graves died August 15 1867 aged 85 years. Also Elizabeth wife of John Graves died March 13 1808 aged 30 years. Also Thomas Graves of the parish died February 21 1868 aged 83 years.
41. Headstone. John Graves died July 20 1785 aged 75 years. Also Susanna Graves wife of John Graves died February 13 1816 aged 96 years. Also Thomas Graves son of the above John and Susanna Graves died November 20 1781 aged 38 years. Also Susanna Staples daughter of Thomas and Hannah Staples died 12 August 1795 aged 15 years. Also John Staples son of Thomas and Hannah Staples died December 24 1810 aged 29 years.
42. Headstone. Robert Brooker died November 4 1810 aged 63 years and of Sarah Brooker wife of the above died November 18 1828 aged 76 years. As a memento of their strict honesty this stone was erected by a friend. Also of Ann wife of William Coomber daughter of the above Robert and Sarah Brooker died 8 August 1831 aged 42.
43. Headstone. Elizabeth Brooker wife of Thomas Brooker of this parish died 4 June 1824 aged 59 years.
44. A wooden rail near the North West gate of the yard.
Sarah Wood ..... [the rest all gone]
On the other side - William Brooks Wood died July 13 1846 aged 54.
45. Headstone. Mary Hills wife of John Hills died September 8 1833 aged 77 years.
46. Headstone. John Hills died July 29 1829 aged 77 tears. Also Mary Ann Morgan grand-daughter of the above died August 18 1830 aged 10 years and 4 months.
 The stones which follow are near the North side of the church and tower. July 22 1890
47. Headstone. Edward Dunmall died February 27 1856. Also of Jane Dunmall wife of the above died October 16 1862 aged 81.
48. Headstone. George Dunmall son of Edward and Jane Dunmall died 16 January 1870 aged 56 years.
49. Headstone. Elizabeth Tester died 2 April 1837 aged 73 years. Also of Stephen Tester died 16 September 1839 aged 76 years.
50. Headstone. Ann Gainsford wife of John Gainsford died 2 June 1817 aged 60 years. Likewise the above John Gainsford died 3 March 1820 aged 80. Also John son of the above died in his infancy.
51. Headstone. Jane wife of John Gainsford died March 27 1789 aged 39 years.
52. Headstone. William Brooks died 5 February 1834 aged 56 years. Also of Ann wife of the above died 22 November 1853 aged 72 years.
53. Headstone. Thomas Brooks died 11 October 1821 aged 81 years. Also Ann wife of the above died 16 of June 1829 aged 80 years.
54. Headstone. In memory of Mr William Brooks of Halstead, Kent, died May 8th 1810 aged 68 years.
55. Headstone. Mrs Hannah Brooks wife of Mr William Brooks of the parish of Halstead died January 31 1797 aged 55 years.
56. A flat stone. William Brooks, late of Shoreham, Kent, died 1st day of January 1816 aged 49. Also Harriott Scott Brooks daughter of William and Ann Brooks died 6 August 1820 aged 6 years.
57. Headstone. The infant son and daughter of Mr William and Mrs Ann Brooks of Colegates of the parish of Shoreham. William Brooks died December 22 1796 aged 4 months. Mary Ann Brooks died November 12 1800 aged 1 year and 3 months. Also George Brooks died October 8 1805 aged 7 years and 2 months.
58. Headstone. John Round of this parish died 22 July 1796 aged 77. Also Mrs Jane Round wife of the above died 28 May 1809 aged 97 years.
59. Headstone. Mr George Mace of this parish died February 20 1780 aged 84. Also Mrs Alice Mace wife of the above died 28th day of May 1763 aged 76 years.
60. Headstone. Thomas French late of this place, carpenter, died 5th November 1813 aged 70 years. Also Elizabeth French wife of the above died 22 December 1828 aged 82 years.
61. A flat stone. In memory of John Leigh, citizen and skinner late of the parish of St Michael's, Crooked Lane, London, died September ...... 176(?8) aged ...... years. Also Susan Leigh wife of the above died 11 January 1788 aged 77 [or 33 years. -L.L.D.]
62. An altar tomb - on top, much broken. Mary Harris daughter of Robert and Grace Harris of this parish who departed this life the 5th day of November 1771 in the 4th year of her age. Also Mrs Grace Harris wife of Mr Robert Harris of this parish died November .... (?1778) aged 60 years. Likewise Sarah Harris daughter of the above died 2nd October 1788 aged 28. Also the above Mr Robert Harris died 9th May 1799 aged 71. Likewise Mrs Elizabeth Fuller wife of Mr Thomas Fuller of Farningham and daughter of the above died 14 February 1816 aged 61.
On the North side. In this vault are deposited the remains of Mr John Harris late of Farningham in this county who died December 23 1834 aged 79. Also Mary Harris wife of the above died April 29 1836 aged 68.
On the South side. Thomas Harris, surgeon, late of Sevenoaks in this county, son of the aforementioned John and Mary Harris died 30th of ...... 1837 aged 34 years. Also James Harris, surgeon, of Riverhead in this county, died 23 April 1848 aged 38. Youngest son of the above named John and Mary Harris.
The end of Chelsfield churchyard - 22 July 1890
Copied L.L.D. 25.7.1890



A transcription of Mr Leland Lewis Duncan's undated small field note book No I containing his record of some additional monumental inscriptions in Chelsfield churchyard.
                                                                                                          Frank Bamping, 17 January 2001Plot I - in the S.W. corner
63. Headstone. Mr Thomas Hall late of this parish died 9 March 1780 aged 63. Also Mrs Sarah Hall wife of the above died 16 January 1781 aged 60.
64. A headstone with hourglass. Here lieth ye body of / Michael Mitchel / of this parish he died / May 20th 1708 aged / 65 years / Also Elizabeth his / wife died April 5th / 1722 aged 78 years.
65. A headstone with cherub's head. Robert Relph of the parish of Tunbridge died September 24 A.D. 1763 aged 80. Also Elizabeth wife of the above died December 16 A.D. 1741 aged 52.
66. A headstone with skull. William Alwen of this parish, bricklayer, died July 3 Anno Domini 1717 aged 77 and hath left a wife and issue, three children; William, John and Elizabeth, who have erected this stone in memory of their father.
67. Headstone. Robert Allen, the younger, of Hewett Farm in this parish, died 25th of September 1761 aged 52 years. Also Sarah Grace Pilkington, granddaughter of the above aged 10 weeks.
(No date given - L.L.D.)
Plot II - West of the Porch.
68. Here lyeth / the body / of William Kestel the / elder buried / October 14 / aged 63 / 1716 /.
Here / lyeth the / body of / William / Kestel the / younger / buried August / 16 aged .... / 1717/.
69. A small stone. W.K. MDCCXVI
70. A small stone. 1717 W.K. MDCCXVII
 Plot III - South East side.
71. A small stone. F.B. (? date)
72. A flat tomb. John W..... who died ..... 17-3 also ...... relict of ..... W.... who died ......1739 aged .....
73. A low stone. S.F. 1811.
74. Headstone. John Cox late of this parish died 13 October 1778 aged 52.
75. Near the South East corner of the chancel. Mary wife of James Bath died February 21 1793 aged 38.
Plot IV - by the East wall of the yard.
76. A small cross. H.P. (no date)
77. A white marble cross. Emily Mary daughter of William and Mary Wall Waring died October 13 1869 aged 20.
78. A coffin-like tomb - South side.
Thomas Fuller Waring, eldest son of William and Mary Wall Waring born February 2 1844 died June 21 1845. North side.
Thomas Fuller Waring eldest son of Thomas and Sarah Waring of this parish died June 6 1829 aged 23. Also Henry second son of the above Thomas and Sarah Waring died December 6 1831 aged 23. Also Robert sixth son of the above Thomas and Sarah Waring died September 2 1836 aged 21. Also John Fuller, youngest son of the above Thomas and Sarah Waring died May 5 1844 aged 22.
On the West end. Sarah wife of Thomas Waring of this parish died May 29 1842 aged 62. Also the above Thomas Waring died July 9 1851 aged 74.
79. A flat stone under a canopy of iron work.
Sacred / to the memory of the / Rev. Robert Cottam, M.A., / Lecturer of / St John's Church, Swansea / who died while on a / visit to his friend / the Rev. James Williams, A.B., / curate of this parish / February 6th 1828 / aged 56 years / He was a faithful / and energetic preacher / of the glorious gospel / of the Blessed God / and it is humbly, hoped / that his spirit / redeemed by the Blood / of the Lamb / is now rejoicing / annidot that happy, company / who, having turned many / to righteousness /shall shine as the brightness / of the firmament / and as the stars for ever / and ever / He left this vale of sorrow / looking for the mercy of our / Lord Jesus Christ / unto eternal life / This monument was erected / as a tribute of affectionate regard / by his only surviving brother.
80. Flat tomb with iron railings. Sacred / to the memory of / the Rev. / John Edward Tarleton / D.C.L. / fourteen years rector / of this parish / died 16th January 1849 / aged 65 years.
81. Headstone. Joseph Pickering died March 24 1853 aged 59.
82. Headstone. Mary Ann Clark wife of Richard Clark of this parish died 4 December 1826 aged 37. Also Richard Clark died 24 September 1833 aged 39.
83. Headstone. Mr Thomas Martin died 22 April 1776 aged 47.
84. Headstone. Mrs Rebekah Bath died 6 May 1773 aged 66.
85. Headstone. Mr Andrew Bath died 31 July 1794 (or 1) aged 88. Also Mr William Bath son of the above died 29 September 1786 aged 39.
86. A flat tomb. Henry Crawford, esquire, died 27 July 1818 aged 74. Also to the children of Robert son of the above Charles died 23 May 1824 aged 1 year and 7 months; William Cane died 26 June 1828 aged 7 months; Emily Martha died 10 may 1831 aged 1 year and 3 months; John Irving died 4 April 1832 aged 5 years and 10 months. Elizabeth wife of Robert Crawford above mentioned died at Bath January 16 1850. At the foot of this stone are buried the mortal remains of Mary Sales of this village for upwards of forty years the faithful and devoted servant of the above Elizabeth Crawford and their family. She died January 25 1853 aged 72.
 Plot V - North part of the yard working Southwards
87. Headstone. Harriet wife of John Titchener of this parish died November 3 1876 aged 61. Also Dear Little Hartie, granddaughter of the above died December 11 1887 aged 21 months.
88. A cross. Anne Morgan died June 12 1878 aged 68.
89. A wooden cross. John Miles died October 30 1881 aged 76. Also Sophia wife of the above died January 18 1874 aged 64.
90. Headstone. William Latter died September 13 1873 aged 65.
91. John Paine born October 30 1827 at Mout Hall in this parish died August 24 1873. Also John and Ann Paine, mother of the above buried at Hartley.
92. A small headstone. William Osborn died March 3 1873 aged 13 years.
93. A wooden cross. Edgar Thomas Stone son of John and Mary Ann Stone died April 29 1882 aged 1 year and 10 months.
94. An iron cross. Robert Dunmall died July 25 1883 aged 83.
95. Headstone. William, husband of Eliza Grafter died April 3 1883 aged 65.
96. Headstone. Ann wife of Richard Stacey died October 7 1888 aged 61.
97. An iron cross. Charles William Hills died August 10 1888 aged 51.
98. A cross. George Brooks for 30 years clerk of this parish died November 18 1884 aged 83.
99. Headstone. Thomas Blanchett of Southend, Eltham, died August 1 1884 in his 64th year.
100. A headstone in white marble. Philip Archibald Rock, M.R.C.V.S., died June 1 1884 aged 70.
101. A marble tomb with a flat cross. South side. Erected in memory of / Ann Wall the beloved wife of the Reverend Folliott Baugh / rector of this parish / she died 17th May 1886 aged 41 years / North side. Also of / the Revd. Folliott Baugh / 39 years rector of this parish / died 7th December 1889 aged 80 years.
102. Headstone. Thomas Verrells died March 8 1858 aged 69. Also Mary Verrells daughter of the above died March 9 1853 aged 15. Also Eliza Wesley Verrells daughter of the above Thomas Verrells died February 24 1867 aged 20.
103. Headstone. Mr Henry Skinner of this parish died 22 May 1831 aged 62. Also Mrs Elizabeth Skinner wife of the above died 20 April 1834 aged 64.
104. Headstone. Maria wife of Richard Hickmott of this parish died June 6 1865 aged 68. Also Richard Hickmott died May 2 1869 aged 72.
105. Headstone. John son of William and Mary Hardstone died 13 August 1817 aged 25 years. Also the above William Hardstone died 19 May 1838 aged 81 and the above Mary his wife died 27 May 1838 aged 78. Also Sarah and Mary Ann, children of the above William and Mary died in their Infancy.
106. Headstone. Francis Edwards died June 12 1782 aged 76. Also Elizabeth wife of the above died June 14 1782 aged 66. Also James son of the above died June 18 1782 aged 47. Also Elizabeth Skinner died May 22 1816 aged 76.
107. Headstone. Mr Thomas Rock died after a very short illness 2 November 1843 aged 51. Also his two sisters; Lydia Rock died 9 November 1843 aged 54 and Barthenay Rock died 25 May 1844 aged 49.
108. Headstone. Catherine wife of James Rock died 24 December 1821 aged 28. Also Catherine daughter of the above aged 1 year and 11 months and William son of the above aged 10 months.
109. Headstone. Lydia Rock wife of William Rock of this parish died 7 May 1842 aged 89. Also Cecilia Rock great granddaughter of the above died 22 July 1859 aged 3 years and 10 months. Also William Rock of this parish died 2 July 1823 aged 65. Also Thomas Rock great grandson of the above died 16 August 1859 aged 6 years and 10 months.
110. Headstone. Ann wife of Thomas Yeates died 7 May 1827 aged 51.
111. Headstone. Thomas Morgan died 22 December 1833 aged 83. Also Mary wife of the above died 19 August 1846 aged 84 years.
112. Headstone. Elizabeth wife of James Morgan of this parish died 30 December 1815 aged 24.
113. Headstone. Sarah Cordery died 19 October 1843 aged 42. Also Mary Brooks, sister of the above died suddenly 3 November 1843 aged 43.
114. Headstone. Richard Morgan died January 24 1862 aged 66. Also Isabella wife of Thomas Morgan son of the above died August 25 1863 aged 39.
115. Headstone. Mary Morgan wife of William Morgan died February 12 1845 aged 66.
116. Headstone. Mary Hills wife of John Hills died September 8 1833 aged 77.
117. Headstone. John Hills died July 29 1829 aged 77. Also Mary Ann Morgan granddaughter of the above died August 18 1830 aged 10 years and 4 months.
118. A low flat cross tomb. Sarah Hills died July 17 1862 aged 69. William Hills died September 1 1868 aged 79.
The stones which follow are near the North side
of the church and tower.
119. An altar tomb. Mr Thomas Judd late of this parish died 4 June 1786 aged 80. Also Mrs Barbara Judd widow of the above died 4 January 1788 aged 81.
120. An altar tomb with a carved arms. In memory of / Henry Nurse late of / Cliffords Inn, London, gentleman, / died 16 November 1745 aged 37.
121. Headstone. Edward Everest died November 22 1815 aged 75. Also Elizabeth Everest wife of the above died in the year 1766.
122. Headstone. Mr Thomas Tilden late of Orpington died 19 October 1820 aged 62.
123. Headstone. Mr Charles Tilden late of Horsbr..... Farm in the parish of Cudham died 9 September 1789 aged 61.
124. Headstone. Mrs Catherine Tilden wife of Mr Charles Tilden of the parish of Cudham died October 17 1780 aged 49.
125. Headstone. Catherine Tilden daughter of Charles and Catherine Tilden of the parish of Cudham died February 19 1779 aged 18 years.
126. An altar tomb. Mrs Mary Fanell late of the parish of Bromley died 31 December 1769 aged 59. Also Mr James Aynscomb late of this parish died 1- January 1783 aged 68. Also Mrs Mary Aynscomb wife of the above died 11 December 1793 (?55 years). Also Mary daughter of James and Mary Harris died 12 January 1796 aged 7 years. Also Emma daughter of James and Mary Harris died 16 April 1813 aged 1 year and 9 months. Also Elizabeth daughter of James and Mary Harris died 11 September 1813 in her 10th year. Also Mary wife of the late James Harris, esquire, of Goddington in this parish died 18 December 1846 aged 77.
127. Headstone. Mr James Ebbett late of this parish died 5 June 1781 aged 51. Also Elizabeth Ebbett wife of the above died 28 July 1785 aged 65.
128. Headstone. Mr James Ebbett son of James and Elizabeth Ebbett died 24 December 1784 in his 34th year.
129. Headstone. Ann wife of Mr John Ebbutt died February 2 1830 aged 69.
130. Headstone. Mr John Ebbutt late of Orpington died February 11 1814 aged 54.

The end of Chelsfield Church yard      22nd July 1890 - Leland L. Duncan

                                                                                                 Copied L.L.D. 25.7.1890 (not known to where)

An index to the M.I.s in Chelsfield Churchyard

Names Index
Alborough, 32.
Allen, 4, 5, 13, 67.
Alwen, 66.
Ashdown, 37.
Aynscomb, 124.
Bath, 21, 75, 84, 85.
Baugh, 12, 101.
Blanchett, 99.
Blundell, 34.
Brooker, 42, 43.
Brooks, 52-57, 98, 113.
Buster, 8.
Chapman, 11.
Clark, 82.
Coomber, 42.
Cordery, 113.
Cottam, 79.
Cox, 74.
Crawford, 86.
Crockford, 22.
Dolley, 28.
Drake, 17.
Dunmall, 2, 18, 47, 48, 94.
Ebbett, 125-128.
Edwards, 106.
Everest, 3, 119.
F.B., 71.
Fanell, 124.

     French, 60.
Fuller, 62.
Gainsford, 50, 51.
Glover, 26.
Grafter, 95.
Graves, 24, 26, 38-41.
Griffiths, 1.
H.P., 76.
Hall, 63.
Hallett, 7.
Hardstone, 105.
Harris, 16, 62, 124.
Hickmott, 104.
Hills, 45, 46, 97, 116.
Judd, 117.
Kestel, 68-70.
Know, 9.
Latter, 31, 90.
Leigh, 61.
Mace, 59.
Martin, 6, 83.
Miles, 89.
Mitchel, 64.
Morgan, 33, 46, 88, 111, 112,
                 114, 115.
Nurse, 118.
Osborn, 92.
Paine, 91.
Phillips, 14.

Pickering, 81.
Pilkington, 67.
Reeves, 27.
Relph, 65.
Rock, 100, 107-109.
Round, 58.
S.F., 73.
Sales, 86.
Skinner, 103, 106.
Spence, 14.
Springett, 30.
Stacey, 96.
Staples, 41.
Stone, 93.
Tarleton, 80.
Tester, 49.
Thomas, 29.
Tichener, 87.
Tilden, 120-123.
Turner, 10.
Verrells, 102.
Walter, 35.
Waring, 15, 35, 36, 77, 78.
Watson, 25.
Williams, 20, 79.
Wood, 44.
Wright, 19.
Yeates, 110.

Place Index
Bath, 86.
Chalk Farm, Farnborough, 20.
Clifford's Inn, London, 118.
Croydon, Surrey, 21.
Cudham, 121, 122, 123.
Farningham, 62.
Goddington, 7, 16, 124.
Halstead, 54, 55.

     Hartley, 91.
Hewett Farm, 67.
Holland Road, 
     Kensington, 7.
London, 17.
Lower Mediety, Malpas,
     Chester, 17.
Mount Hall, 91.
Orpington, 120, 128.

Sevenoaks, 62.
Shoreham, 56, 57.
Southend, Eltham, 99.
St. Paul's, Deptford, 11.
St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, 
    London, 61.
St. John's, Swansea, 79.
Tunbridge, 65.
Woodlands, 35, 36.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental inscriptions of the Upper burial Ground, Dartford

A transcription of Mr Leland L. Duncan's field notebook, dated 10 June 77 [1877], commencing "Dartford Churchyard....".   Frank Bamping, 11 January 2001.


Recent research shows that the following M.I.s were recordered by Leland Duncan at the "Upper burial Ground", now known as St Edmund's Pleasance, off East Hill.  April 2012.


1.   An altar tomb. Carved within a circle, arms, a chevron between three leopard's heads. Crest, a leopard passant tail extended chain reflexed the back ducalled crowned standimg on stump of tree fessways.

To the memory of John Pettet, esquire, of this parish who departed this life 30th day of August 1771 aged 66 years. Also Mrs Sarah Pettet, sister of the above said John Pettet, esquire, who departed this life the 30th day of October 1772 aged 69 years. Likewise to the memory of Benjamin their brother died July 19 1793 aged 79; Ann their sister died February 9th 1795 aged 88 and Mary their sister died July 23rd 1801 aged 85.


2.   An altar tomb. Arms, a chevron between three leopard's heads
Here lyeth interred the body of Mr John Pettet, merchant, who departed this life the 13 day of September Anno Dom. 1700 aged 42 years


3.         An altar tomb surrounded by iron rails.

South side. Mrs Mary Budgen, wife of William Budgen of this parish, gentleman, died 31st July 1805 aged 51 years.

East side. Sacred to the memory of William Budgen, esquire, who departed this life the 27th day of April 1826 in the 75th year of his age.

North side. Elizabeth Budgen daughter of John and Elizabeth Budgen died 24th May 1755 aged 4 years and 10 months. Sacred to the memory of John Budgen, esquire, son of William Budgen, esquire, who died November 26th 1827 aged 38 years.


4.         In memory of Mr John Budgen late of this parish who departed this life the 5th February 1780 aged 71. Also Mrs Elizabeth Budgen relict of the above who departed this life the 17th June 1782 aged 67 years.


5.         In memory of Edward Stigger late of this parish, wheelwright, who departed this life the 11th December 1785 aged 81 years. Also Elizabeth Stigger wife of the above who died the 7th January 1788 aged 77 years and of Mary Stigger their daughter who died the 1st June 1789 aged 53 years.


6.         Here lieth interred the body of Mrs Ann Smalley late of this parish who departed this life April ye 1 1770 aged 37 years. Here also lieth the body of Mr Thomas Smalley late of this parish who departed this life June ye 2nd 1773 in the ............


7.         Sacred to the memory of Mrs Elizabeth Banty wife of Mr James Coupland Banty of this parish who departed this life the 15th of April 1848 aged 29 years.


8.         In memory of James Dale of this parish who died July 27th 1845 aged 73 years. Also Mary Dale his beloved wife who died August 26th 1849 aged 71 years. Also Maria wife of John Richmond, mariner, and daughter of the above who died August 22nd 1849 aged 41 years.


9.         Thomas Hill died February 18th 1842 aged 1 year and 9 months. John Hill died November 30th 1854 aged 1 year and 3 months.


10.       In memory of Ann wife of Thomas Hill of this parish, victualler, who died November 12th 1847 aged 33 years.


11.       Sacred to the memory of Sarah Maria Millet Warns daughter of Robert and Esther Warns who died April 1st 1841 aged 14 years.


12.       Sacred to the memory of Mary wife of William Rufus who was born in the year 1798 at Coalbrookdale in the parish of Madeley Salop and departed this life 27th of February 1853 aged 55 years.


13.       Sacred to the memory of Mrs Hannah Durrant wife of Mr John Durrant of this parish who died 25th August 1851 aged 47 years. Also Mr Thomas Durrant who died 28th February 1853 aged 76 years. Also Mrs Sarah Durrant wife of Mr Thomas Durrant who died 4th April 1841 aged 65 years. Also Mr John Durrant of this parish who died 9th September 1854 aged 45 years.


14.       To the memory of Mr George Green of this parish who died the 4th of April 1839 aged 36 years. Also William Whitmore Green son of the above who died the 12th of July 1836 aged 1 year and 9 months.


15.       In memory of Mr Joseph Ballard of this parish who died July 14th 1851 aged 42 years. This stone is erected by his wife in affectionate remembrance of her beloved husband.


16.       George Best died 7th April 1840 aged 9 months and 2 weeks.


17.       In memory of Mrs Mary Jegon of this parish who died the 28th day of August 1824 aged 78.


18.       Sacred to the memory of Mr Henry Pilcher who departed this life the 29th of June 1838 aged 36 years. This stone is erected as a testimonial f respect by the members of the amicable society of Dartford.


19.       Beneath this mound lie the remains of John Dunkin who died suddenly December 22 1846. A brass tablet is erected on the North side of the Ladye Chapel, Dartford Church.


20.       In memory of James and Sarah Gibson [sic] son of Charles and Sarah Gibson who was baptized the 13th of November 1704 in the parish of Saint Mary the Virgin in the town and port of Dover after spending many years in this parish he died on the 26th of February 1810 in the 106th year from his Baptism.


21.       Sacred to the memory of Mrs Ann Nettlefold wife of Mr William Nettlefold of this parish who departed this life the 15th of August 1830 aged 57 years. Also Mr William Nettlefold who departed this life the 30th July 1834 aged 61 years.


22.       Sacred to the memory of Sarah Nettlefold daughter of William and Elizabeth Nettlefold of this parish who departed this life the 16th of December 1820 aged 42 years.


23.       In memory of Mr William Nettlefold who departed this life the 18th of September 1789 aged 45 years. Also Amy Nettlefold daughter of the above who died 25th April 1783 aged 18 months and Elizabeth Nettlefold died 29th August 17 aged 4 years. John Nettlefold departed 4th September 1783 aged 5 weeks.


24.       Sacred to the memory of Mrs Elizabeth Nettlefold wife of Mr William Nettlefold of this parish who departed this life January the 11 1804 aged 54 years.


25.       Here lieth the body of Mrs Ann late wife of Mr Robert Emery of this parish who departed this life the 9th day of February 1745 aged 42 years. John son of the above said Robert and Ann who died in the year 1746 aged two months. Also to the memory of Ann daughter of the above said who departed this life ye 5th of September 1749 aged 11 years.


26.       Here lyeth interred the body of Richard Lardner of Ramsden near Witney, Oxon, clerk to Mr John Pettet, brewer, of Dartford who departed this life January ye 27th 1752 aged 43 years.


27.       Elizabeth Perfect died 13th November 1763. This stone is erected by her husband William Perfect of West Malling, surgeon, to perpetuate the memory of a wife whose life was a constant lesson of virtue.


28.       Sacred to the memory of John Woodham late of the parish of Greenwich, baker, formerly of this parish who departed this life the 8th day of May 1771 aged 41 years. Also two children of John and Elizabeth Woodham; one died 1 April 1769 aged 4 years Elizabeth died 15th May 1771 in the 5th year of her age. Also James Woodham son of the above who died 15th of September 1771 aged 9 years.


29.       In memory of Mrs Ann Wright wife of Thomas Wright of this parish, smith and farrier, who departed this life the 16th day of August 1831 aged 55 years. Also Eliza Wright daughter of the above Thomas and Ann Wright who departed this life the 6th day of April 1831 aged 17 years.


An index to the M.I.s in Dartford churchyard              Compiled by Zena Bamping


I N D E X      

     Name IndexBallard, 15.
Banty, 7.
Best, 16.
Budgen, 3, 4.
Dale, 8.

Dunkin, 19.
Durrant, 13.
Emery, 25.
Gibson, 20.
Green, 14.
Hill, 9, 10.Jegon, 17.
Lardner, 26.
Nettlefold, 21-24.
Perfect, 27.
Pettet, 1, 2, 26.
Pilcher, 18.Rufus, 12.
Smalley, 6.
Stigger, 5.
Warns, 11.
Woodham, 28.
Wright, 29.

Coalbrookedale, Madeley, Salop, 12Greenwich, 28.
Ramsden, Witney, Oxon, 26.St Mary the Virgin, Dover, 20.
West Malling, 27.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of St Mary's Churchyard, St Mary Cray

What follows is a transcription of one of the many pocket field notebooks belonging to the noted author and antiquarian, Mr Leland L. Duncan. For many years right up until his death Duncan visited Kent churches and churchyards and noted in his own shorthand the memorial inscriptions contained therein. These inscriptions he compiled are not "as carved in stone" but in his own standard form. Sadly he used a stub of a blunt HB pencil on cheap paper which over 100 years later is sometimes hard to read. However, in the period which has elapsed, many of the inscriptions are now even more difficult to read which makes L.L. Duncan's efforts all the more valuable.                                                                                                       Frank Bamping  12 December 2000

The Memorial Inscriptions in the Churchyards of Saint Mary Cray, Kent, taken on the 13th August 1921.

1. Eliza, wife of Thomas Martin, died July 21 1878 aged 38.
2. Edwin Blackman died 3.11.1880 aged 24.
3. Here rests Mary Hallahan, the mother of Margaret Tobin. Also William Edward Epsom died 10 February, 1880 aged 15 years.
4. Esther Augusta Sibley died 30.6.1873 aged 30.
5. C.E. Dabnor died 4.9.1897 aged 61. Mary his wife died 3.9.1900 aged 62.
6. John Spearing died 23.3.1873 aged 55. John Spearing, son of the above died 4.11.1878 aged 33.
7. James Mylne died 6.10.1862 aged 24. John Mylne ...... [gone]
8. Mrs Sarah Townsend wife of Charles Townsend of this parish died 5.3.1819 aged 26. George Henry Donmall, grandson of the above died 4.1.1846 aged 5 months. Eliza Donmall wife of George Donmall and daughter of the above Mrs Townsend died 13.2.1850 aged 32. George Donmall, relict of Eliza Donmall died 4.9.1860 aged 52.
9. Mrs Ann Thick who after fulfilling the duties of a wife and mother died 16.6.1856 aged 66.
10. Abraham Jordan died 27.3.1867 aged 42. Sarah Jordan, his wife died January 1 1886 aged 72. Formerly of Shoreham in this County.
11. A wooden cross on which no inscription remains.
12. Mrs Ann Child, wife of Mr Henry Child .........parish who departed this life the .... day of January ......years ... place. Also ...... Mr Henry C...... who ......March ...in the ...year... Footstones: A.C. 1784. H.C. 1793.
13. Mr William Child, late of Kevington in this parish, yeoman, died 9.11.1808 aged 65. Also Mrs Elizabeth Child relict of the above died 19 July 1825 in her 75th year.
14. Here lye.. ....body of Char... Kettell wife ..... Kettell .... [gone] Footstone: R.K. 1752.
15. Thomas Child of this parish died 19.12.1828 aged 87.
16. Mary the daughter of ...... Dale .....B.... who departed this life July 1790 aged 5 years. Also Mrs Sarah Dale late of this parish died 12.9.17-0 after a long and painful illness occasioned by a cancer in her breast aged 62.
17. Mercy and Ann Fenn, daughters of James and Sarah Fenn of Lawrence Pountney, London. Mercy Fenn died the 20.9.1777 aged .... days Ann Fenn died 15 November 1780 aged 22 months.
18. Mrs Elizabeth Lane wife of Mr Richard Lane ]?] ....... died 1792 aged ?47. ........ Footstone: E.L.1792.
19. Mr John Baker of this parish died 26.10.1815 aged 82. John Baker son of the above died 9.11.1797 aged 35.
20. Charles Holyoak died 6.5.1876 aged 56. Harriet Holyoak wife of the above died 12.1.1894 aged 68. Mary Ann Holyoak, daughter of the above died 18.3.1873 aged 22.
21. Mr William Sparks of this parish died 4.1.1840 aged 32.
22. An old coffin shaped stone with no inscription.
23. Mr John Duke of this parish, bricklayer, died 20 July 1833 aged 43. Rosy Ann, his daughter died 27.3.1833 aged 10.
24. Thomas Duke died 2.12.1852 aged 42. Charlotte his wife died January 13 1888 aged 77.
25. An altar. In the memory of Catherine Lay, daughter of Samuel and Martha Lay, late of Sittingbourne, Kent, died 18 June 1818 aged 28. Also Samuel Lay son of the above died 18.8.1818 aged 31.
26. Mrs Jane Snelling, wife of Mr John Snelling of this parish, miller, died 31 January 1756 aged 38. Also Mrs Elizabeth Wright wife of Mr Richard Wright of Rotherhithe, Surrey, shipwright. Daughter of the above died 16 December 1797 aged 57. Mr Richard Wright died 25 January 1801 aged 67 years and 4 months. There is a carved coat of arms.
27. An altar. Frances Snelling, youngest daughter of the late Mr Joseph Snelling of this parish died 4.9.1846 aged 26. Georgina Snelling died 26.8.1899 aged 82, widow of Joseph Snelling of this parish.
28. A low tomb. Robert Waring died November 19 1829 aged 43.
29. An altar. Thomas Snelling of Bexley, son of Joseph Snelling senior of this parish died 14 April 1810 aged 36. Also the above Mr Joseph Snelling died 15 April 1810 in his 81st year. Also Mrs Frances Snelling widow of the above Mr Joseph Snelling died 20 February 1820 aged 82. Fanny Snelling daughter of the above Mr Joseph Snelling died 15.1.1865 in her 92nd year.
30. An altar. Elizabeth wife of Joseph Snelling senior of this parish died 14.7.1834 aged 53. Also the above Mr Joseph Snelling senior died 16.6.1846 aged 71. Also Elizabeth Snelling eldest daughter of the above died 29.8.1840 aged 36.
31. Mr Robert James Smith late of this parish died 7.7.1863 aged 48. Elizabeth Stedman Smith wife of the above born 13.3.1820 died 3.10.1877.
32. Mr Robert Smith of this parish, plumber, died 19.11.1852 aged 62.
33. Elizabeth Smith wife of Mr Robert Smith of this parish died 13.2.1833 aged 41. Eleanor Elizabeth Smith daughter of the above died 27.1.1837 aged 18. Mrs Hannah-Maria Crane sister of the above Mr Robert Smith died 10.1.1842 aged 58.
34. Mr George Laurence of this parish died 13.5.1843 aged 81. Mrs Ann Laurence wife of Mr George Laurence of this parish died 29.8.1824 in his 64th year. Also 6 children who died in their infancy.
35. Mr George Laurence of this parish died 18.9.1858 in his 74th.
36. Mrs Amy Laurence wife of Mr George Laurence junior of this parish died 17.9.1821 aged 37. Also Sophia wife of Mr John Beadle and daughter of the above died 16 May 1847 aged 36. Also Amy Sophia daughter of John and Sophia Beadle died 13.6.1858 aged 17.
37. Mrs Ann Aillud wife of Mr John Aillud of this parish died 9.12.1832 aged 70. Also the above Mr John Aillud died 19.7.1839 aged 74. Also Ann Aillud daughter of the above died 8.12.1858 aged 65. Henry Aillud grandson of the above John Aillud born 17.5.1881 died 8.5.1886.
38. A cross. Elizabeth Havergal born 28.6.1800 died 25.11.1873. Elizabeth Ann Chapman daughter of the above and wife of William Chapman of Crouch Farm, St. Mary Cray, died 27.3.1875 aged 37.
39. Mr Matthew Taylor of Hockenden in this parish died 26.8.1859 aged 70. Elizabeth wife of the above died 16.9.1860 aged 75.
40. Mr William Chapman of this parish died 24 February 1778 aged 33. Also Thomas son of the above died 21 February 1778 aged 1 year and 6 months.
41. Mr Thomas Kemp of this parish died 2.4.1772 aged 64.
42. Mrs Mary Kemp died 23 July 1779 aged 64.
43. An altar. Charlotte wife of Mr Joseph Snelling of this parish died 7.10.1844 aged 36. William Carnell aged 14 days and Thomas Carnell aged 16 days: twin sons of the above Joseph and Charlotte Snelling. Also the above Joseph Snelling died 9.7.1878 aged 71. Joseph Carnell Snelling eldest son of the above Joseph Snelling died at Brisbane, Queensland, 10.8.1895 aged 66. George Carnell Snelling second son of the above Joseph Snelling died 17.3.1898 aged 57.
44. Mr John Watkins died 12.4.1787 aged 68. Mrs Ann Watkins wife of the above died 7.9.1802 aged 71.
45. Mr Richard Abbott died 20.12.1786 aged 54.
46. Septimus Abbott died 11.7.1763 aged 59. Ann Abbott his wife died 23.11.1764 aged 69.
Under the East window of the North aisle
47. A flat stone. Mr Nehemiah Gibson, ironmonger and citizen of London in the parish of St. Sepulchres died 22.3.1734 aged 38. Mrs Meriall Gibson his wife died 9.9.1740. Miss Eleanor West died 9.3.1792 aged 16 years and 6 weeks. William West died 27.12.1807 aged 75. Esther Tuck died 11.8.1825 aged 65.
48. Thomas Richard Crowhurst died 19.3.1877 aged 66. Betsy his wife died 5.4.1889 aged 82.
49. An altar. Here lieth the body of Henriette Hodsoll daughter of Edward Bussey, late of Little Bookham in Surrey, gentleman, deceased, and wife of William Hodsoll of this parish died 7.2.1758. Also the above William Hodsoll the second son of William Hodsoll of South Ash in this county, gentleman. He died 6 October 1760 in his 75 year. Also Edward Hodsoll, esquire, late of this parish and of the Strand, banker died October 7 1794 aged 74. Also William Hodsoll, esquire, son of the above died 11.11.1794 aged 38. Also Mrs Matilda Hodsoll, widow of the above Edward Hodsoll, esquire, 1.7.1807 aged 86. [carved coat of arms for Hodsoll and ]
50. Jane Chapman daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Chapman of this parish died 27.2.179[?5] aged ?11 years.
51. Mr Thomas Chapman of Crouch Farm in this parish died 2.3.1824 aged 73. Mrs Elizabeth Chapman, relict of the above died 16.2.1838 aged 83.
52. Ada Alice daughter of Albert and Elizabeth Martin of this parish died 21.12.1873 aged 4. James son of the above died 25.12.1873 aged 6.
53. Mr Thomas Stapley died 15.2.1802 aged 63. Mrs Lucy Stapley wife of the above died 22.6.1825 aged 77. Left issue one daughter Ann.

54. A flat stone. Mr William Weekes late of this parish died 30 March 1771 aged 61. Ann Weekes late of this parish, widow, died 12.2.1800 aged 80. Ann Mosyer daughter of the above and relict of Mr Joseph Moyser died 21.2.1822 aged 69.
55. Mr James Holmes died 25.12.1801 aged 26. Ann his wife died 12 February 1831 aged 57. Leaving issue two daughters; Lucy and Mary who erected this stone.
56. Here lyeth the / body of Ann the / wife of .......[gone] c.1700.
The following three are under the East window
57. A broken headstone, now flat under East window. Mr William Deane of Deptford, distiller, son of Mr William Deane (of .... the .... S....... officer) .....January 1767, aged ..... years.
58. An altar. Here lyeth the body of Catherine Wythings, spinster, daughter of William Wythings, esquire, who departed this life the 19 May 1716 in ye 82 year of her age and she left to the poor of this parish bountiful provision for ever. [coat of arms]
59. Here lyeth the body of Frances Wythings, widow, of William Wythings of Eltham in ys county of Kent, esquire, daughter of Robert King, gentleman, of this parish who departed this life 2 June 1687 in ye 82nd year of her life. [coat of arms]
 In the South Eastern slip
60. Mrs Elizabeth Stokes wife of Mr Isaac Stokes of Bexley died 30.12.1805 aged 58. Mrs Mary Stokes died 11.4.1815 aged 45. Mr Isaac Stokes late of Blenden in the parish of Bexley died 13.2.1816 aged 64.
61. Mr John Brown of this parish died 12.4.1740 in ye 47th year. Mrs Mary Brown wife of the above died 30.12.1765 aged 72.
62. Mrs Elizabeth Brown wife of Mr Henry Brown of this parish died 4 October 1779 aged 66. A tender mother &c also two children of Mathias and Sarah Durling viz Elizabeth and Mary.
63. William Munn of this parish died 11.1.1796 aged 37. Martha North his mother who died 9.2.1793 aged 75.
64. Mrs Elizabeth Jackson wife of the late Richard Jackson died 20.1.1782 aged 74.
65. Mr John Roots late of this parish died 3 October 1770 aged 64.
66. Richard Jackson late of this parish died 27.6.1747 aged 49.
67. Mrs Ann Taif-r of this parish died 31.7.1760 aged 56.
68. William and Rachel Day, William and Thomas their sons erected by one who mourns their loss as a daughter and a sister, departed this life William Day senior 5.7.1836 aged 83. Rachel Day died 11.2.1831 aged 73. William Day junior died 16.4.1827 aged 35. Thomas Day died 11.4.1830 aged 31.
69. A War Memorial Cross, 1914-1918. [No names]
70. A wood cross [No name]
71. Sarah Farrant, daughter of Christopher and Ann Farrant died 6.11.1794 aged 9. John Farrant son of the above Christopher and Ann died 29.12.1794 aged 7.
72. Mr Christopher Farrant of this parish died 30.3.1802 aged 45. Mrs Ann Farrant, relict of the above died 21.10.1824 aged 66.
73. A.C. [No date]
74. Mary Coout, daughter of John and Ann Coout died 31.1.1734 aged 27.
75. I.C. [No date]
76. Henry Johnson late of this parish died 12.3.1749 in his 26th. William Johnson of ye said parish died ye 16.3.1749 aged 28.
77. John Pittman died 1.5.1701 aged 41. Elizabeth his wife died November ye 14 1726 aged 61.
78. Mr Thomas Abbott late of this parish died 24.5.1773 in his 75th. Near lieth Mrs Sarah Abbott his wife who died 22.1.1769 aged 64.
79. Elizabeth, widow of the late Charles Kerr of Brighton born 28.8.1790 died 6.2.1873. Joseph Parkin son of the Rev. John Jones and grandson of the above born 5.9.1853 died 7.4.1854.
80. Mr James Jackson son of the late Mr Richard Jackson of this parish died 6 February Anno Dom. 1763 Aetat 28.
81. Isabella, eldest daughter of Charles and Isabella Jewell of Birchwood Corner in this parish died 14.1.1852 in her 20th year. Emma, sister of the above died 10.9.1836 in her 4th year. Above Charles Jackson son of George and Philadelphia Jewell died 25.10.1854 aged 61. Charles George eldest son of the above Charles and Isabella Jewell died 9.2.1856 in the 34th. Isabella Jewell wife of the above Charles Jewell died at Southall, Middx., 27.11.1869 aged 75.
82. Philadelphia, wife of Mr George Jewell late of this parish died 9.8.1832 aged 66. Mr George Jewell died 18.12.1843 aged 89.
83. Thomas Weller, for 18 years parish clerk born 11.7.1818 died 24.5.1876. Sarah Weller his wife died 23.4.1910 aged 91. Interred at Elmers End.
84. A low tomb. In a vault beneath lie the bodies of Mister / Henry ......./ ...... only son and / daughter of / ....... esq. and Sarah his / wife of ...... He died December 4 / 1742 ....... he September 11 / 174. .................... [gone]
85. A headstone now flat. Henry Johnson of this parish died 21.4.1748 aged 58. Margaret Johnson died 18.3.1749 aged 62.
86. A headstone now flat. Ann, wife of John Kemp died 31.8.1783 aged ..... John Kemp late of .........hill in the parish of Eynsford died December 1788 aged 7? A footsone J.K. 1780.
87. A headstone now flat. Sarah Bird died 25 August 1807 aged 45. Samuel Bird son of the above died 25.8.1813 aged 21. Sophia Bird daughter of the above died aged 7 weeks.
88. A flat stone. Mr Richard Bird of the parish of Tooting in Surrey died 9.10.181?3 in his 63rd year.
89. A flat stone. Elizabeth [? wife] of Mr John Trinder of this parish died 1 [or4] May 1836 aged 87.
90. A flat stone. Mr John Trinder [?Trender] died March 1811 aged 59.
91. A flat stone. Mr Edward Rables of Welling in the parish ....... died ... April 1801 [or4] aged 7-?.
92. A flat stone. Mr Thomas Rables late of the parish of St. Clement Danes in Middx. died 9.10.1793 in his [?68] year.
93. A flat stone. Mr John Rables [?Rablus} late of the parish of St. Paul's Cray died 29.2.1786 in his 6 [?8] year.
94. A flat stone. Elizabeth Rables died 11.3.180 [3or 5] aged [?8] -

95. Here lies the body of William Chapman son of Thomas and Ann Chapman of this parish died 22.11.1756 aged 41. Footstone: W.C., A.M.C.
96. Mary ye wife of Thomas Chapman and six children who departed this life June ye 18 1707 aged 41.
97. Thomas Chapman senior of Hockenden, yeoman, of this parish died March ye 13 1749 aged 88.
98. Ann Chapman wife of Thomas Chapman of this parish died May ye 23 1755 aged 79. Jane Chapman wife of Edward Chapman of Kingsdown and daughter of the above Thomas and Ann Chapman died 13.4.1792 aged 81.
99. Edward Ellett senior died 27.10.1758 aged 72. Mary Ellett daughter of the above died May 5 1760 aged 37.
100. Mrs Elizabeth Ellott of this parish died 31.3.1762 aged 49.
101. Elizabeth wife of Will Swan of this parish and daughter of Robert and Alice Coe died 12.3.1707 aged 33.
102. Mr William Swan of this parish died 16.12.1742 aged 75. Also here lyeth the body of Mary Boult. [no dates]
103. Mr John Boult senior of this parish died June 25 1761 aged 77. Also Mary wife of the above died 18.10.1777 aged 92.
104. Rachel wife of George Slade of Hampton Court and daughter of William and Rachel Day of this parish died 10.12.1850 in 60th.
105. A low tomb on which the inscription has perished except for a few letters.
106. A cross by the porch. Joshua Welch born 2.4.1788 died 29.1.1869. Mary Welch born 11.9.1790 died 28.8.1848. Dorothy Fairfax Richardson born 22.8.1814 died 7.9.1875. Herbert Langdon Ogle Welch born 25.8.1869 died 3.8.1870.
107. James Ebbet of this parish .............. Footstone J.E. 1714.
 In a plot South of the tower.
108. Mr William Biggs of St. Mary Cray died 9 September 1780 aged 5?5.
109. Mary Pratt of the parish of St. Paul's [?Deptford] died August [?8] 1786 aged 26.
110. Mr John Biggs late of the parish of Eirth died 13.7.1773 aged 59.
111. John Biggs junior died 25 February 1761 in his 21st year.
112. A cross. Joseph William Hunter, late Captain Royal Artillery, died 23.1.1881 aged 55. Charlotte Hunter the widow of the above died 26.11.1902 aged 77.
In the Southern yard
113. Ethel, daughter of John William and Florence Bachelor died 14.2.1879 aged 5 weeks.
113a. Mary wife of Joseph Ayre of this parish died 20.12.1865 aged 71. Also Benjamin Joseph eldest son of Benjamin and Eleanor Ayre and grandson of the above born October 5 1863 died 3.4.1866.
114. John Baker Hardstone of this parish died 5.6.1860 aged 43. Caroline wife of the above died 30.5.1874 aged 54.
115. Mary Ann wife of Mr Edwin Chittock and second daughter of Mr William and Sarah Hardstone of this parish died February 1850 aged 42.
116. Sarah Clarke daughter of William and Sarah Hardstone of this parish died 28.1.1885 aged 29.
117. Mrs Sarah Hardstone wife of Mr William Hardstone of this parish died 17 October 1844 aged 63.
118. Mr William Hardstone of this parish died 21.10.1855 aged 71.
119. Elizabeth Gux wife of George Gux died October ye 13 1757 aged 35. Also Mary Gux daughter of ye above died December ye 16 1736 aged 9 weeks.
120. William Taplin of this parish died 15.12.1804 aged 40.
121. Elizabeth wife of Thomas Figgess senior of Lower Hockenden, St Mary Cray, died 1.7.1874 aged 61. Thomas Figgess died 7.3.1879 aged 79.
122. Laura wife of Mr Thomas Figgess junior of Hockenden, St Mary Cray, died 28.9.1867 in his 24th year. Also Thomas Figgess died 25.6.1918 in his 84th year.
123. John, second son of Mr Thomas and Elizabeth Figgess of Hockenden in this parish died 21.6.1864 aged 24. Arthur, brother of the above died 4.10.1848 aged 1 year 8 days. Elizabeth Figgess born 21.8.1833 died 31.8.1914. Laura Figgess born 17.11.1851 died 14.2.1915.
124. A cross. Mary Ann Figgess born 30.4.1838 died 19.5.1916. Emily Figgess born 30.4.1842 died 11.12.1916.
125. A cross. Eliza Figgess born 1.1.1836 died 3.6.1918.
126. A cross with an anchor. George Graham Duff, Captain R.N., born 29.8.1835 died 21.11.1878 from the effects of wounds received whilst leading a storming party at the Gate Pah during the war in New Zealand. Mary Duff wife of the above born 7.1.1843 died 28.1.1913.
127. A cross. Solomon Brigden died February 7 189(?8)6 aged (?7)5.
128. A cross. William Winter of this parish died 29.4.1874 aged 67. Mary his wife died 1.2.1877 aged 6(?9).
129. John Heath died July 24 1733 in his 65th year.
130. Mary Heath wife of John Heath of this parish died 14 July 1742 aged 72.
131. Jane, daughter of Edward and Jane Fuller and wife of Richard Clark of this parish died 16.3.1758 aged 32.
132. Mr Richard Dunmull of St Mary Cray died 22.1.1850 aged 67. Mary Ann Dunmull second wife of the above died 6.5.1858 aged 66.
133. Mr Henry Miller died 24 December 1789 aged 75. Mary Brown daughter of the above died 4 February 1790 aged 33.
134. Kitty Dunmull of this parish died 9.10.1851 in her 71st year.
135. Sophia Dunmull of this parish died 29.2.1856 aged 66.
136. Mr Henry Miller Dunmull of this parish died 30.1.1865 aged 80.
137. Jemima Dunmull died 14.11.1876 aged 85.
138. Mrs Lucy Luck, daughter of the late Mr W. Jordan, builder, of Edenbridge in this county died 9.1.1875 aged 59. Also Eliza Foster sister of the above died 27.12.1902 aged 85.
139. A cross. Harriette, second daughter of Mr W. Burgess of Goudhurst, Kent, and wife of James Winser of this parish died 3.7.1866 aged 28.
140. Thomas Natt of this parish died 14.11.1718 in his 57th year.
141. A wood cross. To our dear father and mother. Isaac Whiting died 16.3.1879. Ellen his wife died 26.8.1894 aged 79. Also John, Thomas and Charlie three sons of the above.
142. Mr James Reed died 12.12.1795 aged 26. Also Sophia Tinkley, relict of the above died 21.10.1807 aged 39. Also James Reed son of the above died 1.5.1811 aged 18, and David Reed son of the above who died in infancy.
143. Thomas Furbank died 1.6.1813 aged 27.
144. William Nobbin died 26.6.1812 aged 35.
145. Elizabeth daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Waring died 25.3.1802 aged 51. John Walter son of Richard and Elizabeth Waring born 14.11.1795 and died 20.5.1802. Maria Ann daughter of William and Elizabeth Nash born 11 December 1806 died 4.9.1807.
146. Elizabeth wife of Walter Waring of this parish died 23.2.1759 aged 26.
147. Mr James Southernwood of this parish who died after a short illness of a few hours died 27.8.1832 in 37th year. Mrs Elizabeth Southernwood, widow of the above died 21.4.1880 aged 81.
148. William Southernwood died 20.11.1818 aged 29. Eleanor wife of Mr John Young of Sydney, N.S.W., and second daughter of the late Mr James Southernwood died 23.6.1885 aged 56.
149. Mrs Ann Southernwood wife of Mr Thomas Southernwood of this parish died 31.3.1812 aged 52. Also three of their sons who died in their infancy.
150. Mr Thomas Southernwood of this parish died 24.2.1838 in his 78th.
151. Mrs Mary Southernwood of this parish died 15.11.1823 aged 51.
152. Joseph Samuel Cox died 16.12.1869 aged 22.
153. Sarah Newman died 11.7.1830 aged 55. Harriot Newman died 19.1.1833 aged 52.
154. Mr Thomas Newman died 2.2.1795 aged 43. Mrs Elizabeth Newman died 17.4.1814 aged 68. Mr William Newman died 16.2.1824 aged 47.
155. Mary Quelch died 27.4.1772 aged 19.
156. Henry Phillips died 10.8.1756 aged 66. Also Richard Phillips son of the above died October 1 17(?5)2 aged 28. Also Rose Phillips wife of Richard Phillips died 28.3.1771 aged 48.
157. Ann wife of William Phillips and daughter of John and Elizabeth Rablus of this parish died 5.7.1818 aged 72. Also two of their children; John aged 1 year 9 months and Ann 1 year 7 months.
158. Jane Blundell died 7.4.1872 aged 79. Richard husband of the above died 20.1.1879 aged 93.
159. John Mace of this parish died 4 July 1748 aged 72. Mary Mace wife of the above died July ye 5 1760 aged 83.
160. Lousia daughter of William and Louisa Hards of this parish died 23.9.1832 aged 7 weeks.
161. William W(?aller) ............(all gone) Footstone W.W. 1770.
162. A cross. Malachi Davey born 5.7.1788 died 26.11.1866. Jane Elizabeth Davey born 6.11.1859 died 20.10.1863.
163. Mrs Eleanor Hickson died 7.1.1865 aged 51. Mr James Hickson husband of the above died 16.10.1883 aged 80.
164. Elizabeth Mary Shindler died 24.12.1862 in her 70th. George Shindler her husband died 3.3.1879 in his 92nd.
165. Ann wife of Henry Sunter of this parish died 27.1.1823 aged 72.
166. Ellen Elizabeth Hume Brown died 14.8.1868 aged 31. George Brown her husband died 4.4.1894 aged 54.
167. An enclosure - no stone.
168. A small cross. I. H. C. November XI 1858.
169. Thomas Carrier died 8 December 1710 aged 48.
170. Mr John Smith of this parish died 31.7.1855 aged 58. Sarah his wife died 3.2.1884 aged 80.
171. William Aldous Smith born 5.12.1865 died 25.11.1866. Also Eliza Smith born 22.8.1867 died 21.12.1872.
172. Mr Thomas Weller the faithful and efficient parish clerk of St Mary Cray for 52 years died 28.12.1860 aged 81. Also Alice his wife died 16.11.1844 aged 64.
173. Parnel Weller died 21.3.1836 aged 35. William Weller her husband died 25.6.1875 aged 72.
 In the church before the font in the nave is a flat stone to:-
174. Mary wife of Thomas Scott of this parish died 11.5.1788 aged 44. Thomas Scott her husband died 26.3.1827 aged 83. Margaret Scott late wife of the Rev. Thomas Scott, B.D., Chaplain of Bromley College and Vicar of Isleham died 2 December 1831 (or4) aged 72.
175. In the South Chapel are Hodsoll ledgers with arms 1756 and a tablet to Matilda Hodsoll widow of Edward Hodsoll, esquire, late of this parish and of the Strand Bankes and mother of William Hodsoll, esquire. She was the daughter of Joseph Ashe, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife of Langley Burrell Wilts, and grand-daughter on her mother's side to the Countess Dowger of Denbigh and Sir John James, knight. She died 14.7.1807 aged 86. Her remains are interred in the family vault in the churchyard. Also to Mrs Matilda Morgan only daughter of the aforesaid Edward and Matilda Hodsoll she died 14.11.1822 aged 66. Her remains are interred in a new built vault underneath this family chancel seat.  
Finished the churchyard inscriptions 13.VIII 21  L.L.D.
For the older inscriptions in the church see Thorpe's Registrum Roffense. Modern graves are in the cemetery about ¼ mile away alongside the railway to Swanley.  

Names IndexAbbott, 45, 46, 78.
Aillud, 37.
Ashe, 175.
Ayre, 113a.
Bachelor, 113.
Baker, 19.
Beadle, 36.
Biggs, 108, 110, 111.
Bird, 87, 88.
Blackman, 2.
Blundell, 158.
Boult, 102, 103.
Brigden, 127.
Brown, 61, 62, 133, 166.
Burgess, 139.
Bussey, 49.
Carrier, 169.
Chittock, 115.
Clark(e), 116, 131.
Chapman, 38, 40, 50, 51, 95,
   96, 97, 98.
Child, 12, 13, 15.
Coe, 101.
Coout, 74.
Cox, 152.
Crane, 33.
Crowhurst, 48.
Dabnor, 5.
Dale, 16.
Davey, 162.
Day, 68, 104.

Deane, 57.
Donmall, 8.
Duff, 126.
Duke, 23, 24.
Durling, 62.
Ebbet, 107.
Ellett, 99, 100.
Epsom, 3.
Farrant, 71, 72.
Fenn, 17.
Foster, 138.
Fuller, 131.
Furbank, 143.
Gibson, 47.
Hallahan, 3.
Hards, 160.
Hardstone, 114-118.
Havergal, 38.
Heath, 129, 130.
Hickson, 163.
Hodsoll, 49, 175.
Holmes, 55.
Holyoak, 20.
Hunter, 112.
Jackson, 64, 66, 80.
James, 175.
Jewell, 81, 82.
Johnson, 76, 85.
Jones, 79.
Jordan, 10, 138.Kemp, 41, 42, 86.
Kerr, 79.
Kettell, 14.
King, 59.
Lane, 18.
Laurence, 34, 35, 36.
Lay, 25.
Luck, 138.
Mace, 159.
Martin, 1, 52.
Miller, 133.
Morgan, 175.
Mosyer, 54.
Munn, 63.
Mylne, 7.
Nash, 145.
Natt, 140.
Newman, 153, 154.
Nobbin, 144.
North, 63.
Phillips, 156, 157.
Pittman, 77.
Pratt, 109.
Quelch, 155.
Rablus, 91, 92, 93, 94, 157.
Reed, 142.
Richardson, 106.
Roots, 65.
Scott, 174.
Shindler, 164.
Sibley, 4.
Slade, 104.Smith, 31, 32, 33, 170, 171.
Snelling, 26, 27, 29, 30, 43.
Southernwood, 147-151.
Sparks, 21.
Spearing, 6.
Stapley, 53.
Stokes, 60.
Sunter, 165.
Swan, 101, 102.
Taplin, 120.
Taylor, 39, 67.
Thick, 9.
Tinkley, 142.
Tobin, 3.
Townsend, 8.
Trundle, 89, 90.
Tuck, 65.
Waller, 161.
Waring, 28, 145, 146.
Watkins, 44.
Weekes, 54.
Welch, 106.
Weller, 83, 172, 173.
West, 47.
Whiting, 141.
Winser, 139.
Winter, 128.
Wright, 26.
Wythings, 58, 59.
Young, 148.
I.H.C., 168.

Places Index
Bexley, 29, 60.
Birchwood Corner, 81.
Blenden, 60.
Brighton, 79.
Brisbane, Queensland, 43.
Bromley, 174.
Crockenhill in Eynsford, 86.
Crouch Farm, 38, 51.Denbigh, 175.

Deptford, 57.
Edenbridge, 138.
Elmers End, 83.
Eltham, 59.
Erith, 110.
Goudhurst, 139.
Hampton Court, 104.
Hockenden, 39,97,121-123.
Isleham, 174.
Kevington, 13.Kingsdown, 98.
Langley Burrell, Wilts, 175.
Lawrence Pountney, London, 17.
Little Bookham, Surrey, 49.
London, 47.
New Zealand, 126.
Rotherhithe, Surrey, 26.
Southall, Middx., 81.
Shoreham, 10.Sittingbourne, 25.
South Ash, 49.
St Clement Danes, Middx.,92.
St Paul's, 109.
St Paul's Cray, 93.
Sydney, N.S.W., 148.
The Strand, 49, 175.
Tooting, Surrey, 88.
Welling, 91.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental inscriptions of the churchyard of St Margaret, Darenth

Monumental inscriptions of the churchyard of St Margaret, Darenth, Kent. Completed 1st August, 1920, by Leland L. Duncan.

From the 1890s onwards until his death the Lewisham based antiquarian and author, Mr Leland L. Duncan visited as many as 80+ Kent churchyards and recorded the memorial inscriptions in a field notebook using a shorthand and standardised form of recording. This is a transcription of his little notebook in which he noted all the stones which were of interest to him in the churchyard at Darenth.

Frank Bamping 31st October 2000
The churchyard of St Margaret, D A R E N T H, Kent.
Completed 1st August, 1920, L.L.D.
1. Mary E. Mulligan died at Long Reach 1.3.1884 aged 19.
2. Frances Ann Coates died on Sexagesima 1869 aged 17 years and 8 months. Robert Coates, Lieutenant, R.A., died 22.1.1870 in his 26th year.
3. Alexander Hassell of the Clock House, Darenth, died 3.5.1885 aged 64. Sarah Hassell, wife of the above died 6.11.1885 aged 63.
4. Alexander Thomas Hassell died 22.3.1863 aged 11. Frederick, his brother, died 12.11.1863 aged 13.
5. George, son of Richard and Ann Wilks of this parish died 7.4.1819 aged 11 years and 8 months. Mr Richard Wilks, of this parish died 2.8.1837 aged 78. Mrs Ann Wilks, wife of the above Richard Wilks died 28.9.1839 aged 70.
6. A cross. Lillias Mackay, wife of Percy Hassell of the Clock House, Darenth, died 10 April 1905 aged 49. Also Percy Hassell died 18 October 1905 aged 54.
7. William Cripps of this parish died December 5 1861 aged 82. Charlotte, wife of the above died November 10 1845 aged 54.
8. A coped stone. Peter Trant Murray Payne, Col. R.M.L.I. died 18.8.1889 aged 80. Anne, widow of Col. Payne died October 25 1891 aged 71.
9. A coped stone. Richard Ferguson Jarvis died 25.8.1879 aged 46. Anna Maria, widow of Richard Ferguson Jarvis died 10.6.1909 aged 64. Richard Thomas Trant Jarvis elest son of the above died at Maritzburg, South Africa, 31.8.1903 aged 36.
10. A small cross. Maud Eveline Jarvis born 8.10.1868 died 1.12.1870.
11. ? An old footstone which appears to have initials -
J.O...... W.E.R. F. ?S. O. (L.L.D.)
12. Emily Carpenter died 7.11.1898 in her 39th year. Annie Louisa died 8.5.1884 aged 5 years 4 months. Alfred Frederic died 12.5.1884 aged 2 years 7 months. Children of the above. Winifred E. Carpenter died 17.1.1903 aged 18. John Carpenter died 6.8.1908 aged 53.
13. Richard Tyler died 26.8.1888 aged 59. Sarah Jane, wife of the above died 12.8.1898 aged 73.
14. Sarah Ann Godwin died 21.2.1884 aged 61.
15. Mary, wife of John Evered died 1.3.1902 aged 55. Mary Gibbons died at Tientsin, China, 4.5.1910 aged 35. John Evered Gibbons, Lieut., R.A.F., son of the above killed in action at Moeuvres, France, 9.10.1918 aged 20.
16. Large altar tomb outside the East end of the chancel.
On top. Here lyeth the body of Mr William Farrant late of this parish who departed this life on the 18 day of January 1716/17 in the 43rd year of his age. Having left behind him Mary his beloved wife together with five sons, Thomas, William, John, Henry and Samuel; two daughters Elizabeth and Edde [sic]. He was the son of Mr Henry Farrant formerly of the parish of Cudham in Kent. Here lyeth the body of Mrs Mary Farrant, the wife of Mr William Farrant who departed this life on the 26 day of March 1729 in the 51st year of her age. Also Mrs Elizabeth Hodges, widowed daughter of the above who died 2 January 1788 aged 82 years. Also lyeth the body of Mary, the daughter of Mr William Farrant who died September the 23rd 1713. Also lyeth the body of Henry the son of Mr William Farrant who departed this life September the 14th 1722 in the 14 year of his age. Also lyeth the body of Thomas son of William and Mary Farrant who departed this life September the 30th 1737 in the 36th year of his age.
South side. And in memory of Mrs Elizabeth Chapman, wife of Thomas Chapman of St Margaret's in this parish who died 10th August 1821 aged 40. Likewise 3 infants. Also the above mentioned Thomas Chapman who died 12 October 1848 aged 70. Also the body of Henry Chapman of the Court Lodge in this parish, 2nd son of the aforesaid Thomas Chapman who died 11 July 1855 aged 47. Also the body of Thomas Chapman of St Margaret's eldest brother of the above Henry Chapman died 5 March 1863 aged 57.
East end. Also Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Chapman of St Margaret's Esquire and Elizabeth his wife died 15.6.1869 aged 56.
North side. Also lieth the body of William, son of the above Mr William and Mary Farrant late of this parish died 12 September 1762 in his 58th year. Having left behind him Jane his beloved wife together with one son and two daughters William, Jane and Elizabeth. Also lieth the body of Jane, wife of William Farrant who departed this life February 5 1763 aged 42. Also the body of William the son of the last mentioned William and Jane Farrant who died 21 December 1788 aged 37.
West end blank.
17. Covered in ivy. Margaret Dort late of Chester Place, Kennington, ...... who died 14 July 180(?1) aged 87.
18. Covered in ivy. Elizabeth Munn, wife of Thomas Munn died 29 July 1741 aged 48. George Dort died 13 January 1805 aged 60.
19. An altar tomb covered with ivy. North side. Sarah, wife of William Garrow of Pegwell in this county died June 30 1808 aged 56. (The rest smothered in ivy)
20. Nicholas Middleton of the parish of Dartford died 9 March 1778 aged 33. Also 2 of his sons who died in infancy. He left issue one son and 2 daughters, William, Jane and Mary.
21. Mr John Millen late of this parish died June 11 1786 aged 82. Mary his wife died 8 November 1787 aged 87.
22. Mrs Mary Pitt wife of Mr Charles Pitt and daughter of Mr Richard Thorpe of this parish died May 23 1847 aged 39,
23. Mr George Durham died 14 May 1810 aged 74. Mrs Elizabeth Durham his wife died June 8 1780 aged 40. Mrs Esther Durham wife of the above Mr George Durham died 20 December 1790 aged 29. Jane Durham daughter of the above George and Elizabeth Durham died 18.4.1791 aged 19. George Durham son of the above George and Elizabeth Durham died 7.3.1792 aged 21. William Henry and Ann Durham died in infancy. Also Sarah Broad wife of John Broad and daughter of .........(rest in grass)
24. Richard Thorpe November 16 1859 aged 85. Mary wife of the above died February 14 1838 aged 60.
25. Percy Richard Dukes, child of William and Mary Anne Charlotte Beresford born 22.1.1847 died 16.12.1857.
26. Joseph Mepham of this parish died 22 October 1819 aged 79. Margaret his wife died 25.6.1782 aged 51.
27. A cross. Emma Clara Gull died 17.7.1915 aged 66.
28. Mr Richard Thorpe of St Margaret's in this parish died January 14 1868 aged 60.
29. Mr John Sutherden died January 1 1792 aged 74. Jane his wife died February 22 1794 aged 64. Sarah, wife of Mr William Sutherden died 9.3.1812 aged 57. Mr William Sutherden son of the above died 1.3.1820 aged 63. Richard son of the above William and Sarah Sutherden died 14.3.1823 aged 37.
30. Mary Reynolds wife of William Reynolds of this parish died 26.1.1850 aged 72. William Reynolds, the aforesaid died at Leicester 19.4.1857 aged 78.
31. William Thomas Reynolds son of William and Mary Reynolds of this parish died 27.4.1838 aged 22.
32. Mr Samuel Peirce died 19 July 1820 aged 38. Elizabeth Peirce daughter of the above died 24 April 1814 aged 4 years and 6 months.
33. A wood cross. R.I.P. in loving memory of my dear daughter Lilian M. Allam who died 8.11.1918 aged 22.
34. Henry Hill of the parish of Stone died October 24 1761 aged 38. Elizabeth his wife died January 12 1779 aged 49.
35. Elizabeth Hart, mother of Elizabeth Hill died 8 April 1773 aged 80. Sarah Hill, sister of Henry Hill died 23 March 1759 aged 23.
36. Mary wife of Thomas Beale of this parish died 14 May 1768 aged 60. Left issue Mary the wife of Thomas Couchman of the parish of Swanscomb.
37. Easter wife of Robert Hinkley of this parish died 9.11.1825 aged 65.
38. Sophia wife of Mr Robert Wilks of the parish of Dartford died 26.2.1866 aged 48.
39. Sophia wife of Augustus Applegath of Dartford died 23.8.1848 in her 56th year. Her children arise up &c. Also Richard Drew Applegath second son of the above died 22.2.1850 aged 29. The above Augustus Applegath died February 9 1871 aged 83.
40. John Beard died 13.1.1871 aged 48.
41. Emily Beard daughter of R.R.W. and M.M. Beard of this parish died 14.7.1846 aged 28. Also Mary Maria Beard, mother of the above died 29.8.1848 aged 59. R.R.W. Beard husband of the above died 30.10.1856 aged 81.
42. A wood cross. Private G.A. North of the 60th Canadians died aged 27 years. (No date - L.L.D.)
43. Mrs Sarah Palmer died 23.4.1838 aged 63.
44. Here lieth ye body of Judeth wife of Thomas Small of this parish who died June ye 15 1758 aged 50 years.
45. A wood cross. No. 22540 Private W. Stoner of the Royal Defence Corps died 3.11.18 aged 54.
46. Thomas Williams died 28.8.1918 aged 67.
47. Mr Pharez Smith of this parish died December 29 1859 aged 52.
48. James Parker died June 22 1885 aged 68. Erected by Edmund and Harriet Amelia Mackney of this parish.
49. Edmund Mackney died 6.4.1883 aged 40. Harriet Amelia wife of the above died 21.2.1886 aged 37.
50. Mr George Knight Mackney of this parish died 10.7.1860 aged 55. Sarah Ann daughter of the above died in infancy. Henry George son of the above died at Meerut, East Indies, 30.10.1857 aged 28. Sophia widow of the above George Knight Mackney died 31.1.1866 aged 60.
51. Edmund, only child of Edmund and Harriet Amelia Mackney died 25.9.1872 aged 2 years and 5 months.
52. Elizabeth Ware late of the parish of Gravesend died 5.4.1831 aged 76. Near here lies John Ware father of the above died 17.9.1775 aged 59. Also Mary wife of John Ware and mother of the above died January 14 1803 aged 84.
53. Hannah wife of William Ware of this parish died 12.7.1839 aged 63. Also William Ware died 21.7.1842 aged 63. James Ware son of the above died 12.5.1871 aged 70 who was buried at Kensall Green. John Ware died 16.5.1877 aged 72. William Ware died 16.5.1877 aged 70. Sarah Ware, wife of the above (? which L.L.D.) died 31.1.1881 aged 67.
54. Frederick Smith, son of James and Ann Smith of this parish died 25.10.1822 aged 1 year and 8 months.
55. Mr Mark Bratton who was accidentally killed April 11 1806 in his 34th year. Near here also lieth Mrs Elizabeth Clement wife of Mr Mark Clement of Swanley and relict of the above who died 2.8.1829 aged 53.
56. A border. Margaret, wife of Thomas Webster died 27.10.1918 aged 33.
57. Mr George Brakefield died August 15 1816 aged 45. He lies buried at St George's, Southwark. Also Mr John Whiffin died 10.8.1822 aged 50 and Rebecca Whiffin relict to each of the above who died 3.7.1837 aged 64. Also Eliza Brakefield daughter of the above died 3.9.1819 aged 7.
58. Here lyeth the body of Thomas Vickers, victualler, late of Green stead Green aged 41.
Oh! the liquor he did love, but never will no more
For what he lov'd did turn his foe
For on the 28th of January 1741 that fatal day
The debt he ow'd he then did pay.
59. Mr Edward Vickers late of this parish died 10.3.1775 aged 79.
60. Mr Thomas Vickers late of the parish of Horton Kirby died 4 December 1786 aged 54. Here lyeth the body of Mary Moxey wife of William Moxey of Horton Kirby first married the above Thomas who died ................. (the rest under grass. L.L.D.)
61. Mrs Elizabeth Ring died 17 January 1806 in her 78th year. Mary Tufnail, granddaughter of the above died 21.9.1803 aged 5. Thomas Ring died 9 October 1816 aged 87. Mr Philip Tufnail died 3.9.1819 aged 57.
62. Elizabeth wife of Mr Henry Payne late of Greenwich died 19.1.1829 in her 66th year.
63. Alice Wallis died 25.3.1914 aged 65.
64. A cross. Charlotte wife of John Wallis died 20.2.1897 aged 83. John Wallis died 7.7.1903 aged 84.
65. George Tufnail of the parish of Stone died 11.4.1843 aged 58.
66. James Barnes died 27.5.1863 aged 33.
67. A tomb. South side. In memory of Frances Charlotte John Martha wife of Mr Frederick Thorp of this parish died January 5 1866 aged 56. Also Frederick Thorpe died 26 August 1880 aged 70.
West end. Julian Frederick, eldest son of Frederick and Frances C.J.M. Thorpe died 24 May 1867 aged 22.
68. Mr William Pummell late of the parish of Crayford died 5.4.1804 aged 58. Likewise 2 sons of the above, John and Henry died in infancy. William Pummell grandson of the above Mr William Pummell died July 5 1817 aged 15.
In a triangle on the North side.
69. Mr John Williams, bookseller, of Fleet Street, in the parish of St Dunstan's in the West, died 16 January 1779 in his 44th year.
70. Mrs Mary Holmes of this parish died 20 October 1838 aged 57.
71. J. K. 1838
72. Mrs Ann Kelham wife of Mr Joseph Kelham of this parish died 10 October 1822 aged 65. Also Mr Joseph Kelham died 4 February 1838 aged 73.
73. A wood rail. Jane Mercer died ? July 1 1849 aged 9 years. James Mercer died May 27 1850 aged ? 5 years.
74. A tomb in rails, North side. In memory of James Swaisland, gent., of this parish died 18 April 1823 aged 49. Elizabeth, relict of the above died 13 July 1834 aged 64.
75. Erected by the boys of the Home for Little Boys in loving memory of their friend and first superintendent Mr George Stocks who lived for God and died in Christ. 9 August 1869 aged 52.
76. A wood rail. Ann Rogers died 13.9.1859 aged 61.
Along the Western border
77. A cross. Jesu Mercy. Percy Edward Smith died 31.3.1916.
78. Here lieth interred the body of William Hibb, carpenter and son of William Hibb of this parish who departed this life the Nineteenth day of April one thousand seven hundred and twelve in the twentyeth year of his age. Footstone W.H. 1712.
79. Mrs Elizabeth Sedgwick late wife of Mr William Sedgwick of this parish died September 29 1798 aged 40. Also Mr William Sedgwick husband of the above died 6 May 1802 aged 46. Also Giles Sedgwick who died 6 March 1796 aged 7 months. Also Susanna wife of Mr William Sedgwick of Crayford died 7 July 1822 aged 33.
80. William Sedgwick died 3.4.1877 aged 88. Samuel Thomas Sedgwick son of the above died December 22 1886 aged 66.
81. Mr Robert Viner of this parish died 11 December 1836 aged 79. (Cut over 69. L.L.D.) Sarah and Frances, children of the above who died in their infancy. Also Mrs Mary Viner wife of the above died 29 July 1847 aged 80. Also Charles Nash, grandson of the above died May 17 1843 aged 21.
82. Catharine wife of James Seager of this parish died 1.10.1848 aged 53. Harriot Hicks granddaughter of the above died 26.2.1854 aged 14 months. The above James Seager died 25.6.1871 aged 67. Also Tryphosa Jane widow of the above James Seager died 20.5.1890 aged 79 and was interred in Swanscombe Cemetery.
83. Mr John Morbey of this parish died 3 January 1840 aged 50. Also 3 children who died in their infancy, viz Mary, Samuel and Samuel. Also the above Mr John Morbey for many years resident of this parish who died August 15 1842 aged 56. [sic]
84. Mary Ann Morbey daughter of Edward and Catherine Morbey of this parish died 12.5.1832 aged 18. Also Sarah, sister of the above died 7 July 1844 aged 18.
85. Mary wife of George Houlton of the parish of Dartford died August 3 1810 aged 70. Sarah wife of William Houlton of Greenhith died 8.8.17 aged 25. Also 2 children of the above, Emma Barton who died October 16 1816 aged 1 year and 5 months; and Frederick James who died February 26 1817 aged 4 months.
86. Elizabeth Bromley daughter of George and Mary Bromley of Dartford died August 16 1806 aged 6 weeks.
87. George Bowers born 29.9.1790 died 14.1.1881. Also Jane wife of the above died 12.5.1895 aged 74.
88. Fanny, wife of Henry White of this parish died 21.1.1868 aged 75. Henry White died 24.9.1874 aged 84.
89. George Jesse only son of Robert and Adelaide Larner died 24.2.1902 aged 30.
90. Sarah wife of Jesse Bowers of Darenth died 30.6.1867 aged 43. The above Jesse Bowers died 14.1.1904 aged 80.
91. John Hutchings died on St Andrew's Day 1867 aged 85.
92. Annie Mary White daughter of James Daniel and Ann White died 17.5.1871 aged 4 years and 9 months. James Daniel White died 14.4.1879 in his 52nd year.
93. Jonathan Bowers died 19.2.1895 aged 74. Harriet Bowers wife of the above died 15.6.1901 aged 77. George-Jesse and David, sons of the above died 13th and 11th June 1863 aged 3 years and 1 year.
94. Thomas William Pankhurst of this parish died 2.6.1862 aged 62. Thomas, eldest son of the above drowned in New Zealand October 1861 aged 21. Alfred youngest son died 28.12.1849 aged 5.
95. A. P. 1850.
96. Mr Robert Stoneham of this parish formerly of Little Badder, Essex, died 13.12.1852 in his 85th Year.
97. Henry William Albert Goodwin only son of Henry and Mary Ann Goodwin died July 8 1873 aged 18.
98. Mary Ann Goodwin, wife of Henry Goodwin died 10.2.1882 aged 54.
99. Henry Goodwin died 16.10.1887 aged 56.
100. Fanny Price died January 16 1895 aged 23.
101. Harold Frederick Elliston died December 24 1891 in his 13th year.
102. George Henry Rogers died 22.5.1894 aged 25.
103. James Mepham died 15.1.1885. (no age given, L.L.D.)
104. Maria Pinson died 18.8.1902 aged 79.
105. Winifred Emma Crabbe died 5.8.1888 aged 8½ months. Emma Ellen Crabbe the mother of the above died 18.9.1890 aged 46.
106. A rose bush in front. (L.L.D.)
107. Frances Elliott died 8.8.1908 aged 87. William Elliott the husband of the above died 22.5.1865 aged 48.
108. William Gilbert died 7.4.1888 aged 65.
109. My dear wife Rosa Cage died 3.10.1909 aged 54. Also Rosa Mary the daughter of the above died 15.5.1895 aged 14.
110. Fanny, daughter of William and Caroline Olding of Hampshire died 16.22.1889 aged 31.
111. Ann Hassell wife of the late Thomas Hassell of the parish of Swanscombe died 16.12.1885 aged 88.
112. A granite tomb near the gate. Erected to the honoured memory of a devoted mother by her deeply sorrowing son. Elizabeth Morton died 16.2.1883 aged 89. Also John Thomas Morton son of the above died 11.9.1897.
113. Arthur Bovey, the only son of Arthur and Sarah Bovey died 19.12.1885 aged 17.
114. A wood cross. 2580 Private R. Briggs, Army Service Corps, aged 52, died on 5 December 1916.
At the end of the West slip.
115. William Henry, husband of Mary Mullings died 13.4.1907 aged 52.
116. Margaret Nicol, born 18.12.1809 died 6.2.1895.
117. Ann Charlotte Murphy, wife of Edwin Murphy born 18.6.1859 died 11.3.1888.
118. Queenie G. Cleaver died 7.8.1919 aged 5 years. Also Sgt. Maj. Thomas Cleaver who died in France 8.5.1917 aged 42.

                                          INDEX TO DARENTH M.I.s   Compiled by Zena Bamping

Names - Index
Allam, 33.

Applegarth, 39.

Barnes, 66.

Beale, 36.

Beard, 40, 41.

Beresford, 25.

Bovey, 113.

Bowers, 87, 90, 93.

Brakefield, 57.

Bratton, 55.

Briggs, 114.

Broad, 23.

Bromley, 86.

Cage, 109.

Carpenter, 12.

Chapman, 16.

Cleaver, 118.

Clement, 55.

Coates, 2.

Couchman, 36.

Crabbe, 105.
Cripps, 7.

Dort, 17, 18.

Durham, 23.

Elliott, 107.

Elliston, 101.

Evered, 15.

Farrant, 16.

Garrow, 19.

Gibbons, 15.

Gilbert, 108.

     Godwin, 14.

Goodwin, 97, 98, 99.

     Gull, 27.

     Hart, 35.

     Hassell, 3, 4, 6, 111.

Hibb, 78.

Hicks, 82.

Hill, 34, 35.

Hinkley, 37.

Holmes, 70.

Houlton, 85.

Hutchings, 91.

Jarvis, 9, 10.

Kelham, 72.

Larner, 89.

Mackay, 6.

Mackney, 48, 49, 50, 51.

Mepham, 26, 103.


Mercer, 73.

Middleton, 20.

Millen, 21.

Morbey, 83, 84.

Morton, 112.

Moxey, 60.

Mulligan, 1.
Mullings, 115.

Munn, 18.

Murphy, 117.

Nash, 81.

Nicol, 116.

North, 42.

J.K., 71.
J.O.,  F.S.O., 11.

Olding, 110.

A.P., 95.
Palmer, 43.

Pankhurst, 94.

Parker, 48.

Payne, 8, 62.

Pierce, 32.

Pinson, 104.

Pitt, 22.

Price, 100.


Pummell, 68.

Reynolds, 30, 31.

Ring, 61.

Rogers, 76, 102.

Seager, 82.

Sedgwick, 79, 80.

Small, 44.

Smith, 47, 54, 77.

Stocks, 75.

Stoneham, 96.

Stoner, 45.

Sutherden, 29.

Swaisland, 74.

Thorpe, 22, 24, 28, 67.

Tufnail, 61, 65.

Tyler, 13.

Vickers, 58, 59, 60.

Viner, 81.

Wallis, 63, 64.

Ware, 52, 53.

Webster, 56.

Whiffin, 57.

White, 88, 92.

Wilks, 5, 38.

Williams, 46, 69.


Chester Place, Kennington, 17
Clock House, Darenth, 3, 6.
Court Lodge, 16.

Crayford, 68, 79.

Cudham, 16.

Dartford, 20, 38, 39, 86.
Fleet Street, St. Dunstan's in
        the West, 69.


     France, 118.

Gravesend, 52.

Greenhith, 85.

Greenstead Green, 58.

Greenwich, 62.
Hampshire, 110.

Home for Little Boys, 75.

Horton Kirby, 60.

Kensall Green, 53.

Leicester, 30.

Little Bedder, Essex, 96.

Long Reach, 1.

Maritzburg, South Africa, 9

Meerut, East Indies, 50.

Moeuvres, France, 15.

New Zealand, 94.

Pegwell, 19.

St. Margaret's, Darenth, 16, 28.

St. George's, Southwark, 57

Stone, 34.

Stone, 65.

Swanescombe, 36, 82.

Swanley, 55.

Tientsin, China, 15.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Keston Church

In the late 1890s the Lewisham author and antiquarian Mr Leland L. Duncan embarked on a project of recording the early memorial inscriptions in a large number of Kent churchyards. In visiting the sites he carried with him a small pocket field notebook in which he recorded the inscriptions in his own shorthand, in pencil, and what follows is a careful transcription of what he noted in the churchyard at Keston 

Frank Bamping 13th October, 2000


                                                                                Taken on the 2nd May, 1891.  -  Leland L. Duncan.

Plot I.
1. A flat tomb with a cross raised. In memory of Abraham Smith, late of Keston Court, who died at Down, Kent, February 14th 1873 agaged 78 years.
2. A headstone. Catherine, wife of Henry Alwen of Biggin Hill and 4th daughter of William and Elizabeth Smith of Keston Court. Died April 29 1861 aged 65. Also the above Henry Alwen died April 14 1868 aged 77.
3. A headstone. Jane, daughter of William and Elizabeth Smith of Keston Court died July 11 1857 aged 57. Also Charlotte 6th daughter of William and Elizabeth Smith died June 17 1872 at Down, Kent, aged 73.
4. A headstone. William Smith born at Selsdon in the parish of Croydon, December 16 1760 died at Keston Court 8 May 1847.
5. A headstone. Elizabeth wife of William Smith born at St Mary Cray February 4 1766 died at Keston Court July 6 1834.
6. A headstone. Catherine Duff, 3rd daughter of Meredith Jones and Sarah Elizabeth Powell died May 19 1868 aged 13. Also Meredith Jones Powell, father of the above died November 18 1890 in his 77th year.
7. A headstone. Beckett Chapman, 4th son of Henry Chapman of this parish born 26 November 1832 died 13 November 1854. Charles Chapman died June 4 1856 aged 26. James Chapman died June 14 1857 aged 19. Also Anna Matilda Chapman, mother of the above died December 25 1867 aged 70.
8. A headstone. Elizabeth wife of Charles Churcher of this parish died December 31 1837. Also the above Charles Churcher died July 8 1849. (No agess - L.L.D.)
9. A headstone. Charles, son of Charles and Elizabeth Churcher died September 24 1836.
10. A headstone. Maria, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Churcher of the parish died August 16 1824.
11. A flat stone by the N.W. corner of the church.
Here lieth the body of Hannah Whiffen, late wife of John Whiffen who departed this life December the 12 1791 aged 64 years. Also The above said John Whiffin who departed this life August the 26th 1795 aged 75 years.
12. A table tomb. Thomas Hamelton, Esquire, of Bromley Common, Kent, and late of Copthall Court, City, died October 3 1821 aged 55. Also Mrs Mary Ann Hamelton, wife of the above died February 1 1825 aged 51 years.
13. A headstone. Joseph Barton of Mark Lane, [City of London] merchant, died 7 March 1799 aged 60.
14. A headstone. Here / lyeth interr'd / the body of Elizabeth / the daughter of Thomas / and Amey Elliot who / departed this life the / 25th of May 1744 in the / 10th year of her age.
15. A headstone. Amey ye daughter of Thomas and Amey Elliot died ye 27th of September 1746 in ye 16th year of her age.
16. A headstone with a face on the top. Thomas Elliot died May ye 9th 1750 aged 57.
17. A headstone. Amey Elliott, widow of the late Thomas Elliott of this parish died June 1 1775 aged 74. Also Joseph son of John and Hannah Barton of the parish of St Saviours, Southwark, and grandson of the above died April 5 1775 aged 5 years. Also John Barton, second son of the above died 24 October 1777 aged 13 months.
18. A headstone. Hannah Barton, wife of John Barton died 2 April 1793 aged 55.
19. A headstone. Ann Shallcross, of the parish of St Margaret's, Westminster, and mother to Amey Elliott died December 5 1758 aged 82.
20. A headstone. Mr John Barton, late of Grange Road, Bermondsey, Surrey, died April 27 1821 aged 82. Also Mrs Rachel Barton, widow of the above died 2 November 1834 in the 81st year of her age.
21. Two headstones. Mrs Elizabeth Marsh died April 18 1855 aged 75.
22. A headstone in an iron enclosure by the gate.
(1). Fanny 3rd daughter of Thomas and Ann Ellis of this parish died May 8 1856 aged 14 years. Also Elizabeth 2nd daughter of the above died July 30 1862 aged 23 years.
(2). Thomas Ellis of this parish died April 5 1871 aged 60. For 18 years churchwarden. Also Ann the widow of Thomas Ellis died August 2 1881 aged 73.
Plot II. North of the church and chancel begining at Porch.
Taken June 1919 - L.L.D.
23. A cross. James Bowen died June 30 1887 aged 63. Sidney Hennings died July 2 1891 aged 5. Also Sarah Bowen wife of the above died June 2 1916 aged 87.
24. A headstone. Jane, 4th wife of Henry Head Bowen of this parish died December 5 1866 aged 71. Also Henry Head Bowen died 27 February 1871 aged 76.
25. James Bowen of this parish died 30.5.1856 aged 55. Martha Prior died 8 December 1865 aged 84. Elizabeth wife of the above James Bowen died 10 April 1866 aged 59.
26. A headstone. James Frederick Bowen son of James and Elizabeth Bowen of this parish died 25.5.1855 aged 67 and 9 months.
27. A headstone. Mrs Frances Bowen wife of Henry Head Bowen of this parish died 9.4.1824 aged 39. Also Mrs Mary Ann Bowen second wife of the above died 27.6.1831 aged 38. Also George son of Henry and Frances Bowen died 8.12.1831 aged 9. Also Mrs Hannah Bowen 3rd wife of the above died 28.4.1849 aged 64.
28. A headstone. Mrs Martha Bowen wife of Mr Thomas Bowen of this parish died January 21 1830 aged 65. Mr Thomas Bowen husband of the above died 23.5.1844 aged 89.
29. A headstone. Mr Robert Nelson, son of Robert and Ann Nelson of New Malton, in Yorkshire, died at Hollwood in this parish 23.4.1811 aged 50.
30. A headstone. Jane Hensher of Straitway Road, Strutton, Staffordshire, and servant in the family of Col. Toone for 20 years died January 6 1831 aged 60. Erected by her three brothers.
31. A headstone. Caroline Gissing died November 1 1878 aged 57. Also Harriett Gissing died February 12 1902 aged 82.
32. A headstone. Mrs Rebecca Hill, wife of William Hill of this parish died 10.3.1803 in her 40th year. Also Richard son of the above died 24.3.1803 aged 1 month and 2 days. Also Rebecca Hill daughter of the above died 1.2.1873 aged 71.
33. A headstone. William Bowyer died April 1 1868 aged 67. Ann Bowyer wife of the above died May 6 1876 aged 71. Samuel Bowyer son of the above died July 20 1876 aged 42.
34. A headstone Harriett, wife of Samuel Gissing died October 23 1853 aged 60. Also Samuel Gissing died November 17 1859 aged 70.
35. An altar tomb, nothing apparently on top. L.L.D.
On the South side. Sacred to the memory of / Mrs Hannah Weatherhill / of this parish who died the 6th of July 1826 / aged 54 years.
On the North side. Sacred to the memory of John Weatherhill of Knaresborough, Yorkshire, who departed this life the 21st of April 1819 in the 75th year of his age. Also Mary Weatherhill wife of the above John Weatherhill who departed this life the 6th of January 1821 in the 75th year of her age.
36. A headstone. Thomas Chapman son of John and Sarah Chapman died 1 October 1826 in the 15th year of his age. Also Sarah Chapman, mother of the above died November 15 1860 aged 68 years.
37. A headstone. Mr John Chapman died 24 January 1812 aged 29 years.
38. A headstone. Mr William Chapman died 22 June 1809 aged 29 years.
39. A headstone. Mr Thomas Chapman late of Keston Court died 13 July 1810 aged 55.
40. A headstone. Mr William Chapman late of Keston Court died 18.4.1821 aged 61.
41. A wood rail. To the memory of the children of Robert and Hannah Jay. Anne died 15 February 1842 in her 4th year. Robert Henry died February 17 1842 in his 8th year. Hannah wife of Robert Jay and mother of the above children died November 18 1856 aged 54. Robert Jay, husband of Hannah Jay and father of the above children died May 18 1861 aged 56.
42. An altar tomb by the gate.
On top. Beneath lie the remains of George Kirkpatrick of this parish who was born at Madras 1 June in the year 1762. He died 10th March 1838. Also Eleanor, wife of the above George Kirkpatrick born 17 October 1782 died January 1809.
On the South side. George, second son of George and Eleanor Kirkpatrick whose body lies buried at Copenhagen where he died whilst travelling to the North Cape 20 June 1831 aged 21. William third son of George and Eleanor Kirkpatrick, lieutenant in the Honourable East India Company's Horse Artillery died at Sholapoor in the Presidency of Bombay 11 August 1831 aged 22.
On the West end. Elizabeth Peach, who died on the 19 November 1850 in her 91st year.
On the North side. Katherine Kirkpatrick, eldest daughter of George and Eleanor Kirkpatrick died (about one) on the morning of the 16 June 1824 aged 7 years and 8 months.
On the East end. Post crucem + corona.
James Dundas Kirkpatrick using this motto in daily reading 3rd. October 1862 the day of his death marked by it a brief comment on 2 Cor. 5c. 17v. Born in this parish, grandson of George Kirkpatrick, Esquire, and of the Rev. J.W. Martin. He died aged 24 at Fletching, Sussex, where his body rests. His father and mother, J. and E.A. Kirkpatrick have hope in his resurrection and trust to go to him for the sake of the Redeemer.
43. A small stone beneath the East window.
Here lyeth ye body of Mary the daughter of George and Mary Pearch sen: of Cudham who died July 23 ......... aged 37 years. (early half of the 18th Century - L.L.D.)
Plot III. To the East of the church
44. A large flat table top stone. Here lyethe the body of George Pearch of this parish who died the 17th day of September 1673 and was buried ye 22nd day aged 6(?0) years.
45. A large altar tomb covered with ivy. Here lieth the body of Johanna wife of George Perch of Kiston Court .... was buried 12th September 1729 aged (?5)0 years. Also George Perch of Keston Court who was buried .. died 23 December 1730 aged ?53 years. Charles Frederick Perch, son of Edmund Perch and Ann his wife who died 16 September and was buried the 18th 1734. Also Ann Perch died 9 March 1734 aged 2 years and 7 months.
46. A large altar tomb covered with ivy. On top - Here lieth the body of Frances wife of (?Mr Joh)n B(rasier) of Cudham Lodge who departed this life 19 August 1714 aged 40 years. Also the body of John Br(asier) of Cudham Lodge who departed this life 15 September 172... aged 50 years. Likewise lyeth Sarah wife of Mr Richard (?Jackson) of Cudham and daughter of the said Mr (?John) Br.......who departed this life 16 June 1729 aged 20 years.
On the East end. Also Anthony Wood Brasier, son of Mr James Brasier who died May ye 5 1742 aged 6 months.
On the West end. Also Frances, daughter of Mr James Brasier of Cudham Lodge who departed this life 30 March 1728 aged 11 weeks.
On the South side. John the son of the said Mr James Brasier who departed this life the 27 February 1734 in the ninth year of his age. Also Jane daughter of the said Mr James Brasier who departed this life the 17 June 1738 aged 13 years.
(Nothing on the North side - L.L.D.)
47. A large flat stone towards East window covered with moss & grass. No inscription now legible ? to a Pearch or Brasier L.L.D.)
48. A headstone. Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth the wife of James Brasier who died January ye 15 1758 aged 55 years. And also lyeth the body of James Brasier who died January ye 20 1763 aged 56 years.
49. A headstone. Here lieth the body of Frances Walter wife of John Walter, citizen and fletcher of London, daughter of James Brasier of Cudham Lodge who died March the 27th 1764 aged 32 years.
50. A headstone. James Brasier who died September 1767 aged 35.
51. A headstone. Ann daughter of John and Ann Brasier of Cudham Lodge died ...... 1791 aged 17 years.
52. A wood rail, South side. Sarah .... who died ...1870 aged 56 yrs.
North side. In memory of Humphery Iverson of this parish who died February 1 18... aged 73 years.
53. A granite slab and cross. Here rest in God, the mortal remains of Robert Monsey Rolfe, Baron Cranworth. Born December 18 1790 died July 26 1868. Here rest in God the mortal remains of Laura, wife of Robert Monsey, Baron Cranworth. Born March 30 1807 died February 15 1808. [sic!]
54. A headstone. Mr William Lewis of this parish died March 19 1829 aged 48. Also Mrs Ann Lewis, wife of the above died 3 June 1829 aged 56.
55. A headstone. Mr William Lewis of this parish died 15 June 1813 aged 69.
56. A headstone. Mrs Mary Lewis, wife of William Lewis died 18 December 1808 aged 60.
57. A headstone. Mrs Grace Fuller, wife of Mr Jeremiah Fuller of this parish died April 10 1762 aged 36 years. Also the above Jeremiah Fuller died September 21 1791 aged 70.
58. A headstone. Mrs Sarah Kempton, wife of John Bones Kempton late of the parish of St Ann's, Limehouse, died 20 July 1861 aged 63.
59. A headstone. The Rev. Henry Ludlow Dixon, late chaplain to the Bromley Union Workhouse and formerly a missionary in the Island of Jamaica. Ob. 25 January 1848 Aet. 42 years. Also of Elizabeth his wife ob. 13 December 1856 Aet. 54 years.
60. A headstone. Elizabeth Barrell Russell died September 14 1865 aged 21. Also Jannet Russell died June 17 1877 aged 28. Also near lie the remains of George Russell aged 13 years.
61. A headstone. Sarah Gardner, daughter of John and Sarah Gardner of Croydon. Died May 17 1810 in her 27th year.
62. A headstone. Mrs Mary Davis, daughter of John and Sarah Gardner of Croydon, died September 17 1810 in her 30th year.
63. A headstone. Mrs Sarah Gardner of Croydon in Surrey, died November 27 1819 in her 73rd year.
64. A headstone. Robert Foord, late of Oxted in Surrey. Born October 11 1804 died May 11 1877. Also Eliza Foord, his sister born March 1 1808 died July 19 1881. Also Mary Burley sister of the above born December 21 1798 died November 2 1866.
65. A headstone. George Poynter, the younger, who died at Keston June 24 1864 in his 35th year, leaving a widow and a daughter. Also James Poynter who died February 11 1869 aged 37. Also Mrs Amy Poynter wife of George Poynter, senior, of Keston and mother of the above died June 18 1881 in her 83rd year.
66. A headstone. Mr Richard Alwen of Croydon and son of Richard and Mary Alwen of the same place died October 3 1809 aged 54.
67. A headstone. Mr George Gardner of Croydon, Surrey, died June 3 1805 aged 32.
68. A headstone. John Gardner of the parish of Croydon died June 8 1802 aged 53.
69. A headstone. Richard Gardner, son of John and Sarah Gardner of Croydon died in 1799 aged 24 years.
70. A headstone. Mr Richard Alwen late of Selsdon in the parish of Croydon died June 22 1761 aged 37. Also Mrs Mary Alwen wife of the above who died September 4 1793 aged 70.
71. A headstone. Anne Kadwell died in December 1880 aged 92 years. Also Hannah Kadwell daughter of the above died November 4 1888 aged 73.
72. A headstone. James Isard died June 23 1877 aged 57. Also Eliza Isard wife of the above died April 6 1903 in her 80th year.
73. A headstone. John Rumsby of this parish died December 29 1861 aged 66. Hannah his wife died November 30 1865 aged 78.
74. A flat tomb. Mr Charles Beecroft of Fressingfield in Suffolk died in this parish November 23 1854 in his 69th year. Also Robert Beecroft, youngest son of the above died at Chelsea June 26 1863 in his 38th year. Also Jane the wife of the above Charles Beecroft died January 11 1864 in her 80th year.
75. A small cross. Agatha Gertrude, child of Henry John and Caroline Maria von Ronn died May 5 1887 aged 1 year and 7 months.
76. A headstone. Robert William Purdy died August 2 1891 aged 47.
77. A headstone. Frances, daughter of William and Sarah Purdy of this parish died 14.4.1865 aged 23. Also William Purdy father of the above died 27.9.1890 in his 85th year. Also Sarah Purdy died 19.8.1892 aged 82.
78. A headstone. George Clark died December 31 1885 aged 49. Also the loving son of the above (no name - L.L.D.) died March 18 1883 aged 18 years.
79. A headstone. Sarah Lee, wife of John Lee of this parish died March 16 1867 aged 65. Also John Lee, husband of the above died January 31 1875 aged 85.
80. A headstone. Archibald Findlay died June 20 1828 aged 14 years.
81. A headstone. Susannah Goodman died May 12 1874 aged 78. Also Benjamin Goodman, brother of the above died May 27 1877 aged 79. Also Phoebe Goodman died February 20 1881 aged 72.
82. An altar tomb under a yew. Here lyes the body of Mrs Frances Wilson, relict of the Honourable Lieutenant Colonel Edmund Wilson who departed this life on the 15th day of September 1726 in the 77th year of her age.
83. A coped tomb with a foliated cross. In this tomb are the remains of Browne Eneas Henry Roberts, B.A. of Oxford, third son of the late Browne Roberts, Esquire of Ravensbourne Park, Lewisham, Kent. Born 11 August 1830 died 9 May 1863 aged 32 years 8 months 29 days. Also the remains of his beloved relick (sic) Augusta born 27 November 1819 died 30 April 1871.
84. A marble slab under a yew. Francis Hastings Toone, Esquire, of Keston Lodge. Born 24 August 1788 died 31 June 1873. Also his sisters; Maria Elizabeth, wife of Lionel, 6th Earl of Desart born 1 February 1790 died 15 February 1869 and Laura Catherine born 22 May 1794 died 15 March 1869. Three of the children of Colonel and Mrs Toone of Keston Lodge whose remains are interred in a vault in St John's Wood church, London, and also William Lionel Felix Tollemache, Lord Huntingtower, son of the above Maria Elizabeth, Countess of Dysart. Born 4 July 1820 died 21 December 1872. Also Mrs Elizabeth Parker and old and respected servant of the above F.H. Toone born 26 March 1793 died 2 April 1868.
85. A cross by the East gate. Charlotte Cole died 31.3.1879 aged 52. Her dear son George died at sea November 13 1876 aged 18. His body was committed to the deep in the North Pacific Ocean.
86. A headstone. Maria, wife of Charles Pangbourne of Keston, Kent, died June 3 1880 aged 56. Also the above Charles Pangbourne died April 11 1892 aged 67.
87. A headstone. Elizabeth Ann wife of William Ingram of Keston died February 24 1878 aged 52. Also the above William Ingram died March 16 1886 aged 65.
88. A headstone. Eliza, wife of Nicholas Gay died March 15 1881 aged 47.
89. A cross under a yew bush. Alfred, husband of ...............
90. A cross. Richard Karl Mutzell, Esquire, born 25 August 1838 at Danzic, Prussia, died 8.4.1883 at Fernlea, Hayes Common, and husband of Maria Eleanor Mutzell, 4th daughter of John Featherstone Briscoe, Esquire.
The rest are all quite modern stones in this part of the yard.
Plot IV. On the South side of the church.
91. A headstone. William Joyner of this parish died March 20 1803 aged 57. Also Richard son of the above William Joyner died September 1800 in his 12th year.
92. A headstone. (?Ann) Joyner wife of William Joyner who died ..... 1798 aged 48.
93. A headstone. To the memory of Joseph Thompson for nearly 18 years rector of this parish. Born at Carnbane, Lisburn, Ireland, 7 March 1819 died at Keston 31 October 1876.
94. A headstone. Daniel Mackney died 16 January 1859 aged 55. Also Mary wife of the above died 17 December 1865 aged 62.
Plot V. West of the church
95. A headstone. Here lieth St. John Buck, junior, from Greenwich who died July 11 1759 aged 15. Two sisters, Mary and Bridget, infants. Also the body of M. St. John Buck who died March 22 1763 aged 52.
96. A headstone. Here lieth the body of John Whiffen of this parish who died 4 November 1765 aged 65. Also Mary wife of the above John Whiffen who died 9 May 1769 aged 75.
97. A headstone. Ann Shearman wife of William Shearman of Bromley, Kent, died September 19 1825 aged 51. Also William Shearman husband of the above died December 11 1851 aged 84. He was interred at Littleham, South Devon. Also John Whiffen Shearman eldest son of the above died at Bromley January 2 1875 in his 78th year.
98. A headstone. Richard Ingram of St. James, Market Layton, died June 5 178(?9) aged 64. Also Sarah Ingram wife of the above died January 10 1790 aged 69.
99. A headstone. Frances Whiffen died December 27 1786 aged 68. Also Elizabeth Whiffen died September 29 1791 aged 71.
Plot VI. South of the church
100. A headstone. Sarah Jane daughter of William and Caroline Dunmall died 5.10.1881 in her 32nd year. Also William Dunmall of Keston and father of the above died 18.5.1888 in his 70th year. Also Caroline Dunmall wife of the above died August 27 1889 in her 68th year.
101. A headstone. Matilda wife of Jim Dunmall died August 30 1912 aged 62.
102. A headstone. Anne wife of the Rev. Joseph William Martin, L.L.B., rector of this parish died 6 December 1822 in her 42nd year. Also the above Joseph William Martin died 12 November 1858 in the 83rd year of his age and 59th of his incumbency of this parish.
103. A small cross. Frances Potter died April 3 1880 aged 17 months.
104. A small stone. Anthony Crane died July 5 1894 aged 66. Amy wife of the above died April 23 1898 aged 66.
105. A cross. John Crane died October 4 1893 aged 26.
106. A headstone. John Bryant of this parish died 14 August 1889 in his 74th year. Mary, widow of the above died 26.8.1891 aged 72.
107. A headstone. Henry son of John and Mary Bryant of this parish died August 30 1868 aged 26. Also James son of the above died May 21 1870 aged 24. Also Alfred son of the above died October 31 1887 in his 40th year.
108. A headstone. Emma Frances wife of Robert Wood died February 23 1854 aged 39. Also Robert Wood, clerk and sexton of this parish for 56 years died March 6 1897 aged 81.
109. A headstone. Mary Ann Solman died April 17 1899 aged 78. Also John, husband of the above died March 5 1902 aged 79.
110. A headstone. Luke Pocock, Esquire, of Ashmore House died 3 December 1829 aged 83. Also Thomas Pocock, Esquire, died 13 September 1826 aged 67.
111. A headstone. Charlotte Sopp died 24 December 1874 aged 24.
112. A headstone. George Wood of this parish died 10 January 1850 in his 71st year. Also Mrs Sarah Wood, wife of the above died 27 July 1865 in her 86th year. Also Ann Wood daughter of the above died 8 September 1874 in her 66th. Also Esther Wood granddaughter of the above died 13 April 1875 aged 20. Also Robert Frederick Wood grandson of the above died 31 July 1875 aged 5 years,
113. A headstone. Caroline Sophia Heimsath died January 10 1872 aged 54 at Ravensbourne in this parish. Also Mary Gowing, widow, died January 6 1879 aged 63 having faithfully served in the same family for 12 years. Also Charles Thomas Cole accidentally drowned July 16 1883 in his 17th year. Also George Beadell died in his 85th year September 20 1883 after 26 years service with his last employer.
114. A headstone. Mary, widow of Charles West born in the parish of Cudham in the year 1777 died January 17 1878 aged 101 years.
115. A wood rail. William Peacock died 31 August 1864 aged 77.
116. A wood rail. Mary Nightingale died March 5 1889 in her 73rd year.
117. A wood rail. Francis Elliott, April 29th 1880. Thomas Elliott December 24 1867.
118. A headstone. Thomas Bentley died May 27 1893 aged 71. Also Charlotte wife of the above died February 23 1898 aged 76.
119. A granite tomb by the S.E. corner of the chancel. George Bentham RAE., born 5 February 1846 died on 23 February 1909. 
[Mary Victorine Thompson, married George Bentham Rae.  Information provided by Alan Nicholson 16-8-2008
   1901 Census, 
   George B. Rae, 55, stock share broker,  b   Lakeshire Birkenhead
   Mary V.,           43, wife,                        b  San Francisco CA
   Mary E. V.,      21, dau,                         b  NY
   Alice L.,           19, dau,                         b  NY
   Gwynedd,          8, dau,                         b  Norwood SE London] 
120. A low old tomb. Here lyeth the body of Robert Day, citizen and Merchant Taylor of London who dyed the 19th day of December Anno Domino 1713 aged 48 years.
121. A headstone. Alfred Harding husband of Charlotte Harding died 2 June 1903 aged 58. Also Emma Francis Harding died 9 September 1896 aged 14.
122. A headstone. Anna Harding of this parish died September 26 1872. Also Thomas Harding of Peckham, Surrey, late of this parish died April 13 1879 in his 83rd year. Also Remelion Harding relict of the above who died at Peckham, Surrey, November 25 1885 in her 88th year.
123. A headstone. George Francis Duck of the Fox Inn in this parish died June 12 1867 aged 46. Also Jane wife of the above died April 6 1891 aged 67. Her children rise up and call her blessed.
124. A headstone. Mrs Mary Lisney wife of James Lisney of Dorking died 10.4.1860 aged 75. Also Mary wife of Thomas Ricketts and daughter of the above died at Wandsworth, Surrey, April 6 1885 aged 78.
125. A headstone. Jasper son of John and Mary Hills of this parish died 19 January 1868 aged 19. Also Frederick youngest son of the above died 4 November 1876 aged 22, Also John, father of the above died 5 April 1879 in his 85th year. Also the above Mary Hills died 28.4.1889 in her 70th year.

The remaining stones in the new part of the churchyard are all modern Kings Birthday 3rd June 1919 - L.L.D.


                                                                                                                      Compiled by Zena Bamping

Names Index

Alwen, 2, 66, 70.
Barton, 13, 17, 18.
Beadell, 113.
Beecroft, 74.
Bentley, 118.
Bowen, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.
Bowyer, 33.
Brasier, 46, 48, 50, 51.
Briscoe, 90.
Bryant, 106, 107.
Buck, 95.
Burley, 64.
Chapman, 7, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40.
Churcher, 8, 9, 10.
Clark, 78.
Cole, 85, 113.
Crane, 104, 105.
Davis, 62.
Day, 120.
Desart, 84.
Dixon, 59.
Duck, 123.
Dunmall, 100, 101.

Elliot(t), 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 117.
Ellis, 22.
Findlay, 80.
Foord, 64.
Fuller, 57.
Gardner, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, 69.
Gay, 88.
Gissing, 31, 34
Goodman, 81.
Gowing, 113.
Hamelton, 12.
Harding, 121, 122.
Heimsath, 113.
Hennings, 23.
Hensher, 30.
Hill, 32.
Hills, 125.
Ingram, 87, 98.
Isard, 72.
Iverson, 52.
Jackson, 46.
Jay, 41.
Joyner, 91, 92.
Kadwell, 71.
Kempton, 58.
Kirkpatrick, 42.
Lee, 79.
Lewis, 54, 55.
Lisney, 124.
Mackney, 94.
Marsh, 21.
Martin, 42, 102.
Monsey, 53.
Mutzell, 90.
Nelson, 29.
New York 119
Nightingale, 116.
Pangbourne, 86.
Parker, 84.
Peach, 42.
Peacock, 115.
Pearch, 43, 44.
Perch, 45.Potter, 103.
Powell, 6.
Poynter, 65.
Prior, 25.
Pocock, 110.
Purdy, 76, 77.
Rae 119
Ricketts, 124.
Roberts, 83.
Rolfe, 53.
Rumsby, 73.
Russell, 60.
San Francisco 119
Shallcross, 19.
Shearman, 97.
Smith, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Solman, 109.
Sopp, 111.
Thompson, 93. 119
Tollemache, 84.
Toone, 30, 84.
von Ronn, 75.
Walter, 49.
Weatherhill, 35.
West, 114.
Whiffen, 11, 96, 99.
Wilson, 82.
Wood, 108, 112.

Places Index
Ashmore House, 110.
Biggin Hill, 2.
Birkenhead 119
Bromley, 97.
Bromley Union, 59.
Bromley Common, 12.
Carnbane, Lisburn, 93.
Chelsea, 74.
Copenhagen, 42.
Copthall Court, City, 12.
Croydon, 4, 61, 62, 63, 66,
        67, 68, 69, 70.

Cudham Lodge, 46, 49, 51.
Cudham, 43, 114.
Danzic, Prussia, 90.
Dorking, Surrey, 124.
Down, 1, 3.
Fletching, Sussex, 42.
Fressingfield, Suffolk, 74.
Grange Road, Bermondsey, 20.
Greenwich, 95.
Hayes Common, 90.
Hollwood, 29.Jamaica, 59.
Keston Lodge, 84.
Keston Court, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
          39, 40, 45.
Knaresborough, Yorks., 35.Littleham, Devon, 97.
London, 49, 120.
Madras, 42.
Mark Lane, City, 13.
Market Layton, 98.
New Malton, Yorks., 29.
North Pacific Ocean, 85.Oxted, 64.
Peckham, Surrey, 122.
Ravensbourne Park, 83, 113
Selsdon, 4, 70.
Sholapoor, 42.
St. Mary Cray, 5.
St. Saviour's, Southwark, 17.
St. Ann's, Limehouse, 58.
St. John's Wood, 84.
St. Margaret's, Westminster, 19.
Strutton, Staffs., 30.
Wandsworth, Surrey, 124.

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Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott Monumental Inscriptions Jacob Scott

Monumental Inscriptions of Wilmington

The following paper is, as far as possible, an exact transcription of a field note book compiled by the Lewisham antiquarian and author Mr Leland L. Duncan. It is one of a number which he compiled over a uncertain span of time. In carrying out his work of listing the memorial inscriptions he used a shorthand which at times is difficult to interpret particularly as it is written in pencil on poor paper. Frank Bamping October 3rd 2000

Completed 28th August 1921 Leland L. Duncan    

Eastern part of the churchyard

1. Mary Webster, wife of George Webster of the parish of Saint Andrews, Holborn, London, and daughter of Robert and Ellenor Carpenter of this parish died 16 October 1751 aged 36.

2. Ellenor Carpenter, wife of Robert Carpenter of this parish died 27.9.1751 aged 61.

3. An altar tomb. Here lyeth interred the body of Daniell Langworth, youngest son of Francis Langworth who ended this life October 13 1665 aged 17 yeares 5 moneths 7 dayes.

4. Here lies the remainder of Mary Langworth, daughter of Francis Langworth who departed this life April 30 1663 at the age of [?18] years 3 months and - days.

5. Altar tomb. Here rest the bodyes of Francis Langworth, gent., and Mary his wife who lived in wedlock sixty years and were married ye 7th of July 1628. The parents of seven sons and three daughters. He died the 1st day of June 1688 aged 91 years and 3 months being the 5th son of John Langworth, D.D. decd. Born February 25th 1597. She dyed the 29th day of January 1701 aged 98 years and 10 months being the second daughter of George Tucker, Esq., of Miltoni uxta Gravesend, decd. Born March 1st 1602.

6. Altar tomb. Here lyeth interred the bodyes of Sarah and Bartholomew Langworth. She dyed ye 5th of September 1650 aged 19 yeares 9 moneths. He dyed April 24th 1653 at ye age of eight yeares 1 moneth 22 dayes. She was the eldest daughter and he the 6th sonne of Francis Langworth. Here rest the body of Elizabeth Sedley daughter of Francis Langworth, gent., of this parish and relict of George Sedley citizen of London by whom she had issue 2 sons and 5 daughters. She died ye 8 of October 1693 aged 61 years 15 days.

7. An altar tomb by the East window. In the memory of Mr Robert Selby, late of London, who departed this life June 14 1772 aged 31 years. Likewise of Mary his wife who survived him untill April 16 1795 aged 50 years. Whose remains with their infant daughter are deposited under this stone. Honour thy father and mother.

8. Mr John Gar[?r]ison many years blacksmith in this parish died 26 July 1807 in his 71st year.

9. Elizabeth Fauchon late wife of William Fauchon of the parish of Sutton at Hone died 27.2.1767 aged 61. Also her children Elizabeth died May ye 12 1742 aged 3 months, Michael died March ye 9 1745 aged 18 months and Mark died February ye 8 1748 aged 15 months.

10. William Fauchon late of Sutton at Hone died 12 ....ry 1781 aged..
(the rest covered by the footstone - L.L.D.)

11. James Harman died 13.12.1750 aged 68. Ann Harman his wife died 19.7.1730. Also on the North side lyeth the body of Barbara Harman ...[the rest covered by footstone - L.L.D.]

12. Ann Parsons late wife of John Parsons of this parish died 23.11.1777 aged 60. In memory of John Parsons late of this parish died .... 1798 [the rest covered by footstone]

13. Edward Polhill died August ye 2 1736 aged 31 years.

14. David Polhill, yowman of this parish died January 28 1735 aged 59.

15. Jane wife of David Polhill died 16 August 1736 aged 60.

16. A footstone. J.C. 1777

17. Mr James Harding late of this parish died 28.2.1799 in his 60th year. Also Mrs Frances Harding his wife died 5.10.180(?8) in her 60th year. [Wilmington Burial Register -Frances Harding buried Oct. 10 1802 aged 69. Buried the same day as her sister Elizabeth Ingram aged 73.]

18. Mr William Killick late of this parish died 16.11.1835 aged 78. Jane his wife died 11.4.1796 aged 35. Jane, daughter of the above died 22.9.1788 aged 9. Elizabeth daughter of the above died in the parish of Lee, Kent, 8.7.1813 aged 58.

The Southern part
19. A tomb within rails. Anne Golding only daughter of Mr John Sears of Dartford and wife of Mr John Burn, surgeon of the same place died 18.12.1858 aged 42.

20. Margaret Lander late wife of William Lander of Dartford died 25.7.1782 aged 52. Also N....... {the rest covered by footstone]

21. Elizabeth Eager daughter of James and Mary Eager of this parish died 14.8.1747 aged 10. [or possibly 19]

22. Wooden rail. William Eves of this parish died May 15 1807 aged (?68). Mary Eves wife of William Eves who died ...... .aged 71.

23. Elizabeth Fisher wife of William Fisher of this parish died 9 February 1776 aged 51. Mary Fisher daughter of the above died 18.10.1789 aged 35. Likewise William Fisher husband of the above died June 180.. [the rest covered by footstone]

24. John Fenn of this parish died 27.11.1758 aged 69.

25. Mrs Mary Wickhurst wife of Mr Thomas Wickhurst died 25 August 1802 aged 38. Also Mrs Elizabeth Wickhurst who died August 30 1793 aged 78.

26. Mrs Ann Jenkins wife of Mr Timothy Jenkins died 28.9.1782 aged 42. Mr Timothy Jenkins was for many years clerk of this parish died 7 February 1809 aged 88.

27. Mr Jacob Sutton of this parish but formerly of St Pancras, Middx. died 25.3.1860 aged 67.

28. Richard Glover died 2.8.1770 aged 60. Mary Glover his wife died 2 December 1738 aged 27.

29. A.M. Weller 1858; M.A. Weller 1864.

30. An altar tomb, South side. M.S. Stephani Stephani Richardi Dena Guilielmi Hobbs Gen. Parentum Annae et Torum Annae Dorotheae Dorotheae etiam terliae Guilielmi se Perchara Conjuge Elizabetha Dickson suscepta Prolis. Ille 1654 57 Obiit Ista Anno D. 1671 Aet. suae 67 Haec 1682 7 Hoc suae erga suos pietatis monumentum Unus omnium superstes Et utring iam orbatus Guilielmus Moerens posuit North side. Guilielmus Hobbs civis Londiniensis. Pharmacopoeus in materia medica cuniprimus versalis. Fato. Quod aliis strenue prot. lauit... acquam milate summa cessit. Anno Domini 1685 Ats 52.
West side. Coat of arms surmounted by a falcon crest [drawing]
East side. Coat of arms surmounted by a crest [drawing]. (A fine tomb: LLD)

31. The family vault of George Russell, Esq. of Wilmington Hall. Sacred to the memory of George Russell eldest son of George Russell, Esq. of Wilmington Hall died 24.3.1852 aged 27. Jane wife of George Russell, Esq. died 16.8.1855 aged 62. Also George Russell of Wilmington Hall Esq. died 14.2.1856 aged 61.

North part of churchyard
32. Phillis wife of John Flewin of this parish died 25.6.1866 aged 76. John Flewin died 18.12.1867 aged 81. Also 2 of their grandchildren; Thomas Weller died 4.4.1865 aged 16 and John Weller died 21.6.1869 aged 12.

33. Thomas Allchin son of William and Martha Allchin of the parish of Dartford died 10.9.1852 aged 38.

34. Martha wife of William Allchin of the parish of Dartford died 18.10.1843 aged 73. The above William Allchin died 23.6.1867 aged 89. James son of the above died 25.12.1842 aged 35. Mrs Sophia Ward, daughter of the above William and Martha Allchin died 23.11.1850 aged 45.

35. Mr James Allchin died 15.12.1829 aged 42. Mary Allchin his wife died 17.12.1830 aged 28. Ann Allchin, mother of the above James Allchin died 12.10.1835 aged 92.

36. B.P. Parsons 1863.

37. Mr William Parsons of this parish died 20.8.1863 aged 35. Benjamin Parrick Parsons, son of the above died 8.9.1863 aged 4 years and 4 months. Mary Jane wife of the above died 16.11.1892 aged 63. William James Parsons, son of the above died 7.9.1905 aged 47.

38. A cross. Harry Edward Parsons died 30.6.1912 aged 49.

39. Elizabeth Chapman, born at Shire Hall in this parish died at the house of her nephew, William Ewsters of Wood Street, Cheapside, 20.2.1814 in her 82nd year. Adjoining lie Henry and Elizabeth Chapman her father and mother.

40. Mr Richard Harman of this parish died 6.3.1793 aged 74.

41. A headstone now flat and broken. Thomas Natt late of this parish died 28 December 1798 aged 71.

42. Mrs Mary Natt wife of Mr Thomas Natt died 5.8.1811 aged 87.

43. Mary Natt wife of Mr John Natt of this parish died 3.6.1790 aged 50. Also the said Mr John Natt died 24.6.1808 aged 79.

44. A monument against the church. Hester Fowke daughter of Richard and Susannah Holland and wife of Edward Fowke who raised this monument. She left one only child and died July 27 1750 aged 26.

45. A coped granite stone. Mabel Boverton Reed the daughter of Ernest and Annie Reed died at Raamsdonk, Holland 18.1.1902 aged 19 and is here interred.

46. Gladys Mary, twin daughter of Charles and Letitia Florence Hind born 3.12.1892 died 12.6.1895, at Hawley Grange. Also Florence Ethel Hind born 27.1.1888 died 9.4.1900 and Charles Frederick Hind born 12.7.1884 died 12.5.1909.

47. A cross. Arthur William Morgan born at Hulsewood 17.3.1892 died 16.6.1892 aged 3 months. Also James Morgan born at Hulsewood 19.1.1898 died at Malvern College 8.10.1913.

48. A cross. Harold Herbert Glyn died at Broom Hills, Bexley. 26.12.1898 aged 21. Donald Lewis Glyn died and buried at sea 20.3.1899 aged 17.

49. Mr William Cartwright for many years a farmer in this parish died 3.8.1841 aged 86.

50. Edward Moss for nearly 16 years a faithful servant of Mr William Cosier of Wilmington Hall, died 24.2.1866 aged 55.

51. Mr James Fauchon died 22.11.1811 aged 60. Mr Robert James Fauchon the son of the above died 3.11.1830 aged 56.

52. Mr Thomas Cartwright of Beaden Well, in the parish of Erith in this county, farmer, died 28.3.1831 aged 78. Also Mr Robert Steer died 23.10.1869 aged 64 and Mary Ann wife of the above Robert Steer died 15.3.1901 aged 91.

53. Mrs Elizabeth Cartwright, 43 years wife of Mr Thomas Cartwright of Beadon Well in Erith, farmer, died 10.12.1824 aged 61.

On the North wall of the vestry

54. This Race all run but Crownd alone is he Whose daye's conclude in Grace & Pietie Then Fear, Love, Hate, Attend God, Goodness, Sinn The End [Three dragon heads] A drawing of a coat of arms crested by an animals head as in 1st quarter Possibly a Langworth but no name or date. L.L.D.

Western end of the yard beginning at the South
55. A low tomb. Mrs John Mortis of this parish died 14.2.1858 in her 65th year. Mr John Mortis died 5.3.1862 in his 69th year. Mrs Elizabeth Phillips daughter of the above died 1.9.1861 in her 42nd year.

56. A tomb. Charles Hussey Fleet, Esq., of Hulsewood in this parish died 31.10.1862 in his 80th year. Also Agnes Cotton Fleet, widow of the above died 11.12.1878 aged 85.

57. A large coffer-like monument. Mary Ann wife of Edward Thompson, Esq., of Salter's Hall, London and Wilmington House in this parish, youngest daughter of Dr Richard Marshall, formerly of Totnes, Devon, died 6.3.1855 in her 42nd year. A Tender Mother. Also Edward James Thompson, Esq., born 15.7.1790 died 3.12.1874.

58. A large flat stone. In the vault beneath lie the remains of the Right Hon. Sir Samuel Hulse, Grand Cross of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Field Marshal in the Army, Colonel of the 62nd Regiment of Foot and Governor of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. He was the second son of Sir Edward Hulse of Breamore in the County of Hants., Baronet and nephew of Richard Hulse, Esq., to whose estate in the County of Kent he succeeded in the year 1805. He was born on 2 March 1746 and died on the 3rd of January, 1837.
This is then followed by his career in the Army, etc.
Also in the same vault are deposited the remains of Charlotte, Lady Hulse who died on the 6 February, 1842, in her 90th year. A drawing of two coats of arms and a note that there is a large hatchment within the church.

59. A canopied monument with a urn and snake in the same enclosure as the previous stone. East side. Here lieth the body of Sir Edward Hulse, Bart., First Physician to his Majesty George the Second. He practised in London for forty years with reputation and success and retiring from business in the later part of his life died April the 10th 1759 aged 77. Also Dame Elizabeth his wife, one of the daughters of Sir Richard Levet, Knight, Citizen of London. She died 15th January 1741 aged 47. North side. Mrs Ann Hulse, sister to Sir Edward died in 1745. William Hulse, Esq., Late of Stone Castle in this County, brother of the above Sir Edward died in 1761. Mrs Elizabeth Hulse, relict of the above died in 1763. Mrs Mary Southwell late of Stone Castle died in 1768. Thomas Hulse, Esq., of Hutton in Essex 3rd son of the first Sir Edward Hulse died in 1767. Elizabeth Magdalen Berens, daughter of Joseph Berens, Esq of Hextable in this County and Elizabeth his wife daughter of the second Sir Edward Hulse died 28.5.1786 aged 11 years South side. The Rev. Westrow Hulse, 3rd son of the 2nd Sir Edward Hulse and Hannah his wife died 23.4.1787 aged 37. Edward Hulse eldest son of Edward Hulse, Esq., of Aldersbrook in Essex died 9.9.1789 aged 19. Sir Edward Hulse of Breamore House in Hampshire, Bart. died 1.12.1800 aged 85. Dame Hannah Hulse daughter of Samuel Vanderplank, Esq., relict of the last Sir Edward died 16.12.1803 aged 83. South side. Richard Hulse, Esq., formerly of Baldwyns and since of Blackheath in this County. He served the office of High Sheriff for this County A.D. 1768 and continued till his death to act as a magistrate in the Com. of the Peace with distinguished ability and integrity. He died 27.10.1805 aged 78. Also in memory of J. Buller Hulse 4th son of Sir Charles Hulse, Bart. of Breamore, Hants., who died 1.10.1861 aged 45.

60. A small cross. Mabel, child of Harry and Annie Thomas died 25.6.1899 aged 1 year 9 months.

61. A cross. Beatrice Edith wife of Edward Richard Wetherall of the Hyderabad Contingent and daughter of the Rev. Robert Jamblin, M.A., for 16 years Vicar of this parish and Edith his wife. Born at Rochester 19.4.1872 died in Marylebone 2.5.1899 aged 27. Edith Jamblin wife of Rev. R.Jamblin died 13.6.1920 aged 72.

62. Martha Williams died 28.6.1865 aged 80. This stone placed by those she served faithfully for 55 years.

63. John Wandin for 50 years the beloved and loving servant of the Rev. F. Heberden and family, also clerk of this parish died 7.3.1890 aged 89.

64. Frederick Heberden, Lieut. of H.M. 55th Regiment and only son of the Rev. Frederick Heberden died 27.3.1859 in his 22nd year. Also Frederick Heberden 36 years vicar of this parish who died 6.9.1876 aged 65. Also Eleanor St Barbe, widow of the above died 25.4.1879 in her 68th year. Also Eleanor St Barbe, elder daughter of the above died 28.4.1912 aged 76.

65. A tomb. Rosina, wife of Thomas H. Chapman of this parish died at Bexley Heath 18.8.1865 aged 47.

66. Thomas Furner of this parish died 5.11.1821 aged 45. Susan Furner his wife died 19.2.1872 aged 80.

66a. Martha, relict of the late William Buckland of Dartford died 20.2.1865 aged 65.

67. Mr James Black Miskin of the parish of Dartford died 10.8.1859 aged 40. Also his brother Mr Henry Charles Miskin of this parish died 14.3.1871 aged 43.

68. Thomas Edmund Farley of this parish died 11.11.1864 aged 54.

69. A curb. Louisa Vaughan died 18.8.11. [sic]

70. Thomas Smith, Esq., of the parish of Paddington died 22.1.1854 aged 86. Charlotte daughter of the above and wife of Mr Robert Wilks of the Parish of Dartford died 2.7.1862 aged 57.

71. Clarence Pigou, Esq., of the parish of Dartford died 28.12.1858 aged 60.

72. A small cross. Eirene Mary, daughter of Robert Jamblin, M.A., vicar of this parish and Edith his wife died 22.3.1881 aged 4 months.

73. In gothic letters now decayed. Tlmining Clul Hurndis died 7 February 1856 aged 77.

74. Edward Taylor died 30.1.1870 aged 70. Also Mary his wife died 12.4.1847 aged 44 and Thomas, son of the above died 22.12.1861 aged 28.

75. Ann Dora Rosa only daughter of Charles Robert and Caroline Eugenie Thompson of Notting Hill, Middx. died 18.9.1853 aged 5.

76. Gertrude, third daughter of William S. Sewell, Esq., sheriff of Quebec died aged 26 at Dartford on Xmas Eve 1859.

77. Edmund Turner Watts died 27.11.1860 aged 56. Also Leaver Borlase, son of the above E.T.W. and Elizabeth his wife died 22.9.1835 aged 11 weeks.

78. Elizabeth child of William and Elizabeth Cosier of Wilmington Hall died 4.12.1859 aged 2 years and 6 months. Robert Dunbar 2nd son of the above died 11.11.1862 aged 27.

79. A flat stone. Daniel Culhane, M.D., formerly of Glin, Limerick, Ireland, died 20.6.1801 aged 48.

80. Thomas Wood, son of William and Sarah Wood of this parish died 17.11.1850 in his 16th year. Catherine Wood sister of the above died 16.6.1877 in her 38th year.

81. Charlotte wife of William Blackman nearly 19 years the schoolmistress of this parish died 10.1.1864 aged 54. Nearby are interred the grandmother and sister of William Blackman.

82. Mr Thomas Southernwood of this parish died 9.2.1811 aged 84.

83. Mary wife of Mr Richard Thomas of this parish died 2.2.1850 aged 62. The above Mr Richard Thomas died 14.5.1861 aged 78, and Harriot Thomas 5th daughter of the above died 5.10.1889 aged 72.

84. Mr James Harman Farley late of this parish died 1.10.1848 aged 36. Charlotte Emma Farley daughter of the above died 24.10.1848 aged 3 years and 3 months. Also Esther Farley wife of the above died 15.8.1896 aged 89.

85. A low tomb. Robert Macky, Esq., died 28.2.1814 aged 79.

86. Mr George Novice late of this parish died 11.9.1804 aged 70. Mrs Anne Novice widow of the above died 19.1.1808 aged 71.

87. A wooden rail. William Hales died 12.3.1853 aged 60. The faithful servant for many years of Mr Shorts, 333, Strand Hotel, London. Also Sarah Hales widow of William Hales died 12.12.1858 aged 77. On the other side:- Sarah Wain died 10.7.1866 aged 83, also Thomas Wain 11.2.1870 aged 87.

88 Ann wife of Charles Northall of Shire Hall in this parish died 2.10.1836 aged 50. The above Charles Northall died 25.5.1865 aged 79.

89. Mr Joseph Gover late of Dartford and formerly of this parish died 6.5.1849 aged 73.

90. Charles Halsey Stevens infant son of the Rev. Henry Stevens, vicar of this parish died 6.1.1840.

91. A tomb in rails. John Harrison of Dartford died 19.5.1846 aged 59. Frances Harrison, wife of John Harrison died 24.4.1838 aged 48.

92. An altar tomb. The Rev. John Bradley, late curate of this parish and master of the Grammar School at Dartford. He was born July 29 A.D. 1752. He died June 2 1827. (Exordium on his life & character)

93a. Anne Elizabeth Tasker, wife of William Tasker of Hawley, youngest son of the late John Tasker of this parish died 23 ? 1830 aged 39. Elizabeth Tasker second wife of William Tasker, Esq., died 7.7.1847 aged 55. William Tasker, Esq., died 23.1.1864 aged 67.

93b. Elizabeth Tasker the second daughter of John Tasker, Esq., and Sarah Tasker his wife, died October 1822 aged 24. Henry Tasker second son of the above John Tasker, Esq., and Sarah Effield Tasker, Hon. Canon of Ely and for (?11) years vicar of Soham, Cambridgeshire, died 17.1.1874 aged 79. Also Sarah Tasker eldest daughter of the above John Tasker, Esq., and Sarah Effield Tasker died 26.3.1879 aged 87. Also Mary Tasker youngest daughter of the above John Tasker, Esq., and Sarah Effield Tasker died 13.1.1884 aged 84.

93c. John Tasker, Esq., of this parish died 12.9.1824 aged 64. Sarah Effield Tasker, relict, of the above John Tasker, Esq., died 3.5.1845 aged 88. John Campbell Wheatley Tasker, clerk in Holy Orders, eldest son of the late John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford and Ann Campbell, his wife died 26.4.1895 aged 70.

93d. Ann Campbell Tasker, second wife of John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford, the eldest son of the late John Tasker, Esq., of this parish died 27.12.1823 aged 27. John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford died 25.1.1868 aged 77. Duncan Campbell Arthur Tasker, only son of the above John C.W. Tasker and grandson of the above John and Ann Campbell Tasker died June 1903 aged 34.

93e. Isabella Tasker third daughter of John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford and Harriot Susan his wife died May 1843 aged 24 years and 3 months. Harriot Susan Tasker third wife of John Tasker, Esq., of Dartford died June 1848 aged 47. Agnes Elizabeth Tasker second daughter of the above John Tasker and Harriot Susan his wife died December 27 1868 aged 28.

94. E.C. 1826

95. Edward Cresy, Esq., died 23.11.1838 aged 74. Lydia Cresy, relict, died 17.8.1848 aged 83.

96. A cross. Thomas Bowyer died 12.12.1917 aged 78. Edyth Muriell, Arthur and Percy Bowyer died in their infancy.

97. An altar tomb. Mr William Young of Dartford died 17.10.1837 aged 69. Mrs Ann Young, wife of the above died 2.9.1841 aged 69.

98. An altar tomb. Mrs Sarah Young, wife of Mr James Young of this parish died 27.4.1829 aged 65. Mr James Young died 23.7.1835 aged 77.

99. Mr John Clark died 11.9.1833 aged 72. He was for 14 years blacksmith of this parish. Mrs Jane Clark, widow of the above died 26.1.1856 aged 86.

100. Henry Still died 20.2.1840 in his 30th year.

101. William Still son of John and Lydia Still of this parish died 23.3.1836 aged 31. Emma his sister died 7.11.1828 aged 8. Thomas Still died 7.7.1841 aged 34.

102. A cross. John Alexander born at Grange Foyle, Strabane, died 17.10.1844 at Rowhill Grange 21.7.1915.

103. James Roots died 1.1.1863 aged 63. Henrietta Roots, wife of the above died 26.4.1899. Thomas Roots, son of the above died 5.12.1867 aged 16.

The Western yard (Second Plot)
104. William Weller of this parish died 23.1.1868 aged 77. Ann his wife died 17.11.1879 aged 87. Also the following children; Ann died 13.2.1820 aged 1 year, William died 19.4.1837 aged 2 years and John died 24.6.1837 aged 16.

105. The children of Benjamin and Isabella Miles of this parish; Walter James died 3.8.1865 aged 11 months and Isabella died 9.6.1866 aged 8. The footstone has W.J. Miles 1863.

106. J. Weller 1837. ? footstone to No.104 above..

107. Timothy Hood died 26.5.1828 aged 39. Mary Hood, widow of the above died 25.5.1881 aged 90. Louisa Hood died 10.7.1908 aged 83.

108. Thomas Hood died 12.12.1900 aged 78. Elizabeth Hood, his wife died 7.7.1911 aged 81.

109. William Miller died 14.5.1859 aged 3 years.

110. James Latter Huntley of this parish died 23.4.1868 aged 82. Martha Huntley, wife of the above died 23.8.1831 aged 49. Henry Huntley, son of the above died at North Cray, Kent, 22.11.1868.

111. Mary Bickers died 5.10.1862 aged 83.

112. Mrs Sarah Mills, wife of Mr John Mills of Dartford died 23.10.1818 aged 66. Also Mr John Mills died 14.9.1821 aged 67.

113. Mary, relict, of the Rev. Henry Trimmer died 23.4.1851 aged 52.

114. Mrs Ann Weller wife of Mr John Weller died 21.11.1808 aged 57. Also Mr John Weller died 14.9.1833 aged 77.

115. An enclosure covered with ivy. No stone to be seen.

116. Mr Thomas Lee Brooks of this parish died 15.12.1868 aged 64. Sarah Martha his wife died 28.9.1876 in her 71st year.

117. Sarah Brooks, daughter of Thomas Lee Brooks and Sarah Martha Brooks of this Parish died 21.9.1848 aged 21. Charles Brooks son of the above died 31.5.1837 aged 4 years 1 month.. Priscilla Brooks daughter of the above died 19.8.1837 aged 2 years 3 months. Joanna May Aunt of the above died 20.7.1829 aged 20.

118. A small stone. Joanna May.

119. A small stone. Charles Brooks and Priscilla Brooks.

120. Charles Brooks died 10.2.1851 aged 50. Mary Ann Brooks, widow of the above died 10.2.1861 aged 64.

121. Edward Smith of this parish died 13.3.1868 aged 75. Mary Ann daughter of the above died 21.8.1834 aged 15 years. Sarah Ann, wife of the above Edward Smith died 9.10.1874 aged 77.

122. Jacob Earney died 18.2.1890 aged 80. Sophie Earney, wife of the above died 26.11.1893 aged 79. Emma Earney died 30.5.1905 aged 56.

123. Mr Thomas Hawes of the parish of Dartford died 9.3.1849 aged 57. Hannah, wife of the above died 18.1.1880 aged 90.

124. Mr Thomas Hawes of this parish died 1.12.1836 aged 69. Mrs Ann Hawes the widow of the above died 13.2.1844 aged 80.

125. Erected by Mr T.M. Wyatt to the beloved memory of Mrs Mary Hoare who died 7.11.1873 aged 88.

126. A cross. William Bone died 3.12.1906 aged 73. Sarah Ann Bone died 19.12.1916 aged 77. William Bone died 5.12.1903 aged 97.

127. Mr John Ashdown of this parish died 29.5.1839 aged 82. Mrs Ruth Ashdown, widow of the above died 2.1.1842 aged 79. Also Sophia Ashdown wife of James Ashdown (son of the above) died 1.11.1856 aged 58.

128. A granite coped cross. Augusta Amelia, wife of Frederick Mühlenkamp died 18.2.1906 aged 61. Christian Frederick August Mühlenkamp died 29.10.1915 aged 69.

129. A small stone. Kathleen Nina the child of Henry and Emily Mühlenkamp born 23.4.1911 died 21.5.1911.

130. Susanna Bennet, wife of Samuel Bennet died 3.3.1828 aged 79. Also the above Samuel Bennet died 16.7.1839 aged 79.

131. A cross. Letitia Mary, wife of H.E.O. Reeves died 14.7.1902 aged 57. Also Henry Edward Owen Reeves born 31.10.1832 died 18.1.1911.

132. Mr John Natt late of this parish, wheelwright, died 11.7.1805 aged 33.

133. Mr Thomas Natt of this parish died 8.12.1825 aged 55. Mrs Elizabeth Natt, widow of the above died 12.11.1843 aged 75.

134. Mr John Natt, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Natt of this parish died 28.5.1832 aged 33.

135. Mr George Brooks of this parish died 30.8.1835 aged 77. Mrs Mary Ann Brooks, wife of the above died 12.11.1846 aged 74.

The remainder of the memorials in the Western yard are quite modern

On the North side is a piece of burial ground added about 1870 in which all the stones are modern and date from then. Amongst them is a large block of granite to:-
136. Charles William Minet, Esq., of Baldwyns. Born 27.5.1803 died 27.2.1874.

The church, except for a portion of the tower (Norman) is new and debased gothic of circa 1830 (?). The slabs given by Thorpe to Bathurst and Harman are at the East end of the nave and the tile to Mrs Morgan is let into the West wall. There is a good wood pulpit dated 1655 with a drawing attached here. L.L.D.

Appended to the above notes is a newspaper cutting from:- West Kent Advertiser dated 26.8.1921 (Snowden - Dartford).
Notes on Old Wilmington
The following notes, contributed by Sir Geo. Whitehead, Bart., appear in the current Parish Magazine:- "At one time there was a handsome brass to Oliver Godfrey, Esq., who died in 1610, the figure being that of a man, a modern inscription being inserted beneath." I am quite unable to discover when the brass was removed. -"Many generations of yeoman lie buried in the churchyard. A writer in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1747 stating, for instance, that in the preceding year a quantity of Henry IV's coins had been dug out of a grave, but the registers for burials do not commence till 17th Century" - "Baldwins, where the Asylum now stands, is, of course, in Dartford Parish, but it is interesting to note some of its owners. Sir John Baude Kut[sic] (from whom it derived its name), the Abbot of Lessness, Cardinal Wolsey, and Eton College. The last occupant before the mansion was razed before the Asylum was erected in 1879-1900 was Mr (afterwards Sir) Hiram Maxim, engineer and inventor."


                                                                                                           Compiled by Zena Bamping

Name Index
Alexander, 102.

Allchin, 33, 34, 35.

Ashdown, 127.

Bennet, 130.

Berens, 59.

Bickers, 111.

Blackman, 81.

Bone, 126.

Bowyer, 96.

Bradley, 92.

Brooks, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 135.

Buckland, 66a.

Burn, 19.

E.C., 94.  
J.C., 16

Carpenter, 1, 2.

Cartwright, 49, 52, 53.

Chapman, 39, 65.

Clark, 99.

Cosier, 50, 78.

Cresy, 95.

Culhane, 79.

Dickson, 30.

Eager, 21.

Earney, 122.

Eves, 22.

Ewsters, 39.

Farley, 68, 84.

Fauchon, 9, 10, 51.

Fenn, 24.
Fisher, 23.

Fleet, 56.

Flewin, 32.

Fowke, 44.

Furner, 66.

Garrison, 8.

Glover, 28, 89.

Glyn, 48.

Golding, 19.

Hales, 87.

Harding, 17.

Harman, 11, 40.

Harrison, 91.

Hawes, 123, 124.

Heberden, 63, 64.

Hind, 46.

Hoad, 107, 108.

Hoare, 125.

Hobbs, 30.

Holland, 44.

Hulse, 58, 59.

Huntley, 110.

Jamblin, 61, 72.

Jenkins, 26.

Killick, 18.

Lander, 20.

Langworth, 3- 6, 54.

Levet, 59.

Macky, 85.

Marshall, 57.

Miles, 105.

Miller, 109.

Mills, 112.

Minet, 136.

Miskin, 67.

Morgan, 47.

Mortis, 55.

Moss, 50.

Mühlenkamp, 128, 129.

Natt, 41, 42, 43, 132-134.

Northall, 88.

Novice, 86.

Parsons, 12, 36, 37, 38.

Phillips, 55.

Pigou, 71.

Polhill, 13, 14, 15.

Reed, 45.

Reeves, 131.

Roots, 103.

Russell, 31.

Sears, 19.

Sedley, 6.

Selby, 7.

Sewell, 76.

Shorts, 87.

Smith, 70, 121.

Southernwood, 82.

Southwell, 59.

St. Barbe, 64.

Steer, 52.

Stevens, 90.

Still, 100, 101.

Sutton, 27.

Tasker, 93a-e.

Taylor, 74.

Thomas, 60, 83.

Thompson, 57, 75.

Trimmer, 113.

Tucker, 5.

Vanderplank, 59.

Vaughan, 69.

Wain, 87.

Wandin, 63.

Ward, 34.

Watts, 77.

Webster, 1.

Weller, 29, 32, 104, 106, 114

Wetherall, 61.

Wickhust, 25.

Wilks, 70.

Williams, 62.

Wood, 80.

Wyatt, 125.

Young, 97, 98.

Place Index

Aldersbrook, Essex.

Baldwyns, 59.

Beaden Well, Erith, 52, 53

Bexley Heath, 65.

Blackheath, 59.

Breamore, Hants., 58, 59.

Broom Hills, Bexley, 48.

Dartford, 19,20,33, 34,66a,

Glin, Limerick, Ireland, 79.

Grange Foyle, Strabane 102

Hawley Grange, 46

Hawley, 93a.

Hextable, 59.

HulseWood, 47, 56.

Hutton, Essex, 59.

Lee, 18.

London, 6, 59.

Malvern College, 47.

Marylebone, 61.

Milton iuxta Gravesend, 5.

North Cray, 110.

Notting Hill, Middx., 75.

Paddinton, 70.

Quebec, 76.

Ramsdonk, Holland, 45.

Rochester, 61.

Rowhill Grange, 102.

Royal Hospital, Chelsea, 58

Salter's Hall, London, 57.

Shire Hall, 39, 88.

Soham, Cambs., 93b.

St. Pancras, Middx., 27.

St. Andrew's, Holborn, 1.

Stone Castle, 59.

Strand Hotel, 87.

Sutton at Hone, 9, 10.

Totnes, Devon, 57.

Wilmington House, 57.

Wilmington Hall, 31, 50, 78

Wood Street, Cheapside 39

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Tithe Commutation Surveys Jacob Scott Tithe Commutation Surveys Jacob Scott

Tithe Apportionment for Otterden

Otterden - Maps and Tithe award schedule       

Population 1801 to 1921

Otterden Tithe award schedule  103KB - signed 8th June 1839
    With names of landowners, occupiers and fieldnames with acreages, and tithe payments


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Otterden Tithe award schedule - signed 8th June 1839

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Owner Occupier


Description Cultivation



   Baker Esq





Sir John

Sheet 5























House Yards etc

Wence Field

Little Rocky Field
Great Rocky Field

Great Rocky Shaw
Fore Meadow
Apple Tree Field

Furzland Field


Roads Farm
Six Acres

Ten Acres
Ten Acres Shaw
Four Acres

Three Acres
Five Acres
West Field

Back Field
Wood Field
House Buildings
   Yard etc
Roads Wood
Six Acre Wood

Frith Farm
Crooked Wood
Long Wood

Frith Farm
Father Piece
Great Field
Middle Field
Hither Field


Warren Street Farm
Wence Field

Garden &
Arable &
Arable &



Arable &
Arable &
Arable &
Garden &







5.2. 7
1.3. 1


1.2. 5


1.3. 7

5.2. 4

10.1. 6

12.0.  5



9.1. 8

7.15. 0

0.15. 0

0. 4. 0

8. 5. 0

1. 7. 0

1.10. 0

1. 8 .0

4. 0. 0
Owner Occupier


Description Cultivation



Sir Edmund




 Henrick &
Francis Ann


& others


 Henrick &
Francis Ann








Otterden Field

Paden Street Farm
Otterden Wood
Otterden Field

Cottages Gardens etc

Blue House Farm
House Garden etc

House Field

Otterden Field

Long Brooms
Wood Field
Wood Field Shaw
Waterditch Field
Little Wood Field

Waterditch Farm
Arable &

Arable &


Garden &
Arable &








0.3. 0
3.0. 0
3.3. 0

1. 0. 0

1.10. 0

0. 5. 0

7. 0. 0

0. 9. 0

Sheet 6













Church Field
Church Field Shaw
Lower Church Field
Lwr Church Fld Shaw
Lwr Church Fld Shaw
Seven Acres
Part of Road Field

Cold Harbour
House Yard Garden etc

Upper Meadow

House Yard Garden etc

Fore Field

Wood Field

Walnut Tree
House Yard Garden etc

Little Field
Great Field
Great Field Shaw
Arable &

Garden &

Garden &
Pasture &
Pasture &

Garden &






8.3.  3

7.0. 1

1.10. 0

0.18. 0

1. 8. 0

2.16. 0
Owner Occupier


Description Cultivation



Parish of

William Gill
   Paxton Esq




Poor of

William Gill
 Paxton Esq











Cottages & Gardens etc

Hat Box Plantation

Great Wood
Farther Field Shaw

House Yard & Garden
Further Field
Middle Field
Hither Field

Freizland Farm
Mill Field

Part of House Field
Corner Meadow

Rigshill Farm
Beach Banks Wood
Rigshill Shaw
Marks Meadow Shaw
Kingsdown Wood

Garden &



Gdn etc

Arable &



10.1.  9


5.2. 8
 5.1.  6

32.3.  0

1.0. 6
 6.3. 0
14.2. 7

0.10. 0

1. 5. 0

1. 3. 0

4. 0. 0

8. 0. 0

1.12. 0





Cuckoo Farm
House Yard Garden etc

House Field
House Field Shaw
Banky Field
Joany Dane
Joany Dane Shaw
Joany Dane Shaw
Joany Dane Shaw
Holey Field
Six Acres
Three Acres
Thistley Field
Thistley Field Shaw
Thistley Field Shaw
Lower Snoads
Lower Snoads Shaw
Rocketts Shaw
Upper Snoads
Upper Snoads Shaw
Upper Snoads Wood
South Bins

Rigshill Farm
Wence Field
House Yard Garden etc
Rigshill Meadow
Kingsdown Field
Marks Meadow

Garden &
Arable &

Gdn etc

5.1. 1
1.1. 0
5.1. 8
1.1. 3
1.1. 2
2.0. 0


9.0. 8
1.1. 5

12.10. 0

7. 0. 0
Owner Occupier


Description Cultivation



  Stringer Esq

Sheet 8








Bunce Court
Mill Field

House Field
Seven Acres

Hop Garden

Cuckoo Wood Field
First Meadow
Puckle Wells

Farther Meadow
Clump Field
Pond Field

Cold Harbour Field
Little Field

Mill Field Wood
Walk Wood
Binfield Wood
Puckle Well Wood
Mullberry Wood
Cold Harbour Wood
Blossoms Wood
Pond Field Shaw
Clump Field Shaw
Little Field Shaw

Arable &
Arable &
Arable &
Arable &
Arable &
Arable &



6.3. 2
9.2. 9

8.3. 3
11.2. 0
12.1. 8


1.0. 0
2.3. 3
8.2. 4
4.0. 9
0.2. 2
0.2. 6

Sarah &


Sheet 9

& others



Puckle Well Shaw
Puckle Well Shaw
Binfield Shaw
Stable Field
Little Meadow
House Yard Garden etc
Seven Acre Shaw
Garden Wood
Barn Field

Cottages Gardens etc

Otterden Place Estate
Great Cuckoo Wood
Part of Otterden Wood
Waist by Cuckoo Wood
Little HalldensShaw
Waist on Brick -hill
House Buildings
   & Gardens
South Quarters Meadow
East Quarters Meadow
Park Shaw
Lime Kiln Wood
Sparks Wood
West Quarters Meadow
North Quarters Meadow
Little Meadow
Long Reach Meadow
Gdn etc


Garden &

1.0. 1
0.3. 0
0.2. 0
2.2. 0
1.2. 6
   0.2.  4

0.1. 0

2.0. 0

6.0. 0

38.15. 0

0. 5. 0




Halls Place
Norton Hall Plantation
Neck of Otterden Wood
Hall Meadow Shaw
Little Cuckoo Wood

Snoad Farm
Round Wood
Great Mountain Shaw
Gooseneck Plantation
Great Mountain Shaw
Litte Mountain Shaw
Row Ashes Plantation
Snoad Plantation

Slade Farm
Flower Field Shaw
Twelve Acre Shaw
Little Brooms Shaw
Little Brooms Shaw

Shaw by Oakenpoll Wd
Grt Brooms Plantation
Lower Twelve Acres
Upper Twelve Acres
Flower Flied Plantation





3.1. 5

2.1. 0
3.0. 8

12.3. 2
13.3. 3
 11.3.  3

39. 3. 0
Owner Occupier


Description Cultivation




Sheet 10















Otterden Estate
Great Holdens
Little Holdens

Halls Place
House Yard Garden etc

Norton Hall
Rose Croft
Norton Hall Meadow
Hop Garden Field
Stoney Field
Twelve Acre Meadow
Dog Kennel Field
House Yard Garden etc

Kingsdown Field

Halls Place
Halls Place Meadow
West Field Meadow

Nut Shell
House Yard Garden etc

Corner Field
Long Meadow Shaw
Great Meadow

Otterden Estate
Great Meadow
Twenty Acre Meadow
Park Field
Forestall etc

Snoad Farm
Twelve Acres
Three Acres
Row Ashes
Great Mountain
Little Mountain
House Field
House Yard
   Garden etc & Forstall


Gdn etc

Garden &


Garden &


Garden &

17.1.  9




33.1.  7




13.0. 7
6.0. 0
3.2. 0
14.0. 0

50.2.  1

1.10. 0

0. 7. 0

7.10. 0

4.10. 0

1.18. 0

10. 0. 0

11.10. 0
Owner Occupier


Description Cultivation





Rev George




Rev George








Slade Farm
Square Field
House Yard &
   Three Acre Field
Wood Field

Pond Field
Fourteen Acres

Little Brooms
Nine Acres
Nine Acres Wood

Little Snoad
House & Garden
Broom Field

Little Meadow
Part of Lower Meadow

Witchling Glebe
Hat Box Shaw

Rectory Glebe
Church Yard
Little Wood
Farther Meadow
Middle Meadow
Hither Meadow
House Garden etc
Stable Yard


Arable etc
 & Arable
 & Arable

Gdn etc
 & Arable






47.3.  3

0.1. 6

1.0. 2
0.3.  2

1.2. 8


8.10. 0

0.16. 0

0. 4. 0

2.10. 0




Hurst Farm Glebe
House Yard Garden etc
Five Acres
Kitchen Field
Stable Field
Chalk Pit Field

Upper Owlesdale
Lower Owlesdale
Kiln Field
Crooked Field
Two Acres
Plogs Field
Slade Meadow
Slade Lane Shaw
Kiln Field Wood
Plogs Shaw
Crooked Field Wood
Reynolds Wood
Owlesdale Shaw

Board Field Glebe
Board Field
Part of Church Field

Monkton Glebe
Hilly Shaw
Hilly Field
Monkton Wood
Monkton Meadow
Monkton Shaw

Arable &



2.1. 7
6.1. 3

9.2. 0
34.3. 5
1.1. 3
1.1. 9

3.3. 7
1.0. 0

1.1. 0
2.1. 8
  1.3.  5

29. 8. 0

0.12. 0

 2.10. 0
35.0. 0

Whilst every care has been taken in transcribing information from old records which in themselves are prone to error or
 misinterpretation, visitors to this site need to recognise that there will be errors. Visitors who wish to verify information
contained in this site should access the original tithe award schedules which are held on microfilm at the K.H.L.C.

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